HomeMy Public PortalAbout1902_08_22A Dill of the "Record" for printing the Cod'fied Laws was ordered to be paidin accordance with the contract. ` I There being no further bustncss Council adjourned. i Recorder. Mayor tt a Regular t!eettng of the Mayor an.. Com^on Council of the Town of Leesburg, Vtrgi.nta,hcla on P.ugust 22,1002. Present, 13 V-White,6:ayor,ana CounctIn cn,R.P,Y;iluman,t..T.i:lgtn,0..7.Casey, C.R. .Jorrts,C.L.Rinker,S.T.}itckmc)r.,,-,C.Rolltns,;'.L.Carrett ana P.F.Shroff. The Recoruer• bctr'_g absent,the Vvyor appotntcu V.'.L.Carr•ett Recoracr pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were reau and approved. On suggestion: The Committee on Town Hall was atrccted to arrange so that the Fire Pell can be ®ung from the Street. Said Com.^.ittee was also utrected to have necossary repairs mace to the bu'-laing nnx also have the roof patntea,sub- mit same to lowest btaaer,r;,scrvin�' th- ri-ht to re cct any or all bids. S.T.Htckmcr, was appointees or. Ser;era. c Comcittce,vtce :,..:.Ball restgned. 1,'.r J.:+.Sampscll was electees a member of t'c Council to fill vacancy occasioned by rest nc.ttor of S.H.Ba1l,ana he was t11„rc upon duly sworn. in. On motion the Sower Committer, was airectces to have traps erectea at the open- ings of Scwcrs or such oth_r remedy for .he evil complained of as in their judgment deemed best. } J.N.Sampsell appointed Commt;�stoner on :forth Street. S.T.Hic�marl appointed Commtsstoncr on Cornwall Street. 6 ' J.N.Sompscll appointed or. Butlutng Committee. k � :. &.F.Carrett apprAntea member of Town Hall Committee. On recommendation of Finance Committee it was Resolved that said Committee prepare bonus amounting to ten thousand 010,000) dollars in denominations of 1,t500. cach,to mature in 20 years,beartng interest at �'4 payable semi-eaurually ;Y at the office of the Town Treasurer, dated Oct -1,1902; The Town to have the option of redeeming two of said bonus in 2 years,2 in 4 years,2 in 6 years,2 in etght years and 12 in ten years,and sato Committee is authorized to a4Ver6 sealed bids. ant 1-s dtrected to sce that the Ltquor On motion the Gorge +Dense Law is complteu v:ith ani that the arount is paid dna bonds executes The Claim in favor of i".E•Carrett ,.tty for services referrej to Finance Committee. Thcre being no further business -Council adiournod. Recorder pro -tem. Mayor. At a Regular meeting of the Mayor and commoncounct.l of the Town of Leesburg,Va.,held September 12th,1002. Present The Mayor, Recorder and Councl.lmen,Garrett, Hickman, Sampsell (J.N.),Elgin, Casey, SarPsell(Lee),Norris, Rinker and Thompson. The mtnutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Sewer Committee was authorized to purchase a Car Load of Pipe at the lowest price posstble anu have the same laid. Ordered that T.E.Fisher be releived of fti:es assessed against him and the Sergeant is ordered to notify P.:r Ptshor in person whenever complaint is male against him for fallurc to comply with his contracts. Upon a Petttton of the Eermers Telephone Company to erect poles on Cornwall Stecet: This request is granted with the limitation that said Poles are to be placed under the ilrectton of the Street Com - and arr;i with the consent of In owners affected,and also that said perml.sston is to be owners at any time for c sufficient i. r, the iudgmer_t of this Cour!cil or any future Of this town, Mr C ,L,Rtnker was aPAotntea a Committee to ha Yara,on Cornwall Street ve The Old C] cleaned up at a test n jt° the town. of to exccec