HomeMy Public PortalAbout2017-12-14 HPC Minutes Village of Plainfield Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: December 14, 2017 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Schmidt, Olsen, Derrick, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioners Lucas and Barvian were absent. Also in attendance: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning and Tracey Erickson, Recording Secretary. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Rapp. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the August 10, 2017 minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Hagen. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS Chairman Bortel discussed the NAPC Forum for 2018. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Hendericksen stated the last meeting for HPC was in August and suggested having the minutes from the monthly Landmarks & District Designation Subcommittee (LDDC) meeting available for commissioners who are not on the LDDC subcommittee. Commissioner Hendericksen stated that he feels that LDDC provides education and awareness of what is going on in the community. Chairman Bortel suggested sending the minutes to the four commissioners not involved in the LDDC and the commissioners not on the LDDC are on the Public Outreach Subcommittee. Commissioner Hendericksen stated the Public Outreach Subcommittee meets four times a year and explained what the subcommittee does. PUBLIC COMMENT - There was no response. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Rehabilitation Grant Program Chairman Bortel stated that there was a LDDC meeting a week ago to discuss the grant and Trustee Bill Lamb was invited to the meeting and he explained the Rehabilitation Grant Program history, purpose and why they are discussing the grant tonight. Commissioner Derrick asked for clarification on (i) Service use of the building under the Application Review Process section (2) Analysis of proposal (a) Historic or Architectural Significance. Chairman Approved April 24, 2018 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 14, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Bortel stated the original grant was for the exterior rehabilitation and restoration of historically designated residential and non-residential structures and the commission eliminated non-residential, so it should eliminate the service use of the building, since they will be all residential. Mr. Proulx stated the Rehabilitation Grant was probably modeled after the Village’s Façade Grant and explained the purpose of the “service use”. Mr. Proulx stated that “service use” would not apply unless we are looking at a duplex versus a detached single family. Commissioner Derrick stated accessory building, like a garage or well house. Commissioner Derrick suggested a date of construction of primary building and any additions, such as a porch, which will help in the decision-making process. Chairman Bortel stated that he agrees because all the surveys in the historic core were based on architecture and many of them were guesses on the original construction date. Commissioner Derrick asked about whether the language on page 4 was intended to explain a hierarchy in judging projects applying for the grant, if so, it seems to imply that a project that replaces missing features would be ranked higher than a project that preserves existing character-defining features. Commissioner Derrick expressed concern because this particular example could be in contrast to preservation practice, as preserving existing original features may be more important or at least equally important to replicating and reinstalling lost character-defining features." Commissioner Derrick asked if the hierarchy needs to be in the description and explained the pros and cons. Hendericksen asked how this was done before. Chairman Bortel explained what was changed from the original document. Commissioner Hendericksen suggested striking wording from the document and stated the maintenance and preservation are just as important as the replacing features. Chairman Bortel stated the commission makes the determination when the applicant comes before them and asked if striking the verbiage out will work. Commissioner Derrick stated that is a great solution and stated why. Commissioner Olsen asked if someone would jump to replacement, instead for preserving because it is easier. Chairman Bortel stated we would suggest and ask the applicant why they would replace and not restore. Commissioner Derrick stated that the grant description states the applicant needs to conform to design standards. Commissioner Rapp asked what is being taken out. Chairman Bortel explained what was taken out and added. Commissioner Bortel stated this is for residential structures because commercial properties have the TIF, Façade Grants, and Rehabilitation Tax Credit. Commissioner Derrick stated the goal for tonight is to finalize edits to the document and sent it to Village Board hoping they will budget for it. Commissioner Schmidt sought clarification whether a property owner who owns two separate parcels and applies for two grants could potentially receive $5,000 or $2,500 total. Bortel stated $2,500.00 for each project for a total of $5,000 and explained how this program will help residents and landmark properties. Commissioner Hendericksen stated it also depends on how much is budgeted and stated this would encourage an applicant to seek advice and complete a project in a historical manner. Chairman Bortel asked staff if a report will need to be prepared for the Village Board. Mr. Proulx explained how the budget for HPC works and at this point the Planning Department Budget will be submitted at the January 22nd Committee of the Whole. Mr. Proulx stated that the $10,000 is a good target and he would prepare a report. Mr. Proulx stated that there is competition for resources, which includes the State’s Budget, and staff supports the grant program and stated they could enhance their opportunity for success if they could identify a revenue source to fund the grant. Chairman Bortel explained why he added “contributing” properties under the Program Purpose. Commissioner Hendericksen explained how this will help turn noncontributing properties into contributing and stated he would not strike the word. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 14, 2017 Page 3 of 3 Chairman Bortel asked if there was any further comment and that he will work with staff. Commissioner Hagen asked how successful the original program was. Chairman Bortel stated that there were two or three projects in a year. Mr. Proulx stated he thinks the program is effective and gave an explanation on how the program will be effective. CLG Grant Opportunity Mr. Proulx stated the grant window will open at the beginning of the New Year and stated what CLG Grants the Village had already received. Mr. Proulx stated he asked the State for preliminary feedback on having a consultant assist the Village with updating the survey forms and the feedback he received was is not priority project, the State stated that projects that have a more immediate impact on preservation would be better, such as a new district. Mr. Proulx asked the commission to provide him feedback tonight or at a later meeting. DISCUSSION Chairman Bortel suggested touring Half Way House after the holidays and provided the history of the home. Chairman Bortel stated he and staff need to talk to owners of Flanders House and explained why. Commissioner Olsen inquired about the endangered list. Chairman Bortel stated they can work on the list in January and February. Mr. Proulx stated it was staff’s intention to have the list for this evening and he hopes that the HPC will meet more regularly. Commissioner Hendricksen asked how the Village handles inquires and permits for properties on the list. Mr. Proulx stated the list is created by the calls received regarding realtor and redevelopment inquiries. Commissioner Hendricksen stated his thoughts are that the applicant would know at first contact that the house/building is on the endangered list. Mr. Proulx stated the watch list is a parallel to the surveys and explained why. Chairman Bortel suggested distributing the endangered list to realtors and explained why. Commissioner Hendericksen stated we may be subjecting building owners to unsolicited phone calls. Mr. Proulx stated that the word is out that we are a historic district and explained why. Commissioner Olsen stated she brought the topic up because there is a house on Dillman being marketed as a teardown. ADJOURN Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Voice vote. All in favor; 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Tracey Erickson Recording Secretary Click on the link to view the video of the December 14, 2017 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=251.