HomeMy Public PortalAbout03-12-2013CITY OF MEDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 12, 2013 1. Call to Order: Commissioner Nolan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Planning Commissioners Robin Reid, Kathleen Martin, Kent Williams, Randy Foote, Mark Osmanski and Charles Nolan Absent: V. Reid Also Present: City Councilmember Elizabeth Weir, City Planner Dusty Finke, and Planning Assistant Debra Peterson. 2. Public Comments on items not on the agenda No public comments. 3. Update from City Council proceedings Weir updated the Commission on recent activities and decisions by the City Council. 4. Planning Department Report Finke provided an update of upcoming Planning projects. 5. Approval of the February 12, 2013 Draft Planning Commission meeting minutes. Motion by R. Reid, seconded by Foote, to approve the February 12, 2013 minutes with the changes noted. Motion carried unanimously. (Absent: V. Reid) 6. Public Hearing — Thomas T. Morrison — A Request for a Lot Subdivision from one Lot to Two Lots at 1525 Hunter Drive (PID 25-118-23-22-0005). CONTINUED ITEM Motion by Martin, seconded by Williams, to open and continue the public hearing for a future date. Motion carried unanimously. (Absent: V. Reid) 1 7. Public Hearing — Woodridge Church — A Request for Variances to the Maximum Building Size and Maximum Parking requirements at 1500 and 1542 County Road 24. Finke presented the application. He reviewed the two church parcel sizes and that staff would recommend them to be consolidated in the future if the applicant were to apply in the future for an addition. Additionally, he explained the existing square footage of the church and what the variances would allow the applicant to construct. Finke explained the City has a high level of discretion and reviewed potential findings for granting of the Variances if the Planning Commission felt the Criteria for Variance approval have been met. R. Reid asked if the Variance Criteria would actually apply to this type of application. Finke said yes. R. Reid said Variances are typically allowed for one year and Finke explained extensions are typically allowed, but this application requests no time limit which is allowable at time of approval. Osmanski asked for staff to review zoning. Finke said it was in 2009 that the City changed its code. In 2009 churches were removed from the RR, Rural Residential zoning district, and allowed in RPS, Rural Public/Semi-Public. He said additional standards were incorporated into the zoning ordinance for church type uses to allow for some expansions, though having limitations for areas in the rural areas. Foote asked if Woodridge did expand in the future how much parking would be needed. Finke explained that one of the requirements would be that the parking meets standards for the size of addition being proposed. Also, the internal uses within the structure would trigger the number of parking spaces allowed and 400 would be the maximum amount of parking allowed by the Variance process. Nolan asked for example locations of properties in the RR district that were nonconforming Finke said City Hall and 1st Apostolic Congregation of MPLS on Willow Drive. Williams asked why religious institutions were removed from the RR district. Finke said the intensity of religious institutions has been increasing. In addition, the intensity during the week has increased more than the traditional weekend type religious institution. Finke said the previous application by the applicant is what triggered the changes to the zoning ordinance in 2009. Williams asked for some history of the applicant. Finke said the current applicant asked for an expansion in 2009 under the RR standard and ultimately the City did rezone the property, as well as adding limitations of maximum footprint which hadn't previously existed. The applicant ultimately withdrew their application. Public Hearing was opened at 7:30 p.m. 2 Harry Schleeter, 1585 Medina Road, said his property backed up to the church property. He said he has concerns and felt the City should be concerned with such a large structure being allowed, since it does take away from the rural environment for that area and will impact the/his neighborhood a lot. Williams asked what the activity is like during the week. Schleeter said they hear kids now during the week. He said they are a good neighbor now, but if they did expand in the future it does raise concern since there must be a need which means even more activity. Nolan explained the type of Variances are more related to intensity and said that when an actual project is applied for, the applicant would be required to meet specific standards other than parking and square footage. He said the maximum square footage may not be viable since the septic system may be a limiting factor. R. Reid asked if the Variances were approved would the applicant have to come back to the Commission for review. Finke said it would require a Conditional Use Permit with plans. Williams said the future application would trigger a traffic control study, lighting study, and even screening. Martha Van de Ven of 1765 Medina Road said if the property would be sold would the Variances go with the property. Nolan said yes the Variances go with the land and they would still have to fit into one of the use categories. Van de Ven asked if a school would be allowed in the church and Finke clarified that it would be allowed as a secondary use such as a daycare. Public Hearing was closed at 7:39 p.m. Nolan said he had concern with the location of the access point and that it is very dangerous when people are trying to get in or out of the church. He would like as a condition of the variance or be in the minutes that the access point should be studied if a future application came in. Foote said he visited the site this afternoon and exiting the site was dangerous since it has very limited site lines. Foote asked if the subject property could ever get City services. Finke said no. He said it would be closer to Plymouth for availability, but still quite a distance away. Motion by Williams, seconded by Martin, to recommend approval of the Variances for Parking and the Building Square Footage for Woodridge Church with conditions set forth by staff based on the findings that the Variances are in harmony and are consistent with the comprehensive plan, the character of surrounding lands are unique to the property and the Variances will not alter the essential character of the area. 3 Motion carries unanimously (Absent: V. Reid). 7. Council Meeting Schedule Decision on who would attend the Council meeting on March 19th, 2013. Williams to attend that City Council Meeting. Finke reminded the Commission of the training on March 26th pertaining to stormwater. 8. Adiourn Motion by R. Reid, seconded by Foote, to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (Absent: V. Reid) 4