HomeMy Public PortalAbout02 February 26, 2013 PCTOWN OF YARROW POINT PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 26, 2013 The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is recorded, and the audio recording is public record. CALL TO ORDER: David Feller, Planning Commission Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. PRESENT: Chairperson: Commissioners: David Feller Amy Pellegrini Trevor Dash Carl Hellings - Excused Kirk Callison - Excused Staff: Clerk -Treasurer Anastasiya Warhol Town Planner Mona Green Town Building Official Steve Wilcox Guests: Ted Burns — Seaborn Pile Driving MINUTES: TION: Commissioner Dash moved to approve the amended minutes (indicating that is Hearing was closed on page 3) of the January 21, 2014, Regular meeting. unissioner Pellegrini seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS: Town Planner green updated the Commission on upcoming events. The Town Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed changes to the Town subdivisions code; Council was pleased with the Planning Commission's work and evaluation. ECC will host a construction information session to prepare residents for "the final stretch" of construction happening at the Town entry. Finally, the Park Board has been working on the new Town February 26, 2014 Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes 1 entry sign. They will hold another meeting on Friday (2/28) morning to discuss final details. REGULAR BUSINESS: PC AB 14-04 Substantial Development Permit 13-982 Planner Green explained that the Town received an application for a substantial development permit last summer. The applicant, Tom Peters, is represented by Ted Burns who is in the audience this evening. This particular project involves some replacement, repair, and addition to a dock that is on a property located at the end of NE 38t` Place. Staff review of the application included circulating project plans to necessary agencies, checking environmental compliance and consequently issuing a Mitigated Determination of Non - Significance (MDNS), opening a SEPA comment period (no comment), and finally looking at the existing shoreline program and zoning codes. Staff has concluded that proposed work is in compliance with all requirements. Following approval by the Planning Commission, the permit will need be approved at the Council level after a public hearing on the matter. In response to David Feller's question about other agency approvals, Ms. Green noted mitigation measure number two which read: "The applicant is responsible for obtaining all required state and federal permits. The Town of Yarrow Point Building Permit shall not be issued until all state and federal approvals have been obtained." In response to a calculation typo on page one of the Staff report, Ted Burns explained that if there was any substantive change to the plans presented, he would be required to submit a revision to the Town for further review. Commissioner Pellegrini asked what the purpose of additional plantings is when a bulkhead already exists. Ms. Green explained that native plantings provide natural debris as nutrients for water and fish and they also support the local habitat. MOTION: Commissioner Dash moved to approve Shoreline Substantial Development Permit 13-982 and to route to Council. Commissioner Pellegrini seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against. Motion carried. PC AB 14-06 Reevaluating Construction Parking, Discussion Chairman Feller announced that the Planning Commission will discuss construction vehicle parking (AB out of order). Building Official Steve Wilcox explained that based on the discussion last month, the Planning Commission may want to look at the fundamentals of the current construction vehicle code. The Commission should seek to answer the following questions: Does the Town want to allow construction vehicle parking in the town right of way, in front of a property? How will we enforce the code? Who will do the enforcing? Are there any aesthetic variables that must be considered? February 26,2014 Planning Commission Minutes The Commission discussed having a fining system whereby the Building Official will have authority to issue penalties immediately; they also agreed that the Police Department still needs to be involved. They further discussed including an option for "overflow" parking. The Commission asked Mr. Wilcox to draft proposed changes to encompass the following discussed concepts: a) Allowing construction vehicles to park in the right of way in front of property, b) formalizing overflow parking in front of Town Hall, and c) citation avenues. PC AB 14-05 Comprehensive Plan The Commission agreed to discuss the comprehensive checklist next month, March 17th, when all commissioners are present. Planner Green will send additional information to aid discussion. OTHER BUSINESS: MOTION: Commissioner Dash moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:04p.m. Commissioner Pellegrini seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against. Motion carried. ATTEST: Anastasiya WarI6 Clerk -Treasurer February 26, 2014 Plann'ng Commission Special Meeting Minutes 3