HomeMy Public PortalAbout2024.04.04 AAC MinutesCity of McCall — Airport Advisory Committee (AAC) Legion Hall below City Hall REGULAR Meeting Minutes April 4, 2024 AAC Members present: Rick Fereday, Charles Jones, Mark Thorien, Scott Sterett (USFS) Staff present: Emily Hart Consultants present: Kevin Bissell, Jake Sherrer Others present: Phil Kushlan (Interim City Manager), John Whalen (McCall Aviation) Remote participants: Mike Weiss (AAC), Wayne Reiter (Ardurra) Meeting called to order: 11:58 Public Comment: None Approval of amended minutes from March 7, 2024 Regular Meeting (Action Item) The March 7 meeting was cancelled due to a lack of quorum. No minutes to approve. Rwy 16 Obstructions: Ms. Hart presented background. Wayne Reiter from Ardurra shared his screen — Google Earth. FAA penetrating obstacles. AGIS survey not LIDAR, not as precise. Penetrating vs. concerning obstables. Scope of magnitude. Back when we started the Master Plan. Pulled up ALP --- Lidar 2021. No longer one object, it's an area. Some trees, some terrain. Manage expectations. Missed approach raises the minimums, higher MDA. Mins will go down. Most of the obstacles in RPZ. Charles Jones asks about 1000' misplaced threshold. Open up RPZ. Add on south end of runway. Displaced threshold out of favor with FAA, states Kevin Bissell. Master Plan shows a 400' shift. Category B-II. Wayne — displaced threshold on north end, in order to get instrument approach cleared, could be on the table. Not just trees, on the ground. Gets you a shorter landing distance to the south. FAA impediment? Run it by the FAA, and see what they think. They do not like declared distances. Start discussion about displaced threshold — get Gary involved. Entertain a motion? No. Kevin Bissell recommends: if 55 becomes a reality, FAA will be highly involved. Money may be available at that time to study. Mr. Fereday, let's think about it for awhile. Non -Towered Flight Operations/ITD Aero Updates: Nothing to report at this time. Working toward posting educational materials in the spring in collaboration with ITD Aero. Small Hangar Complex RFP Information Item Airport staff was disappointed to receive just one proposal but encouraged the AAC to recommend to City Council to accept the proposal. Mr. Fereday move, Mr. Thorien second. 1 of concern to FBO. Fees for Jet and AvGas users must be equitable. 2024 0pen House: Shaping up nicely. Items fQr future AAC Agenda Unleaded Avgas, Rates and Fees, RIP, Uncontrolled Operations Media, Open House NIotion to_adjaurn: Mr. Thorien motion, Mr. Sterett second Next regular meeting scheduled For May 2, 2024, at Noon. Date Signed: Chairperson Emily Hart,