HomeMy Public PortalAbout1951_10_08 46 Upon motion of Vernon Claggett, seconded by E. F. -Newton and unam- inously carried the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE, Oouncil of the Town of Leesburg , in Virg- inia that the following employees salutes be increased-as followings: RAYMOND HOUGH $210.00 per month to $235.00 per month ROLAND 0. .KEYES 40.00 per week to 4425 per week . EDWIN ARNETT 24.00 per week to ' 3000 per week Upon motion of E. F. Newton Seconded by Winslow Williams, and un- aminously carried, the Police men were atthorized.and directed to see that the meter covers are properly used and to report any violations. \ W. C. Heflin, representatinh the people of the Lowenbach subdivi- sion.requested that something be done so that the,people of that section could get:town water and sewage. This matter led to the question of annex- -ationand :was tabled until a later date. Ther being no further business, upom motion duly made seconded and Carried Council adjourned. ao-4 4, _ • • Mayor .Recorder ro.te REGULAR OCTOBER, 8, 1951. At regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Leesbprg, in Virginia, held inthe Council Chamber, on Monday, October, 8, 1951, at 7:30 there'were present E. S. Dailey, Mayor, Horace M. Hallett, Record- er, Vernon Claggett, E. H. James, H. F. Newton, Morton Riddle, Thelma J. Smoot, and Winslow Williams, Councilmen. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of E. H. James, seconded by Vernon Claggett, and unaminously carried were approved as read. -. The Auditor-Treadurer, read his monthly report for the month of Septemb- er, 1951, his quarterly report for the quarter ending September, 30, 1951, and • upon motion of H. F. Newton, seconded' by E. H. James, and unaminously carried the following resolution was adopted: - WHEREAS, the Auditor-Treasurer has this. day presented to the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia, a quarterly report of all receipts, and en3- alysis of all disbursements for the months of July, August, and September, 1951. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in • Virginia , that the said quarterly report of the Auditor-Treasurer be and it hereby approved and accepted by said Council, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia . that the said Auditor-Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and instucted to have a copy of said quarterly reportpublished once in a newspaper, publish- ed in said Town and also post a copy of 'said report in, front of Court House in said Town. - The Auditor-Treasurer presented his current bills for the month of Sept- ember, 1951, and upon motion of E. H. James, seconded by Morton Riddle, and unaminously carried the following resolution was adopted; r BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia, that-, the Auditor-Treasurer, be and he is hereby authorized and diredted to pay the . • ' following bills: • • Virgihia Electric & Power Company $ 269.74 Old Dominion Appliance Company 1.61 Wallace & Terinan Co; Inc • 38.66 Leesburg Service Station 21.95 Earl L. Poston 36.00 Virginia Carlonia Chemical Corp • 25.63 • C& P Telphone Company 2.50 47. • Armfield, Harrison; & Thomas • ' • 21.52 J. T. Hirst & Comapny 97.91 Claude Honicon 36.00 . Edwin Bevers 17.00 L. S. Hutchinson Station 1{1 1.50 Loudoun News . . .. . . . . 7.25 Leesburg Hardware 21.38 J. S. Whitmore 17.89 Loudoun-Times Mirror 2.00 • Colonial Motor Sales 2.50 • Noland Company 13.09 • 111Winchester Typewriter Co. 25.25 Sears, Roebuck, & Co. . . 339.50 • Total.. $998.88 • Upon motion of Morton Riddle, Seconded by H. F. Newtonand unaminous- ly carried the following resolution was adopted: ,•ti , • BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the Auditor-Treasurer, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to have three parking meters removed from the south side of Market Street east of King Street, and Three parking meters on the north side of Market Street west of King Street, and that the Greyhound Bus es be directed to park on the south' side of: Market Street east of King Street, whdn traveling east and on the norht side of market street west of Aing street when traveling west. Mt. Weaver appeared before Council and reqested that the side walk be compleated in front of Mrs. Grimes property. Mr. Weaver stated that due to the condtion of side walk now that surface water was being permitted to enter the basement. With reference' to this matter Council requested the street committee• to contact the Towns Attorney, and that under his .advise that the side walk be compleated in front of the Grimes and Diggs propert- ies. The Street Committee was also reqested to contact Mr. Board of the Virginia State Highway Department, regarding the securing, and erection of speed limit signs of both end of the Town. 111 Dr. Charles G. Souder, of .the Loudoun County Health Department spoke • to the Council regarding the properties in the Town with pit privies still being used in violation of the Town sewer ordinance, It was further stated by Dr. Souder that he thought there would be a way of clearing up the matt- • er of properties still connected to the old sewer, but it would take some advise of an engineer, which he had,not obtained, however until this was done he advised that the Town beanc&h be cleaned up. Council-authorized. . the' Auditor-Treasurer to have the Town branch cleaned up, and upon motion of Harry F. Newton, seconded by vernon Claggett, and unaminously carried the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and requested to write a lett- er to all propertle owners informing them of the violation of the Town's sewer ordinance, and that the said property owners be given until November - 15, 1951 to connect said properties to the Town serwer, or to show cause . . why they had not. . . Upon motion of Vernon Claggett, seconded by Winslow Williams, and un- aminously carried the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED , by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the Auditor-Treasurer be and he is. hereby authorized and directed to illsecure bids and purchase another deep well.pump. • Mr. Stilson H. Hall, appeared before Council and stated that the Air- port Managment Consolant had rejected certain request regarding the agree- mentt betweeniArthur M. Godfrey, and the Town Of Leesburg, and Mr. Hall sated that this could be corrected by an amendment to the original agreement. / Upon motion of Thelma J. Smoot, seconded by Winslow Williams, and :/ unamninously.carried.the.following.resolution was adopted: BE IT.RESOLVED, .by_the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the •lease 'betweon Arthur M. 'Godfrey end the Tbwn'of Leesburg be ammed- ed to conform't0 the 'requirements of the C. A. A. and the Airport Manage- �r� U ment Consultbnts, and the Mayor and Recorder, be authorized and directed to sign the'said amendment: • • • • V rnrna '^ • 48 - - r'a'r. .o2, ' Mr. Orrison appeared before Council and presented a ea with thirteen signers requesting the, right, t9 tap on the Town water line and to run their line out into the section east. of the Town known as the Lowenbach sub-divis- inn. Since there was. a. question of, the Town water supply and to its short- age Council tabled this matter,until certain information could be obtained. Upon motion of Winslow Williams, seconded by Vernon Claggett, and un- aminously carried the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED,, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the Auditor-Treasurer, be and he id hereby authorized and directed to secure bid and purchase 500 feet• of 1 and 1/2 inch hose for the Fire Comapny. . Mrs. Winslow Williams, appeared before, Council and requested that the t Council do something about. trying to get route 7 by-pass for Leesburg. Mrs. Williams stated that she had a petition with several signers all ready re- questing that this be done and that she felt lots others would sign. The Council requested Mrs. Williams to return to the Council when this petition -was completed. . Mr. Richard W. Burbank appeared before Council and requested that some thing be done about the side walk and drainage in front of his home. This ' matter was refered to the Street Committee. Mrs. Castleman again appeared .before Council requesting that Council pay for the repair of the motor for her furnace which was damaged due to flooding condtion. No action was taken in regards to this matter. Upon motion of E. H. James, seconded by Morton Riddle , and unaminous- ly carried the following resolution was adopted: . BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia that the Police Committee, and the Auditor- reasurer be, and they are hereby . authorized to get bids and buy uniforms for the policemen. Upon motion of Winslow Williams seconded by Thelma J. Smoot and un- amninously carried the Recorder was authorized and directed to Contact the Virginia State Highway Department and request that they cake a survey of the Town regarding making some of the streets one way. There being no furhter business and upon motion duly made seconded and carried Council adjourned. . ZIGi - ��7761 , Mayor. Recorder. REGULAR NOVEMBER, 12, 1951. • - At a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia, held in the Council Chamber; on Monday, November; 12, 1951, at 7:30 - o'clock P. M., there were present, E. S. Dailey, Mayor, Horace M. Hallett, Rec- order, Vernon L. Claggett, E. H. James, H. F. Newton, Morton Riddle, Thelma J. Smoott and Winslow Williams, Councilmen. The minutes of:the previous meeting were read, and upon motion of E.. H. James seconded by H. F. Newton, and unaminously carried were approved as read. The Auditor-Treasurer read his monthly report for the month of October, 1951 and presented the current bills, and upon motion of Thelma J. Smoot, seconded . by H. F. Newton, and unaminously carried the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESLOVED,`by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, in Virginia, that the Auditor-Treasurer, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay the following bills: ' Virginia Electric & Powere Co • $ 257.08 C. & P: Telhone Co. 1.45 - Max Davis 25.70 • Vesco Corp. 31.49 _ J. S. Whitmore 23.20 Brock Chevrolet81.14 ' L. S. Hutchinsons #21.75 Loudoun Times-Mirror 26.50