HomeMy Public PortalAbout1997/03/25 ----- - MARŒ 25, 1997 The Agenda Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret preceding the Regular Meeting, April 3, 1997, was held on March 25, 1997, 7:00 P.M., Council Office, Borough Hall, 61 Cooke A venue, Carteret, New Jersey. AGE1'IDA MEEI'ING March 25, 1997 The following were noted present: PRESENl' Mayor Peter J. Sica Councilmember Bialowarczuk " DuPont " Failace " Fazekas " Feingold " Gutowski Also noted present was Attorney Bob McGovern, who was standing in for Borough Attorney Craig Coughlin. Mailed to The Home News & Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on March 21, 1997. Also, published in both Newspapers on March 20, 1997. SI'ATEMENI' OF MEEITNG OOITCE a) 1. Borough Engineer - Parmar spoke on the EPA I.D. Number which will permit to pump and dispose contents of the D.G. tanks at Recreation Center. BOROUGH ENGINEER 2. Tiles, Floors and Countertop orders were placed after color selections were made and they will be delivered in a few days. 3. He spoke on Change Orders that were recommended for approval for the work that was not covered in the contract for the Recreation Center. 4. He recommended that the bids for improvements to Leffert Street that were received be rejected because they were unbalanced an thus high and that the Purchasing Agent must be authorized to readvertise all bids. A resolution was put on for this. 5. He suggested to approve Garden State Lab Inc. for 1997 for their same rate of pay, $9,356.00, for a Professional Service Contract to do the Sampling and Lab Testing of Industrial Discharge. He said their work is highly satisfactory , timely and professional and they are the lowest in price. A resolution was put on for this. ~< ~<.; MAROI 25, 1997 BOROUGH ENGINEER Continued 6. He said the M.M.S. in West Carteret were checked and inspected in late January 1996 and were found in good and very good condition. He spoke briefly on this. 7. He said we had applied for a Grant for $388,900.00 for the Industrial Road sections that needed improvement. He said we received $210,000.00 in Grant Money. 8. He spoke on the flooding situation that exists in the Noe Street Area. He said it was aggravated by the design of the road by the D.O.T. so he recommends that they be approached for a Discretionary Grant for this job. MINUl'ES FOR APPROVAL February 3 & 6,1997. PROCLAMATION National Library Week. ORDINANCES First Reading First Reading: #97-10 Salary Ordinance - Alternate Electrical/Fire Subcode Official. Public Hearing Public Hearing - #97-8 Capital Improvement Ordinance Appropriating $40,000.00 for Repair of the Cherry Picker & Building Repairs, 20 Cooke A venue. #97-9 Amending Code, Chapter 109, Article 5, Re: Waiver of Fees. RESOUJITONS Amendment to Temporary Budget. A ward of Bid. ABC Transfer from Bolieb Inc to Exit 12 Inc. Directing the Issuance of Various Amusement Device Licenses. Approving Renewal of ABC License for 1996/l997 - Sail Inn. Approving ABC Transfer - Melnizek to E. Giordiano. Refund of Tax and/or Sewer Overpayments. City of SOllth Amboy- Resolution urging Icgislatiol1supportíng state reimbursement n)1' totally di"ahkd n~lt:rans NJTransit - Public llcarings. ",I!:~.~. ·V~~4,4/28atvarioU1docatíons, Re: Senior Citizen and ilnd D!..;~!hlcd Resident Tfãnsportation Assistance Act. STY Incorporated - Notification of applìcationsubmitted to NJ DEP, Re: Amoco extension _. Colonial Pipeline Company. Clerk's Oftlce - March 1997. Fire - February 1997, \Velfare - February 1997. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION: Association for RetardedCitizens Asking for transportation for program to be held for people \vith developmental disabilities. J\:1:ayor Sica said that this was not the time to ask. You have to ask the end of a year for thefœxtyear. We have already drawn up our Budget. He said they alsoneed more informatÌononthis. Scottsdale Insurance ComlnU1Y- Requests· for payment. a) Osipovitch - $83255 b) Sica - $5326.90 . Patricia Holden -- Requesting title change forM. Siracusa, They want to do a Desk Audivand see whereshefat1s.Mayor Sica agreed and told the Cletk to call fora Desk AlldítJ NJ DOP - Notice of ... I>romotiomll Examination -Supervisor, Streets. Provisional .. G. ('arp~'!1!cr. Dò Dò Not X wantatest. Mayor$ic.a saidno test AJV Engineering ·~Requesting· >authorizatíon for additional professional .serviçes notto exceed $18,üOO.OO- Re:\Vaterfrom Project. Mayor Sica saidthe$tateisåsking..fororeÍnformation. They have a tentative agreement ort·mostofthispufnowthey want these two (2) additionaHhings. He said they can't keep stalling this because they gave usamiHion dollar grant and we are going to borrow a million dollarsatIow interestand if we don't use that in a certain amount of time they will lose it.·He will have Parmar talk to them. MARal 25, 1997 cnHJNlCATIOOS REroRI'S MATI'ERS FOR DISCUSS I< Association for Retarded Citizens Scottsdale Insur.ance Canpany Patricia Holden NJOOP AJV F.ngineering MARœ 25, 1997 Ral(i1 De Francesco BUSINESS 1'0 BE AJ)I)ED 'furnpike Mtg. Police f\mds lOOtistria1 Rd. Mtg. RESOUJrIOO #97-113 Resolution to go ínto Closed Session Adoptèd MEEI'IN:; CLOSED ,-...- ,. ... -. ..._, Ralph :oeFrancesco-Requestingappüirttmentof1\.1. Frisch as AItemateElectrÌcalOfficial. The Clerk said they have to put a Resoluriononto go with the Salary Ordinance. Mayor Sica told the Clerk to put kon. BUSINESS TO BE ADDED: Councilrnember DuPont asked the Mayof if he had heard anything about a meeting with the Turnpike. Mayor Sica told him tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. Councilmemoor DuPont ...asked· the. Mayor if he got the letter Attorney Coughlin had writ.teninreferenceto thepolkefunds. Mayor Sicasaidhedol1'tknowifhedid it. He toJdhim to che~k that with Attorney Coughlin. Coundlmember Fazekas asked about the Meeting in Woodbridge concerning.. the Industrì alRoad. Mayor Sicasnìd ìt was cancelled andthen said he talked to 11ayor McGreevey the other day and héSa1d where itsitsl10wis they are waiting for Pat Holden to set up themeetil1g in Trenton and they will go. He said he is going to askTtenton to let us use our UEZ money to do the design over to Key Street. We will do the total design and they wilJ reimburse us in next year's budget. RESOLU110.N#97-113 was introduced by the Mayor· and referred to the CouncH for actìon. Upon MMS&'Cby Councilmember8Gutowskiand Failace RBSOLUTION#97-113 "RESOLUTION .TQGO INTOCLOSED SESSION" was adop'ted.Upon· individuftLrøltcallvoreCouncilmembers Bialowarczuk, DuPont, FaHace, . Fazekas. Feingold and Gutowski voted in the affirmative. At approximately 7:22 p.m, a Closed Session was held, ,. 4- Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Gutowski and O'Brien and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present this meeting was opened to the public at approximately 8:05 p.m. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Failace and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the full Council present, after no further discussion, this meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:06 p.m, Respectfully submitted, ~~þ'-µLY " KÁ THLEEN M. BARNEY,'/ Municipal Clerk KMB/lr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <; MAROI 25, 1997 MEETING OPEmD ADJOORNED ~