HomeMy Public PortalAbout1997-08-21 Town of Truckee TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 21, 1997, 6:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER -Mayor Drake called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Council Members Carpenter, Florian, McCormack, Susman, and Mayor Drake ALSO PRESENT: Stephen L. Wright, Town Manager; J. Dennis Crabb, Town Attorney; and Vicki Soderquist, Deputy Town Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Rachelle Pellissier. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR (One motion approves all of the following actions.) Motion by Councilmember McCormack, Seconded by Councilmember Florian, passed unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar with Items 6.5 and 6.6 pulled from the Consent Calendar and Item 6.4 continued to the meeting of September 4, 1997. 6.1 Minutes of August 7, 1997 Regular Meeting. Recommendation: Council approve. 6.2 July Treasurer's Report. Recommendation: Council approve. 6.3 Amending Municipal Code, Chapter 2.60, Section 2.60.010, Holidays Observed by the Town. Recommendation: Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance 97-07 amending the Municipal Code, Holidays Observed by the Town. 6.4 Award of Bid for Glenshire/Devonshire Street Repair Project - CIP 60-03-23. Recommendation: Bids are scheduled to be opened August 19, 1997. A recommendation will be presented to Council. Continued to the September 4, 1997 meeting. Councilmember McCormack stated it was his understanding that TI'SA funds would be utilized with General Fund monies redirected to Donner Pass Road. Mr. Covey responded that staff had redefined the scope of the project and cut the Glenshire/Devonshire General Fund amount by approximately one-half and would cut the Tahoe Donner project by a similar amount in order to complete the Donner Pass Road project. 6.5 Award of Bid for Alder Creek Road - CH' 60-03-21. Recommendation: Bids are scheduled to be opened Wednesday, August 20, 1997. A recommendation will be presented to Council. Pulled from the Consent Calendar. Jon Lander, Town Engineer, stated that only one bid had been received which was over the engineer's estimate and the budgeted amount. Baldwin had agreed to delete traffic control and a local contractor had agreed to do it for $1,175/day. Baldwin had overbid on the shoulder work because they thought they had to do both sides of the street and had agreed to drop that portion of the bid. The bid would also be reduced by lowering the units of asphalt required. With the recommended changes the project would be within the budgeted amount. Councilmember Carpenter questioned if the bid was readvertised if they would get a better response. Mr. Lander replied that bidders had not complained about the time frame or issues. Therefore, he did not feel that additional bids would be received. The surface treatment was the most significant item which included grading of the recompacted base and keeping the surface damp and/or sealed until paved. The engineer's estimate was 90 cents/yard which required the contractor to follow right along behind Geostabil. Baldwin planned to seal the road and pave on September 22, 1997, therefore, their costs were higher. Mayor Drake questioned if the work being done by Geostabil had hurt the process. Mr. Lander stated that was possible, but all the contractors had worked with Geostabil. Staff realized that was a concern when the proposal was evaluated. Couneilmember McCormack stated it was always a concern when only one bid was received, but he was comfortable when it was so close to the engineer's estimate. Motion by Counciimember McCormack, Seconded by Councilmember Carpenter, passed unanimously, to accept the modified Baldwin bid and enter into a contract with Advanced Asphalt for traffic control. 6.6 Award of Bid for Resource Conservation/Truckee Riverbank Restoration Project. Recommendation: Bids are scheduled to be opened Wednesday, August 20, 1997. A recommendation will be presented to Council. Pulled from the Consent Calendar. Jun Lander, Town Engineer, informed Council that one bid had been received. He then clarified the unit prices of the riprnp (the cubic yards given in the bid document were theoretical but the contractor assumed the depth would be more than the theoretical section so the bid quantities were higher). A meeting was scheduled for next week with the contractor and project engineer. He requested that if an agreement was reached on riprap and the Resoume Conservation Service approved and amended their budget that Council authorize the Manager to proceed with the project. No Town money was involved, 75% was funded by the RCS and the Town had a contract with the property owners for the balance. The Office of Emergency Service had also stated they would help with the property owners match. Councilmember Susman noted that the Town was the sponsor of the project and questioned what the difference was between anticipated costs versus actual costs. Mr. Lander replied that the engineer's estimate was $105,000 and all the difference was in the cubic yardage. Mr. Wright stated action by Council would be conditional, if the project did not come together staffwould return to Council. Motion by Councilmember Susman, Seconded by Councilmember McCormack, passed unanimously, to authorize the Town Manager to enter into a contract with Hall's Excavating for a project by the Resource Conservation Service with full funding by the project participants. Town Council Minutes August 21, 1997 Regular Page 2 6.7 Annual Transit Claim. Recommendation: Council approve Resolution 97-28 Authorizing An Annual Transportation Claim for Fiscal Year 1997/98 for Fixed Route Transit and ParatransiffDial-A-Ride Services. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 7.1 Truckee Intermodai Transportation Terminal. Recommendation: Council indicate its willingness to Nevada County to accept a lease agreement for operational control for the Truckee Intermodal Transportation Terminal pending receipt of actual language from Nevada County and subsequent Council action. Mr. Wright gave a brief overview of action taken by the Nevada County Board of Supervisors. The proposed date of closure was October 1, 1997. The County had offered the Recreation District a lease, but they were concerned regarding the negative cash flow. In subsequent discussions with the County their staff had indicated a willingness to offer a master lease to the Town to operate the facility. There were budget considerations but not a significant negative cash flow which staff felt could be mitigated or turned around. If interested, staff would return with a detailed budget and a draft lease agreement. The staff report presented several options for Council review. Staff felt it was appropriate, as the general purpose government in the area, but it was a policy issue for Council direction. The issue was being reagendized for next Tuesday before the Board of Supervisors. Mayor Drake stated the depot was another example of how the community pulled together and he commended the Recreation Board and Manager for stepping in along with TNT/TTMA, Chamber of Commeme, and Downtown Merchants Association. Supervisor Dardick felt confident that the Board would support the Town's actions. Therefore, he supported the master lease for the Town. Councilmember McCormack stated the County Administrator also agreed that the Town should take over the facility. His concern was in keeping the facility open and the Town could deal with ownership issues later. Councilmember Florian questioned if what County did was legal. Mr. Wright replied that the building was purchased and renovated with a grant and the Amtrak relationship was being reviewed by the State. Councilmember Florian questioned who would pay for renovation or repair. Mr. Wright stated the County owned the building and in theory they would be responsible, but they wanted the master tenant to be respunsible. Councilmember Florian questioned if there would be a site inspection prior to any agreement. Mr. Wright responded that a site inspection was done one year ago, but there would be a walk through. He felt staffhad a good understanding of the condition of the building. Councilmember Carpenter questioned how much flexibility there would be regarding leases and turning the negative cash flow around. He noted that the contract was only for one year and that there needed to be continuity. Mr. Wright replied that would have to be worked out with the County and staffwould return to Council with a final lease agreement. It was his understanding that the County would allow the Town to modify tenants as long as it was in compliance with the requirements of the State. All existing leases had expired and were on a month-to-month basis. Councilmember Susman stated the Town needed to do whatever it could to keep the facility open as it was a key to the Downtown area as well as the community. Rachelle Pellissier, Executive Manager Truckee Donner Chamber of Commerce, stated they were opposed to closure of the facility and felt if closed it would be a blight to the Downtown area. The Town was the best option to take over the depot. She expressed the Chamber's appreciation Town Council Minutes August 21, 1997 Regular Page 3 to the Recreation District for stepping forward, but noted they did not have the staffing, etc. to manage the facility. Jody Sweet, Truckee, stated the depot was purchased with grant funds and he questioned if the County was in default. He was concerned that the Town was lacking an identity and noted the depot was in the heart of Town, was a historical building, and felt the Town should step up and assume management. He also felt there was a problem with the term "intermodel" as it was a train depot. He recommended usage of the facility for a train museum, cafe, Chamber office, and public meeting area. The depot was the heart of Downtown. Pat Sutton, Truckee, former County Supervisor, stated the depot was one of her projects as a Supervisor, i.e. the restoration/rehabilitation of building. It was named the intermodel transportation terminal because funding came from federal intermodel funds and the facility was to encompass all forms of transportation. Other funds were from TTSA Air Pollution Mitigation Fees, therefore she was uncertain as to whether a museum met that commitment for funding. She expressed concern regarding the Town taking it over because the Specific Plan would remove some of the parking which she did not feel would be legal. She wanted to see the Town take over the lease as she was also uncertain as to whether the Recreation District had the power to take over the facility. She was sorry to see the County divesting all their property and authority within the Town because part of the taxes paid went to the County. Motion by Mayor Drake, Seconded by Councilmember Carpenter, passed unanimously, to express the Town's willingness to enter into a master lease with the County for the operation of the Intermodel Transportation Facility. 7.2 Sphere of Influence - General Plan Amendment. Recommendation: Council initiate amendment to the Truckee General Plan regarding the Sphere of Influence; authorize the preparation of a joint environmental document addressing the Town's consideration of the General Plan amendment and LAFCo's consideration of the Town of Truckee Sphere of Influence; and, accept draft annexation policy Resolution 97-29 and submit to LAFCo. Duane Hall, Associate Planner, stated the purpose of the item was to initiate the public review period for the proposed amendment and policies and authorize staff to prepare a joint environmental document in conjunction with LAFCo. Council was not approving or adopting any amendments or annexation policies at the present time. The General Plan amendments reflected the land use policy shift by the Town through the SOI process to recognize the Nevada County land use designations. Amendments to the land use map would apply Town land use designations to the properties in the SOI. The annexation policies outlined issues and criteria to be reviewed prior to annexation to the Town. A tax sharing agreement also had to be in place with the County prior to any annexations. No roads within annexed areas would be accepted into the Town road system unless they were consistent with the revenue requirements of the Town's Road Acceptance Standards.General Plan amendments and annexation policies would go through the public review process by the Planning Commission and the Council prior to adoption. Councilmember McCormack requested that staff clarify paragraph C of Policy Section 2 as it appeared there was a garbled sentence. LAFCo policy required that annexations be revenue neutral and Grass Valley had questioned if that was appropriate if the County and city/town wanted to enter into an agreement. Clearly, for incorporations that was necessary, but regarding annexations if they were satisfied with the split there was a question as to whether it should be revenue neutral. He felt staff may want to review that issue. Town Council Minutes August 21, 1997 Regular Page 4 Councilmember Carpenter questioned if the draft documents would be distributed to various agencies. When dealing with the SOl the Town should go way beyond the requirements to include everyone. Mr. Hall stated it would be distributed to all districts for review, as well as, property owners of residential developments. Councilmember Carpenter referred to the annexation policies, Section 1.B, last paragraph, and questioned why it was 25% and not a majority. Mr. Hall responded that it came from LAFCo, it would reduce the number to initiate the process, but would require a majority for approval of the annexation. Councilmember Carpenter questioned if the Council should reconsider the language of the Private Road Acceptance Standards due to the paragraph in bold regarding complete reevaluation of the formula. Mr. Wright stated it was a valid point but it was an alternative paragraph, i.e. there was a principal policy and as an alternative it addressed the Road Committee's options. He felt it needed to be revisited due to the pending nature of the Road Committee's recommendation. Councilmember Carpenter did not want to accept roads unless there was a way to pay for them. Mr. Wright agreed, but analysis showed that they would still be able to be accepted at some point in time. Councilmember Susman questioned if the ability to initiate the amendment to General Plan, i.e. the environmental document, was similar to 9212 report for the initiative. Mr. Hall responded that it would be a document required by CEQA, either a negative declaration or supplement to the General Plan EIR. Couneilmember Susman stated the Town was trying to make the Town's General Plan consistent with the County's General Plan and he was concerned regarding the ripple effect as the Town was giving up a lot of language in the General Plan. Mr. Hall replied that was an issue. The proposed annexation policies did not have a timing element but did indicate areas that were more appropriate than others for annexation. Couneilmember Susman requested that staff look at language very carefully concerning General Plan modifications. He questioned if there were guidelines for major projects under Land Use Policy 8.2. Mr. Hall replied that was up for discussion between the Town and the County as to what projects the Town wanted to be notified of, type, size, density, etc. Councilmember Susman noted that under residential land uses, planned residential development was low compared with the Town's General Plan. Mr. Hall replied that the planned development process was less stringent than a specific plan as it did not have content requirements for financing and could be approved by the Planning Commission and/or Council. Councilmember Susman questioned ifa project was brought forward within the SOI and the phasing element was not consistent with Truckee's goals, if the developer could appeal to Nevada County. Mr. Hall stated that was correct, it was dependent upon the agreement negotiated with Nevada County. Couneilmember Susman stated his biggest concern was that the teeth in the General Plan may have to be given up to satisfy the SOI. Mayor Drake was pleased to see sphere area reduced. He questioned why Policy 8.2 was included in the sphere if the Town did not want it. A~ter reading the article in the Sierra Sun regarding the Fire District he felt they should have review of the documents along with the other districts. He questioned if the statement "Council adopted a neutral position regarding consolidation ...... "was fair, he felt it was too so~. Motion by Councilmember Carpenter, Seconded by Councilmember McCormack, passed unanimously, to initiate the public review period for the proposed amendment to the Truckee General Plan regarding the SOI, authorize the preparation of a joint environmental document, accept the draft annexation policy resolution, and submit to LAFCo. Town Council Minutes August 21, 1997 Regular Page 5 STAFF REPORTS 8.1 Public Works Staffing. Recommendation: Council authorize the Public Works Department to add an additional four full-time employees. Tom Covey, Director of Public Works, stated that Council approved 5 new full time positions during the budget hearings conditioned upon staffretuming to Council with further information. He then reviewed the prior and proposed organizational charts. The change in staffing would not increase the level of service immediately, but staff felt it would naturally go up. He then reviewed the budget comparisons. Staffalso felt the proposed staffing could do the same amount of work with a net decrease of $70,000. The positions had been advertised because the existing list had been depleted and forty-five applications had been received. Mayor Drake felt that with contracting snow removal the Town was providing the best service available with funding available. Councilmember Florian noted there would only be 11 full time winter employees and 7 temporary employees and questioned if that would give enough coverage for absences or accidents. Mr. Covey replied that some of the temporary employees were utilized on an on-call basis, i.e. only when it was snowing. With additional employees he felt staffcould cover an emergency. Councilmember McCormack stated it would be a significant change in staffing, i.e. four less employees doing the same amount of work, but he felt over time the efficiencies would increase. Councilmember Susman noted that the on-call compensation would be decreased and he was comfortable with the recommendation. Councilmember Carpenter stated he was also in support. Motion by Councilmember McCormack, Seconded Counciimember Susman, passed unanimously, to adopt the staff recommendation on Public Works staffing. 8.2 Town's Comments on the Final Draft Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan. Recommendation: Council authorize submittal ora comment letter to the NCTC regarding the Final Draft Nevada County Regional Transportation Plan. Tom Covey, Director of Public Works, stated the plan was drafted by the Nevada County Transportation Commission and was to be a guide for development over the next several years. After review, staff felt there was a lengthy list of problems. There was no General Fund impact at the present time. Mayor Drake referred to item #3, Policy 4.2, in the draft letter regarding the intermodel transportation facility and felt it should be addressed differently. Councilmember Carpenter questioned the wording of item #4, last paragraph, "intermediate term improvements" for the Deerfield connector road and noted the Town was still doing an analysis on that project. Mr. Covey replied that an intermediate term was 20 years or longer. Councilmembar Susman felt staff had presented very good comments. Councilmember McCormack questioned the implications of the signalizations included within the report. Mr. Wright replied that by identifying the signals in the RTP it had a better opportunity for funding in the overall program, but they should be correctly identified. Mr. Covey stated that inclusion of any project did not commit the Town to the project. Couneilmember Florian requested that Council receive a final draft. Town Council Minutes August 21, 1997 Regular Page 6 I0. ll. George Robertson, Glenshire, requested clarification regarding the name of the plan. Mayor Drake replied that the Nevada County Transportation Commission was not associated with County government and was represented by three municipalities, the County Board of Supervisors, and two members-at-large. The planning done by the NCTC was necessary in order to be eligible for federal and state funding. The Town also used their funds for paratransit service. Motion by Councilmember Carpenter, Seconded by Councilmember McCormack, passed unanimously, to approve the draft letter with modifications to item 03. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS: 9.1 Mid-year review of Team Building Workshop. Mayor Drake questioned when the mid- year follow-up of offthe site team building workshop would be held. Mr. Wright recommended that a three hour afternoon session be held in September. CLOSED SESSION regarding litigation against Nevada County pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. Closed Session was not held. ADJOUR_NlVlENT - Mayor Drake adjourned the meeting 7:53 p.m. by: Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN L. WRIGHT, Town Manager Vicki C. Soderquist, CMC,'~ty Town Clerk Town Council Minute~ August 21, 1997 Regular Page 7