HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1979-07-11FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL 8, B. 8 L. CJ. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves July 11, 1979 The Regular meeting of the _eraser Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leonard 7:30 p.m. Trustees pre,ent were Bickle. Baker, Edwards, Miller, Clayton, Monte Rogers, Clerk winter, and a large number of towns people. Tinkum attending County Planning Commission. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. Warrants presented for payment: Monte "ogers- 1/2 blue cross- 54.07 Flatiron Paving- 13,138.00 V. Winter- supplies purchased by clerk 15.63 Dept. of Labor and Employment- quarter RICA 562.00 Johnson and Hifggens- Police ins. 562.00 Hastings Typewriter Co. dog tag books 4.33 Ace Hardware- water parts 29.53 Grandisposal- trash haul 15.00 Alpine West- file cab. add machine 287.39 Richard Doucette- legal 632.54 Kerber Oil. 366.47 A.B. I3ookeeping- copies 12.75 Boyes Agency- clerk bond- 20.00 Hach Chemical Co. clorine testor 32.05 NFM- supplies 4.62 Mt. Bell- phone 19.00 Town of W.P. 1/3 SWA study 300.00 Mt. Parks Elec. 221.53 Drake Engineering 90.00 Bank of W.P. witholding 120.00 Public Service 23.17 County treasurer- police prot. 100.00 Mt. Parks 1;lec.- bulb 229 First Municipal leasing 1525.00 Senior Citizens 100.00 Salaries. 1123.92 Colo. dept. of Revenue- witholding quarter 106.20 Warrants approved foi ipayment motion by Edwards, 2nd Clayton. carried. Grand County Planning Commission has requested the Board to comment on application of tVocrete batch plant to go in outside of town limits. At this time no community comment can be sought to guide the Board. Information on this was recieved July 5, to have comments in July 11th. Jeff Kinder- presented town with wooden et signs ideas. Board wants more information from Kinder. Must include part of the Ptg. subdivision. Also town wants these signs treated. Kinder pubmitted bids. More information at next meeting. Clerk to check into price of stet signs. Richard McDowell- protesting additional tap charge for beauty office. Board members recieved McDowell's written protest letter dated- July 7, 1979. Board answered McDowell questions on fee schudule. Clayton made a motion that tap fee schudule and rate charges stand, 2nd Baker. all voting aye except Miller. carried. Board instructed McDowell JON) FORM m C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. PAGE 2 July 11, 1979 cont. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves to direct any other questions he may have to Town Attorney Richard Doucette. Trustees have recieved a letter form Clarles Thompson, concerning grade in culdsac cannot get out of his driue. Jack Randall was present to answer._ this complaint. Randall stated that finish of this road would be as presented in engineering of road system. Town advised Randall that finish would be to the top of the existing sewer manhole. Thompson would like to have this finish work done as to protect his property from excessive snow melt drainage. A large crowd was present from Ptg. again questing when the roads would be brought up to standard. Town again informed this group that Randall was responsible for the road system. Lenghty discussion between Randall and Ptg. owners. The Town has retrieved a petition from the Land owners concerning roads and water system in Ptg. Clayton made a motion that as the contract with Mr. Randall dated May 2, 1979 stating road will be 'i•ought up to standard by July 1, 1979 contigent on w eather. Mr. Randall has not show due diligence to pursue getting these roads up to stanard, this board will wait until Aug. 1, 1979 to see if Mr. Randall gets the road work done, if not further action will be taken against Randall to see that this work is completed. 2nd Bickle Carried. Ted Schemedeke stated that he has no water at his house. Town will check out pump and re-set if nessessary. Members of the Audience asked to comment on the batch pknt going in out of the city limits. Large number of people stated that they would petition against the location of this plant. Board explained that information had not been recieved in time to make the public aware and input. After much discussion of the Board- voteting asked. Miller made a motion to vote against re-zoning of this land. no second to motion. Clayton made a motion to vote in favor of re-zoning of this land rezoning would also protect the sAw mills at this location to be in conformance with zoning, 2nd Bickle. Edwards- aye, Clayton aye, Bickle aye, Miller no, Baker abstaining. carried. Miller made a motion to oppose the location of this batch plant, 2nd Edwards, all voting aye. carried. Clerk to write to the Doard of County Commissioners about the decission of the Town. The Davis situation was discuesed. Miller made a motion to instruct Town Attorney Doucette to start immediate action to solve this problem and to go thru the court i need be. 2nd Edwards, all voting aye. carried. FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. Cont) page 3 July 11, 1979 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Renewal of Liquor licences. Fraser Mustang, and Lightening Liquor, proper fees paid and no negitive comment recieved from sherrif's Dept. Edwards made a motion to renew these licences, 2nd Bickle, carried, Board feels there is still a drainage problem at intersention Highway 40 and Eisenhower Dr. Clerk to notify proper Highway Dept. people for an inspection to get this drain correct. Edwards made a motion to install Clow Children playing, at approx. location of Eisenhower Dr. and Carriage Rd, 2nd Miller. carried. Clayton made a motion to have an Ordinance drawn up that would allow Trustees and Mayor to be paid for each meeting monthly. 'oucette will be asked to draw up this Ordinace. 2nd Edwards. carried. SeVeral contractors have asked members of the Board Why R-3 is not zoned for. and why the Business district alloews for R-2 and R1. but not R-3 or R-4. Board feels that it could be included in the 15 1itsiness District and will set up Public hearing to ammend the Business District uses to include R-3 and R-4/ contigent on Public healing. Board will be notified as to this hearing. no futher Business meeting adjournal at 11:30 p.m. MAYOR