HomeMy Public PortalAboutRostan 2 Monitoring Task Order 8-24-17.pdfAGREEMENT FOR RROfESSIC) NAL SERVI E5 BL: 1WEEN IYBErISLAND, GA AND ROSTANSOLUTIONS, LLC TASK ORDER NO -1 ThR]ask Omehas been prepared in aoae e with the MASTER SERV|CES AG REEmRNT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES betweenRoganSolutions. LLC- (CONSHIIauR ad Te w§ 3 .l'ye eRbrld,GA(O NFR) dated August 24, 2017. Scope of Seq ices See Attach meA Schedule CONSHL1ANT shall i�o m@eteits gakbyDecember at '» Fee: CONSUL AN2q]ota Compete a�onAuh oriz ed undor mGlask0d er, whEh sh ml notb e c- d ed without prior mitten auLhoirizationg OWNER is $100.000. OWNER an CONSUL ANThAe causcd this gask OmD to be authorized a5 of the effectivedateof 'I-- tem r2 2016 CONSULTANT DardS Stankunas President Date Septembr7. 2017 � 0W/EZR/ e Title Date September 7. 2017 AILlachrr.mit 1G10 ATTACHMENT A Debris Maoagement & Moraitor-rrig Scope of Services 1. General A. C,C)NSU LTANT shall provide disaster managemer)t and debris monitoring services to assist tl%e OWNED with disaster recovery operations. including monitoring the op erations of the disaster debris removal and disposal contractors). The debris m4}nitoring services to be provided are dcbris conkractr r compliance rf:onitonng and overflight, not professional engineering sefvices. 'The OWNER shaII provide a Debris Manager to 'work directly with the Dcbris Removal Contractor and the CONSULTANT The OWNER andror its dubris removal arm disposal contractDr shall provide debris mEsn,3gPment sitc(s) (1)M ) for tcrriporary storage: and processing of storm debris, B. The CONSIJLTANT is knu-wlyd,eable in Federal Lmcrgency Ms-1agcment Agency (FF MA) and other applicable regulations, guidelines and operating policies The CONSULTANT shall support tine OWNER during a disastor recovery ef=ort and sha11 be responsible for all aspects of the debris monitoring process. The CONSUI TAN 1 shall coordinate with the disaster debris removal Contractor(s) and the OWNER to ensures compliant. well-managed and organized approach to debris collection and disposal that conform to FEMA guidelines. C. The CONSUL'i ANT shall oversee the debris removal and manitoring processes utilizing the following rules and regulations as guidance: The Stafford Act. Section 4D7 Thu Stafford Act, Section 404 44 CFR § 246.224 Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide FP 104-049-02 January 2016 FEMA 321, Public Assistance Policy Digest FEVA 322, Public Assistance Guide FEMA 326, Debris Management Guide - FEMA 327, Debris Monitoring Guide - FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.4, Demolitions of Private Structures FEMA Diaster Recovery Policy 9523.11, Hazardous Stump Extraction and Rrrnovai Elig:bil,ty FEMA Disaster Recovery Policy 9523.12, Debris Operations - Hand Loaded 1 rucks and Trailers FLIMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.13, Debris Removal frorn Private Properly FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9525 1, I Iazard Mitigation U rider Suction 406 of the Stafford Act - FEMA Disaster Specific Guidance - as Published specrfical;y for this disaster dedaratiot7 Attachment A Page 2 of 1.9 D. At the request of the OUVNLR, CONSUL TAN I shall provide pre-cvcrit assistance: ir. preparation for disasters through participation in meetin(is and workshops and the establishment of data managernenL and other intecgrated systoms. If requested by R -e OWNER. G0NSULTANT shall: - Provide a list of key personnel end subcontractors khat may be involvcu irl the disaster debris monitoring activities to inc:ude facsimile, rel1 phone number ,. and e-mail addresses. Participate in annual workshop or planning meetings wiih OWNER representatives and debris removal contractor(s) to estabIishlrevIew applicable policies and procedures, E. The scope of services to be provided includes Debris 10onita�irrcy and Administration, Debris Assessn'ient, Collection Monltori rig. Load Ticket Process g. 0 M S monitofing. Debris Vehicle and Equipment crtifi4.atian, Damage Compiaint Trackinq, Data Coryipilatiori and Reporting. Debris Contractor Naymcnt Monitoring and Reconciliation Processing, Reporting and Coordinating with the OWNER Debris rvla lager, Public Assistarce and FEMA FkMGP s.apport and other related setvicos as out Iined in this S), -one of Services. and as directed by the OWNF-K. 2. Debris Monitoring and Adrrririistratio n The CONSULTANI shallappoint a qualified arid experienced Project Manager for ovc rall coordination and (sommunicatien with the OWNER. The Project rowiager shall remain on [he job and available to 4)e ()VVNLR at all times during the operational phases of the detris collection and disposal project. CONSU LTA T- shall supply sufficient number of trained debris monitors and trained field supervisors to 3caorrlmodate the volume of debr(s to be rer-nuvea at loading sites, debris management sites and.+o� frial disposal sites. CON S ULTANT shall rcfnove and replace employees irnmedia`e1y rr POFI notice frorn the OWNER Debris Manager for con driot or actions not in keeping with the Agreement. B. Exam p es of project .Yla11agc.-ricnt and administr ative responsibilities include but are not limited to: 1 C3ordirialP daily briefings with key opu-,itionaI staff- OWNER staff ;end debris removal (';.) 'It r3ctor; s) to ,Pview. forrT_ulate ar.d ripdaLe debris assessment and rerlaevaI opcrat ions and stralugies. Schcurile. man3ge and conduct periodic meetings with field staff and contractors. Meetings shall to schfsdulad so that 1—y shall net irTipede, hinder nor delay tf1P debris rcrflDV21 coirractor(s) or debris rcrnoval oporations. . Provide a daiI%y report of debfis removal ccartiractor -otaI leads, cubic yards collected by dcbr is type, a map of streets where debris has beers col;ected, tend other key operational statistics to the OWNER Debris Manager or designee I Coordinate daily scheduling, dispatchirg and logistical operations of the Field collection monitors. 4 Hiro, °rain, deploy and supervise all Lel s collect.cn raaonitors and staff. Conduct debris surveys and perform debris estimation by debris types as requested by the OWNER. Maintain accurate records of all debris collection vehicies, including the measurements of the inside of the useable bed spaco, photographs, license inform9fson, vehicle identification decal issuance and regular monitoring for vehicle modiFoatrons. Attachmenl A Wage 3 of 10 7. Track and coordinate responses to problerna; identified in `he field_ citizen complain(q related to delwis removal, including comin ereial andlor residential property damage claims as a result of debris rernaval. CONSULTANT shalt maintain. and make available to the OWNER a detailed G1 database of customer complain#s and resolutiDI S. 8. flake all reasonable efforts to ensure #hat DMS have access control and security. Conduct end of the riay duties and verefy that all vehicles 11 ave Icft the UPA S at the specified time established by the OWN LR. 9 Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the field collection monitors are accurately recording the streets and Iocations where debris was collected. 10. SchedLile work for all team rnernbcrs and sub -contractors o a daily basis. 11. Conduct iTispections on a regular, predetermined and random basis. Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the appropriate frequency of oversight is perfonned for alt work crows, vehicles and locations, 12. Monitor the debris removal contrtactorfsl and Dfvl {s} for compliance with their contract with the OWNER. 13. Provide training to OWNER staff in essential dct.ris nianagernen# end collection functions to ensure appropriate arid responsive inter -Far,- with disaster debris rera7ov21 contractor(s), County, state arid federa. agencies, 14. Develop forms. databases, etc:. for tracking field activities and submitting invoices for reimbursement. 95. Set up schedules for monitors each day and coordinate cleanup crew assignments. Survey and maintain list of areas will special needs, including but not limited to. hazard GUS stumps, trees. hangersileancrs and debris types. 16 Prepare daily tracking repass to document debris rernoval_ DMS operations a r A final debris disposal for audit purposoS. Maintain a database of del) ris managed costs incurred and i'ecaricile debris removal contractor invoices. 17. Compile records and assist the OWNER with the preparation of required farms for rcifnhursement. 'I$. If rec.icsted by the OWN FR, provide call center operators to receive acid process calls tram customers with disaster debris collection cnncerns within the OWN E H. 3. Collcc#ion Monitoring A. Ir~ order to obtain maximLim reimbursement, ail debris loads shall be monitored in the field by collection monitors to assure dci)ris eligibility. Tile C10N S ULTAN'i' shall provide fully #{wined collection monitors to assure proper and coriipliant documentation protocols are instituted and followed. B The CONSULTANT shall provide a field quality control team oo,asisting of one field collection monitor per debris removal crew and at least one field supervisor for every five. monitors unless otherwise approved by the O'4",lN ER This team small monitor the debris contractors for contract compliance_ efficiency and regulatory compliance_ The team shall provide daily feedback to the OWNLH through their Projec` IAanager. All field tearn meinacrs shall be equipped by the Attachmeni A Pagc 4 of 10 CONSULTANT with :he state -or -the --art tiechnology whicn shall include cameras. computors, communic-ation devices with GPS, and other equipment as deemed necessary and?cr appropriate. O The CONSULTANT shall estab-'ish a Quality Control Program. Examples Or col lcc;ion monitoring quality control tasks include, but are not Iiinited to, the f4aIlow ing: 9 Verifying that all debris picked up is a direct resu't of the disaster g_ Accurately recording the addresscs, s.reets and locations where debris was collected 3 Verifying that the debris removal con tractor(s) are working in their assigned uollertioii areas and roads. 4. CONSULTANT shall $LOP work in progress immedia:cly for improper monitoring dMimentation or -.,vo-k not being performed in The approved rn nner. The CONti�tJLTANT shall immediately no:if`%i the OVVNF R Debris Manager to review the matter ane provide final resolution. 5. Inspecting %vork in progress to asS4ire that removal efforts include dE�hris of tho proper type in the proper areas. 6. Assuring cornplianco with OWNLR contracts by all debris removal contractors and subcontractors 7. Identifying eligible stumps. hangers and learners. Coordinating with the OMER and federa11state represer)tatives for elicaibiIity determination and assure dn2Ljmenta.iun (farms, photos, etc.) is complcted for reimbursement pr.rposes. 8 Making all reasonable efforts to ensure that its employees and its subco;itractor{sj are working in compliance with al fed e{a1, state, local safety reg u,lation s appropriate for the task being performed 9. Coordinating with the OWNER to respond to problems in the field, such as propedy damage complaints, debris ram ova. crevi issues, other citizen complaints, etc. 10_ Neither the services performed by the CONSULTANT undar this Agreement nor the present of CON SLJt_TANT nor its ern ployecs arrd subcontractors at any site in perform arice of its serv,ces shall relieve debris removal contracicrr or their suI)Gon ractors, the OWN E R or any other entity of their GbIigations duties and responsibilities wi.h res;Pect to job site safety. CONSULTANT has no arrhority to exercise any control over the debris rcmova I contractor or lhPir subcon,ractors. the OVVNFH or any other entity in Connection with any health or safety precautions. OWNER shall have no responsibility for, advice- on, or to issue directions regarding or assume control over safety prerautions and programs i,i connection vfiCh the cervi: -.es performed by debris removal contractor or their sjbcontractc}rs or any other entity excc;pI to The extent relaying to C 0 N S U L I'ANT's ern pley ces. 4, Autornated Debris Management System (ADM) A. The electronic debris rnanaacrrient system shall at a m�nirnom create load tickets e€ectronically eliminating the reed for hand written {ind scanned tickets. The system reattares shall include the following: 1. Faperle:ss electronic (handheld dcvice) data collection 2 Database shall 4e internet accessible to subcontractors. (YvVNFR. state, and other publa, entities on a heed to know basis. At-.- ;hmer71A Page 5 of 111 3. Minimal manual entry of €oad ticket data fields. 4 Automation of debris pickup location throug1• use of satellite / GPS technologies, b. Eva ILia tion of daily event status usirg web -based reporting and GIS tools. 6 Facilitation of contractor invoice reconciliation. FEMA documentation and applicant payment process enabled thru an Integrated database manzigernent systerTi. !,. Dubris Managernent. Site Monitoring A. -1 he C 0 N S ULTP.N 1 shall be capable of ccnducting pre- and post -use env irorrrnental monitoring of the terrxporary Debris Manac,.ernent Site (DIv1S) locations to deter t environmental contarnination of the D I , present before use or after closeout of DhIS operations. if requested by the 0VVNER- (Note- This is a ser,r;ce typically performed by Lhe d^brls removal Contractor) E3- All debris collected and disposed of, and ccrtifivations of collcotion vehicles Small be documented and manitoreb by tho CONSULTAN I . Thu CONSUL 1 ANT Shall assure that DMS and field collection monitors are deployed and op.vr,.'i:)nal cc-nmunsiirate with the beginning of debris collection and the establishment of debris sit�(sl. C. The CON S IJLTANT shall provide DMS monitors to observe debris unloading operations at the OW NE R's designated 1)M S (s). CONSULTANT will urovide DMS monitors avaitable 24 flours per day. seven days pec week. The OWNER will deterrnlna hours at operation. A minimum of two DMS monitors are required per dehrls site. These staff members, in conjunction with the project management team and the debris contractor, shall COOrdinatc tie logistics of the DIVIS to assure Pfticient .raffic fl i),.v and proper handling of load tickets that docurnent data for F F M A reimbursement (such as vchicle volume, type of deVis. etc.). The C ON S ULT NT shall observe veil icles entering and exiting the QN9S. and make reasonable Offorts to ensuro thai vehicles are in corn piiarlce +pith their truck certifications (e.g., side boards in place, full tailgate, etc.). DM S rnonitocs are expected to provide load quantifications con ssstent with FEMA monitors that may frequent the srte. D. The CONSU LTANT's Project Manager or designee shall conduct field quality inspections to check and verify information on debris removal and at IA4S zocations Mrough0LIt the OWNER E. Exannpies of DMS rnonitoring tasks include but small noT be limited to - Keeping aeo4,rate records of debris vehicles, cubic yard vaIume quantifications, time in and out, number of loads per day and other :lata as requested by OWN ER. COcrJinating wish Iooal, state and federal agencies as needed for Du S on issues such as notification. obtaining permits determining reimbursarnen.. etc. Providing preliminary ass essmenk ar:d doCUnrienta[ion of DIv1 5 and assist iii return of sits to origh-,al conditions. Providing personnel to supervise the operation of DIVIIS including monitoring incoming loads of debris, processing of debris end Outgoing loads of processed debris. Gorducting end of day awtivities, such as veriFying completion of debris craw assignments, completing all record keeping, and assuring that all veFiicles havc 'oft tl-e LAMS. Attachment A Page 6 of 10 6. febris Vehicle & Equipment Ccritifiration A. All debris hauling vehicles and equ ipment shall be measured and certitied prior to performing debris removal. The CON 5 ULTANT scall complete a certification on each vehicle deemcd appropriate fur collection. In addition to completing vehicle certification forrns, photographs must be taken of each vebide showing the vehicle number and type of vehicle. These ptrotographs 611311 o attached wi.h the cerfific�atian- Original copies of these certifications, includinca photographs, shaII be retained .7y the CONSULTANT on behalf or;h.e OWNER and provided to tlje OWNER upon their request or project completion. Additional copes shall be provided to the debris removal contractor and the vehicle driver. Once these vehicles are certified, random verifications shall be performed at each DM S to assure that no vehicie modifications 11 ave bean made and to confirm data accuracy. 13. 'rhe CON 3 U L.TAN T shall meas�ire the volume to the nearest cut)ic yard of usable space for ricn debris collection vehicle. The CON 5 ULTANT shall complete a Vch isle C ertificatior: t=erm for each vehicle. The original Vehicle CerificaLion Form shall be delivered to the OWNLR's Dubris Manager or designee. The Vehicle Certitication Form shall have the Follc.wing inforrnalio-n: 1_ Vehicle rnake. model 2. length 3. Widf•i 4. Height 5. Volume in cubic yards 6. Weight in tans, if applicable 7. Tag number of vehicle 8. VIN number of vehicle 9. Vehic'c type 10. Driver narne 11. StJb-Contractor representative narl'c 12. Certification ninnitor name ce{tifying vc:hicic 13. Date 14. Vehicle certification ruimber c. When a certification rnortitor signs a vehicle, certificatio!r. he or she is certifying that €o the best of his or tier kr.owledge and belief. the information i!5 complete and correct. The certification monitor shall not sign or accept any parially cumpleted in`ormation. The CONSULTANT's Project Munager or designee shall review all truck certification forrYrs with the debris contractor to assurc co inpleteness and accuracy of each form before forwarding to the 0VVNER:s Project Manager or designee. 7. Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition (if required) A. Authority - Sections 403(a)(3)(A) in 40r of the Stafford Act. 42 U.S.C. 5170(b) and 5173, respectively, provide FEMA authority to fund debris removal frorn private property provi-'Jed that the State or local Bovemment arranges an unconditional authorization for removal of the debris, and agrees to indemnify the Federal government age inst any claiirs arising from the removal. Any State AEtachlxrrnt A Page 7 of 10 or Iocal govemrnent that intends to seek r&nbursement to remove debris from priivate property within a designated area shall, prior to the comrneneernent of the work. submit a wri(Len request for reimbursement tai and receive approvaI from, the Federal Coordinating Officer (FCC). Specifics related to the request may be found in FEMA Disaster Asststaiice Policy 9523.13. The ECO 71USt make the determination that such work is in the Prtblic interest (44 CFR 206.224). After receivinrg approval from the FCO, the State or 100a governmen. rnuy begin !dcntifying properties and site- specific scopes of works for private properly ciebris removal. B. Private Property Debris Removal - The CONSULTAN f shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that the debris removal coritraetor shall adhere to the ic-cumeritation requirements of FEMA 325, Debris Managemont GUMP. Chapter 4. The CONSU LTANT shall assist the OWN ER in obtaining a signed Right-af-Entry and Hold Harrnless (ROEHH) agreement from each property owner Mipre debris removal shall occur. Thc: R0E.4 I I I agreement shall also include notification and acknowledgement related to potential dL.f.livatinn of benefits related to insurance. rhe C 0 N S ULTAN 1 shall takephotos of�rycu ac11 pr operty to docment its condition prior to the: viork ani Conduct a pro pe ty-specif( ic ass cssrfient ro establish eIigible items of work that pfeseat an immediate threat to public health and safety. The GO N S ULTA N I s47aII take an additional phots to document the property's condition after conclusion of the debris removal process. Debris shall be quantifte5 and monitored in the same rnwnner as right of -wad, debris once it Icaves the private property loLiation C. Der nolition of Private Structures - The C,0N S U LTA NT shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that the debris removal cant ractor shall adhere to the documentation rey uiremenk.S of FEMA 325, Debris Manag ernert GLiide, Chapter 4_ The CONSULTANT shall assist the OWNER'S formal c�ondernnation prncess as required. The CONSULTANT shall assist the OWNER in gettino a signed R0ElH H agreement from each property avrner where demoIitior: shall occur. The C10N S ULTAN'C shall take photos of each prcperf prior to demolition to docurrant tho condition of the property pr or to comrneneemerit of the bvprk The CONSULTANT shall take an additional photo to bocurnernt the property's condition after the conclusion cf the dcrf}olition and d bras removal processes The CONSULTANT shall assist tt~e OWNER ,viLh assessments or other certifications that the strtletiures are de.ermincd to be unsafe or nose an immediate threat to the public. based on local ordinances or building codes. The CONSULTANT may 43ssist the OWNER with dcliv:�ry of Notices of Demoliti;)-i to available p!operty owners. The C 0 N S U I TAN I shall assist :hv OWNER with Notices of I nterlt Jo Dermot sli ic) be place:i on e<,jch property t) be demolished. At tine me LR's request, the CONSI J L 1 ANT shall con duex an environmenta I review for dcsi9nated pi -D; +e rti es to assess potential hazardous waste strcarns 8. Public Information Assistance ±', f he OONStJL'I-ANT shall provide regular status updates, freciuency doterminad by the OWNER. to the OWNER'S Debris Manager for public information use B. 1 he C ONSU L f ANT shall provide appropriate st{aFF !c assist with darnage Gornpleints resulting from the: debris remov{a'! Complaints shall be tracked and foryvarded to the project management toorn to Al[achment A Page 8 of 10 be resolved with the debris contractorfsj. Upop request of the OWNER. the C ON SULT.A.NT r`1,3:d also be uaIled upon to provide appropriate staffing of a customer call center to jassist with pul) c: telephone inquiries, concerns and complaints regarding debfis removal operations. C. The CONSULTANT shall provide: the OWNER's Debris Manager and Me debris con?ractonts) wish daily Uisaster Debris Status Reports, in a format to be approved by the OWNER. Eawh daily report shall contain the following: 1. Overview of daily activities imcluding status of darnage compla:n[s Cumulative debris totals by day Summary of mulch removal efforts (clupnulative and t)y debr-s site? Summary of mixediconstruction & demolition removal efforts (cumulatsve and by debris site) Stump volume by site. if applicable This reporting is due no later than 12:00 noon the following business day or as requested by the OWNER. Additional debris streams may be added on an as -needed basis_ t]. The CON S U I 'FAN I' shall track overall col iCcti(Ir) stZ-LS and include w ityl the f]{3iIy Reports L). Database Reporting A. The GONSULTANT shall be responsible for collecting, auditing for cornplereness and accuracy, tab u;a[inq and organizing debris disposal data into electronic formats to support fed cfa1, state and local reimbL]Tsements. and subsequent auakts. 11 A single database shall be created by the CONSULTANT. This database shall include all Gnrormatior? on debris removal and dis;pasa-, including but not limik d to: 1. C:ornplete load ticket inforiration, 2. ehi,-,le certification iriforrnation, 3. Sturnp removal inrofmatinn. 4. Hanger removal data, 5_ Loaner removal information_ 6. Other debris removaI information as rcg4,iIod 10_ Payment Monitoring and reconciliation Process The OONSU I. TAN I sha ! reviE w, validate; anti reconcile debris rem-ovaI contractor(s) invoices prior to submission to the OVVNFR For processing Tne CONS ULTANT shall conduct a meeting at the beginning of t`ic debris managernent operation to fully explain the process to the OWNER and debris removat cor.tractor(s) representatives. Ali invoicas frorn the debris rernaval contracior{s) shall be directed to the CONSULTANT_ Within severs {7j calendar days of receipt. the invoices sl -all be reviewed by the CONSULTANT to be {accepted or rejpnted. The CONSULTANT shall notify the OWNER and the debris contractor. the acccptance or rejection of the invoices. Once accepted invoices are reconciled the CONSULTANT shall submit a payment recommendation to the OWNER. AVachrnelitA Pagr. 9 of 10 If tale iii voice is rejected, the monitoring C0NSCJI.1-AN f shall clearly state the reasons for roje(,tion and work with the dE-bris contractor to resolve immcdiate.IY. II - Other Related Services Eve n€ Closure: The C 0 N SUL'I"ANT shall assist the OWNER in preparing final reports necesSpry fcr reiI'll hursement by FEMA {'enc other applicable agencies for disasrer recovery efforts by OWN F R staff and designated debris managemen- contractors. The C 0NSULTAN T shall assist in reviewing and processing requests for payment by the debris removal con.rautorf.$) B. Federal Funding: CONSULTANT shall work on behalf of the QVVNER to provide appl;caNE- documentation: techriiva1 assistance, and ne, cotiations -cquiren ';) maximize the eligible actiVilies to be funded by the Public Assistance and 4D6 antl 4C.1 Grant Programs avvarded to the State If authorized by the O'-iVNEP. CONSULTS" NT $11311 provide c:on�,,ilt,ation and federal prograry7 expertise to identify all eligible activities for FEMA; FedcrtaI Fu-7r.ing to repair, restore, and mitigate the local public infrastructure impacted acrid vulnerable to the hazards of a current and future incidents. CONSU LTANT shall work with the State I evel Grantee and F EVIA tc rnaximize the eligible recovery and mitigation activities and shall ass,st in identifying other Federal or state level fundirg Sources that may also be utitizoo such as .he NRCS, HUD end USEPA. To ensure that processing of federal Funcing is acquired as quickly as passible, the following information aTid its accuracy is the respo isibility of the CONSULTANT 1. Rev ievvireconciliatian of debris contractor invoices 2. Monitoring information 3_ Completed G.oad tickets 4_ CONSULTANT invoices 5_ Review of debris contractor equipment hours of operation (for T&M work 0n1y) 6. Vehicle certifications C. Compliance: The CON SIIL I ANT shall provide professional oversight to monitor compliaT7ce with local, state and fcdcraI rer3ulahons. Tnc C0NSLJLI ANT shall Stay current with FEMA policies and procedures and notify ttie OWNLN's Dcbri5 Manager immedWely r changes occur during the recovery pracess. Avachment A Pale 10 of 10