HomeMy Public PortalAboutCharter Ord 12 Affidavit is i PUBLICNOTICE STATE OF KANSAS, (Published in The Ark Valley to provide substitute and additional SEDGWICK COUNTY, SS. News,on May 7,2009.' provisions threfor. Subsequently published on May NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORa, Chris Strunk,being first duly Sworn, deposes and 14,2009). DAINED BY THE GOVERNING g Y P BODY OF THE CITY OF BEL AIRE, says: That he is Publisher of The Ark Valley News, CITY OF BEL AIRE,KANSAS KANSAS,AS FOLLOWS: formed The Valley Center Index,a weekly newspaper p Y Y CHARTER ORDINANCE NO.12 Section 1. Exam tion-K.S.A. 13-1024a. The City, by the power printed in the State of Kansas,and published in and of A CHARTER ORDINANCE OF THE vested in it by the Act,hereby elects, CITY OF BEL AIRE, KANSAS EX- to exempt itself from and make inap general circulation in Sedgwlck County Kansas,With a EMPTING THE CITY FROM THE plicable,to it the provisions of K.S.A.; general paid circulation on a yearly basis in Sedgwick PROVISIONS OF K.S.A. 13-1024a 13-1024a and does hereby provide, County,Kansas,and that said newspaper is not a trade, RELATINGTOGENERALIMPROVE- the following substitute and addition- MENTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF al provisions in place thereof: religious or fraternal publication. BONDS THEREFOR AND PROVID- For the purpose of paying (i) for, ING SUBSTITUTE AND ADDITION- any bridge;',viaduct, public building„ ALPROVISIONSRELATINGTHERETO. street and sidewalk, and the land Said newspaper is a weekly published at least week- WHEREAS; Article 12, Section . necessary therefor; (ii) for lands for, ly 50 times a year;has been so published continuously 5 of the Constitution of the State of public parks and recreation facilities Kansas (the "Act') provides,that cit- and for developing and"constructing and uninterruptedly in said county and state for a period ies may exercise certain home rule parks and recreation,facilities,within of more than five years prior to the first publication of powers, including passing charter or without the City, (iii)for the estab ordinances which'exempt,such cities lishment and construction of cremato said notice;and has been admitted at the post office Of from the acts of the Kansas Legisla- ries', desiccating or reduction works, Valley Center in said County as second class matter. ture;and including the land necessary therefor, WHEREAS, the City of'Bel Aire, within or without the;City, (iv)for the Kansas (the "City") is,a city, as de improvement,-repair or extension of si That the attached notice is a true copy thereof and fined in the Act,duly created and or- any waterworks, sewage disposal ganized,'under the laws of the State, plant; electric light plant; crematory, was published in the regular and entire issue Of said of Kansas;and desiccating !or.reduction works or WHEREAS, K.S.A. 13-1024a is other public utility plant owned by the newspaper for 7 consecutive weeks,the part of an enactment of the Kansas City;or owned by a separate munici- Legislature(K.S.A.13-1024a et seq.) pal,'corporation formed by interlocal i first publication thereof being made as aforesaid on the relating to general improvements and cooperation agreement of the City the issuance of bonds for such pur- that provides se'rviceto the City,and poses,which enactment is applicable the°land necessary therefor, and (v) day of g ,2009, to the City,but is,not uniformly appli- for.rebuilding;adding to or extending , ✓ cable to all cities within the State of the structures,'buildings and facilities '!, with subsequent publications being made on the Kansas;and described in this paragraph, and the WHEREAS, the governing body land necessary therefor,from time to following dates: of the City desires, by charter ordi- time; as.the necessities of the City nance, to exempt the City from the may require, the City may borrow "C 2009 2009 provisions of K.S.& 13-1024a, and money and issue its bonds for the e ,2009 ,2009 2009- ) / ,2009 t_. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of X ,2009. Notary Public PUBLIC e My commission expires Q COMMISSION ° ExPI RF-S Additional copies $ 'et;`Of KO �� '111111%W\ Printer's fee $