HomeMy Public PortalAbout1970_07_22 211 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL, JULY 22 , 1970 . A regular meeting of the Leesburg Town Council was held on July 22 , 1970 in the Council Chambers , 10 West Loudoun Street , Leesburg, Virginia , at 7 :30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with Council- man Hill offering the prayer. Those present were : Mayor Kenneth B . Rollins , Councilmen G . Dewey Hill, Frederick R. Howard, Walter F; Murray, John W. Pumphrey_ and John A. Wallace , Jr. ; also Town Manager James W. Ritter , Jr. and Town Attorney George M. Martin. The Minutes of the regular meetings of June 24, 1970 and July 8, 1970 and a Special Meeting of July 10, 1970 were approved as written. Town Manager Ritter reported the following: (1) The "No Left Turn" signs have been up nearly two weeks - they went up Saturday a week ago. This is on a trial basis . He commented that he did not see that it is accomplishing any good, in fact, we have re- ceived criticisms from some of the business people that it makes it dif- ficult for those who want to park in that block. We had previously had an officer at the corner of King and Market and he seemed to take care of the situation satisfactorily. We have started on Thursdays and Fridays , when we have two officers on duty at the same time , to have one at the :A intersection of Catoctin Circle and Route 7 . CD r (2) We have had a couple of meetings with Jack Williams on the water and sewer rates . Mr . Wallace met with us the first time and, at '='; the second meeting , Mr. Wallace , Mr. Hill and Mr. Pumphrey were present. Mr. Williams would like to meet again with the whble Council before the report goe's to the printer . He will be on vacation the first two weeks of August, so we will eitherhaveto meet before that time , or else post- pone it until his return . (3) A new traffic census made at Route .7 and Catoctin Circle re- vealbs, that there has been a 33 pernt increase' over the census of January 1969. This has been sent onithe Highway Department for their information and recommendation. .,r, (4) Regarding items on the Agenda : (a) Since the bill in the amount of $185 .00 was received for the Judges in connection with the Bond Referendum, we have received another bill in the amount of $50 .00 for printing the ballots , so this appropriation should be increased, to $235 .00 "(b) The $14, 951.84 for resurfacing is lower than what we have in the Budget , which is $18 ,000 . This could be used later on if we de- cide to resurface the extra block on Edwards Ferry Road, which could be done at the same time the plant mix is put on the nets/apart of Edwards Ferry Road. (c) He recommends the payment of the $60 .00 to Hilltop Gardens for moving the tree since it is a right-of-way obligation . The Town assisted them in moving the tree and it was handled in the same way that the Highway Department moves a tree - they either move it or pay the owner for the tree . (d) The $2 ,360 .00 for the pipe and the two curb drop inlets is to prevent water from crossing the streets that will runt off of Ed- wards Ferry Road. This would pick up the water and carry it underground under these two streets . (5) The flags and flag poles were erected today and we have had 111 compliments on them. Mayor Rollins asked if Council wishes to meet with Mr. Williams concerning the rate study. Councilman Wallace said he thought they ' should meet with him as soon aspossible, since we are operating at a . deficit until we raise the rates . A meeting with Mr. Williams was tenta- tively set for Tuesday, August 18th at 7 :30 P.M. at the Town Office Building. . Councilman Wallace said he thought traffic was moving very well with the "No Left Turn" signs in effect . Mr. Raflo had called him about be- ing dissatisfied with them, however, he thought his arguments were rather weak. He did agree , though, that the signs are not large enough. .2 2 MINUTES OF JULY 22 ; 1970 MEETING. ' Councilman Howard asked if we have any literature on the "bird" problem. He said they are coming in droves in the area along .behind Edwards Ferry Road. Mr . Ritter said he had received a proposition at one time from a firm in Alexandria , whereby they would put in cages and supervise it every two or three weeks . Of course , we would have to pay • for the original installation and then 'a monthly charge . Mr . Howard asked that he check on this .' Councilman Pumphrey commented that, because people cannot make left • turns at Market and King Streets , some of them are making a right turn into Wirt Street and then into his station, blocking his driveway while waiting to turn and go back the other way . He cited the instance of a log truck doing this and blocking his entire entrance. On motion of Councilman Pumphrey , 'seconded by Councilman Murray, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council for the Town of Leesburg, that the following appropriation be made : (a) $ 235 .00 - To the Judges in connection with Bond Refer- endum on July 14, 1970 and the Secretary of the Electoral Board for printing of ballots in connection with the Bond Referendum. • (b) 504 .49 - Johnson and Williams Engineering fee on Sewer Contracts (1969 Bond Issue) . (c) 14 , 951 .84 - Tri-County Asphalt Co . for 1970 resurfacing program (Streets -. Capital Outlay) . (d) 60 .00 - Hilltop Gardens for moving tree off right- of-way - Mrs . Carr 's property on Edwards Ferry Road (Streets-Capital Outlay) . On motion of Councilman Pumphrey , seconded by Councilman Howard, and after a great deal of . discussion, the following resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of 4 to 2 , with Councilmen Howard and Wal- lace voting against it : BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council for the Town of Leesburg, that an increased cost of construction be allowed on the Ed- wards Ferry Project , at an estimated cost of $2;360.00, in order to provide for installation of 160 ' of 15" pipe and 2 Curb Drop Inlets at the 2 street intersections on the north side of Edwards Ferry Road. On motion of Councilman Howard, seconded by Councilman Murray, the following Ordinance was proposed: BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council for the Town of Leesburg , - that Sec . 19-22, paragraph 5 , of the Code (Sewer Ordinance be deleted and the following inserted in place thereof: 5 . To size the sewer line to serve the entire watershed. The design flow shall be based on the highest density of development as required in the future probable use of the land, to be determined by the Town Engineer. After discussion, on motion of Councilman Wallace , seconded by Mayor Rollins , this Ordinance was amended to delete the words "as required" after "development" and change the wording of the sentence to read "The required design flow" ; also to delete the word "Engineer" at the end of said paragraph: After further discussion, the amendment was unanimously adopted. Subsequently, the Ordinance, as amended, was unani- mously adopted and reads as follows : - • BE IT ORDAINED by 'the Town Council for the Town of Leesburg , that Sec . 19-22 , paragraph 5 , of the Code (Sewer Ordinance be deleted and the following inserted in place thereof : 5 . To size the sewer line td serve the entire watershed. The required design flow shall be based on the highest density of development in the future probable use of the land, to be determined by the Town . 213 . MINUTES OF JULY 22 , 1970 MEETING. . •• On motion of Councilman Murray, seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council for the Town of Leesburg, that the attached certification showing results of the One • and One Half Million Dollar Bond Referendum become a part of the minutes . Mr. Moody reported that quite a bit of work has been done at the Sewer Plant since his last report of approximately 30 days ago, and he sees no reason why the Plant cannot be put into operation by the 1st of August . They now have adequate personnel, having hired a Chief Operator and having three other operators on hand. Most of the equipment has been tested and they will probably be flushing the system as they start testing the pumps . The laboratory equipment is here and they are getting ready to install it . They are short the Fairbanks-Morse scale, but this will not hold up the operation of the Plant . He has received confirma- tion from the Project Manager that the Superintendent of the English Construction By-Pass job will be with him tomorrow morning and give some help on correcting the leaks found in four manholes on the S-III Project . They should be able to take care of this in three or four days . CD On the Route 15 Sewer Line, he went through it again today and found • that the deepest place any water stands is about 1-3/4 inches, which is CD not too bad. Any correction he might try to make could make it worse, rather than better, so he recommended that, after the contractor seals Q certain joints that he knows are open, we accept the line as is . He added that any other job of this type will be constantly checked as it is done . On motion of Councilman Wallace , seconded by Councilman Hill , the following resolution was unanimously adopted : BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg, that an appropriation be made in the amount of $1, 146 .78 to pay Maryland Excavators for sewer work on Rt . 654. Councilman Howard asked Chief Kirk of the Police Department for his comments regarding the "No Left Turn 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. " signs . Chief Kirk said he did not believe it is any asset , that he believes traffic moves better under the direction of an officer on the corner of Market and King Streets . This matter was discussed by Council and finally referred back to the Street Committee to be discussed at its meeting next Monday. It was noted that the trial period will not be up until this coming Saturday . Councilman Murray asked that larger "Speed Limit 25" signs be erected on Route 7 going in both directions on the other side of Catoctin Circle . Mayor Rollins said he expected to propose two or three resolutions at the next session of Council with regard to the Utility Fund. One will be to repeal the action to transfer funds from the Utility Fund to the -General Fund, which should make up one-half of the deficit for this fis- cal year. Also , he would like Council members to give some consideration as to how soon they want to go to the River for water - whether immedi- ately, one , two or three years . There being no further business , on motion of Councilmay Murray , seconded by Councilman Wallace , the meeting was adjourned at 8 :40 P.M. • Mayor ALL-ie/S/. J ClerkCounci_ r t. tip' J' i±rt.J' 'c[ i ., i: f . . a r - !. `` . . .It'? ' 4, • y . 1,• ABS,.RACT OF VOTES CAST AT THE SPECIAL HLICCFION -•r,} _•HLLD IN THE TOWN OP LE.E.,BURG, COUNTY OF LOUDOUN, t $r.^ ;'V' ; ': VIRGINIA , ON JULY 14 , 1970'1 TO DETERMINE i.HETHER h'• • THE QUALIFIED 'VOTERS OF THE) TOWN OF LE_ES31IRG SHALL r'` j .. APPROVE THr ISSUANCE OF BONDS •T0 FINANCE THE EN- -"• • jLARGEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT or THE WATER t', ' 3 AND SEWER SYSTEM OF SAID FOWN. . ;t ' For Bond Issue : . • ,Against Bond Issue: • Total Number of Votes Cast : We, the undersigned Commissioners of the special electionnheld in 'Y •=• the Town of Leesburg, Loudoun County, Virginia, on Tuesday, July 14, • ,,. ; 1970, for the purpose of determining whether the said Town Council k;•:?.., of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia shall contract a debt, borrow r money and issue bonds of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, in the aggrogato principal amount of $ 1 , 500,000 for the purpose of pro- i•:- viding funds, with any other available funds, to pay the cost • of constructing a sanitary s.?werage system for the Town, including ` • the construction of water treatment facilities at. the Potomac River at a point tvo miles east of the Town of Leesburg, Pumping stations • 11 b., and• an elevated storage tank and the installation of a, raw water in- take line and water transmission mains and distribution lines, in- . cluding the acquisition of the lands or rights-in-land required therefor, and certify : that :the foregoing statement of votes is a 1H - ,, true and correct abstract from the returns of said election and • do therefore , determine and declare that there were ,X YD votes : Cast ` in favor of issuing said bonds by said Town and f 7 ,;• ••• votes cast against the issuance of said bonds by the Town of Leesburg, ---,J County of Loudoun, State of Virginia. . 1 !i ' ° Given under our hands this 16th day of July, 1970. ' tb' r.•`, .. ,G _) !'4// t-•/(re-n.1' / . i •s f":ic,jY1�t fY, Pi SPY Te �J y }-, ��(/t J. T Martz, C.C. y' L T !I p f T t