HomeMy Public PortalAbout1947-07-01 Meeting92 .a so that one may be given to each voter desiring same. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, A..D., 1947." It was brought to the attention of the council that it will be necessary to have two election clerks to have charge of the voting for the election of councilmen to be held June 30, 1947 and the duties of said officials will be to see that each rerson voting .in said election is a registered voter in Bel Harbour Village, that each ballot is properly folded so that the names of the person for which the vote is cast will be concealed, that the votes are properly deposited in a sealed and locked container, and that said container is not opened until the poles are closed at 9:00 P. M., June 30th, 1547; and said container should not be opened except by these officials at 9:05 P. M., June 30th, 1947, in the presence of at least two witnesses, the said officials thereupon to count and tabulate the ballots cast in said election. Upon motion of "r, whittaker, seconded by mr. Webb, the Village Clerk, Mary Wetterer, and Claribel Wrrner were elect,:d to act as clerk anu inspector respectively of the election to be held June 30, 1947, they to make oath to perform faithfully the duties stated above. Attest: j f, Village Clerk A P PROV :T : President of the Council L DULY 1, 1947 Mayor The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. Julien Southerland, the Mayor,,who called for a report of the election held June 30, 1947 for five (5) Councilmen at Bal Harbour. The Village Clerk reported that in all a total of 31 voters had taken part in the election and the total votes were as follows; J. Julien Southerland, 29; Glenn E. Masanick, 26; Robert C. Graham, Jr., 25; Edward L. bonneau, Jr., 240 and George M. Whittaker, 24. Therefore under the terms of the charter, J. Julien ootth- erland and Glenn E. Masenick, would servo six years and Robert C. Graham, Jr., Edward L. Bonneau, Jr., and George M. Whittaker four years. Thereupon the new council was duly sworn in by the Village Clerk. The next order of business being the election of the Mayor and upon JULY 1, 1947 23 motion of Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Whittaker, the following resolution was adopteds "WHEREAS, the Charter of Bel Harbour Village, being Chapter 24386 No.772, Acts of Florida, 1947, provides that two of the council- men elected at the first election of the council shall serve for six years and the remaining three for four years and provides in Section 16 that the Council shall elect one of its members as Mayor, but does not specificially provide the term of office to ee served by the mayor so elected, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, ".hat the Mayor of Bel Harbour Village elected under the terms of Section 16 of its Charter (Chapter 24386 No. 772, Acts of Florida, 1947) shall serve for a term of six years and thereafter the term of office of mayor shall be two years; PROVIDED, that ir, the event that the first mayor elected under said Legislative Charter shall vacate the office of mayor prior to the expiration of said six year term, then the Assistant Mayor shall serve such unexpired term, but not beyond the election of Councilmen to be held May, 195]." Thereupon motion of Mr. Graham, Jr. seconded by Mr. Massnick, J. Julien Southerland was unanimously elected mayor of the Village for the six year term. Mr. Southerland then took the oath as mayor, and as mayor continued to preside at the meeting. The mayor then called for nominations for assistant -mayor and upon motion of Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Bonneau, Jr., Robert C. Graham, Jr. was nominated. Mr. Graham there nominated Mr. Massnick, who withdrew his name and asked that nominations be closed. It was then voted that Mr. Graham, Jr. would act as Assistant -Mayor under the terms of the charter. Upon motion of Mr. Bonneau, seconded by Mr. Massnick, it was unan- imously voted that Mr. W. H. Webb be appointed Village Manager. Mr. Webb was then sworn in by the Village Clerk. It was then moved by Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Whittaker and voted that Mary T. Wetterer be reappointed Village Clerk and she was duly sworn In by the Mayor. Mr. Webb, as Village Manager, then recommended Mr. Htrold T. Dickey for Chief of Police and it was voted by the Uouncil to accept this recom- mendation, and thereupon Mr. Dickey took the oath of office. The following ordiances adopted prior to the granting of the legislative charter were then presented to the council and upon motion of Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Bonneau were ratified, confirmed and approved and by unan- imous vote duly passed and adopted as ordinances of Bal Harbour Village under the legislative charter of the village: Ordinance No. 1. "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE VILLAGE COURT AND F.E,LATING IN DETAIL TO THE. PROCEDURE THEREIN AND TO THE PUNLSFLMENT OF OFFENSES AGAINST THE VILLAGE." -JULY 1, 1242 2 1 Ordinance No. 2. "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING PUNISHMENTS AND FINES, DENCE IN THE MUNICIPAL SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, OFFENSES AND FIXING AND RELATING TO EVI- COURT, REGULATING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS." Ordinance No. 3. "AN ORDINANCE: OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE:, FIIJRIDA, REGULATING THE. ERECTION, CONSITUCTICN, FNLARG- ING, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOILING, REMOVAL, DEM- OLITION, CONVERSION, OCCUPANCY, EQUIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND MAINTENANCE OF' ALL BUILDING, AND/OR STRUCTURES IN BAL. HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AND OTHER MATEERS RELATING THERETO; DEFINING, REGULATING AND GOVERNING CONTRACTORS OF CUNSTRUCTIENS; ESTABLISHING INSURANCE RE- QUIREMENTS FOR. ALL CONTFACTOIS; PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF LICENSES BY RECIPROCITY; ESTAB- LISHING A BOARD OF' APPEALS; AND PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES FOR VIOLATIENS OF THIS ORDINANCE." Ordinance No. 4. "AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO PEOPLES WATER AND GAS COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN FLORIDA, IIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE. RIGHT, PRIVILEGE OR FRANCHISE, FOR THE FULL PERIOD OF THIRTY YEARS, TO LAY, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPAIR AND REPLACE A GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN, THROUGH, ALONG AND UNDER THE PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLYING MANUFACTURED AND/OR NATURAL GASES TO THE SAID CITY AND ITS IN- HABITANTS FUR ALL PURPOSES AND IMPOSING PRO- VISIONS AND CONDITIONS RELATING THEFI,TO, IN- CLUDING AN AGREEMENT BY THE GRANTEE TO INDEM- NIFY AND HOLD THE SAID CITY HARMLESS AGAINST ALL DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY ANY PERSON, IN PER- SON OR TO PROPERTY, CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE GRANTEE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE GRANTEE'S RIGHTS HEREUNDER, AND FIXING THE MAXEMUM RATES TO BE CHARGED BY SAID GRANTEE." Ordinance No. 5. "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL OWNERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, TO PRESENT THEIR VEHICLES FOR SEMI-ANNUAL INSPEC- TION OF CERTAIN VEHICULAR EQUIPMENT, REQUIRING J ULY 1. 1947 THE OWNERS OF SAID MOTOR VEHICLES TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THIS ORDIN- ANCE, PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOP CEMTAIN EQUIPMENT ON MOTOR VEHICLES, A FEE FOR THE INSPECTION OF SAID MOTOR VEHICLES, AND PROVID- ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PhOVISDGNS OF THIS ORDINANCE." Ordinance No, b. "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND REQUIRING THE LICENSING OF ALL PERSONS, FIRM AND CORPORATIONS SELLING BEVERAGES CONTAINING ALCOHOL; DEFINING CERTAIN TER213 AS SET FORTIi HEREIN; PROVIDING THAT NO LICENSE SHALL BE TRANSFERABLE AND NO r`XEMPTION FROM LICENSE TAXES SHALL BE HAD; PROVIDING AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LICENSE FM; PROVIDING FOR APPLI- CATION AND ADVERTISING THEREOF; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO SELL LIQUORS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVER- AGES TO CERTAIN PERSONS; FIXING CERTAIN HOURS WHEN LIQUOR OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY NOT BE SOLD OR DELIVERED IN BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE; PROHIBITING CURB SERVICE OF LIQUORS AND IN- TOXICATING BEVERAGES EXCEPT BEER; PROHIBITING THE SALE OF LIQUOR OR INTOXICATING BEVERAGES AT ANY GASOLINE FILLING STATICNS; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ON THE PREMISES WHERE, LIQUGRS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE SOLD AND OFFERED FOR SALE; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR THE HANDLING OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDIN- ANCE, AND PROVIDING THAT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL MAY REVOKE ANY LICENSE AS ISSUED UNDER THIS ORDINANCE." Ordinance No. 7. "AN ORDINANCE OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, IMPOSING LICENSES AND OTHER TAXES ON PRIVILEGES, BUSINESSES, OCCUPATIONS AND PROFE`.;SIONS CARRIED ON AND ENGAGED IN WITHIN SAIL' VILLAGE ANL PRFS- CRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE EXERCISING OF SUCH PRIVILEGES OR CARRYING ON SUCH BUSINESSES, OCCUPATIONS, OR PROFESSIONS, WITHOUT A LICENSE OR OTHER FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS THEREOF." Ordinance No. 8. "AN ORDINANCE OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION, BHOTOGRAPHING, alY I. 1947 26 AND FINGER -PRINTING OF ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED IN SAID VILLAGE AT ANY PLACE HANDLING LIQUOR, BEER OR WINE IN ANY FORM., PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, DELIVERY SERVICES, RESTAURANTS, CLUBS, SOLARIUMS, NEASFAPER DELIVERY BOYS OVER THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN, SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS, DOMESTIC SERVANTS, TAXI -CAB DRIVERS, VENDING MACHINE OPERATORS,, AND CHARTER BOAT OPERATORS; PFsOVI:DING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF IDENTIFICATION CARDS TO SAID PERSONS; ESTABLISHING A FEE OF 500 FOR EACH SUCH IDENTIFICATION CARD OR RENEWAL THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE SEZURING OF HEALTH CERTIFICATES BY CERTAIN PERSONS SERVING THE. PLEtLIC, AND MAKING IT THh DUTY OF EWLOYERS OF SUCH PERSONS TO SEE THAT THEY PROCURE HEALTH CERTIFICATES; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF." The Village Attorney presented a new Resolution #3 to supersede Resolution #1 as it now exists in the Village Records. Upon notion of Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Whittaker itt was duly voted to adopt the following Resolution: Resolution No 3. A RESOLUT10" OF' BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORILA, DESIGNATING A DEPOSITARY FOR VILLAGE FUNDS; ADOPTING THE SEAL FOR THE VILLAGE; DESIGNATING A VILLAGE HEADQUARTERS; AND FIXING THE TIME; OF ME.ETINGS." Mr. Webb then reconmended J. Julien Southerland for Village Judge and he was duly elected to that. office. On motion of Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Graham, Jr., J. Julien Southerland was elected Village Attorney. Mr. Webb suggested Mr. Fred E. Zurwelle for Village Engineer which appointment was approved by the council. Upon motion of Mr. Massnick, seconded by Mr. Bonneau, Jr. the meet- ing was adjourned. Attest: V111a{ge Clerk ,IULY 1. 1947 t Mayor