HomeMy Public PortalAbout1973_04_11 36 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL, APRIL 11, 1973 . A regular meeting of the Leesburg Town Council was held in the Council - Chambers , 10 West Loudoun Street, Leesburg , Virginia , on April 11 , 1973 at 7 :30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with Councilman Orr offering the prayer. Those present were : Mayor G . Dewey Hill, Councilmen Walter F . Murray , Robert A. Orr, John W. Pumphrey, Herbert L. Ridder, C . Terry Titus and John A. Wallace , Jr . ; also Town Manager James W. Ritter , Jr. and Town At- torney George M. Martin. The Minutes of the regular meeting of March 28, 1971 were approved as written. 111Town Manager James W. Ritter reported as follows : (1) Items 2 and 3 on the Agenda will bring the remainder of the Availability Charges in line with what was adopted at the last meeting. (2) Item 4 would accept the Performance Bond of Leesburg Joint Venture for Leesburg Square . In accepting this Bond, we would turn back to them the two certified checks which-, we have on hand, and which total the amount of the Performance Bond. (3) North American Bank & Trust has supplied sufficient evidence that our deposits and investments are satisfactorily protected by Federal securities in Escrow Accounts . (4) He explained the appropriations needed. There was an insuf- ficient amount appropriated for the water pumped from Paxton Well ; also, there will be a need for an additional appropriation for the fourth quarter. The $3 , 907 .33 to Perry Engineering consists of several items in connection with the Hospital Road Project and the $55 ,374 .67 to Perry consists of a number of items under contract on the Hospital Road Project . This will make a total payment to Perry of $166 ,886 - we will still owe them approximately $93 ,000 . (5) He explained that the "TOPICS PROGRAM" means Traffic Operatior Programs to Increase Capacity and Safety . - We were not aware until yesterday that there was money available through the Urban Division for certain projects - the Highway Department has not given this any publicity . The Committee picked four projects that need work very badly and on which they feel the Urban Division might grant this money. We would pay 15 per cent of the cost of these projects . (6) The $5 ,000 additionalappropriation to Dewberry , Nealon and Davis on the Route 7 Urban Project is a result of a meeting last week with the Highway Department . They suggeste"d certain changes on the plans on the south side of Route 7 and these will mean extra design work by Dewberry, Nealon and Davis . (7) We have received another Revenue Sharing Check in the amount of $19,456 for the first quarter of this year. We have approximately $83 ,000 in investment at the present time . (8) Jack Williams will be here next week to go over the tank site on Mrs . Carr 's property . Also, the Water Study is fully drafted, but waiting on the tank site determination. (9) Southern Line Cleaning is not working this week . They have completed all the work that they can until the fields dry up, and have found quite a number of serious leaks which they have repaired. Also, there are some places in the main line where there is broken pipe - we will have to excavate these and replace the pipe . They are work- ing on another project to be considered by the Street Committee next week for work by Southern Line Cleaning . c Councilman Pumphrey commented that he understood the Highway De- partment demanded the changes on the Route 7 Urban Project . Mr. Ritter said they stated that it was either this or else . Mayor Hill asked the Honorable Kenneth B. Rollins , Delegate to the General Assembly and Ex-Mayor of the Town of Leesburg, to come forward to be recognized . He then presented to Mr. Rollins a gift from the members of Council, stating that he was speaking not only for the Coun- cil, but for the employees of the Town as well . He offered the follow- ing resolution : 37 MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1973 MEETING. WHEREAS , Kenneth B . Rollins served as Mayor of the Town of Lees- burg from September 1963 to January 1973 , and WHEREAS, the members of the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg feel that he served as Mayor with extreme dedication, personal sacrifice and strong leadership, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of ;. Leesburg , that a token of its personal appreciation for his un- selfish service be presented by the Mayor of the Town of Leesburg to the Honorable Kenneth B . Rollins . Mr. Rollins ' response was one of deep appreciation, as well as one of commendation to the members of the Town Council with whom he had the pleasure of serving over the past ten years . He agd.udlshgb seknew of a no more dedicated group of men than this group and eTTEt tFne/ own should feel deep gratitude towards these public servants for the time they give for so little reward. He again expres"sed his personal apprecia- tion for the gift, stating that he felt that "When a man leaves office, he should leave it and not be involved. " CD j • Cb The resolution above was then moved by Councilman Wallace, seconded v by Councilman Orr and unanimously adopted. Councilman Wallace said he felt very deeply about this presentation and the wording in the reso- Q lution, and believed all the members thank Mr . Rollins for his fine G leadership and dedication in the past . Councilman Titus said he would like to see Council set up some program to correct the infiltration problems found by Southern Line Cleaning by the next meeting if possible . Mr. Titus also reported that Mr . Edwin Cross has consented to serve on the Environmental Ad- visory Committee of the Northern Virginia Planning District Commission to take Mr. Ridder's place . On motion of Councilman Wallace , seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, 111 the Mayor 's Proclamation with regard to Loyalty Day was unanimously adopted, a copy of said Proclamation being attached hereto. A Public Hearing was held at this time on Rezoning Application No . ZM-12 by Loudoun Medical Associates , to rezone 1 .4610 acres of land from R-2 to B-1 . Mr. William E . Chapman , attorney associated with Kuykendall , Hall and Whiting and representing Loudoun Medical Associ- ates , addressed Council on behalf of that organization. He said the organization consists of Drs . Nidiffer, Boone , Birkitt , McGovern, Lon- don & Sullivan , Rogers , Roberts , Timberlake , DeVier, Hocker and Dr. Emswiller, a pharmacist . This property in question is located on Gib- son Street and is bounded by the property of the Town of Leesburg on the north, Old Waterford Road on the east, Gibson Street on the south and property of Loudoun Memorial Hospital on the west . It is presently zoned R-2 and this organization is seeking rezoning to B-1 for the pur- pose of constructing a professional medical arts building . The architectural firm of Marshall Erdman & Sons of Princeton, New Jersey is designing the building , however, plans are extremely tenta- tive as to size . They are talking about in the area of 12 ,000 to 18 ,000 square feet . The building would be built exclusively for occupancy by medical practitioners and one pharmacist , who would have an ethical pharmacy in the building , this being a pharmacy which would render normal prescription service, along with a minimum amount of patent drugs . The Loudoun Memorial Hospital has previously presented its po- sition in the form of a letter to the Planning Commission, supporting this application for rezoning . It was hoped that a member of the Hos- pital Board could be present for this meeting tonight, however, this was not possible . Mr. Chapman read a letter from Mr. H. H . Cooley , Presi- dent of the Hospital Board of Trustees , reaffirming the support of the k-- Board at a special meeting held on April 1 , 1973 . Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance provides criteria by which the Council may amend the Zoning Map, and it is their contention that all of these factors are present in the instant case . The most demonstra- tive figure available concerning the public necessity, convenience and 36 MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1973 MEETING. general welfare is the present and projected growth pattern . It ap- pears that the present population of Leesburg is about 6 ,000 and that of Loudoun County about 42 ,000 . By 1975 , it is projected that there will be 10,000 to 15 ,000 in the Town and 61,000 in the County, with the County projecting a population of approximately 80, 200 by 1980 . There are 32 medical practitioners in the County at this time and by 1976, assuming this growth , there will be a need for 65 , an addition of 33 medical practitioners . In shopping for a place to establish practice, there are two very important factors . They are (1) what are the Hos- pital facilities available - Loudoun Memorial will come up with extremely modern and adequate facilities ; and (2) what kind of office space is available at the present time to serve their needs - The project in question would provide adequate office space for a group of 10 to 15 medical practitioners . Another factor to be considered is the effect that Public Health legislation is going to have on the future develop- ment of Loudoun Hospital. The Health Maintenance Organization legis - lation has been kicking around the Commission for better than a year.: Federal legislation will require hospitals to have doctors on the prem- ises , and that doctors have immediate access to the hospital. Another factor contributing to the public necessity and general welfare would be the availability of this type of medical facility as a complement Oto the present and proposed hospital . This facility would provide e- quipment that hospitals do not have , such as special equipment in an opthalmologist 's office and in the office of an ear, nose and throat specialist . Mr. Chapman presented one final factor as an advantage of this re- zoning by the Town. This land is presently untaxed real estate . The project is anticipated to cost between $500,000 and $800,000 and, based on current assessments and tax rates , it would be assessed at between $200,000 and $300,000 . March 14 Town Council In answer to a request made at the R*xxxixgxRxxxixxxxx meeting to provide an estimated amount of water to be used by such 'a facility, the closest figure they could give would be 1600 to 2 ,000 gallons per day, with 2 ,000 gallons being a maximum utilization . He presented for Council 's perusal drawings made by the architect of the proposed build ing, as well as a rough drawing of a site plan, these giving Council an opportunity to see the type of project and design presently under - consideration. The group believes that public necessity would best be served by this rezoning because it would make available to the citizens a medical arts building convenient and adjacent to the Hospital. The general welfare requirement would be met by the creation of an attrac- tive medical office , with space for additional practitioners needed by 1975 . They feel that the requirements of Sec . 11-1 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met and request that the property be rezoned. Councilman Pumphrey asked if the property is owned by Loudoun Medical Associates at this time . Mr. Chapman said it is contingent upon the rezoning . Mr. Pumphrey said Gibson Street is not a through improved . street and the only way out is by way of Old Waterford Road onto North Street - it is not an ideal location from this standpoint . Councilman Murray asked how many additional spaces would be allowed in this building , other than for the 11 applicants . Mr. Chapman said there would be two additional suites . He pointed out on the plans that there would be green buffer zones and that access would be off of Gibson Street. Mr . Pumphrey said it looks like the building and the blacktop parking area would cover about an acre of this ground, thereby creating a storm drainage problem in the area . All of the water from this proposed site would drain to Old Waterford Road, through the very small pipe across the old athletic field at the School Board Annex, and down from Wirt Street to King Street and on to Church Street . Mr . Ritter pointed out that there is a 24-inch pipe from King to Church Street and a pipe arch from Wirt to King . He said the petitioners would have to pay a certain percentage of the off-site drainage. Councilman Titus said the question is who is going to pro- vide this storm drainage , he did not believe the Town is prepared to construct this at this time. He asked if the petitioners are aware of the cost of this construction. Mr . Chapman said this was very briefly discussed and they consulted with the Director of Public Works, attempt- 39 MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1973 MEETING . ing to get an estimate of what the petitioners ' pro-rata share of off- site improvements would be. He believed that whether or not the pe- titioners would be willing to contribute to this storm drainage would contribute to the economic feasibility of the entire project - if it would be anything like $200,000 , then it would be economically unfeasi- ble . He said that , if they can get some figures , then they could de- termine if any adjustments to their plans might be made to decrease the run-off, such as perhaps going to a three -story building - they would be willing to consider this . They would have to determine whether they would want to commit themselves to a storm drainage requirement of $30,000 to $40,000. Mr. Titus explained that, on off-site charges , either the petitioner or the owner could provide this and recoup it from any future construction, or the Town could construct it, but he did not know whether the Town is ready to assume any major construction cost. Mr. Murray said there is nothing else to help share in such con- struction other than possibly the school. Mr. Chapman asked if the property immediately north of the Town property falls into the same watershed. Mr . Ritter said it does . Councilman Pumphrey asked Mr. John Alderman if the building he is erecting on Gibson Street is for office space . Mr. Alderman replied O that it is for lease as office space to anyone that wants to lease it . The building is about 22,000 square feet in size, with 18 suites , each from 500 to 900 square feet . Mr. Chapman said the building his clients Ca propose will, for all economic intents and purposes , be a single P ur- p pose building - it will be nothing but a medical arts building . It is so designed and will be so constructed that it will be easily con- vertible into a clinic in the event that becomes "the thing" in the future . He said there is a drastic need now for office space for medi- cal men and this need will be even more so by 1975 . He knows of one physician using temporary quarters until he can find more adequate space . The Town needs this service and this building would provide it . Mr . Pumphrey said he. understood Dr . Jackson ' s building was to be built for doctors ' offices , and it is already under construction. Mr . Titus said that sewage capacity is very minor for these. people, but it is a great problem to the Town . He asked what would happen to this property if sewage is not available . for from 3 to 5 years . Mr. Chapman said the principals are aware of the problem at this time and recog- nize the fact that sewer might not be available if and when they reach this stage . He said one of the questions raised at the Planning Com- mission hearing was what kind of assurances the Town would have that this property would be used for such designated purposes if the re- zoning tJpre approved. Basically , there are three assurances , as fol- lows : (1) This building will not be subject to modification. or use for anything other than a medical arts building for economic reasons , specifically, they are designing an expensive building for this pur- pose ; (2) The principals involved are the only principals involved - there are no hidden financial interests involved - they are planning to erect the building for their own use and practice ; (3) All of the principals are active practitioners . The final factor is that the Hos- pital will exercise some control over the disposition and use of this land. The contract gives to the Hospital, for 35 years , first refusal on the property if the principals should decide to sell it . If the Town is not in a position to give a sewer tap in three years , the Hos - pital would have first refusal if they decide to sell the land . Councilman Orr said Leesburg is right now at a critical point in the low number of physicians it has . This building would mean nothing personally to him, as he plans to stay in his own building . He said there are four general practitioners in Leesburg, where there should be ' eight . Purcellville has five and it is only half as big as Leesburg . There are two general surgeons and no ear, nose and throat man because they cannot find office space . A cardiologist came in today and we need another one . This is a very critical condition - new people can- not find doctors because they are not available -. the medical profession is running at about 120 per cent capacity . There are only 24 hours in a day and the doctors cannot see hundreds day in and day out . He thinks such a set-up where the doctors would be all together is excellent . You have a 200-bed hospital coming up - a good physical plant, but there will not be enough personnel. Office availability is critical 40 MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1973 MEETING. and he is very much in favor of this building . In fact , he believed that, for the general public , this building is essential . He also called attention to the fact that , at the present time , the doctor on call for any emergency situation could be any kind of doctor , rather than a general practitioner . Councilman Murray believed that Dr. Orr 's statements were all well and good, but there is still a storm drainage problem. He believed the Hospital should bear its share of this drainage . Councilman Orr said he was not asking for an exception, he was just making a state- ment . Mayor Hill asked, if the building were altered to make it a 3- story building , would the space saved be put into macadam? Mr. Chap- man felt there would be a decrease in roof space , but he could not say for sure, however, he felt the principals would be willing to have their architect work to keep the run-off to a minimum. Mayor. Hill pointed out that the Planning Commission had recommended the rezoning of this parcel of land. Councilman Pumphrey said they all know that this is a fine group of people , and it makes it a hard job to know what to recommend. Mr. Chapman filed with the ,Clertgdn Affidavit, showing that the erection of a sign indicating th@,E!me/ place of this Hearing had been posted, in accordance with Section 11-8-3 of the Zoning Ordi- nance . Dr . Nidiffer asked if it is mandatory that the parking area be hard-surfaced. He said they had been giving some consideration to using some stone, with curbing , which might diminish the amount of run-off . Mr . Forbes said the Zoning Ordinance requires "a durable dustless surface . " He would interpret this as meaning blacktop. • Gravel could not be termed durable . Mr . Titus said this is also true under the new site plan law. Mayor Hill asked if there was anyone present wishing to speak against this rezoning . There was no-one . Discussion among Council members continued, with Councilman Titus stating that there were other means of facing the storm sewer problem, but they were not practical . He mentioned retention basins, but said these are extremely off-base - they do not accomplish what we need. He did not believe the Town had explored this possibility . He also said that reducing the roof size would be very minor, rather than re- ducing the parking area . Councilman Ridder asked, with regard to the structure.,th: t is now under construction for the same purpose, if there is anyone who can speak on the probabilities of this building being filled up in the near future, and whether or not those spaces being provided are adequate for , the same purposes that are proposed in this request . Mr. Alderman said they have undertaken to have this building designed by an architect who is trained in this type of building. - to provide space to fit the needs of anybody in medical practice . They have provided for open spaces which can be partitioned to meet the need of individual tenants , perhaps four, five or six rooms . They have 32 spaces from 500 to 900 square feet in size . Mayor Hill asked if he has been approached by any of the new doctors . Mr . Alderman said 3 or 4 of them had approached him. in the last few days , but he has not actively pursued any tenants yet - he wanted to get a little further along first. He has had in- quiries from some local people . Councilman Orr asked when this build- ing would be finished. Mr . Alderman said about the 1st of July . He also asked if he had adequate water and sewer. Mr . Alderman said "Yes . " On motion of Councilman Wallace, seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the following action was offered: That the Rezoning Application by Loudoun Medical Associates , to rezone 1 .4610 acres of land from R-2 to B-1, be denied without prejudice . Mr . Wallace explained that his intention was that the timing is very poor. If we had sewage and the other building were not under construc- tion, the situation might be different . He believed they should be al- lowed to reapply . Hopefully, in the future , the Town will have sewer 41 MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1973 MEETING. and can possibly deal with the drainage problem. Councilman Ridder asked for the full meaning of "without prejudice . " He asked if it would have to go back to the Planning Commission , or come directly to the .buncil . Mr . Forbes said he would assume it would be heard only by the Council since all legal requirements have been met as far as the Planning Commission is concerned. If the land area is. not changed to add more land to be rezoned, he would assume a hearing could be held again by the Council only . Town Attorney Martin said that, in his opinion , the primary procedure would be to table it until such later date as any applicants bring it before the Council again - either deny it or grant it , or take no action . Councilman Titus understood there had to be some action taken in 30 days . Councilman Murray said he understood that they could reapply without paying any extra fees . On motion of Councilman Ridder , seconded by Councilman Orr, Council voted by a roll call vote of 6 to 1 , with Councilman Titus voting against , that the motion be tabled until next Council meeting . Councilman Titus asked about the 30-day time limit . Mr. Forbes ex- plained that they are not amending the Ordinance - this is in the form of legislation . There is nothing that says you have to amend the Map. O You have had the Public Hearing , and the 30 days starts from the date Cr) of the Public Hearing . However, if no action is taken within the 30 CC days , the petitioners would have to reapply . The Ordinance would not C) automatically be amended . C Mayor Hill said the Council will consider this motion at the next Council meeting . On motion of Councilman Pumphrey, seconded by Councilman Ridder, the following Ordinance was unanimously adopted : BE IT ORDAINED by the Council for the Town of Leesburg , that Section 25-7 . 1 of the Code of the Municipality of Leesburg , Vir- ginia be amended by deleting the wording in Items No. 3 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , and inserting in place thereof the following : 3 Motel $1,300 Each additional unit 100 5 Churches , Restaurants , stores , Service Stations , Other Commer- cial and Industrial Buildings and Institutional-type Buildings , such as Schools , Hospitals , Nursing Homes and Governmental Buildings 1 ,300 + 25 .00 for each fixture On motion of Councilman Ridder, seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the following Ordinance was unanimously adopted: BE IT ORDAINED by the Council for the Town of Leesburg, that Section 19-14 . 1 of the Code of the Municipality of Leesburg , Virginia be amended by deleting the wording in Items No . 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 and inserting in place thereof the follow- ing : 3 Motel $1,300 Each additional unit 100 ' 5 . Churches , Restaurants , Stores , Service Stations , Other Commer- cial and Industrial Buildings and Institutional-type Buildings , such as Schools , Hospitals , Nursing Homes and Governmental Buildings 1,300 + 25 .00 for each fixture 42 MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1973 MEETING. On motion of Councilman Wallace, seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council. of the Town of Leesburg, that the Performance Bond of Leesburg Joint Venture in the amount of $32 , 750 .41 , to guarantee the construction of improvements in Lees - burg Square Subdivision, be and the same is hereby approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Treasurer be and he is here- by authorized and directed to return to James E . Jones two (2) certified checks , one in the amount of $29, 100 .00, and the other in the amount of $3 ,650 . 31 , which checks were presented on De- cember 18, 1972 in lieu of a Performance Bond for Leesburg Square Subdivision . A resolution designating North American Bank & Trust as a depository for accounts of the Town of Leesburg was read by the Clerk, moved by Councilman Murray and seconded by Councilman Wallace . There was dis- cussion regarding one paragraph which the Laws and Administration Com- mittee had recommended to be deleted. It was brought out that reso- lutions designating other. Banks as depository for other accounts all contained this particular paragraph, however, it was the thought of the Committee that this paragraph should be deleted from all such reso- lutions . It was the suggestion of the Town Attorney that a meeting be held with representatives from each Bank with regard to this mat- ter. On motion of Councilman M m y, seconded by Councilman Orr, Council unanimously voted that this resolution be tabled and that the Town Attorney communicate with all the Banks with which the Town has de- posits , with a view towards standardizing the phraseology and procedure for the honoring of checks issued by the Town. Town Attorney Martin suggested that representatives from each of the Banks be invited to attend the next Finance Committee meeting . On motion of Councilman Wallace , seconded by Councilman Ridder, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg, that the following appropriations be made : $ 81 . 11 - Paxton Home - Additional amount for payment of water pumped from Paxton Well . 3 , 907 ..33 - Perry Engineering Co . , Inc . - Work on Hospital Road Project . 1971 Bond Issue . 55 ,374 .67 - Perry Engineering Co . , Inc . - Work on Hospital Road Project . 1971 Bond Issue . On motion of Councilman Titus , seconded by Councilman Ridder, the following resolution was offered: WHEREAS, the Town of Leesburg has four (4) spot projects on major streets where traffic capacity and safety are severally limited, and WHEREAS, the Town requests the Highway Department, through its Urban Division, to include these four (4) projects in the "TOPICS PROGRAM," as shown on attached map, and WHEREAS, these four (4) projects are identified as : (1) King Street (Rt . 15) in vicinity of Town Branch. Flooding of primary road during times of heavy rains , causing detour of traffic , affecting capacity and safety to the driving public . (2) Catoctin Circle , from Parker Court to a point south of old W. & O .D. Railroad. Existing limited two-lane roadway, con- necting with four (4) lanes on south end, and proposed Urban four-lane roadway on north end. (3) Intersection of Market Street, Loudoun Street and Morven Park Road . Very dangerous intersection of two (2) Town streets with Primary Route 7 . Sharp intersection angle and very limited sight distance . 43 MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1973 MEETING. (4) Dry Mill Road, from Loudoun Street to Wage Drive . Exist- ing limited two-lane roadway with narrow width, connecting Primary Route 7 and downtown Leesburg with highly developed residential area , two (2) schools and By-Pass . and WHEREAS, the Town of Leesburg is without funds to construct these four (4) badly needed projects , which are needed to correct the safety and capacity of the travelling public , and WHEREAS, the Town of Leesburg is willing and able to supply its share of cost of 15% of construction costs , and WHEREAS, the Town certifies that its population is greater than 5 ,000 persons , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg, that the Town of Leesburg hereby respectfully re- quests the Highway Department to include the four (4) projects O listed above in its "TOPICS PROGRAM. " Cn On motion of Councilman Titus , seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the third paragraph from the end was amended to -add at the end, before the word "and" the followi.p�• "and rights-of-way acquisition. " The reso- lution, as amended, wa unanimously adopted. On motion of Councilman Pumphrey, seconded by Councilman Titus , the following resolution was unanimously adopted, after some discussion with regard to the fact that each change seems to be taken into account separately and with a request by the Mayor that the Town Manager and the various committees keep a status report on such projects : WHEREAS, Dewberry, Nealon and Davis has been authorized to pre- pare plans on the widening of Route 7 in the vicinity of Catoc- tin Circle , and WHEREAS, the Highway Department has requested certain changes in the design of Rt. 7 to conform to the ultimate design of the Ur- ban Project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg, that Dewberry, Nealon and Davis be authorized to pro- ceed with the changes in design to conform to State Standards , at an approximate cost of $5 ,000 . On motion of Councilman Titus , seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, the following resolution was unanimously adopted after some explanation by Councilman Titus and Mr . Forbes : BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg , that the plat of Resubdivision of Lots 154 and 155 , Section 3 , Leesburg Country Club Subdivision, be and the same is hereby approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk 'of the Council be and she is hereby authorized to affix her signature to the plat as evidence of said approval . On motion of Councilman Titus , seconded by Councilman Pumphrey, and there being no objection to considering this matter tonight, Council voted unanimously that Mr. Edwin Cross be appointed to the Environmental Advisory Committee of the Northern Virginia Planning District Commis- sion, to serve the unexpired term of Mr. Herbert L . Ridder. 44 MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1973 MEETING. On motion of Councilman Wallace, seconded by Councilman Ridder, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg, that an- amount of $400 .00 be appropriated from the General Fund-Personal Services to pay Robert Forbes a bonus while conscientiously serving in the capacity of Acting Town Mana- ger during the absence of the Town Manager during illness in the past fiscal year. - TowviManager Ritter expressed his appreciation to Mr: Forbes for the fine job he did, both during his illness and during the time he was on vacation . He assured Council that his vacation was• not taken "at just the right time" intentionally . Mayor Hill concurred in these re- - marks and commended Council members for attending the many special and called meetings held during the past weeks. On motion of Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Murray , the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M . - 1 Motor` / ,get Clerk of the Council- I I l'- L:,-,zsV� g?? 0, 1VaV<af:bVn!nV!V;; V�VGV1,,7V-VVr=•4J-:,V<VVy✓;oVnVJCV,'VJVJn1VV�§;,drV,iV t✓;:OVt,.;,J-V..i.V-c✓aG v4 0 p 1, 0 Veterans of Foreign Wars )'4 ( Loyalty Department aMAYOR'S PROCLAMATION 0 WHEREAS, The citizens of this city are extremely loyal to the ideals, traditions and institutions that made this nation so great, and a'0 0 WHEREAS, Their obvious appreciation of our way of life is indicative of a strong, 0 continued desire to preserve our priceless heritage by all means, and a, 0 WHEREAS, They will be more than proud to stand up and let it be known that they 4' q believe in responsible citizenship actions if we are to successfully 4; safeguard our inheritance against any foreign or domestic enemies, now I 4i THEREFORE, I . - -- . G . Dewey Hill Mayor of the Cityc of Leesburg do hereby call upon all my 0 fellow citizens to take full advantage of the special occasion known 0 0 as LOYALTY DAY, celebrated annually throughout the nation on the first a, 0 day of May, as an incentive for every true American to reaffirm publicly his and her love of flag and country; and I do urge that all i � individuals, schools, churches, organizations, business establishments a' ‹g and homes within my official jurisdiction display proudly the Flag of 0 0 the United States of America and do participate in patriotic Loyalty - 0 0 Day activities which are to be co-sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign 0 0 Wars of the United States, and others, on LOYALTY DAY, May 1, nineteen ' ' hundred and seventy-three. C 0 (Signe' .00' %��ai� 0 i Mayor 4' / .� II (Attest) ./�/..,_._. �) A�-'�.,/ .aij :art:tied/ `, Q� • Townes �� C��iUVUUnr(crririU"cr^r^r" "vUnCr r�c�c�"r^rc�rricflniVc^'iarVRRRRE