HomeMy Public PortalAbout12-11-1997 Ground Lease- American Towers1. PROPEIITY ACCf,SS 1€ G( Iett O"n +r. i .t. t **, & GROUND LEASE .{GREEMENT THIS-$f{OUND LEAS-E AGREEMEP.IT, trereinafler Leise Agreeraenl made this //fday of llftrrnot\" , 19_49, by and bctwceu THE Ct.ty OF TYBEE ISI-ASID, a musiffico-rpo$tion of tile Statc of Ccoryia, herei,after designated as Lessor, and NEXIiILSOUIH CORP., a Oeorgia corporirion, hereioafter rieiignared as Telaot, RECITArc: WHEREAS, thc installation on l*.ssor-owned property, of equipuent, inoluding atrtenna and ccll faciliries and related eqsipmerr, o elitti tne prdvjiim ol oobile telerornmunic.ltioos and high-capacity teleoommunicauons seMces es well rs other raleconmunicEtions services will improvc the quality arr.l avsilability of thesa sorvices i! the city by irnproving the 'ccaseibility of antqrna arrd aell sites aad the connection of such siteq and, WIIEREAS, the use aod ioshllatioa of such lacilitigs ard equifmgnl rfl l prwide fur the rleploym.ear of iurovative te&nologics scrvjrg rhe diverse needs of Bre C:ig/s resiclelts and busiuosses by proviling practical serviee for eviryilay commuaicationr as wlll as acccss ro emat3ency scrvicrs, hcalth EcrvioeE cornmcrciel busiDrsscs Bud rcsiden*q ald, WIIEREAS, the availability of such facilities will provide redundancy and route diveoity aud an alterarivc ro tradiroral telephone services irr the event cf loc;lized or citywidc disasier, aud WHEIIEAS, ruitlblc besor.owncd pnrperty located near the police statioo ut. pbee lslard, and nor bcing utilized for orher pubiic fiurposas bas been identified on which to site a comnrunisaliont towcr, ard, . . WHEREAS, kssor coveaatrb that lrssor is seized of good and suffcient title and inlerosi to the Pr(perty, as lrgrcinafter defirred, rnd has tull autfiority to entcr iflto and cxccute this Laase_Agreerncll rnd furttcr covcntmts that fh€rc arc ao othir liens, judgrneuts or impedimcnts of title or tlre propenyl NOW THBRDFORE, t13R AN[, lN CONSTDERATION of the rnuruet ac'venants and conditions set fonh hsreiu, and other good aud valuable colsideratim, tLerec+ipl rind sufficiency cfwhic"h is herebl. ack,owledge-d, the partics hereby "gr* * folil; r.-,r -.,^^ ..--F*:l he.r,1b1 f3ases [o -fenanr aud,l'enart leases trom lessor that specifrcrano rreE! xerelnE .er called the properry, identificd aud dcscribed in anached Brtrftit ?,,,vhioh js located in rhc City of Tybce Llanil, Georgia for the rern, and at rhe reJ, anJ rpon 0HtGtflAl ill ofrhe conditioos End agreemeols set forth hsreio. Exsluding cLcurrlstaoocs atrdlor svcnfs bcyood the control of I-cssor, noncxduive acccss to the propcr! j[cl$ding ilgfes and cgres fiom publicroads through proporty owncd by l*ssor will be #ailablo 24 boln a dEy, 7 da5t a week by foot or by molor vehicle. _ Lessor grallB 'felraut dre right ond easefiEBt to usa adjoiaing atd adjacelt I-cssor-owncd propcrty idcnrificd nrorc frllyin Exhibit ,B',, attached hereto and incorporated by reference bercin, u is reasonably required during mnslruction, installatioo, rnainEaalce, and opunrCol of the coslmuuicariou l?cility, provide.d, horewr, that Teuart sball indemnifr and hold harmle$s l.essor &orn arry and all loss or damage arising solely Aom Tenant's use of said rigbt and eascmcnt gnntr.d hereil, By taking possession of tle Property, TeaaEt accopts it iE thd colditioD ir wh.kh it may tben be, excepl for latent or Lidder detect! and waives any right or clair against l,cssor arising out of thc Property, including, the imprcvemeots thereou, tLe ePpulleraacos threto, atd Se equlphetrt thereon, The Lessor hereby ropresaE etrd warratrB to thc Tcnant t&at, 10 lhc b€st qf its knowledge but withoul iovcatigrtior. the Property is not conlamiflf,t€d in violation of applicable laws by bazardous malerial\ hazudous wuste or haarrdous substalcet. 'l'enant hereby covcnants aDd agreos that oo or tter th. dit. hcrcof, it shall not introduce in or ou the Property in violatioo of appiioahlo .la,,ro auy hazardous substaxcss, hazardoss n:aterials or lazardous westes, ald agrces to iudemni! aud hcrld harrlcx l-essot fron nny and oll los or damage catsed by violation of guch mvelant. 1. NECASSARY UTILITY I'ACILITIE$ , 'l'enaht shall havc accts, consistert *ith the term of the l-ease AqreemelLtoa , /,1" q [q) ._._ foo{ rig}t,of.rray over, uoder or alon g a gtr teol.lti, e tbot { u?sJ erea adjaccrt to the l-easc p&rcet, as shorn on E*ibil ,'C' anacf,bd, Ior tte inslalladon and mainrenance of utility v/ireq cablcs, conrluis ald pipes, Tenent *hall pay for all rhar-ges for elecricity and orher utility services rsetl by ienaat oa &e froperty (iucluding t}e rigbt to iustrll, or have iutatled, a backup eleariial ganorator rolell, ior thi use. of the Tenzot), the liability aad indeornity raquiraments as providcd fpr il sectior 12 and the. irsurarc€- reguirernenc as provided {or in sectiou 13 shall also apply to Terunfs use of thc right-of.way. . I-esso: also hereb) granrs to Tena$t tlre rigLt to survey said prop€rty, and the legal description on sald suNcy shall then become Exhibit ,D,, ;Lie $ali Ue arachea Uet3ig g! made a part bereof, inrd shall conlrol in the event of d,ixropaocies batwcen itand Fxhibjts Irssor grants Tonant the dght to take, measuremetrt$, fiakc 3. RIG}IT TO SUTiVU,Y calculatioas, aud b lote othsr skuctur€s, ,etbao}r, $ses or stler iuformation as deeued byTemlt to be rclierant ald pcrtiicDt ela, at such fuformatiou rclatcs to Lcslo,t's rl,iploperty, lerscd or ottrenrise abuttilg or nrrrouadiDg thE prsPerty. Cost for suc,h xurveywrk eball be bome by Teaaat 4. IETM TLis l*ase Agreement ehall be 6or au id6al reru of five (5) yean begiorrirg on lLe darc rtrc I,€a6o Agre@est is enifited by thc Mayor oI ttre Ciq oi iitcc Isl,aid. Si lory ae-no dciault sxists ir Ten.nt's obligatioos Lercuadir, this t*ase Agree'elt rl8ll har' tbrce (3) rcncual u,rms of fve ($ yean aac\ whic! rclcrats sXr[ autoiraticaly ta&o efta upon epiretioa of tln prior tcru, pron:iled, horr,,ever, after fte ialttal fgra, tbs Teuaut may clc* uct to ex!rci!. aoy subEeguent reoewal tcra I giyirg trot lcs6 tlao one hulittld aad hrenty 0r0) daya urr{ttea notice !o the lassor prior io cournencenent ol aly sud ttneffslter. Rent dudng the initial fivs (5) year term, shatl be paid at an anuual leural amount of TWELI/E TIIOUSA}ID DoI-IAR$ AND 0qlelfi{S (t12,0m.00) ro be paid iu equal monrhly ia5tqllmms ol ONE ISOUSAI{D DOU-AhS AND'00\]00iES ($1,000.m) on the finl day of the mout\ in advasct, to thc CITY OF TIBEE ISIALD or lo sucl gthel?grsoa, firm or placo as Le*sor uay, tom time-u-time, dssigaate io rtritiog al least thiny (30) dap h advance of auy re*ai pqymeat dale. The aaluEl reutal amou.at for ttrc first (5) yeu encnslon chsl be fu theauotlt of TTIIRTEEN THOUSAND NINE I{UNDRED ELEVEN DoLIARS AND 24U00THS ($13,911.24) to be poid in equal moarhly instellynents of ONE TEOUSA},JD OliE HUN-DI{BD FrFfy-NIM DOII"q_RS AND iruOgt}$ (it,tSg.ZT) as aforcsai The atnual rantal auout br the second (5) 1car extension stal be ia &eanouot of SD(TEEN THOUSAND oNE HUNDRED tivENTY.sD( DoiT{R.s AT\'D ![ryryS (!16,1:1i.92) to be paid in eqlat norrbly irshlrcf,r of ONE lgorrsAl\iD THREE HUNDRED FORTY-THRBB DOLiAT{S AND gt\looTIIS ($1,3#91t; aioresaid. The amual rental fur the third fva.year el(cuiou Sall be iu the anount of YGITTEEI'{ THoUSAND slx IIUNDED NINETY-FI\ E Do*rEns eNp szrroorns JSg,q5-5_2) to_be paid in equat noarhly ir*t ilr*u of Otre nrOUSelfO rfveHIJNDRED FIITY.SEVEIIJ DOU-CXS al,D S6\100THS gi,5SI.96) o.for""id. - - 5, BENTAL PAYMENT 6. COLLOCATION AND F1JRTHER CONSIDERATIOIf To thc cxtent Tenart offers and subleuo tlc use o{ to#er space to utrelatcde[tities a! sublersees whether in oonncc*ior with mobile servioe or for rny other teleconrmunicatioos or relate<l service, Tenaut sha)1 Frrther pay an additional ,norrthly f."to l."sor in thc form of rent il the aoount of t'n porec* itoral of the amouut rcseiv€dfiorn oacb sublesscc in rtturn tror the use of tlrc tacitity. rtrL additional rental ftc will beil additioa to, irnd not ir [es of r.ertal fees payable iuruuunt to tte preceding se"tion ]. Such rdditiooal r_cnral paymont shalt bo madc montLly iinultareorsly u*& tLe r.iorrr r*ot"rpsymeot on the. finr day of the month. Failure to remir the adrlitionat reoral palaeat shall constitutr a default:u prwkted for in Section llA.(i) of this frgss Ageemini. 7. USE O['PROPERTY Tenant agrccs to use_th? Property solcly for the purposcs of rcnstructilg, mainuiairrg, repalrlng, operating arrd removirig a coornrunications iaciiity, wricu nay inclu,ie Pbl-",*t ttU olheni as prwided for in Sedion 20.B. of this Lease dreoncu, and such ulcluty sta[ consist of a monopolc strucfure of 150 feet oaduuu to lleet Tenant!telccommutricatioos rced5, eguipoent buildings and equipnenl for corumuniaaticm, reoepuon, atrd transmissioo and appurtenalces to tho buildiug aod equipmcnt All materials furnis[ed lor work dole on ihe propcrty by Tenert shal he atTenant's soie oost aud exDefise. Telant agrees to pmtec the iroi"ry, and Lessor. fron a.lr crar.EE st cont aoor5, ]alroreE aod materiahrcD. E. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 'ltnurt shall at alr rincs durilg the tc'' of the Lease Agraeooutmaintarn tbctorter and all appunenances and related lquipnrcut io good *p-rir. iglp"di"dh ", 4 l,essor shall have the use of the space oD the to*er which does not cxceed tbe maxirnun I Tenanr, (] uuo cp$pletion of construction. Ienant shallprovlde l.esior qri]tten doclnreatation_executpd bv a respolsible Company official alJesF'hg to the structurat inEg qv of tLe roq/er 8s ir is built f,ld furlher certifi/ipg thar the tdwer as boilt pn site is of sufficient si?e and strcnrth rndEr quren! indusEy.st$nd.rd3 to_ lsfuly r.cgommod{tc the custofia4v aiterrns afmy of ar lea6r three wirelesq c.QErmu4ic3tioas sewices provide$, wiich shall be certiffed by an enginier according to the srrumural sra[dards developed by and applicablc 1o the iadwtry. To ensura the ongoing strucfural integrity of the faoility, Tenant sftall also fiaintain the tower it coutplialce witir stiodards contailed in applicable local building csdes and the applicable sttrdards tLat are published by thc Elcotronic Industries Aseociation or the Telecommuuication Industry rlssoaiatiou, as anrcndcd 6:rm Ume to timc. The tower nust rneet sr exceed curreat starrdards nnd regulatioas ofthe FAA, the FCC, nnd any other agency nith the authorit, to regslate towers ald antennas. Ifsrch ltardards end regulations are changed, then the Tenaqt shall briag &c coudidqa of thc totrcr irto complirDcc as soon as poesible but io no evenl larr th&n rhe oomplia[oe d*te as provideil for by thc charged standard or rcguiation. h the evetrt such standar& or regulations are changed, and thc cost to upgmdc the lower is excessive, in Tenalt's toslonRble d$€DDinatioo, then it filay lerminarc this basc Agreemelt upoo thirty (30) days prior writlen noticc 10 l-essor, it ehnll promplly rsmcvo tho tower, &ll Blccqonic equipmcrt, antelnas, ard other items o( per$oml property fto r dle Property, icaving, houcvcr, the mnoletc foutdation, which shall in no e\&nt bc removed. I-essor shaU upon reasonable notioe hwe the righr to ilqpsct the Propcrty aod aay associatcd communicatiom facilitics or app.rrtrlanccs lor complianoe with the terrs aod conditions of this Lease Agreeme and for ompliance with any zu* zooing or ottrer ordiranc€s or regulations as may be applicable, 9. PERMITS AND APPROVAIJ Tclsst shall abide S all zoning and otherprccedural requiremcnts governing the location of suclr faciliries. Tenaot shell, as its sole cost eott expenre, obtain atl Feaera[ Slate and looal autborizatiots required in oder to construci, opeute, or otherqise implcmcnt irs uso of the Property. Upoo request, Lessor rgrees to cooperate with Taoantil obtaining, Et TenrDt's expense, aoy licenses, permitl afld other approvals required. It is understood and agrecd that Tetralt's ability to use tho prlopefty is coniirtgent upon its obtaining al] of thc certificatcg pernits :md othct apptoeak that may be rcquired !f ry1 federnl, stare or local autho;ty. In the eveot 6at aty of suc.h applications_should be finally rejeoteit or iroy eertifcatq pexmitr lioease or approrzl issuedto Tenant is cencrled, expires, tap$gs, or is othc,rwise withdra*n or ierminated by govetnmenlal authority, 'renahr srd t-assor shall have the dgfit to terainate t&is Leasi Agrceareul uudcr thc temts and conditions prwided in Scdio; IO. 5 Prior to taking. posscssio:r of tlc Froperty, Tenaar v,iII file a site plaa fur the ]rst ot tlr: ITPery, to includc such hfor.matio! as l_essqr may de€n rrasol"bly n"cosoary.I*ssor sball bc cmporrcrcd to approlrc or disapprove tho site plal, iucluding tir" po*ar to Plase reesonebl€ coBditions on and make warranrcd adjuslme[ts in rhc provisions of the site Flao as suumited. In addition rhc site plau infomeioa as iudicated itr thr prcceding parrgrapl,all sitc_plans shall include the prwision of security fencc, to be u€cted on ite fua iTemnt's expease, ol uot less than six feet (6,; in heijhr and equipped with an amidiubiag device, coasisting of chair linft construction br siniLr but colnparalle sonrtructios whicfr *all be placca arouad tbe pcdmetcr of the property (not hduding ths easemeut). Ai LessorE discretlo!, app_ropj{ate lllrdscepe bufrr shall be ilcludcd iu tte sib pian errc.b that plant naterials that effeetively shield rhe view of the to,wer oonpound tom ihe perimetcr of the Property stall bejnctuded. The stnndard buffer shall conrist ofa Iandscagod rrea ol uot ies than four fccr (4') in widrh. 10, TERMIHAIION A E:noirstiorlof-kaqgAetq€iEent, . At the expiration of the lenn of the l.ea3e Agreement and any extemiotr &ereofl-thc _to,rrer, being thc solc posscssion oI Tsnsnt sLa[ witbin sixty 16111 Oa6 be removcd by Tcnant ar Tenant's expcnse. Tanant shall also !e66va its pen;oit frip"rtyaod fixturcs and restorc t}e Propirty to its oriEinal abc,ve grade coodiiion. wiel'oii I*ase Agrccmont is tcrninatcd, ai Lessort choii rnit ,poo lissu,,s adrance writteo rcticeto Te'ant, Tenant will leave the foundatiou, tandsoaiing and scc,rity ftlce, if any, to become property of kssor- B. Te OT bv Teualt. . Nutwitbstanding anytfiing^herein to the contrary, this l-ease Agrcement mayb€ tcrminatcd by Tenant on sxty (60) dayu prior *ritten notice unrlsr -tbc followin! cirou mstances: , (i) if Tffraut is unablc to ocaupy and utilize the properg due 6puoltc condemnatol: " _ , qi). jfTanant detennines rhat tbe properry is Dor apgopdate briboperations for technologicrl reasong including vithour linitatioi, srgral intcriercnce; ' " (iii) if Tcnant oaunol obtain or maintail aly liceuse, pernit or olheraPprovat ncc€ssary lor the rotstrudtion and operation ofTenant,i equipm.cnt; or (iv) ifTenarr is unable to occupy a$d utilize the properfy due to ad ectiod oflfie Fcc or other agency haviog jurisdiction,'iucluding without [ujitatior, a takc bec&, o[ ohannels or change in frcquelcios Noiice of'lenant's er.ercise of is right to tonrinate shall be givcl !o tessor in wtiting by certiEed mail. returu.roccipt rrqrcsbd, and shall be effectirrc upoa recelp of such notice. by. Icssor as avidenaed by *,e returo receipl AII reotals paid to said te oination datc shall be rerained by Lessor. uporr such teniination, and thi subsequetrt sstisfustory reuwal of structure and rtstoration of the premises by Telarl this Lease'fursaureot rLail become nult and void and all the parties slall havc so further oHigatioui inclodine the Psym,ent oJ moncy crccpt for accrucd indcmuity obligatiooq to eaoh other, ho*vever, all rental obligations of tenant shaU cootinue ultil sstisfaotory rencvat of struoturo ard restoratiou of prcnriscs. C. ?ermiration by Lesor. . Le€sor rray cancel this l,ease Agresmetrt u[der ihe toltoving sfuqmstarosE by Eivirg wlincn rrotice to Tenanl: (i) 120 dap bofore tle end of rlc recoud 6ve (5) year rcrrr; and 120 days beforc firc end of each five (5) year extension period; (ii) at a! eveti of default undor {p te$Ds 8rd conditlom aEal through the procedures as indio.aed jn Section 11 of this Le.ase Agreeoeat. Il.DEFATJLT ANI' EFTECT OF DETAI,]LT A, Deiaulr Esch of the follovirg evenB shall corrstitute a defaultofthis l*rse Agreement by Tenant: (U if Tenanr fails to pay rEnt or other sums hertin spaoified withtg.(10) qlr oJ rhe darc such renr or sums are due and sucb iaflure contin uei for a pcriod of lhirty (30) days after writtcr lotice is givea to Tenant; (ji) if Tenanr fails ro perlorm or ooply wifi ary oI the conditions or covenants of this Lease Agreement and suah failure continuis for a pcriod of thirtv ($\ days.after writter notios. thereot unless the performrnoe saonot be reisonably *rirJtivrtt}iq the thifly'day period and'fenant rras com*enced good faith efferts to pedorm rndis diligently prooceding to complete pe rforuance ard h-as provided Lcssor .*ith a datecenain by 'r'Lich performancc wilJ be completed anflor mniliancc aehieved, B. Effect of Delault. 12. LI.ASILITY AND INDEMNITY 13. INSURANCX A. Rcquirod Insumrce. f es$r shall have the right, if any defauh cotri.nues fo' morc thetr rlilty (3O) dE/s eft0r w it6o [otic., to provide notice to Te[ant of its imroediate teralinatiol if lhe Lease Agreemeut t p<or filty remove at Tenalt's €xpenre or Equire Teuaut to remone Tcoaal! equjpmcut, prop€rty 8nd atructurer &on the Propcrty (cxcludfug bclow ground cle.merts and foundations), \yithout prejudjce to aDy oth$ ieiaedy which Lessor odght b. entjued to pursue- PaymeDt of rent s:hall cootinue unt:l suoh tiue as tie mmmuqications stmaure and any other appurteDatccs are reurqyed aad tbe prerises ar€ restorsd to tteir prior conditiol (excluding below ground elertents and {ouufutiols), Ixssor shail not bc liabla to Tenatrt, sublcssecs ot to any other porsol or efitity whatsoevEr for aBy datr|gcs or i[jrlry fron any caue vbatsoevor, dlrilg the t€m of ud with respect to the scope of this l.crse Agreemcnt, excep for damagos or iljury solcly atributable ro aDd pro{mately caused by the gross aegligeoce or willfuI oisconducr of Itssot. During thc term of tbis fuasc Agreemen! Teuant agrees to indemniry, defend and save Lessor harmless fioor and agairrl any aud all claimq les or danage of whal,ever nature, arising fron Tenant's and sublessee's use of the Proprty, Oc adjaceat right-of-way, aad euy otlrer adjamut and/or adjoiniag prcpsrty 10 whic,h Temnt tras been grarted access; ald ths mnstruc.tion, ue, maintenaoce, or opcration of te lower, induding irgres and cgrcss, oxc€pt for damages or injury solely attributable or proxiuatoly eaured by the gross segligencc or willful misconduct of Lcsor. This indemdficatiou Sall inclurle ell costl, erycnser ard liabilities incurred in conneotion with any oJaim or proce:ding brought, including tbe rcasonablc expcnse of irrvestigating and deferrding any suc! claim. Tcnant at its solc cost and expcusc, slall procure and naintail ol thc P.roperty, ard on its facilities and-equipnrent insdkd rlrereon, todi5.iujury and propany danagc insurance with a combrued side Iirnit of at last oae mitiiou do[a* $r,ooopooi prroccurrence such insurancc shall insure, oD ar oesurreDce basis, agaiui a[ liabirrit oi f*uoc fu employees aod agcots arising out ofor in connection rvitli Terant,s use ofthe rroper,l-(an-d any easements, nghs-of way, or other of Lessol't real prcperty fut€res6), all ar prordded for berein' Lessor shall bo oamsd as an additionrl insured on rcnanrs pdiicy. TeoaBt sball prwide ro Lessor a certificate of iosurancc evidencing thc coverage requitet by this paragraph withia t}irtv (30) days following tbe date hcreoi Il ao ewut ghau the Luruls oI the poiicy or policies be considcred as liuriting thc liability of tensnts under ulis leasc agreenent At or ptior to tbc axocotioo of rhis Lcase Agrcemenl and zs a coaditiou precedent rt€reto, Tsntrms wi[ depos.ir with Lessor the amouur of EIVE TIIOIJS.{.\D DOLTARS AND 0fi100THS ($i000.00), which shall constitute Tenantt' securiry tund. Tbc sccurity fund shall servc as sectrity for tho p.rforElrncc by Tcaaat oI aII tsrms, c{ndhions and obligarions of this l*ase Agreernent ard to sure any perfurmanco failuro which oan be cured througb payment of tbe seourity fund, includhg pryorolr of &nt anil additional rcnt, rejnrbursemeflt for the expense of remotta! of t]re lelec@olrrnicatioos towsrs and aFpurtenc€s thereto, rd any orpenditure, dam&ge o! Ioss inrrurred by l^ssor occasioned by Tenants' fuilure to comply with all ruies, regularions, ordlrs, perrtirs rnd oiber dirsclive6 of Lessor included pu$laBt !o thiu Lease Agroemenr 14. SECURITYIUND PROPERTY REMOVAL, PROSEDIJRES IN THE EVENT OF ABANDONMENT A. Proncrtv Removal. 15. At tcrmination by Lessor, tomrination by 'fonalt, expiration of the tcru oftbt Lease Agreen:ent and aoy cxtcnsioo lheroot at abaadonmeat or in aly sirsuE tars€ iD rvticX thc Leasc Atrucment shrJl ceasc, the tow.r a:rd commonications tacility, to jncluitc otr site prspetly and equipmenl ofTenant's Sublesees, beiog the sole pssessioD dTeDatrt snrll, withis cxty (60) days of writton uotificatiou by Lassor, be rcuovcil by Tclant at Tenant's sole experrse. Tenaor shall nlso renove its pjrsanal propefiy aod fixtries and that of its sublcssrcs and shall restor€ thc Prupcrty to as ncar as prattical to its original aboze grade condition. I.essor ac*nowledges ald agrees tlat all iguipmeat tolrcrs urd tradr fixturcs placcd upon thc Propcrty $ thc Tenant or ib sublcssqx, shall rcmain thc prcpeily of Tenant crr i1s sublessees and strall rct be deemed lixhrres rpon rie property, Lisso:r hereby waivirg-. irll lien rights it rnay have in aud to such property. *trei t[is l"ease Agrc*ruert shall cease tlrrough termination, cancellatiol, abantoincit or oxpiratioa, or for any orler Ie$soll, at Lesor's choiop :ud upon Lossor's advance writtE toti6€ to TGtrnt, Gnant will leavc the foundatioo, laudscaping security fcnce, if any, to bcomc proper? J Lessor. Gbemise, all ixtures shall be rcmded and ibe property'sDall be restoieil'as near as pncical_to is origilal above gradc oooditioa wit+'i" suy looi aaye of tle o&stive date of termination. B. Abnndonment. , Any monopole that_is not opented in fulfillmenr of the purposes toixhich ir was intcndod and as dessribed in secrion i5, for a continuous perioil oftwilve (i2) montls, shell be conridereit nbandoned' within the canlext of this ieaw Agreernent, a6andon"d 9 shall mcal that, at a minimum, none of the three atrrcotra arrap *hich the mooopole was brilt to accommodate is futl), funcrional and operational and fuJElling in an ongoiag nraaaer the purpose br which it was originally erecred- tn the event of suoh abandonment the Leaie rigreoment shatl be cancetid as irovirled in Seotion 15. Tenant Bhall be uniler a d[ty to re movi such abandoled monopole rod uny other suuclures or equipcrt coasidercd to be a pErt of thc communicatioos iaciliqr in a naaler as requjrcd by $cction 15.\ Property Remival, If such monopotc and all rclated structurts and equipment are Dot rernolied wilhin slry (50) rlaF aiter receipt of notite lrom the Le$ror of iuoh abandonmelt, Ilssor ray remove-such Monopole and associated equipmeut at Tena[t's exPense. I.essor may pursue all tcgal remcdics available to it to insufc ttat an rbandoned mooopolE aDil irssociatsd coinudcations facllities are rglaovtd arrd reirtbursemeot of thc expeue of removal is oblained, Lcssor may seek to have the Moropole a0d assooiaed communications frciliiy removed lollowing the abandonment der,oribed herein regardless of Tenaot't ibtent tO Opente thc Motopolj and regardless of arry pcrmis, fcdcral, state or otherwise, wtich may haw been granted, 16. TAXES Tenaot is solety resPo sible for any ald a[ tas3 assessed by realn o{$3 orcctior by Tcnant of its corurnuiications facitity and oquipmcnt descnibed herein. which taxes shall be pnid promplly when due by Teaant. 17. SALE SUBJECT TO LEASE AOREEMEITJT Should Le$sor rlt aly time duriug thc tetm of this Lease Agreemen! decide to scll alt or auy part of thc real ?roperty whic! hcluder rhc parcel of Plsperty leas€d by Tenant tere.ia ini/or the right-of-way thireto to a purthascr other than Tenant, such sale shall be under antl subjecl to tllis Lrase ,A'greement and Tenanl's rigbts hereunder, I8. PEACNFULPOSST,SSION lcssor csrenants thatTsna[l, upon tre paymcnt of refi and thc perfomalce 6r the cdvenanb shall penetably nnd quietly hare, hold anrt enjoy the Prolerty fot the term 6t tte Laasc Agreement ald any renewal tcrms. 19. .AIIACREEMEIflS It is agreed attd underctood tbat this L:ase Agreement coatairs all agreemetrts, promiser and understandints betweeu Lessor and Telant aad that no verbal or oral agreement, prontises or understandings shall be binding upon either lesor'ffi 10 20. coveBNrNc L,Aw 11ris l-nase Agreeuont sball be governed, iutarpreted ard oonslrued accordiDg to the la$/E oi the Sutc of Ceoryia. 2L. ASSICNME},{T ANII SUBLETI'ING A. Assignfleut Temur may no1 assigtr, or otheryise ts-ansfer all or.any Pan of its- interest in this l*rse Agreem.,it or in thi Proporty withour -ei p;o' wriBe-u conseat of l*sor. such conscnt slt-ull b" rcquested 120 dayr il rdvauce of the alticiPated tlansferffd shall bcisde such infurmation ", th. Ciry io iis sote judgmont may deem essentlrl' The prior conscnt ol tle city shsll not be required with respect to solely iutracctP."ote q$f" or rcoryalizattons betwcs! or among mi3ority-owneal or controtted subsidktics Or affialEg otfeniliio ttre sx1unt any such tratiacti-on does not involve a chagge h tbe acnral worling coutrol of the company, but the city wjll be gived nlnety (90) days writtcE lotice of any su(h t *ro.io" enO finaii will providi such iliormation iaiatld to tle ralsaction as 16iy be ,i*on.uii requested uy rha city Notrvirhrtanding the forcgoiag or affiing to the conuary hcrcin. Tenani rn*y asl[o, mortgaEc' pledge' hyporhecate or oi5erwise tra'sfer withoui consent its inrer.est iD tlii lxase Agrcemert 1o any froalcilg ettity, ot agetrt os behal f of aoy financitg entity to whom'lbnalt has obligations for bonov"etl Elooel or in respect of Euaraotees thereot as obligadoas evidelced by bonds, debe$ures' lgtss s, similar in"tirocnE, or has obligation undcr or with respeot b lertelt of credil banke/s acc€ptaoces and similar ftciliticr or il respect of guarantoes tbereof B, Sublcttinr. Tenant in alry dilprte, cortrov€rsy or procecding at law, ald sry additio,l yar-tatio:.ot hodigcatiol io rlis t-.uase Atrercetrt sirall be void xlit inaffective ruless made il nriring and signed by the parries. Tenaut may lcgotiate rd execute agrecmouts to subleue space ol thc ton'er oE temrs consisteot with tho prwisions of this Lsase Agrecmenr ald shall eruurc that any sublcs.sce's use o[ the towor does not iflterfcre wilh lessol'6 use of the tower. Ary action or omision of a sublessoe whicb violates auy prorisioo or contlilion of this llase dreement is decmcd an action or omision of Tcnant. Lesor shall bc iuforured by Terant in writing ao less ttraa thirty (30) dals in advance of the a*icipatd date of sublessee's t,.Ling pcsession of eubleased t$Pet sPac€, of Tenant's request to sublease to\ e.r spac€ to any unrolatld eltity, Lessor shall harre the further right lo approve sublcssees, Tenant shall providc l*ssor a copy of the docunrents 11 (]u-LJ which provide rhe terms and conditions undet which the sublcssc€ will b€ rsquircd to op6rate, induding tbe rentrl amount or value of any in.kilal conhibution whic& Teuaot will recciw ln rcturn for the use o[ the telecommunications frcility ns weil is thr ternl of thc rublee.re. NoMlhstnnding lhe loregoirrg Teuant shalt net be all4htod ard shall ndt sublet fl[y portion of thc ground spacc or land described on &hjbits "A", '8" and uC" trereof. Nor slldt ir bc pcrmisslble fo,r Tenant to slaok conrurlicstiow equip e,rt 6r to perrrit any other prorider or rrnrelated eotity to Etacl conoudeations equip[etrt o! the premises describcd in Exhibis "A", *B" rod "C' il! cxcoss ofthe heig]t of tlre sec{rity fence described il Sectiot 9, N, NOfiCES AND PAYMEFI'TS A" I&lies AII uotices and de rnands, iocidental to this Lease Agreemsrt or the occuprtisn of the Prcpeny, must b€ ir writirg and shall be deerned vaiiilly grveo if sent by orc Par? !o the otber party, certified mail, rcturn-rccaipi requested, and shall be efbotlve upon receive of thc notir,c {s cvirlenced by $s rctum recript, afid slrall be addressed as follo\r,E (or any other address rhat the pffty to be notilied rlay hae€ designated to the sendcr by like noticc)t Tenarrt:Ncrtel South Corp. 6575 The Coraers Par}umy Norcross, GA 30092 Attention: Propcrty Mmager With e ropy to:Nextel Com munications, Ioc. 1505 Farm Credit Drivo Mclear. \An102 Attcntion: I* gd Department [rssor:City of Tybee Island, Georyia 403 Butler Avcrruc P.O. Box 2749 Tyboc lslard, cA 31128.27 49 L4 ts. PaYmenk, Rent shall be paid by check .nede payab)e to the City of Tybee Glaod aad mailed or deltvered to: City of Tybee Islaad, Georgia 403 ljutler Avenue P,O. Box 2749 1 ybce Islard, G A 31328-27 49 23, HEADINCS Tbe se6ion headfurgs conuined io this Lease Agreemeot arc for convcricasc only and sh6ll not bo eonsiderud in the col$ruction or interprctation of atry provisiotr hereol. 24. LF.I{SE AGREEMENT BINOTNG ON ItEIRs, succDssots, [tc. All of the terrns, coverarts, rlghts, liabilities aud ooudftioas of tbis lrase Agreement slrall extend to and bind the respective heirs, perolal rcprEs€ntetiueq successors aod assigns of lhe panics herrrto. lN WflllltsSs 'lttLiREOF, the parties hcrcto have carsed this lease to ba duly executed as of the day and ycar first abr,rve witteu. CITY OF TYBEE ISI..AND, GEORGI.A NEXTEL SOU'III CORP. Is; REicrasl,tr.- ,lP 13 a