HomeMy Public PortalAbout11-10-2000 First Amendment to Lease- VerizonI rer ^!!rqr ooralo L!8al 50t 905 6!14 v I-041 P.!02 t-gll ORIGINAL flBST ADDENDI,IM TO WATER TOWEE ATTACIIMENT LEASEAGRf,,EMENT THIS FIRST ADDENDUM TO WATER TOWER ATTACEMEM LEASE AGREEMENT ("Addendum") is made and entered inrc Us /P{ .aay of tq3rir}d; )Ooo, by and between The Ciry of Tybee Island, Georgia ('Lessor'1) ard ALLTEL Communications, Inc., dbr ALLTEL ('Lessee") (the'?arties'). WIIEREAS, oa the 3d day of November, 1992, Lessor and Lessee cntered into thal certain Water Tower Atacbment I-ease Agreemeuq a copy ofwhich is attaehed he!€to as Exlibit "A" ('Lease"). WHEREAS, tbe Lease lists tbe B?e of oquipment a]ld r}e mounting height of Lessee's Equipmenq aud the Rent payable for the Lease; WHEREAS, the Parties desire tro amend the Equipment fisting and Reat Sohedule, if applicable, in accordance with rhe additiol of the CDMA Equipmcnt which is specifieally listed on Exhibit "8", Listiua of Equioment aad TEnsrdssion Freouencies. attached hercto a.nd made a part hereof NOW TUEREFORE, the Lease is heroby modified as follows: 1. Effect of Addendum on Leasc, Ercept as specifically mended irr rhi{ Addeodum, ttre Lease has not beetr orherwise emended, a[d remains in full force and effect as the entirc agre€ment of the Parties with respect to tke subject mattetr. 2. Exhibit (B-1", Exhibit "8" to this Addeodum captioned Li$ing of Eoqiment and Trqnsmissior lrequencies shall be attached hereto and shall include tha Lessee's additional CDMA Equipmenl No additional ground space is necessarl, to accorDrnodate &e CDMA Equigment 3. Parggaphjc (i). (ii). (iii)- to the Leare captioned Water Torver AtEchm€Et Lea-se Agrceroest, Rent Palsrent is anrelded to allow for an iac,teased Rental as a resull 'rf the atrachmenl of additional Equiproent m the Torver. thc Reut ?ayment for each renewal tean sha1l incrcase $550.00 per moffh over th.e originaliy stated amounr in the above noted ]ease, and shali escalare at the nte sct iorth in the Lease Fce Schedule attached heroto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof. The increased Lease Fee shall be effeetive the date ALLTEL attaches the additional equipment to the To',vcr and shall be prorated according to ths nu&ber of days re'rnainiug in the moath. TJbIrlil0d ,ldCtnd$ ro Wnlar To*ar ,ttte.'l|in.lrl L$sa ig.r.ritt0t t{g€ I � 4. Remov4l of CDMA Eguipment Jn the event th$ tha additioual CDMA equipment is ramoved fiom the \yater Tower at 4 flture date, then at that timt: Lessee ald Lessor shall execute a subsequent Adderdum to the Water Tower Attachment Lease Agreerneot revisiug Exhibit Exhibir ,'8", Liqtinp_ of Eguioment and TrErsoi$giqLFrequenciqs. 10 refleot the correst Equipmenr snd Tr.ansmission Frequencies. Any :efttoncc to the at$ount of Rent payable shall be amended by rcducing ttre Lease Fee to the a&ount iD effect prior to ttre installation of the CDMA Equipmerrt. 5. Stgllcturol Inteqrjty ALLTEL shalt bc solely responsible to ensure that AILTEL's installation of the Equipment shall not signitrcantly etTcct rhe structural integrity of the Watcr'Iower. and that no such damage results 1o tire Water Tower due to instailation of *re Equipment [n the absence of zuch an ar:alysis or if the most recen.t anal]5e5 are insufficient for ALLTEL s needs, ALLTEL rday request a new analysis. If Owner rcesonably believes that the stfuctural iot"gty oi the Water Towsr will be ef� ced, Owner may request AILTEL obtai! e uew analysis, Owner agrees to cooperato wirh ALLTEL in acquiriug the new anaJysis of the Water J'ouer. If a new analysis of tlte Wator Tower is ratruested by ALLTEL or Owner, ALLTEL shall ba resporxible for coordiuadng that new aralysis ty a licensed slructrual elgineer or other puty acceptable to Owner, a:rd ALLTEL shall fumish a copy ofthe analysis to Owner' 6. Iu.trrference, ALLTEL agrees to insiali Eqrripmeut of types and generadng frequencies wtrich wili trot cause interference to tralsmissiors or signals from other userg of the Water Towei as may bc drcady in plece on ihe Water Tower' At Owuer's Equest AILTEL shall provide a detailed intefatence roalysis shorving porential con-flicts betwe� fl ALLTEL'S fiequencies a:rd &ose of the other users alrcady io place oa tho Wa:er Tower' In lhe event the Equipmeu causes such iserfcrence. ALLTEL wilt take all steps necessafy to correet and eliminate tle interference. If the interference cansot he elimjaated withm 4S hours after receipt of written notice from O*aer to AILTEL (Notice Datc), ALLTEL shall temporarily discr:rrect tlB electric power and shrtt dovro the Equipment (exeept for intermifient oPeration fO! thc purp,:se of testiag, after performing maintena:rcc. repair, modificetioD, replacemenl or other actiotr takffi for the purpose of correcting zush intevfersnce) and if such intedercnce is not conecncl wi&in 30 days a{ter teceipt of t}re wrirtetr notice, AI,LTEL agrc� s to re:nove the Equiprnent &om the Waler Tower arld the Pre:nises and this Aereet::Ent sbzil lenninate as if by expiration. After the EquiFtrent has bem i-nstalled, Ownr-'r shall place similar Estrictions upon interfereieso with.{LLTEL's frequencies otr othe$ using Owaer' s trVaer Toqer with O'rters permissiot, or rmder privfty of cotrtact rith Oraner (Ihird Parties), insta.lled on the Water Tower after ALLTEL's insrallation of the Equip!trent. In the event Third Parties' intprference caraot be eliminated or rectified to ALLTEL's sarisfaction within 48 hours after leceipt of vr'ri$en noticc from ALL'IEL to Ourer Oiotice Date), Orvnor shall cause such Thitd Parties to temporarily <iismnnect t}e electric power and shul doun the Third Parties' Equipment (except {or interErjtteat operzHion for -rhe purpose of testinE, after periorming maiatenance, repair, modifrcation, repiacanent, or qther action takon for tJr* purpose of couecring such interfe$tce) and if such iatertbrence is aor carrected wi*rin 30 days afigr rocBlpt r:f thr written notice, Ol ner sl-All, et the rcquest of AIL'fEL require the prty causing :]re interfarence to remove irs Llsa t,lrnd .{ddudum to WrllrTon'er AurrhmrB! L!{* atrtenretrl lngc 2 I r rvr-ntr lE! \ ttttt !taal !0i 806 Et{4 1-t12 P.001/020 F-01t V equipnrcnt ftom thc Walcr Towcr and ttri Pcmisos, or ALLTEL may, at ALLTEL'S sole discr+ioa and optior! terminatc this Agreemat upoa notice to O*ner. Tyb.r Ll!!d Add?dltn to Waltl Tot?c. A tcb'lcotLt & A8rrrrlErt frt.l e jr {r. !.Idr S.'itness ')4 Name DatE:o Witness: arno: LESSORT The City of bee B \T aglo: 4/Al tb^ tn y'do &.o- Title: Date: LESSEEI ALLTEL Com-unica tlona, Inc. Date: t-u{a r. uul/ uau a-941 By: Title: DBte: t{ 1r..lr|c, ?rbt! &hnd Addaodlu b Wrlt. ?or!r Atu.to.lt Lcrrr l|r!!o.rr?+.3 I B EXIIIBrf *B-1' Listi:ttof Equigment and Transmissign Frequsucies A.Equipment on Waler Tower to be iustalled on the top of the water tank: 2 D8844.II90 antonnas at 35 degces 2 DBM4H80 anlednaE at 165 degees 2 DBM4H80 artennas at 265 degre66 Transmixion Frequencies 1. TX: 8t0.02 - 893.97 MHz 1,. RX: 835.02 - 848.91 lvftlz Iybec Irl.rod AdldcrdsE t, l itlr Torr$ Alirclt,.nt Lc$. AErcEE.rt Pler S E}fiIIBIT (.C,, License Fec Schcdulc Built-in escalation arnount ofFive t{undred Fifty Doilars ($550.00) every five (5) year renewal term: Monthly Rental Original Lease Eirst Addendum Base Five (5) Year Ternt lst Five (5) Year Renewal Term 2il live (5) Year Renewal Term 3" Five (5) Year Renewal Term $ r,000.00 1,250.00. 1,563.00 1,953.00 N/A $ 1,800.00 2,r 13.00 2,503.00 'Iybce Islrud AdderrdurE to Water To!fler Attachmetrt LEsse Agie€oc[t Prge 6 qg. r a.[i i 'r cra rilld!llta r.9v!/t au l-!4, E'GIBIT *A" Prime lease Tybcr Llrui Adilaloutt foW a"Tqyrr^.lE tr.!t Lcrr. Attt]taarl lrgi 4