HomeMy Public PortalAbout9-31-1992 Lease Agreement- Verizon04-i!-03 0&rl8all1 F|0|II.AILTEI i ratE Losal -\..|.. &rkiTyaee,lrsto't-' :{p IaEEB-.IIIEEE arxrcllmr IE}EE.,.LEBENEU!' rt 992 h':' tEo ). aDd ("LeeEe") ls entersd' anil bGtweEn trhe CitY Sevannah DISA Celf,ular 1-042 P 00S/0e0 E-94l5 gli 6544 ) l!ip a f I rbr good ard vq luable't..dor{gi4J-ration, Le!sor antl IJessee aEreg as follows: I . -PjaDerlr- subJ tsct to , 'r the f olloui q termsr ?Rdoorititipns, r,eeior leases'r to l.€lseB sf Bce on L,essor I s :watBr iower r.tructure ('toroit') und the real Bruperty ilescribed 1n Exhibit, "&" rttaaheA 'he!6to ('Pt9Belty"). The ProPerty ls LocBted in the City bE. *rbe6 xslii:dr Countv of Chatham, Etateof cBocEla andl the Towgr ir lgqa.tecl at letitude 31 01 19 anal loncitsde EO 50 59. Lebici al6o herebY grBntE Lessee €acementgior ingresc and egieis. ito thC,j Prop€rty and ease ents forutllitiis aa is .more .FqrEtcurlalflp deseribed ia Erhibit attached hereto. : rl .$ ,. j 2. gEE* ; ' ,. { uI 'r 'i l! A. Tha proper'dy *.y .A used by lsssbe for the tranrmissigtr and zeseilb of radi o:ti.gomnru'1i cation sigtals in anyand al,Lf requrncies; the conqdiuction anci mairrtenance otrelated facilities, to$ers;, antebhae, or bulltlingci anel relatedactiyities, LeEFor i{tr'ees tor ' iooperate with teqEee inobteiniog, et Leesee's .eEpensts. aLI Iicerrses andl permitsrequiredl for l]esae€'.s. rJqe of -i ilhe PrOPSrty ( "GgvermentalApprovols'). Lessbe shaii be fe{p'ousible for obtiiaing andfurnishing proof of appro*3ls f,or. leonsEructlon of, its equiprueut Bntl t$stsllatlon of the Co-fuinuntcstutons Center, as that term is heralnaf taf, lt€f lnEiat, f rom'l.itlre fi.bbrar A$iatiDB Admini6!rati6dand the E'edleral Conmuniea tdthir $onmirsioa; if such approva!.sare necegEitated, p!io! ,t-o the , com$etlcement oE construction oEoperations by I6Esee on the prodbFtlr. ,,E, CcreraiFatr oaE rqq{pEerlt: L6€Sor berqbf Eraatspernission to tr|essee to install .'aird oBesate the follorriag andassocieted squlpmsnu on,or !,tl the gropertyi ( 1) Ui, ts :4 Cellul.ai aateflnas nlth the anL.enuaeat a lrerhanent locallon bFtween the LiO e.nd leo foot leve1 onthe ?otee}. The e:act location of ani€rrnas betitBan theaforaEald leeel8 shsll be uirppf.ieal to Le8dor tn the foum aft., t /i9h. AIr0 09 -137 THIEthis dav frbEe ('LsEe6B-). ' ! U4-'U.UJ 0 5,r?3./ 0 0 u!: tuafl] tro[FALl, lll u rIE lJ: t0 l'AX raIs L€gal I CUt !!44 t-U4I ?.gtg/g?t) l-84r lr,"opose,5 construction qtai;iirs= a-nd spec!.r.i-catiolS. p1.1-o,t, I?iuiialtation or construc{i'bni no alterEtiod thereafter Eh8rl be *.ai- witU"ut prior writtea apprgiat and acceptance- b? Le-sBor; horuever, such apprgvcl not t-o !g unreasoaably !'ltlheld ' .-A.".pf"ti =et of--ae bul!f drawipss lti11 be furniehed to the Lesgor follotoxng construbttort;1 ., i,l l2) Flertidle'.lboariEi transmission llneB betltcen aBtennas and - iellular cs nunioatlons eEuiplrest shall 'De anchoretl end lnstalled. on tha toHer; ir accorclaace with Eootl and ecceptefl e gineerinE practi ees; (3) Radlo tomrnunicrtioas equlptrert ca'ngistirg of Branemittec, receive: andl accessories to be instaIled in the eqsipmeat hour locateil ear the base of glE !es61; ln{l (4) EmergEllcy EsBoline, aiesel Qr otber fuel porered Eencrato( to be Locatedl adtj acent to the equip eDt -hous€and to be used e! fieEse6'E option. but in tosst cases olly ia the event of porer failure, r ,,.!-r(For the FurDoseE of thiE. leaEe, all of l,essee's eguipmBut. buitding, panels, gereratdi, cablee, wireg, a{tedRae, and accessories shall hereXnalter collectively be referredl to Eg "comnunicationB EquilBe+t' o! "comruEications ceEter',) 3. &EEeL8,r tr€ss6! agr€ea bhat dlurinE the rBitial Terirqf this IJeaBe oE any R€newal TEln as is bereinafter Provideil,tessee shall hav€ reassnable irrgress alr€l egrsss on a 2{t-hourbasis to the ProFeEty. foE the purposer of maiatenance,installatlor, sepair End rengyal. o! Eaia ConrnualcationsEquipnlent, It is EgrrEd, horevax r theh only authorizedengiaeers or employees of, lreB!?e, or personE urlae! I"aBaeo'sdlrect supervirioa, will be peffiitted to eater the EaidDroperty to [tstalI, lenovE and repaiE LessBB'a ComnunieatlonsEguipnent. Irsrge€ i! retponsible lat the cost of Euchactivities aid wIIl notify IJesBor ia ad.vence of, lte neerl toinstall or rcpair lti ConE(luhlcations Equlpment located on the Toer3r; Er.CEB" EOYIEIIB,, 'ia ths casF of, an ero€rgenc? !,hsEeuponEoti.ficBtion Ehal] be givetr as soon'aB reagotrably Dosqible. .{ . felrn. The terra of thig Ioease shal1 be f inre ( f )yeat$, 6.6ryaciag upan . the let Aay of August. 1992 ( ''Commencensnt Date") aud .terminating at mitlnight on the 313t al ay of, iruIy, L997 ('Initial .retm'). Lessee shal1 have theIight, but not the obligation, to. erte d tLiB Lease for three(3) additlaaal flve (5) yeer t6rm8 {rRenewal Termsn). Eac}r Rgngtoa I terrfl Bhall be oa the Btina tGtltt3 and condlitiots aE setforth in this Eease ercept that tlle Relrt sha11 bp increageil atth6 lnceptton of, each Renew{L Ter B! $Beeif,ied in paragraph €l00J I ,l 45607 -2:hr,o09-137 r!.rs ro. J9 aJra f .vt tt vau 5.C. fhls leage 6h411 airtoruatically be terewea f,or each iuccessive RtEewal TeEm ualest ,resBee notifies LeEsor oE lretsEre' s intaEtiqlt ,lot to reEeu tha LoaBe at least 30 dE'l's prioE to tha eaPir$tioE 6f the Initlal Tern ot th€ f,eaewal lern wrrieh is theb ia effect, 5. R'xt.. A. Upon the Cqlrmencement. Date I LesBor the EuI[ of One Thousautl and Ep./100per mohth 8s rental ('Bent"). R.Bt sballf,irst rlay of each nonth ia aclvance to aaldrBBB as EpeclflBdl ir FaraEraph 19 below, B. If this Leere is terninated at a time other tban on the 1s8t d[By of a nonthi Bent 6hall b€ prorated as of the date of, tErnination, and in th6. event of terrulnation for any f,eaaoa othe! thafl a6flpalmeat o( ReRt, all prepaidl ReEts shall be rBfu iled to LeEseg. LerseE BhBII psy Dollars ($1 ,000,00ibe payibl€ o! the I.eggot at L6ssor'5 C. Ir the everrtfor in paragraph I herein, 6h411 be as tollows; be Yi t:t€elr(f},553.00), be winstaBn(*1,e53.00). Leas6 iE rgaewad ag provided rent 6rre lu oech s€nE!|Bl ferm this the (i) a,ent due in the firrt Renewa I Term thal1 be TwElve EuDdred ?lfty aEd no/100 DoIlalE (iI,250.00) peE month; (1i) R6nt Aus in the secona RBne$a1 Term ahall Hundre8 aad sisty th<ee anil aol].oo Do115tE and (ilf) Bent 6re in th€ thiril Renewal Terrn shallHundrcd rrd Eifty Three andl no,/1G0 Dollars 6 . L€ssee.'$ ,, nqir,EpEeltetlonE and tlaBaEties. coyenaatE E4tl EgrBcg that [,essee's Co$lllllDieationsits installatlgn, op6taLion aad maintena[cc rhall: : lesgee Eguipmeat, A. llot irEeBaEablf rlamage tbe Trater towet gtructure auil accessoriei thereto, B. f,ot iaterf,err r{ith the operatioa of teEsor'sTor(e!. Ia th€ evEnt tbere l,s lnterference b1' &egsee, Iresseewi}l Promgt}y take all stepq necssBary to correet anCl ellldnatethe a eltle xithln a reaaonable patiodl of tirm. If, tegsee iEunable t* e1irIlartB tuch interferenee cauEeE b1' lt rlthla areasonable period oE tlme, Lessee aEleBE to Ee&ov6 lts anteanagfrom Ir€ssor'! Drop6rty aadl thi8 agreement Bball terrn{nste-luterf€re[ce shal,I irrelude atry danagc to the Tow6r,. its 45607 rl{tr A.roo9-13 7 05/,€J /00 ttlE lr:51 FAr opelations or to the ttatE! rlaitrt'ai'ned f,or stsrage -co-otalnEtlwiLhin the t8nh. ase"""-igre." tatt - it shall be fully and ili,iiiJc.if iJepd"trtil--r1' -i"v and al:l 9?'ege to. tfs. "t9'?1;;ffi;;-[i t[;-€;trh in.t to the tower and all tupgort svstens.tn iti- pr"e."""i of ft"-petEoaal Prop-erty oB IJeEEor'6 gtopetty' ;;; 6;;iJn-t;;tion oc 'LE'Jso-r js stire-d wJtet, Ertsi'.s,."t--1il:s:9 to- uiiEs fzorr tbe aeEli.getce or wiltful rri6con6uct of r.essee qr airjju;i is"nti,-e;pi;iea;;-conttactorg or tnvitees, rharl be [ae-sore r"]sponilbt!,lty ot Leesee to coErecei aD{l C. Coirpl,y tdith all apgrllcable rulei 8nd !€Eulatlons of the Federsl C6rnfrrurtteatione Commlssion an0 electrical codes of the city arrtl Stgte soacerneat ' 7, lessor's EegreBegta . a' LeEEor reFtesents aEd war!ents tbat Lessee's lutentlett iiie oi-t;i propdrti as a stte E6r the t'trstrisBion acd ;;;r;i- or - ruaio cotottitticit ioa siEnars; f,or the coustruction and iaiateaanee of telated feoilitieE, torers, anten8ee or buildLngs; and for related activitlos is aot psohibite€ .by -rnreo""ninii, restrictioa*, leciProcal easements, servitudes-, subdllvlsion ruLes or other' requirements or regulations whlch woulti prohlbit lesses's Inte$aled use of the P!6perty. Nor are there any eagene!,tE, Iiceaseg,:. rlEhtB of uEe or other encunbrandes on the Property t,hich vi11 iaterfere with or consttuetively prohiblt x,es8€e'E intended use of the Froperty. B. lesgor repEBsents and Barraats thet the fovre r lrr8 adequate BEistlng struetural fusport and iategritY to support tes66trs tower, Bat6aaa€ en(l relatetl eguipment and thst Iressor shaI1 maiataln and repair the TolrB r during tbg Iaitial Tel end anf nenei{al terr oE this Lesse, . 8. &b{tffFtr.JB. of s6nt. If, tbe (onmunicqtions Equipmentis ilamaged fol all]' rea*otr so as.to rentler it subetantltlly unusahle fot legree'a uBe, rent shdll abate for such periodl notin excess of ninety (50) dlays rhtle Lessor, at its expen8e, restores L6sEor'g Tower to it6 cordlitioa prior. to 6ucb tlanage. ,. NeF:-ErcIui i9.c Lerse. rbig l,ease lhall be nonercluslv€ a[d Legto! mty Eralt B Slnilaf ]ease to anJr otherpBrty. lessor will not, holfevet, grgot Euch a simiLtr lease if such grant w!,1I lrr.ny rraj, tCvers.'e1y gffect or lnteEtere sith XJessee's use 6f [eFsee'g CsfiElunlcatt on EgrripneEt. Ile6s€s shallrfot chadg6 the freEue{cy, poter or character of i,ts equipmentwitbout firEt obtain{ng the wri,tten conse-it of L€sEor, E}riclr Eha1l not be uBEeasonably xithneld. 4550? -4. Aroo9-137 r-!{r r. v t!/ u4u t'!4, 05,/gl / 0 0 T0E 1t:51 FAI n",el?,i,ffi ."" :ffii::;" ." ?ll'1"o',iu?t""13 irooo- ieie." seeuri,ss aPProBtLate aiproval's f,or r'eEEee'a if,iE"o"a--ii* oi--tu. -Froplrty - fron the- peiteral Conmunicatlons C""*-liiiott. the Fetier;i -lvirtl." - a.d.iairtratlaa and anv other federal, 6eate ot io"af tes',rlaeory authorlty havlng iurfsaictton ovgr L€ssee'g proposed use af tlte Propelty'i;;;;;i; -1;;bi1'rtv''o iuccts=i"iiv satisEv these c-onditi?'l?, ?Ithe occurrence of any other event which effectiver'y- pronlD1E-s LcsEee,E irtendgo usJ of, the Froperty shal1 t€lievs Lessee E loIB ini- ol:lgation Lo perto-rrn -i:nger - ttril r'eese aad tba1l - entltl'e i"isde t,5 ieititutioa of any mouthly rental PavmentB rhieh have been Paldl to [,assor. If. GonilitioB-E SubsqaneE!. rn the eYeDt that r'essee'E intend.ed ffi is actuslly or consttudtively pronitiEea, then th18 r,e-aee " ehall termtaate andl be of ro iurthet firce os eff,€ct anal llessee shall be Entitled to a r"ruaa from IJesEot of ary ateposits or Rent paid to lJessor.p:lior to the dlato uFoE which I,essee giveE Lessor trotice of its intent tc terrnlnate thir Laase ?ur*uaat to thie Paragraph- 1f. Ittt6tlEGrence. Iicssor shaIl not use, nor shall l,eBEoE permi-i-{: res Bees , }icensees, invllees o-r a-gelts !o uEe any por-tiou of, Lressor's FloBerties in lny wav whlch interf,eressilh- the operatlons cf Lesse+. Euch inte-rferettce thall be ileemedl a malerial breach of tbis f{e6se by Lessor ardi tresEorshall have the sesponstbtti'ty to termlnate saj.d. lnterfergnce.In the Ev€nt any rucb interfetenoe does Dot cea8e ot lE nqt pronrptJ.y re6tiiieo, ieFsor acknowledges that continulngintelfeienqe witr cause irreparable lnJury to L€ssee, and, LesFee sh ll have tbe rlght, ia add!.tion to any other rj.ghksthet it Baf, h.ave at lalr or-ln equity, ts brinE action to gnJoitr sucb intecf,eE6lnce or to t€Emitatg this Leesa l Eteiliatclf upo notlce to LesSor. l-3, T€rninttiol.! ercePt as otherulsethifi I{ease mar be termitlateil, ]ttthouts aay1iabl1lty, ea 30 6ays'rrritten ngtice ifolloring coailitions shs!rX,{ apply: llcense, constluct Brovid,ed herein,pErr.lttz or furtherf eitbsr of the A. Upon n clef au It of, eny coveBant ot tern hereof hy bhe other larti rcbich default is not cureil r.ithir 30 ilays of,reqeipt ol writtetr Botlce or dBfault (ttlthout, hot s?ey,Iimitilg alry other rights avail,able to the partles Fursua[t to afl:' other provdsioas hereof) i . Xf Lessce is unable to obtsln or naiata!,Derrnit or other Govetnmertal Approval [ecessary t6on and opetation of the CormunicationE CenteE IressEs's bns J,uess i ot 4560t B p 1 anytheor al,o 0 t*L3? vo/ zot vv L6'. Inhtranca an(l lfairer a[ suhroaatl"on, tessee shal),,at xrrs6e€'B Q4s!r1$€ "r purchase andl mailrlatn l[ f,ul1 force anlleff,ect throughout the term includ,inE any renara!.s or ertensionstherepf,, such public liabiltty aadl progcrty dlanage po1{cles as IJeasee may deam Eecesrary. Eaid Folley or !,oLlcieg nllIprovide B coEblneil Eiflgle llmit oE SL000,000 and r{l iJ, r}ane IJessor as aCldlltioaal lnsurtd,. c. By lreeHee f,or no Eeason Of any reasoD at all ultor providiing sir (i) rnqnthg sdvanca srltten flotice to Lessor. t4. sublersBs, After firBt obtaini'ng the wtitten consent of Lessor, Bhich conEent Ehr]I not be unreBsonahly withhel,il, tessee rhall ha"a the right to subleaee the PropertYor .ny polti.oa thareot to othcrE whose prlrnary business iB theprovisi.on of, radlio transldesioa asdl cofisnunlcatice serviceE. heasae's sulrlessee(s) th511 be entitledl to rlghts oE i$grs8* and eEress to the gropErty and the rtght to Install utillEles on tbi Propertx' as tt saiS suble*EBe ws[B tha r,E*Eee tltrdler thlE !easc. 15. ta:es, lesaeB shall pay any persoaal progertlr taxes aBEeEEea oD, or att)' [,ortlon 6f such taxer attrJ.butable tq, the eonniurrieatiotlB Cedtet, Lessor ls cxenFt from any obligation topay zeal $roFerty taxes ofl the Property aad the improvements owneil by lesBo! which are located thereon. hinder the effectiye rrEe oE the Cornmunlcations Equipment in LeEE€e's juilgment, trJeBBee may eleet to terhinate thi6 r,€aEe asof the d.ate of the alamage or clegtructioa by Eo notifylng theI,essor, In esch event, all rights and obllEattons of thepatties rhall Eease as of, th6 date of the damage or destrucLionand l,essea shall be .ntitledt to the feiftburBeaert of any fient PrePald by lressee. 18. Envt rqrnn rt l *rott"o"". L?rree rball have ther{ght to conduot an erlvl roDmqntal audit of th6 proDerty etIJaSEBE's erpease, Ine8see shaIl not be obligataCl to takepossesalotr of the Propelty unale r tbts l.case' it the enYl ro&nleDta1 audit reveals that the property COat!in$coBtamiErntgr oilt, asbeBtoE, radoa, pCB's, hazardoussubEteqces er baraEdgus wqstes as defined by federal. state orlooal, envirooneBtal laws, regul.ntions or orders or otherruaterials the re oval of Hhish-are cesuirea or the .nalBte[anceof whlcb is prohibited, regulat€e or plaaliaed b:r any f,BOeral,state or logaL govcraftBnt authority, ( iEazardlour llatertals') L7. Comnunl catl.ong pEeat are alest If the Froperty or theroyed or dainaEeal so as to 45507 E. -6-Arc 09-13 7 aintno ruE 1l: si FAr If Lo $eBBee. -to: Savannah llSA Cellulat !artnerBhiP P. o. Bor lI77 Little nock, Arhsns as 72243 $ttenti.onr R€al Estats Depattmeut 19, lflotiees - Alt notlces, regue3la' deEts'as antl -otber comaulicatioas aerauni""-- si,Erl' le--rn wiitl-ng and -eh-atl "be;;;"di-;r;;;--ir 9"t" oo-ui1y aerlvereo or ruailrl[' cettifiet! na11' ;;ilil iicifpt r6quested,-to the f,olLosvlng adclreggtlat If !o !,eggo r- , to: Citf Of 'IYbae Island, Georgla ?. O, Bot 123 lTbe€ r61and, GeotEi'a 3I328 (9ra) 786-{571 20. Title .auit Qui-EL Enj ox'6Bnt- A. L,6HqOr wArrantE tbat (i) it ira$ f,uIl right, Po!{el I ana auilrority- to eteculiq thiE l,,eaEe; (ii-) it has good..and uteucumbered -tille to the FroPerty free and clear of any liens oi-roottilsea; (iit) the rropeitv canstituteE a legel lot that tniy u. i"ise-a wttrrtut tha aieil ior anr subdleislon or plsttinE ipi.o"ar-,- -anO (iv) that r..esEge she1l harre tbo qLtiot enjoy Ent oi the Proparty durl.ng the teitn of tbis 16888. B. !,essee has the right to obtain a tiltre r€pof,t or cunmritnent for a lseEehotrd tltle policy from a tille ineuEaEce iinpa"y of its caoice. If r ia - the -o-Pi:'1ion of, lJets66, such titie "regrort Ehqrd6 rar defectE or title or any lietrs otr erlcu(bruttes thich advezsely affect Lessee's usc of the Frqpert aE Le$see's ability to obtain leaBeLoltl finaocing, r,eiiee thall lrave lbe riqht to cgtrcel this Lease irmedlatelv upoa wrltten notloe to LessoE. C. Lessse shall also have the rlght to havo the Frolrcrty rufvcl€d 8na to have 3oi1 borlrrgs and aualysls testsruR. In tbB eveDt that any defests ard ahoxn by the aurvey orthe soil arrtly8l8, whlch ia tbe opinloa of th6 LeEsee, . Ba!' 8&vergely af,fsct X,ersee's uisa of the propelty, Lessee shall have the right ts cance! this leas* innadiately upon writteD uctice to t e55or. 4550r rb -7-P.LrO09-13? 04-i0-!3 08:?1er .tt0r)-!![]El iolr 6lEral llJ I YIJC 0!.1+ e other, $dthia 10 iaformation as th€ 21, 4E aismtrEnt !.ed--E-r&leteeE-. Asry EubleBse or AEalgnment ot ltriffinto by rresgee strarl be Eubject t; trre p-tJvisions of this r,eaae. A0dittonallvl t3rl99^-I"Yl upon notlce to lresso!, noltgage or grant- a securlty iuteEeBt ln iie conrmusicattons Cetrker, -aaa rnay asslgn th6 Conrnuniqatlons Ceater to aay rual rnorEgabees or dolders'of securlty luteregts i".irains --irrJt i suc6aJ*ors and . asaigns (hertiraEtsr collectiiely refetretl to 8s 'Mortgagees'). U2. Encce3rors aof, ArEi,qEE- fbiB la'!E shall Eun wlth the rrope:t@e" - ThlE l.edBe BheLl be binclins """il- ."-a i,.ute to the-uenefit of the partiee, their reepective iircceEsorg, Personal rePresentatives a$d aseigne' ?3. ltlEctl]'atreous- A. aach paitr ags€es to furriih to th dage after regulct, Euch truthful estopPel otirer raay reas6nabllr le$lcrt. B. ThiB f.,ea8e constitute6 the entire aEreesent afld underEtanAlDg of the Parties, srit $uperrcdes i11 of,fers, negoEiattotrs- BlId other agrc6&enE8. There are no ieiiereniations oE unalerstraaings of, any kind aot set 'fotth ill;i;. Aay araendmants to rrie-Leaee muet be ta writing aaa Eracute(l by both 9s!tie6, 6. rf alther is represe[ted bv a real estate brotrer in this transactlon, thrt Palti Eh81I be ful1y rasponslb1e for- any f,ee alue such broket ana dnatt hold the othe arty har leBs frcn an$ clalms f,or eoruniEeioi bl' suoh brok6!. D. Iresaol agteeE to cooperaLe eith L6sgee in erecuting any dlacumenti neceirtry to Plolect lressse's rl'ghts urzde-r thls Leisa or x,e8Eee's uBe of the Properly a$d to take aBy further actloa whlch leeee€ nray reasonably requi!e aB to gffcgt the int€nt of thls Le8sa. E. Ehis tease sball be cotstrued in accoraaRca with th€ laws of, the state of GeotEia. B, If aly teflo of thiF LeaEe is fouaai to be void or invalldl, such iaiatldlitv shalt not aff,ect the rerngin{ng terng of, thls Lease, whicL shall coatirlue in fu1l forcc aril eff;at- {550t a\ 4L005-137 I I 05/,*tr/00 TUE 1Jr52 FAI v AEE6T: By T1 t1 DATED AS OF TI{E DATE TIRSI SET PODTH ABOVE. I,E6SOR: t-D4z P.0i/020 F-!4I lHE CI?T OT TYI'EE TSIAND, 6EOBG G. Foltrowing the e=ccution of thir Lease, eitshgr Patty,at its gole EaDensa, EhsII be eBtitlea to fl1e a UesoraBdurs of rJEaEe oE recolit !.n thG county rsheEe the DroEerty x3 located. 1E 1!<AE.F. 5,f,VA}ITAI{ !{S]A CETJLUIdN PARTXEBSSIE DP 45607 -9-Ario0t-137 04-30-03 00r13?m ,trotr-AlLlEL c0r I lsgal SjtATE OF GE$RGIA COUXfY OF CEATAAM on thiE #'&M ACXXIOIILEDGpIElllr the Sta of 6eo anll a 1992 before IEe, I l{otarYperronally knort Lo )) rs. ) tlay of, Publi c BP!,eEretlme to ont ftrb 1lc aplrsa!ed Bavannah aacl t a L berespectively of the CitY the lrltbia and foregoing lDsbruzfl,cEL to be tbg act Georqia. SIATE OT IRKAI(5AS cowtv or Pur,A6ru IlnE, GeorEia who aDil ackngr.ledlgeil of El"bee Is instrunenE, ancl dsed of executedlthe sald WIrNESE m:7 hand aad the year f,irst aborze written. the City of Tybee l61and, ofticial seal affieed the daY and Eo ar?Irublic My comr* Esion ergilBE: ITOWENA 8, FBIPF Narorv PubllE. chdtilm county, G. ttv oimrft ,$€3i5f zr.+-+ee* BOWB{A A TFIPF Hfdg"r#i.'Ll,'$i,g,3U nw, G6- 7; 19e3 ) ) ) ACXNO9II,EDGMENT 45. lor the state of Arke lBrnis 3.J d"y o € &ffik, Lss2 before Ee, a Itotary Pe a a 11)' trnowa to ltrE to be the UEf, Ce1 ulat Partnetship aotl thBt the nl ,: and f,oregotqg ia8trument w&F gtecuteCl as the free and voluntar:raet lnal. 4Bea of saial aorForatlon dor ths use5 ana purDoEes th€relD nentio$ed, endl on oath stated that hG vr66 autboriue{t to execute saial instrunatrt ou bohalf of, the corpbretlofl. I WI?trE65 ay haadt and the olEicial seal affired tha dlay anit year fir6t ahove writteq. Not a!y 1ia j i. -a \'.i ^\ lsn elBlreg:..4i --= -10-e]ro69-137 +., v4-tv-u9 ut;toe|n , Itc|rlAtttll 1,9 alg tnSat gl/ I uu, b 144 t-u1! r. u I u/ulu t-u4r '.t,.. II(ITIBIT ..A' "EGAE DE6CRI9TION LEaEE &AEA, T YBEE fSLASD, GSOXGIA ATI., TSAI CERTTIN IOT, INACT' Otr PA.RCEf, OF IJA}ID EITUATED, I'YING A}iD BEIIO IIT fiTE s:rE G.I!t. DISTEI CT IIl THE CIf,Y OE TTBEE ISIJ}-ND, CH}T}IiM COI'N"Y, GEOX,€'A, IAIICG A PORIION OE BT'OCK 42, TORT SCN,EiTEN WAND AS EFOIIN OA A SLAT AI{D RECORDED IN PIAT BOOX CC, FAGE 2t15, DA?&D.rrrlrE 22t L979, r4 xltE OFBTCE OI' TgE CLEAR OF COI'RT, CHAIrSTIIT CO{INffi COUN}HOUEE, BE]$G TIIAT TIACT OT ],AI{D IIIOBE PARTICUTTAAY DESCBITSD AS FOLISI'TS : COId!,{ENCII{G AT TIIE IRIERSECTION OF TTIE WESTABE RIGITT-OT-WAY IiINE OF VAN IIORN STSIEf AICD IXI1E NOTTHERN RIGHT.OF-WAY I.ISE OF TOBI AIIENUB EE II{G DIARKED ST AN IRON PIPE, CON?INUI$G T}IENCE AIICINGrHE NORTHERN RIGHT.OF;WAY tINE OF TORT AVENSE S 60"39'39U W A DISTAHCE Ol. 152,03 FEE? Tt A POINT; THENCE N 32032.00" I{ A DISTANSE OF 35.63 TEET TO A PQI$T EEXNG R}IOITN A5 THX FOIIEf OT BEGII{FXNC EOR tHE LEASE AREA; TIIEI{CE S 57'28'00,' W A I}ISTANCEOF 3.8.00 EEET IO A POINTI THENCE N 32432'00" l( A DISIAIICI Or60.00 ItEEf, TO A FOIIflT; TfiENCE N 57"28'00" E A DISTANCE OE 1s.99FEEI lO A FoIltT, THEnCE S 85"23,07" E A DISTAnCE Or 29,78 rEEt TO A PDINT; rIIENCE 5 32032'00" E A DISIANCE Of *2.46 FEEI TO A POINT; rlrEI{CE S 57'28'00n W i DIS,IAIICE OF,6.00 ttlT TO A FOINTEEING DESCRIBED AEOVE. E.S THE POINT OT BEGTENING, SAID I]EASE AREA CONTATNI}IG O.O5O ACRES. THE SAID.TRACT As A T{H0IIE Is BoU}IDED A6 FoiLows; oN THE NoRlH,souf,g, srE6T AI{D EASI By I*ISDS ilOW OR FOB!,IERI"Y OF rHE Crfil o!.rYBEE ISLAIP. {i60'r -11.-AIr009-137 +" rJil-J u-u!u!; agJll Ireir^LrILL vY r LEOI!, DESCRIPTIO!{ UTITIIA ARD ACCEES EASEPIEI{1} fYEEE X6I,AHDI GEORoIA AIjL SHAT CERTAIII tOT. {RAET ON. PARCET O? I,}ITD 8I}UASED, LYING AND BEITIG IN TIB 5mI G"H' DIETIICT I1{ IHE CITr OE EIfBBE ISLAND, CHIfBAI,I COUtrff' GEORGIA, BSING AiSoRTfON OF BLoGK 42, FORI SCRESEM I{AND AS SIIO}IN ON A PI,AI AID NECORDED TN PT.AI EOOK CC. FAGE 265, DATED JUNE 22, 1979, IN THE OEFTCE OD fHE CT,ERK OB COURT, CIIATTEI{ COUNTT COURTSOUSE,' EEING TIINT TRACT OT I,AI{D I4ORE PAETICIJLARLY DESCRIBED AE TOTLOWS : COI{{ENI:ING AT THE rITERSECTION OF T'IE WE8TEEN RIGIIT-OF-WEY tINE OY VAlt TIORN SfREET AI{D ltl,ilE I{O&TIIERN RIGET.OS'-'{AY LI}TX Of FOI{T AVSNUE EEING MAAIGD EY AN ITOS PIPE' CONTINUtrHG T}IENCE A].IONG TIiE NOEf,HERH RIGIIT-OT-$AY LtrNE OF EONT AYEI{UE S 60"39'39'' W A DISIAI{CE OF 152.03 TEE' TO A POTNT BEIIIG KNOI,IN AS TIIE POI}TX OE BEGII{III{G FON, TIIE UTII.:1:' AfiD ACCESS EAEE!ENt' TEENCE AI,ONG T88 FoRT AI'BNUE EIGHf,-OF*l,tlAt l"ItIB B 60"39'39'r'W A DISrAI{CE oF 20.03 FEET; TIIENCE N 32'32'OO" I{ A DISTANCE OF 34'52 FEET TO A POIN?; TIIENCE N 57'28'OO' E A DISTENCE Og EO'OO ESEE TO A POIHI; TIIENCE E 32'32'OO' E A DI,STAI{CE OI'35.63 FEET gO A POINT ON TIIE NOXTI{ER:N RTGHT-OT-W&Y LINE OF TORI AVENUE EESbIG DESCRIBED ABOVE AS tRD POIXT OT BEGTN{IS6, SAID UTILITC A]rD ACCESS EASE!@$T CONTAINING O.0].6 ACRES. THE EAID TBACT AS A I{HOX,E rS BOUNOED AS SOtI,ow6: Otr TIIB NORTIT BY THE LEBSE AREA TAOI,I TITE ClfY O} TSEEE ISI,AND, OI{ TM EAST A}ID WES} BY THE CT$I OF }YBEE TS],AIYD, OR THE SOUfH BY FORE AVglcuE . LESSEE SERSES TSAT !tr6SOR U6S TEE T.16ET NII&IXG lEI INITT.I^L gS}U $TD un nagl{s. tE8il IIEtsSor 10 $llBsururE 1[1$ UTltIrv AM ACCTSS EASfiENI A8ET. III ITIE TVENT IAESOR SIIOUT.D BAVB NEED OT Alf! TtrEA s[OflU lEERECfl AS IIIII.IH A}ID ASCES! XASIfiSHX TOR IIU}ECIPA! UsB' ITI gOCE TTEST OE AT{Y SSBSTIfiITIOI{ OF USIIIEI AND lcCTS$ E^ SEUEM A,,A, IEE5OR ITII.I, EX RE$rrRlD r0 ruRNrsE co{PAEalLu L,Tll,rfr AllD AccESs iAS}lG\iI AIXA IO LES6EE. EXITBII "8" .45 507 q\ -L?-AL009-].37 I