HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1997-08-06WORK SHOP/ MARYVALE TOWN BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 6,1997 WORKSHOP 6 :00 p.m. Town Board present were Mayor Jensen, Havens, McIntyre, Swatzell, Sanders and Klancke. Planning Commission present were Shapiro, Rantz and Coulson. Staff present were Reid, Skelton, Winter and Stone. Representing Maryvale were Rich Nipert and Jeff Kirkendall. Reid gave a brief history of the development and the task that has been going on over the past 2 1/2 years is the request from the Town Board that Maryvale reduce the densities that were originally approved in 1986. Various ideas see attached sheet) were presented to the Board from Maryvale as a cost savings that would result in the developers being able to reduce densities. This meeting is to go over the various ideas presented to see if the Board could agree and at that point Maryvale will be able to submit the application for the new PDD. Maryvale representatives showed the densities that were devised using various ideas. Also as demonstrated on the preliminary drawings they have taken the Parkway, Rec. Center and Clubhouse out of the Meadow and mulitfamily development out of the Meadow at 7W. Affordable Housing was discussed as the developers will need to address this in the new plan. Impact study was discussed. Lengthy discussion was held on the plan and the various options, and the decussion was recessed until a few items on the regular meeting agenda could be considered. 7 :30 p.m. OPEN REGULAR MEETING Minutes of the 7/16/97 meeting were approved as written. OPEN FORUM Bob Caravan requested a letter of support for a multi -use In -line hockey /skate park. The facility is seeking grant money from GOCO as well as support financially from the other governmental entities to build the project. McIntyre made a motion to send a letter of support for this facility, 2nd Havens, carried. Catherine Ross gave the Chamber update. DISCUSSION ITEMS McIntyre reviewed the Headwater Trails Assoc. with regards to Board/staff relations. McIntyre is concerned with the organization as it is set up and is concerned that staff is not accountable. McIntyre would like that the Mayor- Managers meeting discuss this organization. Ross Libenson informed the Board that the Cemetery Assoc. is getting surveys done that identify the "view corridor" and cemetary entry. The Board determined that decisions on PA 28 will be made at a later date. MARYVALE DISCUSSION CONTINUED Mayor Johnston asked for audience comments. Havens moved to go into an executive session to discuss points of negotiation, 2nd Sanders, carried. Havens moved to come out of Executive session, 2nd Swatzell, carried. Mayor Johnston asked each Board member to comment to the plan and the tools that help reduce densities. The consensus of the Board was to direct the Maryvale Developers to pursue Plan "A but commenting to the list of 7 items that help reduce densities, (see attached sheet) No. 5 is out and No. 4 issue could be agreed to only as determined not detrimental to the Wells as will be determined by the wellhead Protection Plan that the Town is working on and only to allow septic to the highest standards. STAFF CHOICE Reid clarified that with regards to the Clinton Water Agreements, the 5.5 acre feet of water we had determined to be delivered to Williams Fork will is not able to be moved for delivery to any other location. Board was comfortable with that decision. Reid informed the Board that the new water project does not include putting well 8 9 on line. That will have to be another project Engineers have absorbed some costs on the project with some engineering mistakes. McLaughlin engineers will be invited to the next meeting to review our water rights. Board approved fixing the roof at the Rec. Dist. administrative office building. Reid discussed that the new owners of the Barn Store property has approached the Town with a proposal to build a 3rd building on the property and have asked to be allowed to hook into the existing septic and well located their. Havens made a motion to deny any more use at the property unless they hook into water and sewer service from WPW, 2nd Mclntrye, carried. BOARD CHOICE Havens and Klancke briefed the Board on a Merchant's Assocoiation meeting of tenants of the Fraser Valley Center. No further business, meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.