HomeMy Public PortalAbout1977_10_26 323 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL, OCTOBER 26, 1977. A reconvened meeting of the October .12, 1977 meeting, of the Lees- burg Town Council was held in the Council Chambers, 10 West Loudoun Street, Leesburg, Virginia, on October 26', 1977 . The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7 : 31 P.M. , with the invocation being given by Mr. Bange and followed with the Salute to 'the Flag. Present were: Mayor Mary Anne Newman, Councilmembers Charles E. Bange, Glen P. Cole, Stanley D. Herrell, Jr. , James A. Rock and John W. Tolbert, Jr. ; also Town Manager John Niccolls and Assistant to the Manager Jeffrey H'. Minor. Absent at this time was Councilmember C. Terry Titus. • The minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1977 were ap- proved as written. Receipt of bids for. lease of 6 - 8 West Loudoun Street. . Bids were received at this time for the lease of 6 - 8 West Loudoun Street. One bid was Opened from Mr. Charles Warnertof Mid- dleburg, Virginia and was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $250. 00. His proposal was for a term of 15 years, the first year' s rent to be $100 per month; the second year to be $175; and the third year through the 15th to be $200, plus CFI adjustment. Improvements generally were listed, with a minimum value of $23, 700 for both interior and exterior. This bid will be considered at the next Council workshop session. Public Hearing on Ekcess Use Water Rates. • A public hearing on Excess Use Water Rates was opened by the Mayor at this time, with the Public Notice being read by the Clerk. -' Mayor Newman 'said there have been comments and questions concerning the new excess use rates and Council felt there should be a public hearing in order to hear the views of the citizens concerning these new rates. Mr. Lou Casciano, 7 Phillips Drive, Normandy Village, and who ' has six members in his family, cited gallons used per day for speci- fic necessities, these totaling 134 gpd, _ and thus leaving 6 gpd for cooking, dishwashing and brushing teeth. These are modest figures and are based on the Town' s suggested 140 gpd per household. In addi- tion, water savers have been installed .in the toilets and the showers in the house and they do conserve water as much as possible. He felt that large families were being penalized by the currentexcess use charges. Mayor Newman commented that baths every day are a.' luxury in view of the current water shortage.' Dr. James Gable, 68 North King Street, felt that baths are a luxury every day unless you have children, then it is a necessity. The excess use charge is a form of taxation that hefinds inequitable and 'not workable - it is unfair to .the' over-users and excessive to the under-users. It should be. placed on a' capitation-type basis and an allotment made, which would mean more book work, but it is a more realistic way. He would like to see a closed "ead on this .charge - it. should not be continued to meet a budgetary need which has been long-standing = Leesburg has needed more sources of water fora good many years. There should be an increase' in over-all taxation is needed. - Mr. Chuck Bos , 55 North King Street, supported the excess use charge - it is the simplest way to cut down excessive water use. He was, however, concerned about the per capita cost and would like to see something written into the ordinance to decrease these charges at such. time• as the wells .are in better working condition; Some people are voluntarily cooperating, but others are not doing much to help - the only effective way to do this is to hit them in the pocket- book. His question was what cost would be' involved in securing the information as to how many people live in each household? Mr. Joe Ange, 4 Bradfield Drive, with eight people in his family, felt that the excess use' charges are totally unfair to a larger. family and there should be some better method of.billing customers than this, whether it be by establishing the size of a household or whatever. They have installed water-saving- devices and, with the limit of 35 gpd per person, they would automatically be penalized beyond 10; 000 gallons- this is discriminatory. _ 324 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. Mr. Ken Robinson, 5 Nickels Place, Country Club Subdivision, didn' t think anyone could deny that we have a water crisis, but this didn' t happen overnight. He recalled that Mr. Niccolls addressed the Leesburg Country Club Citizens Association some two years ago and alluded to a near water problem at that time. Why has there not been some comprehensive plan or study concerning this impending crisis? Mayor Newman said two studies have been made and Council was told that there was sufficient quantity of water until 1983. There has. been nothing that approaches the present shortage since 1956. Mr. Robinson felt that perhaps the citizens and users should be made' aware of the efforts being made to address this crisis. Mrs. Martha Curran, 4 Phillips Drive, asked why residents were not restricted from wateringlawns, washing car's, etc. earlier in the year before it got to the critical stage? She felt these things should have been a misdemeanor then. She said the water 'pressure where she lives is "horrendous, " there was not even any water to come out of the. shower at her house the other day. If the water situation has been known for a long time, why has it not been planned for long ago - "This is like planning for the future when I 'm 65. " Mayor New- man replied that the public was informed through the news media, the "Lamplighter" and hand bills delivered to each residence since last April . The Town does not have sufficient personnel to make individual inspections. Mrs . Curran felt that' Council should have foreseen this six years ago or more. Mayor Newman replied that "This is an Act of God, how can you foresee' that?" Mr. Robert Tatum, 25 Phillips Drive, substantiated Mrs. Curran' s remarks concerning the pressure- in Normandy Village. This is not a new problem - pressure has been low in this subdivision ever since it was built. He felt that the Town agreed to furnish water and sewer when a building permit was issued. He had talked with Town officials several times concerning this, but all to no 'satisfaction. Mr. Niccolls said this is a very serious problem in Normandy Villate which should have been recognized when the subdivision was approved. The elevation of the subdivision is so close to the overflow level of the water tank that they get no pressure. The' 1976 Waterworks Improvements project includes approximately $300, 000 for the con- struction of a large diameter water main from the water tower loca- tion on Old Waterford Road around to the intersection of Morven Park Road' and continuing northwest to the school property (Loudoun Country Day School ) , by the school property and connecting to a large diameter main in West Market Street. The major purpose is to loop the system and increase water pressure in Normandy Village and its surrounding neighborhood. by about 8 pounds. This is not much, but it is the best that can be done without adding tower elevation. The lack of eleva- tion has been the problem for Normandy Village, not the supply. New storage facilities have been erected on the eastern end of the Town, with this tower being set 17 feet higher than the existing tank. There is currently a contract out to inter-connect this system, which will convert to another 8 pounds of pressure at the base of the tower. It is felt that construction will begin in February or March for com- pletion next spring. Even though this has taken a long time, it will benefit Normandy Village. Mr. Tatum still felt that someone had to answer this question when the developer proposed to build this sub- division. Mr. Tatum went on to inquire as to what control is exercised at the various apartments, etc? Mayor Newman said this comes under com- mercial rather than residential. She knew that one of the apartment owners had put up signs in the individual units. Mr. Tatum also re- ferred to an item appearing in either the Lamplighter or in the news- paper concerning the fact that the car wash was allowed to continue in operation because he used water from a well that is not fit for human consumption. He asked what occurred here as far as this well is concerned. Mayor Newman said we are using a well now that we have been asked to take off the system because so much ground water goes into it now as a result of building. Mr. Niccolls further commented that the Town is not providing water that is not fit forhumancon- sumption. It has a high bacteria count, based on tests sent to the ' Health Department from raw water. All water in town is heavily chlori- nated. The report comes back from the Health Department "No Exception". The water is safe or it would not be connected to the system. Without this well , we would have more grave problems than we have today. Woo= MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. 325 Mrs. Curran asked why new homes are still being built? Mayor Newman said we were informed by the Health Department in April that we were limited to 100 new connections. These were issued and we have no more, so all building has come to a halt in Leesburg. Mr. Casciano asked if there are any restrictions on water use by apartment dwellers? Mr. Niccolls explained that they have the same prices as residents - for instance, a 10-apartment unit would be paying the same rate as 10 homeowners. We have to rely on the owners to pass these needs to their tenants. Mr. Tatum did not agree on such a billing - this would be billingg eartment on ' an equal basis. He said he would split his bill with the popula- tion of the town on this basis. He asked for an explanation of the percentage increase. Mr. Niccolls said the intent was to devise a system that would forewarn the customer that he is using too much water and, when he goes a ,little .bit over that amount, he will be charged more. The $3. 20 rate was seen as a punitive rate. The cost of production is about $1 . 26 per thousand and the current rate has been at 80 cents per thousand. Mrs. Curran felt that this is penalizing the larger family, while a family of just two persons could be exorbitant with water. Mr. Ben Lawrence, a -resident of Leesburg Estates, said that we are concerned with water consumption. Those who have been around for awhile know what has gone on in the Town in the last 10 to 15 years. Plans have been made, changes made, new people on the Coun- cil, new ideas and new expansion. We want people to move into the area and be a part of our community. It is hard for Council members to take on such a responsibility and he looks at this with a lot of respect. He suggested telling the citizens that they must conserve water by a certain percentage and, if ,they have an excessive use, there are methods which will be used to curtail such excess use. He asked Council not to use this existing method, but to come up with such a system. • Mr. Phil Murphy, 25 Bradfield Drive, felt that this is taxation without representation - he lives outside of the Town. He too felt that the Town is going. in the wrong direction. He said he has done everything he can to conserve water, yet he is paying a penalty - there are 5 in his family. This is a very regressive system. Also, he felt that there should be some way for the Town to tell its users when this program will end. Gas, oil and electricity have all, gone up and never come down. Water rates should go back to some normal amount after the shortage is over. If everybody pays a, penalty, the water company will be a profit-making venture. Mrs. Suzanne Fowler, a resident of Country Club Subdivision, protested the rates set for those users who live out of town. Even though their rates have always been greater than those inside town, she felt that it would be fairer for them to pay the same rate plus a flat rate. The penalty for those outside town is an even greater one than for those inside town. She did not think this is equitable. Question was asked if there has been any appreciable decrease since the publicity to curtail use? Mayor Newman said it has, in fact, the Town can pump only about 680, 000 to 700, 000, gpd, compared to a normal 1, 100, 000 gpd. They are trying to get this down to 550,000 gpd so that they might have water for fire protection. Mr. Ange also felt that if usage is down, then there is loss of revenue. Mayor Newman said thousands of dollars have been spent since -April looking for new well sites. Mr. Ange felt these things should be openly discussed with the citizens. Mayor Newman reminded • that there are Council meetings twice a month and they are all open meetings. Mr. Ange again emphasized the fact that the problems should be brought before the citizenry, although he is not a resident of the town, per- haps they could then better appreciate some of the methods chosen to address the problems. Question was also asked as to what would happen if we have no water. Mr. Niccolls explained in detail the problems at the Phillips- Nickels Well at this time - this is just one of the problems that the town has to work with. Should the tower elevation continue to drop, all operations in town will be closed down, with the exception of domestic use, until such time as the tower elevation is regained. 1/44"410 326 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. Mr. Paul Anderson, 5 Phillips Drive, Normandy Village, said he was present when this proposal was presented to Council. Mr. Nic- cols stated that this was patterned after the Fairfax County Water Authority' s ordinance, but it was designed to conserve water, not to make money. He has five people in his family and has done all that he can to cut back on the use of water, but there are people living around him that don' t seem to care - they water their lawns and wash cars and driveways. He felt that perhaps a lot of the people think this was designed to make money. He asked if the car washes are on a different water system as has been reported to him? Mayor Newman replied "No." He asked why they are open then, we don' t need them. He also asked how much water is in the new tank and if it overflows or are the two tanks hooked up? Mr. Niccolls replied that there is an altitude valve on the Hospital tank - when this tank reaches peak elevation, the altitude valve closes automatically and they then operate on the new tank. Mr. Anderson also asked about the weld at Andover Meadow. Mayor Newman explained the number of tests that must be made through the State Health Department before it can be used. It is hoped to have it on the system by December 1 and this should be a help. Out of seven wells authorized by the Council , five have been dug and only this one has produced any ap- preciable amount of water. Mr. Anderson said California is having problems and he understood they were purchasing water saving devices that could be purchased from the towns or cities. Mr. Bange explained that the Lions Club sold several thousand of these last year-they were bought by the management for the apartments on Edwards Ferry Road for the showers. Mr. Casciano asked if the Council is going to further consider this water tax rate? Mayor Newman said it will be discussed at the next workshop session. Mr. Niccolls added that the staff will put together- all that they can learn from other jurisdictions facing this same problem. Mr. Tatum asked if this is going to be a permanent rate or will we go back to something more reasonable? Mayor Newman said it was not their intent to keep this rate structure, even though there has not been a rate increase in 10 years. Mrs. Tatum understood that there are some people that have received no notice of this. Mayor Newman said everyone gets the Lamplighter, it is put in all mail boxes. In addition, it has been made public through the news media. Mr. Niccolls said bills will be going out this week and, in addition, all customers will receive postcards indicating their use in the last one month. This makes mention of the excess use charge. He estimated that such a mailing could cost as much as $1, OOO.perxhouseha1ax She suggested taking a census to determine number of people in a household. Mayor Newman thanked those present for coming and said Council will reconsider this matter. The hearing was closed at 8: 50 P.M. Proposed Ordinance concerning Bees. On motion of Mr. Tolbert, seconded by Mr. Rock (for discussion pur- poses) , an ordinance was proposed to control the raising, keeping or maintenance of a hive or colony of honey bees. An amendment was pro- posed by Mr. Herrell , seconded by Mr. Tolbert, to prohibit the raising, keeping or maintenance of a hive or colony of honey bees within the Town of Leesburg and to adopt the ordinance as an emergency measure. A vote on this amendment was 3 to 3, thus defeating the proposed amend- ment : Aye: Councilmembers Herrell , Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: Councilmembers Bange, Cole and Rock. On motion of Mr. Bange, seconded by Mr. Herrell, a second amendment was proposed to adopt the ordinance as previously amended by Mr. Herrell, but with no emergency measure, thus providing that the amended ordinance be advertised for public hearing. This amendment was adopted by a vote of 5 to 1 : • Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: Councilmember Rock. Councilmember Titus joined the meeting at this time. 327 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. 77-0-19 - . Ordinance - Amending Section 10-150 of- the Town Code regarding parking next to yellow curbs. On motion of Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Bange, the following ordinance was proposed and unanimously adopted : • ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : SECTION I. That Section 10-150 of the Town Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec: 10-150. Parking prohibited in specific places. (a) No person shall park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in com- pliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic- control device, in any of the following places : (1 ) On a sidewalk; (2) In front of a public or private driveway; (3) Within an intersection; r (4) Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant; (5) On a crosswalk; (6) Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; (7) Within thirty feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon,_ stop sign or traffic-control signal 1bcaEed- at Elie side of a roadway; (8) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty (30) feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless a different length is indicated by the official signs or markings ; • (9) Within fifty (50) feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing. (10) Within twenty (20) feet of the driveway en- trance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within seventy-five (75) feet of the entrance when properly signposted; (11) Alongside or opposite any street excavation • or obstruction when such parking would ob- struct traffic; (12) On the roadway side of any vehicle parked at the edge or curb of a street; (13)' Upon any bridge of other elevated structure upon a street or highway, or within a tunnel ; (14) At any place where official signs prohibit parking. (15) Alongside any section or portion of a curb which is painted yellow. (b) No person other than a police officer shall move a vehicle into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful.. - 3 2 8' MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. SECTION II. That an emergency is declared and .this Ordinance shall be in full force and. effect . from and after its passage. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, . Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. . Nay: None. Proposed resolution to grant waiver of site plan requirements for Radio WAGE. On motion of Mr. Titus, seconded by Mr. Rock; a resolution to grant a waiver of site plan requirements for an addition to the exist- ing building on the property of Radio WAGE was proposed: A roll call ' vote defeated the resolution: Aye: Councilmembers Rock and Titus. Nay: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell and Tolbert. Abstention: Mayor Newman. 77-195 - Resolution - Authorizing advertisement for Proposals to lease, establish and operate fixed base operator services and. facilities at Leesburg Municipal Airport. On motion of Mr. Bange, seconded by Mr. Cole, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : SECTION I. The annexed ordinance entitled "An ordinance granting a lease to , its suc- cessors and assigns, of certain property at the Leesburg Mu- nicipal Airport in Loudoun. County, Virginia" shall be adver- tised once a week for four successive weeks in the Loudoun Times-Mirror, a newspaper published in the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, and having a general circulation in the Town of Leesburg; and that said advertisement shall invite bids for the .lease proposed to be granted in the ordinance and pro- . posals forthe establishment and operation of fixed base operator services and facilities at Leesburg Municipal Air- port. SECTION II. ' The public notice to be published with said ordinance shall be as follows : "The Town. of Leesburg. in Virginia hereby invites sealed bid proposals for the lease proposed to be granted in the following ordinance. The public notice invitation for pro- posals and proposal form constitute the invitation to bidders for the lease and operating agreement and are available in the office of the Town Manager, P. 0. Box 88, Leesburg, Vir- ginia 22075, during regular office hours . Bids are to be delivered to the Mayor of . the Town in open session of the Council , to be held in the Council Chambers of the Town on December 14, 1977 , at 7 : 30 p.m. The successful bidder shall pay the cost of this adver- tisement. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids , to waive any informalities and to award the lease in the best interest of the town. " Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus , Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: None. 77-196 - Resolution - Authorizing preliminary well site appraisals . On motion of Mr. Bange, seconded by Mr. Herrell , the following resolution was proposed and unanimously. adopted: RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. 19 2 SECTION I. The Manager is authorized and directed to enter into a contract not to exceed $1500 for preliminary real estate appraisals of potential well drilling sites. SECTION II. An appropriation is made to Account No. 10300. 816, New Wells , in the amount of $1500 for fiscal year ending June 30, 1978. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: None. 77-197 - Resolution - Authorizing additional engineering services for cathodic protection as part of1976Water- works Improvements. On motion of Mr. Bange, seconded by Mr. Cole, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : SECTION I. The October 1977 report on Project VII, Cathodic Protection, 1976 Waterworks Improvements for the Town of Leesburg by Bengtson-DeBell & Elkin, Inc. , Consulting En- gineers and Surveyors , is accepted. SECTION II. The manager is authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Bengtson-DeBell & Elkin, Inc. , for engineering services necessary for preparation of plans, specifications and contract documents for installation of a permanode cathodic protection system in the town' s two water storage tanks at a cost not to exceed $4, 100.00. SECTION III. An appropriation is made to Account No. 50000. 803, 1976 -Waterworks Improvements , for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978 in the amount of $4, 100. 00. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. - Nay: None. • 77-198 - Resolution - Regarding the financing of -unemployment insurance benefits. On motion of Mr. Tolbert, seconded by Mr. Herrell , the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: RESOLVED by the Council of the Town -of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : The Manager is authorized and directed to pay quarterly tax contributions to the Virginia Employment Commission in ac- cordance with Section 60. 1-72 of the Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act, to finance the costs of unemployment com- pensation benefits for employees of the Town of Leesburg. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: None. 77-199 - Resolution - Naming public right-of-way off Route 15 South East First Street. On motion of Mr. Titus, seconded by Mr. Herrell , the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: • RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : The right-of-way off Route 15 south recently accepted for public use and maintenance is hereby named East First Street. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. ' Nay: None. 330: MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. 77-200. - Resolution - Directing Town Attorney to defend the Town in Mother Goose, Inc. v. Town of Leesburg. On motion of Mr. Titus, seconded by Mr. Tolbert, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: ' RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : The Town Attorney is directed to defend the Town in the case of Mother Goose, Inc. v. Town of Leesburg. Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: None. 77-201 - Resolution - Making appr,opriations 'for fiscal year ending June 30, 1978. On motion of Mr. Bange, seconded by Mr. Cole, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: " RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, as follows : Appropriations are made to the accounts shown below for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978: Account No. & Name Appropriation 5010. 246 - Department of Com- munity Development- ' Travel and Training $ 400.00 10300. 816 - Utility Lines-New Wells '37 , 500.00 30000. 251 - Airport-Fuel and Lubri- cants for Resale 10, 000. 00 Aye: Councilmembers Bange, Cole, Herrell , Rock, Titus, Tolbert and Mayor Newman. Nay: None. • Town Manager Niccolls reported that-the State Water Control Board has received five major alternatives for water supplies in Northern Virginia. Notice of a hearing on these alternatives has been received, this meeting to be held at the J. Lupton Simpson Middle School on November 21st at 7 : 00 P.M. Mr. Rollins will be chairing this meeting and will be the hearing officer for the Board. Mr. Shope will be looking into the implications of these five alternatives to the Town and perhaps an item will be on the Agenda before this meeting for a statement to be made at this meeting. Mayor Newman announced her appointments to a committee to review the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance. They are Councilmembers Herrell and Titus, Mr. Bernard Carlton, Mr. Joseph Trocino and Mr. James H. Chamblin. They have had their first meeting. Mayor Newman asked if there will be any signs erected at the new light at the corner of King Street and Catoctin Circle with regard to right turns on a red signal . A decision should be made as to whether or not such turns will be allowed and, if not, signs should- be- erected Mr. Niccolls said a report will be given to Council on this. Mr. Bange said that, in connection with signs statingNNo Right Turn on Red, motorists are going beyond those at the corner of Market and King Streets , stopping and thenproceeding. Perhaps these signs and those at other locations in town might be moved or placed be- side the lights so that they are seen. Mr. Niccolls said he would check into State Highway Department specifications with regard to overhead signs and see what can be done to improve this situation. Mayor Newman announced that Workshop sessions on the Zoning Ordi- nance will be held on November 7th, 14th and 28th at 7 : 30 P.M. and will adjourn at five minutes to nine. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1977 MEETING. 3 3 1 Mayor Newman asked if the option on the Carrvale well site had expired. Mr. Niccolls -said it has - they dont .feel that _the .well is sufficient even to tie in with another small 'well . Mr. Shope said he will be meeting with Sydnor tomorrow and should have a full report at that time. Mr. Bange commented on the outcome of the suit between the Town and the School Board with regard to sewer rates for the J. Lupton Simpson Middle School - he understood that the recommendations from the committee (Mr. Martin, Mayor Newman and himself) contained in a letter from Mr. Martin were the basis for Judge Penn' s ruling. Mr. Tolbert reported a large .hole in the street in front of Harvest Leather at the corner of King and Loudoun Streets. Also, the street sign has been put up at his corner, but it is in the maple tree where it cannot be seen. Council did not wish to consider an item concerning Hercules Construction _Corporation at this meeting, but rather to discuss it at Council workshop. On motion of Mr. Rock, seconded by Mn Bange, the .meeting was adjourned at 9 : 15 P.M. 1 Mayor 1 Clerk of e Counci 1