HomeMy Public PortalAboutOpenEdge- Merchant Application- Executed 4-21-20E2 globalpayments Merchant A lication Merchani s LegalName City of Tybee lsland Merchant s DBA Name/Outlet Name City of Tybee lsland Utililies PO Box 2749 Physical Streel Address (No P O Box) 403 Butler Ave City, state. zlp: Tybee lsland, GA 31328 Ciry, Srate, zip: Tybee lsland, GA 31328 (912) 786-9465(912) 786-4573 DBA Phone (912) 786,4573 (912) 786,9465 Contacl Name at lhrs Address l\relissa Clark Conlact Name al this Address l\,4elissa Clark melissa.clark@cltyoftybee org E-MaE-Maill melissa.clark@cityoftybee.org Customer Service Phone # (Required for MOTO and lnlernet merchants only) 1912) 472-502E MarkotType: o Retail D Supermarket o Reslaurant D Emerging Market : Lodging c Public Sector D N,,IO/TO - Auto Rental tr P-card t] Cash Advance z E-commerceo Other Sal6s Profile (Must oqual 100%) Card Swiped MalOrderlTeephone Manla Keyed w lh mprint 0 a/a 100% 0% 104 "/" 0% bo D Partnership o Professional Assoc s GovernmenuMunicipality S C Code 4900 Website Address (Required for lntemel merchants) www.cityoltybee.org Type of Goods or Servces Sod waler sewer services Type ofownership: o Sole Proprietor B Corporation o LLC tr Tax Exempt Org (50'lC: D 3 D 4 o '10) slalololololololtl Years in buslness under currcnl ownersh pl 133 Do you currently accept Amexl/isa/i.4astercard/Discover?z Yes !No Does merchant accept transactions before the customer receives product or service? o Yes a No H ow long does cuslomer wait before product is rece ved? - % ot sales in lh is cEtegory % cosr that is prepayment? - Duralion of extended servEe or benefit (in weeks) - Does merchant olfer wananties, dues, subscriptions, memberships or other exlended services? D Yes s No 284 6834o Bank 844P.O Box 6079 - Concord cA 94524 - Tolal Amex/visa/lrclo iscover Sales (mu tiple ocauons only):$59AOZanua Amex,^/isa/t\IClDiscover Salesr S595.673 Averase Tickel $00 lmportant Merchant Responsibilitieslmportant Membor Bank {Acquirer) Responsibilities 1. Ensure compliance wilh cardholder dala securily and storage requiremenls 2. Mainlain fraud and chargebacks below thrcsholds. 3. Review and understand the lerms olthe Merchant Agreemenl. 4. Comply wiUr Visa lnlemational Operaung Regulations. 1 AVisa Memb€r is the only entiv approved to extend acceptance olVisa products directy to a merchant 2 A Visa Member must be a principal (signeo 1o the Merchanl Agreemeni. 3. The Visa Member is responsible for and m!st provide settlemenl funds to lhe merchant 4. The Visa Member is rcsponsible forallfunds held in reseNe lhal are derived from 5 The Visa Memb€r rs responsible foreducating merchants on pertinenl Visa lniemationalOperating Reg!lations wilh wh ch merchants musl comply. lVerchant Resources The responsibilities listed above do not supersede lerms of the Merchant Agreement a.d are provided lo €nsure the wlerchant undersiands some importanl ob igauons of each partv and thal the Visa member (acqu rer) is the ultimaie authorily should tfe merchant have any . You may download "Vsa Regulations" irom Visa atr httpsl/usa visa com/damNCOM/download/abou!visa/vsa-rules-pubLic.pdl. You may download Mastecard Rules" from Mastercard al: hitp ,l,vww. ma stercard. us/en-uyaboulmaste rca rd/whal-we-do/ru es. hlml . You may download additionalmerchant information lrom Discover at: http Jirww.d scoverneirork com/merchants/ ndex html . You may download "Americ€n Express Merchani Operaling Requ rements" al: hltp s://icm aexp-slattp coflylnte menGt4 S/U S-en/lmag es/t\,4erch a n €#1-t\,DateTile: City Manager Business lnformation Amex^y'isa/MaslerCard/Discover lntormationMerchanl Prcfile Member Bank (Acquarer) lnfotmation For questions regarding contact: Cusiomer SeNce wlthin 60 days ofthe dale ofthe statement a 3000. AtLanra. GA or ca I 1-800-367'2638 Ctolat eayments Drrea tnc - 3550 Lenox Road NE, Suite Merchant lnilials Cz Note: BLLling d spules st be forwarded, in writing, to Customer S€rvice within 60 days oflhe date of lhe stalemant and/or notice 1 Rev. Government v2.2020 Shawn Gillen "/ an Typo s VISA Credil a VISA Bus. Card a VISA Check @ Maslercard Credil " Mastercard Bus. Card E Debit Mastercard o Discover Credit a Discover Bus. Card a Discover Check E PayPal Credit (card present) o Oiners CIub, China union Pay, JCB o Debit (other than visa or MC) tr EBT s American Express 0 American Express Prepaid @ z a a @ g a @ a a tr a a a o Existing D D tr D o D D o tr $ 0.0000N/A $ 0.0000N/A $ 0 0000N/A $ 0.1500 $ 0.0000N/A $ 0.0000N/A $ 0.0000N/A $ 0.0000N/A s 0 0000 $ 0.0000N/A $ 0.2900 $ 0.0000 N 0 3800 s S s 0.1500 $ 0.1500 $ 0.1500 0 3800 0.3800 o/. s 0.1500 0.3800 %o $ 0.1500 0.3800 % $ 0.1500 0.3800 0/. s 0.1500 $ 0.3500 $ 0.3800 $ 0.1500 $ 0.0000 Daily Discount: o YES zNOCash Benefils: tr YES Lr NO[,4erchant FNS# 0.3800 o38oo $ 0.1500 $ 0.0000 Existing Merchant No.Oiscount Rate 0.3800 % 0.3800 % $ 0.1500 o/o Yo 2.8500 0/o $ 0.1500 0.3800 0/o $ 0.1500 o/a CrediyDebit Card Services and Fee Schedule' - t,tid-oralifiuo Di"*rnt _ Non-Oualilled Discount ti$ ot addirimat f66lrates en be lound on pages 2 and 4 of this c6d services Agr€ment @niract under lrr€ headings "oher F6€s' and "Assooalion F66s and AssessmenG Surcharges: O Tiered a Pass-Thrcugh Plus Pass-Thrcugh Plus Surcharges: (Non-Qualified surcharges are marked "NQ" and are per-occurence) Non-RefundableApplicationFee' $. Membershap Fee $ 250 ftronthly Regulatory Compliance Fee $ 25.00 Annual Association Technology Fee $ 0.05 Global Access @dvanlage Monthly Fee $_!LZq Voice Authorization Fee' $ 39.00 Batch/ACH Fee ' Non-SLffcient Fund' $_ Account Maintenance Fee $ Virtual Sile Survey Fee * Retrieval Fee ' lvlinimum Monthly Discount Voice AVS Fee ' PCI ASSURE Monlhly Fee PCI ASSURE Non-Complianc€ Fee (monthly) Data Moniloring Fee ' Global Transport VT (Recuning Billing) Monthly Fee Global TransportW (Recuning Billing) Transaction Fee ' CE Suite Base Amount 0.00 10 00 $ 15.00 560 Month Fee Gatewa Setu Fee Olher: S 060 4.20 1500 Chargeback Fee ' Monthly Debil Card Membership Fee Global Transporl VT (Recurring Billing Setup Fee ' GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee GP Fee - MC Dala lntegrity' GP Fee - MC CVC2 . GP Fee - MC Assessments ' GP Fee - l\,4C Assessments Lg Tkt ' GP Fee - l\rc Acceplance & Lic€nsing ' GP Fee - MC Cross Bdr Domestic' GP Fee - MC Cross Bdr Foreign * GP Fee - MC Acq Program Support' GP Fee - [iC Digital Enablement' GP Fee - MC Monthly Fee GP Fee - MC lntegrity - FinalAuth (N4ax) . GP Fee - lvlc lntegrily - Final Auth (Nrin) per Auth Pl ' GP Fee - N4C lntegrity - Pre Auth/Undefined per Auth Pl ' GP Fee - A[.4EX lnbound ' GP Fee - AMEX Network' GP Fee - AMEX CNP' GP Fee - AMEX Access t - DISC Assessments * - DISC Intl Processing ' - DISC lntl Service' - PayPal Assessment . - PayPal Participation * - VISA Assessments-Credit ' - VISA Assessments-Debit ' - VISA lntl Svc AssessmenlPurchase ' - VISA Intl Svc Assessment * - VISA lntl Acquiring . - VISA Trans lntegrily " 'VISA APF - Credil - - VISAAPF ' Debit ' - Visa APF lntl , Credit * - Visa APF lntl - Debit' - VISA AVS Only ' - VISA Misuse of Auth " $ 0.0550 s 0.0025 0.1300% 0 0000%GP Fee - Settlement Fundl 0 1300% 0 5500% 0.8000% 0.1000% $ 0.0250 0 14000/0 0.1300% 1 0000% 1.4000% 0.4500% 0 1000 $ 0.0195 $ 0.0155 $ 0.0395 s 0 0355 0.0250 $ 0.0900 0 0300 - MC Acct Status I 0.1400% o!200% o5o0o% 1!O0o% 0.8500% 0.0100% $ 1 2500 0.2500% $ 0 0400 $ 0 0450 0.4000% 0.1500% 0.3000% Olher Fees (Per occurrence fees marked with a') sociation Fees and Assessments (Per occurrence fees marked with a ') 2 Merchanl lnitials € Rev. Government y2.2024 $_ $_ $_ $_ $ 0.00 ,/ nd agres to D€ bound by lil€ c.rd setu@s Tms a codiri s p.ovded to Merchant and lno* tems tmd condilrois contained ln ihis Mdchant Appli€t@n ignatu16 ot Guarantor (please sign bslow) |tlD n0 G [,4 n! egl ignature ofGua.antor (ple.3e sign bslow)Namo (printod): , an individuar t- #4 Shawn Gilen 999 SocLal Securily t (s12)786-4573Shawn Gillen Tlte: Equity Owned City lvlanager 0 o/o Oate ol Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): 09/09/19SS 403 8ulle. Ave ciy Tybee lsland Slate GA Z p Code 31328 2 Zip CodeSlatecivEormerAddress ( f ess ihan 1 year al curent addrcss) Social Securily #:Equily Owned To Dale of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)Title Zip CodeCilyStaie FormerAddress (if less than 1 yearat current address)zip CodeState:City Equity Owned ok SocLal Security eOate of Bidh (mm/dd/yyyy)T !e: Cily Zip CodeCiiyEormerAddress (if less lhan 1 yearal cunent address)Slaie Social Securily #Equ ly Owned Dale of Eldh (mm/dd/yyyy) Zip CodeCity:Stale StateCitylFormerAddress (lf less lhan 1 year al current address) the amount of inventory and merchandise on shelves and floor appear consistent wilh the type of business? hereby veriry thatthas applacation has been fully completod by me.chant applicant and that I havo physically inspected the business premises ofthe merchant this addr€ss and the intormatjon statod above is true and correct to the bost of my knowledge and belief g o D tr 1 506120 Oeposlt 0 scouni Chargebacks Equipmenl Supplies s D o o s tr tr tr z il tr tr Rouling Number urlher comments by inspector(must complete): and inspecled by (pnnt nam€) Daie rroundLng Area rchant Location tr Other Merchanl tr Leases lhe business premises DDA,/Checking Accoun#: 2044497272Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 o Yes DNo tr Retail Localion with Store Fronl !r Office Buildlng o Residence tr Commercial tr lndustrial tr Residential u Owns the Merchant use a Fulfillment House? a Yes E No lfyes, wasthe Fulllllment House inspected? o Yes 5 No Sales Rep Code 6329 Sales Phone Number Sales EmailAddrcss Amex Acceplance Z YES UNO Amex Ma*etiflg o YES C NOAmex annualvolume < $1,000,000 O YES ONO Personal Guaranty Ownor/Otfi cer lnfomation Co.pf"i" O*n"iiOmcai lnformation must be present for all Equity Owners with 25% or graator equity in the business and for any person(s) with authority or conlrol. An olner or person with control listed, must be lhe one to accept the agreement at the end ot this applicat on. Bank lnformation (Attach Voided Check or Bank Letter) Merchant Site Survey Report (To be Completed by Sales Representative) 3 [rerchant ln]tials C- Rev. Governmenl Enlities v2.2024 X x Slale Zip Codel Tille Z p Code: Z tr D tr g D tr D IIT,l-T.Trl, -TTrTI American Express ESA Program Erpress s approval of lne appu€lion, the enlily wrtt be provid€d wittr the Ag66m6nl and matonals welcomin! ( lo Amen€n Epross s Card a@pta.@ p.og.am Merchant's Slgnaturo Namo (prlnted): Tltl€: Date: x Shawn Gillen Citv I\ranager Process Method: o EDC o Touchtone Platform: a East tr Central DOlher lmprinter: aOwn tr Purchase Total RegJlar Plates Needed: 1 TotalArrer Plales Neeoed _!-_ Total Plastrc Cards Needed 1 Global lo schedule download? o Yes tr No Global lo lrarn? r Yes L NO E OwrvReprogram 3 Purchase L Lease r Paper ir Rental sPurchase Price per Unit Purchase Quantity - Slandard Purchase Quantity - Handheld: Term nalType: Tem nalApplcalDn / PC Software Type otv Special lnstructions Y (lC+) Third Party Setilement tr Terminal u Host o Purchase # of payments: G oba PC Software U Own Lf p!r.hase, price Number of TIDS 1 Term type XC2 Product X-Charoe 4 [,4erchanl lnitials Rev. Governmenl Enlities v2.2020 Hardware d PCI DSS and Card Network rules prohibil storage of sensitive authentication data after lhe transaclion has been aulhorized (even if encrypled). lfyou or your POS system store, process, or transmal tull cardholder's data, then you (merchant) must validate PCI DSS compliance. lf you (merchant) utilize a paymenl application the POS soft\@re must be PA DSS (Payment Application Dala Secunty Standards) validated where applicable. lf you use a paymenl gateway, they must be PCI DSS Compliant. As required under lhe Payment Card lndustry Data Security Standard (PCl DSS), I do hereby declare and confirm the following: Questions NO N/A Merchant will maintain full PCI DSS compliance at all times and will notify Global Payments when it changes its point of sale software, system, application or vendor N/ANo/ N/ANo/ (l have never accepted payment cards.) YES NO / N/AThe signing merchant listed below has experienced an account data compromise. The signing merchant listed below is storing Sensitive Authentication Data* (even if encrypted) after the transaction has been authorized.(l have never accepted payment cards.) YES NO / N/A ,sensitive Authenlication Data is security related information (Card Verification Values, complete Magnetic Stripe Data, PlNs, and PIN blocks) lhat is used to authenticate cardholders. It is imperative that you notify Global Payments immediately should the information on this Compliance Statement chango. N/AYESMerchant utilizes an EMV enab ed terminal a PC SD LeS 1vel oC alhenSthasanncedccoantadtasepatlhIhacatedindlhat1azallapanotepecompromiPleaseyouorg anceu f anes nd/or na eslirdcahddataetmouI0ocallnsmaSUretheSSItcoofperomisemairedUoGab's uest v ()vESesmftbepreqponreqv ind rhi Cs ITIo a SlatemenlnotwithstawNSunderlbleraMerchnlereemntpIwhchresbeethrdcandbrangp0y0uAgyouby Cardholder Data Storage Compliance & Service Provider our Card Services Agreement is between Global Payments DLrect lnc. ('Global Direct') the Merchant named above and the Member named have received a copy ofthe Card SeNices Terms & Conditions and thal you agre€ lo allterms and condillons contained lherein. lfthis Merchant Application is accepled for card Merchant agrees to comply with the Mercha nt Application and the Card Services Terms & Condilions as may be moditred or amended in the luture. lfyou disagree with any it entries to l\,,lerchants checking account(s) in accordance with lhe Card Services Terms and Condilions. ln addilion by your signalure below *-tt-?oCity [.4anager Name (printod) Name (printed) Title:Name (p.inted) Oate:Name (printed): Title bate DateTitlc Date:Tatle Dato: below ('Membe/) Member is a member i,4asterC GsterCard )res rgSA.U sa) T Se CompaLLC|r'l S (Dfes th0G8NIP-WF.OE Uit nifySeruiCardCo Is otlEe.s. partners. and/or owners. as wellas subsequql n of the services povided r,e'eundet. ot h co\un)Pfirrh D.to: A f,l0kect s nlthwlhi,fkeg limngng TitleSign Services Terms & Conditons, do not accept service igning for Member: igning for Global Paymenb Oirect, lnc rchant's Signature -Ownor/Offlcor Name il: rchani s Signatur€ -Owner/Offlcer Name 3 on Member's behalf to in late Name of Member (printed): in conj!ncllon w ih lh purposes assocated Nam6 (printed): Shawn Gillen ptancs of Merchant Application.and Terms & Conditaons / Merchant Authorization 5 [,4erchanl lnitials Rev. Government Entilies v2.2020 1,., loo ,oul. tr"n.""t,ons orocess throuqh anv other Thrrd Parlres (i e weO | .,-^ lno"iing corpan,es, gateways. corp6rale office)? | ". -lMerchant utrlEes the servtces of a PCI SSC Qualifled lntegrator l--. lReseller (OlR) when POS payment applications are utrlized. i t t" - No/ Name (printed)l ACCEPfIAE DEEMEI T( 4ou, IUe.chant's LegalName City of Tybee lsland IUerchants DBA Name/Outel Name Cily ot Tybee lsland Parking Physical StreetAddress (No P O. Box) PA Box 2749 City. State. zip: Tybee lsland, GA 31328 City. State, z p: Tybee lsland. GA 31328 (912) 786-4573 OBA Phone \912) 7864573 (912)786-9465 E-Marl: melissa.clark@cityoflybee or0 Contact Name ar lhis Address [,lelissa C ark E-i.la: melissa clark@cityonybee.org Conlact Name at this Address Customer Servic€ Phone# (Required lor MOTO and lnlernet merchants only): 1912) 472-5028 Ticker Sy.nbol Type of Ownership: o Sole Proprietor o PartneGhip D Corporetion tr LLC O Professional Assoc o Tax Exempt Org (50'lor o 3, tr 4. tr 10) a Govemmenul\,lunicipalily SIC Code 9399 bsite Address (Required for lntemet merchanls) Market Typo: o Retail El Lodging o MO/TO E P-c.atd a E-commerce o Supermarket o Emerging Ma*el o Public sector tr Olher 100% Sales Prolile (Must equal 100%) Card Swiped MalOrderTeephone a% 100 % a% 0lo Type ofGoods orSeNces So d park ng t ckets flnes 5lsl6lolololololrlY€ars in business under currenl ownership: Do you currenlly accspt Amoxlr'isa/Maslerca rdlDiscover? BYes ElNo Does merchanl accepl transactions belore the cusiomer receives product or service? o Yes @ No How long does cuslomerwait before producl is received'l _ % ofsales in ihis calegory % cosr thar ls propaymenl'l Ouration ofextended service or bensfit (in weeks) _ Do€s merchanl offsrwananties. dues, subscriplions, memb€rships or othere(ended setuices? oYos sNo Amex,ryisa/MC/Discover Sales 160 287 everase Tlcket: $30 Total Amex./Visa/MC/D scover Sales (multiple locations only)$160 7 N @ a a @ a a @ @ a @ D @ z a @ Existing Existing Merchant No.Oiscount Rate 0.3800 o/o $ 0 1500 $ 0.1500 s 0.1500 $ 01500 $ 01500 s 01500 $ 0 0000 s 0 0000 $ 0 0000 s 0 0000 VISA Credit VISA Bu3. Card VISA Check MasterCard Credit Llastercard Bus. Card Discover Credil Discover 8us. Card Discover Check PayPal Credit (card p.esen0 Oliers Club, China UnionPay, JCB Oebit (otherthan Visa or MC) EBT American Exprcss Americ€n Express Prepaid rcharges: tr Tiered tr tr o D D o o 0 tr N/A 0 3800 % NA ----------9-999q "/" ------q.!!99 "/"0.3800 o/o 0.3800 0,6 0 3800 % 0 3800 0/o 0 3800 0/o $ 0.1500 $ 0.1500 s 0 0000 s 0 0000 s 0 0000 s 0 0000 N/A 03800%$ 01500 2.8500 a/a $ 0 1500 $ 0 2900 s 0 3500 s 01500 % 0 3800 0 3800 z Lnterchange Plus Mld-O!alfied Discount Non Oualified O scount ""'Fees lrom the original application also apply to the additional location""'Daily Discouni: c YES eNO _-j.9q x-cHARGE SUPPORT _Vi(ual Site SLrrvey Fee % Amex Access Fee $ 10 00 L,fonthly Statmenl Fee S _:!lig Other R eg ulatory Compliance Fee $ -!!29 PC I ASSU R E l, onihly Fee $ -?Iqq Other Monlhly l\Iinimum s -9:?q Other Balch Fee $ --39!9 PcIASSURE Non'compliance Fee (monlhly) __..1L19% Amex Card Not Swiped Fee % Amex Syslem Processing Fee $- Non'Refundable Applcaton Fee _AnnualAssocTech Fee $ - Month y Debit Membership Fee S- Gateway Monthly Fee S_ Gateway Setup Fee $ _ Global TEnspod VT (Rec Billrng) [,]onlhly Fe€ $_ Global Transport VT (R€c Billlng) Setup Fee $_ GlobalTransport VT (Rec B ing)Transactron Fee S 0 00 CE Suile Base Amount S.toier Ag6€m.nl as 't roy be mod'ii6d or .mond.d n lh. fuiuB ll you diegr.. wilh any ol rhe abov., do nol e'!n this lom GLOBA! DIRECTHEREUNDER FROM TH SAOOITIONAL M ERCHANT LOCAT]ON, ERCHANI WLL BE DEEM ED TO HAVE AGREEO THAT THE ADOITIONAL CARD S E RVICES AGREEMENT youedrylh.rarnrom.l'onp6vd€dinlhsadddion€l oelonfod slrue.nda&urale.ndyouaulhorzeGlob:lDirecl .ndGlob. D rccl on M€mbels b€hall .@un(s) in .@rdan@ wth Ih€ c6d sedi63 aoreem.nt .nd o.d.. E @nsumr @dil r€pod on Mo.cha ahd you Name (printed): Shawn Giilen Titlo: City Manager a= #1 Name (pnnted):Titlel g Name of Member (printed): oate Wells Fargo Bank S ted): Acceptance ot Merchant Application and Terms & Conditions I Merchant Authorization Business lntormation Merchant Profile CrediuDebit Card Services and Fee Schedule' tr Pass-Through Plus _ Pass-Through Plus Merchant Additional Location Form l Rev. Government Eilitres v2 2020 Rouling Numbel:ol6lll2lolllTlsla OOAJChecking Account# 2048897272 Discount @ Equipment a Supplies z @ aank 2 t:l L]L]tr L-l Amex annualvolume < $1,000.000 !l YES oNO Amex Acceplance / YES INO Amex luarkeling u YES o NO $€ Eng ish lang@96 Please .ead th€ Amen€n Exp6ss Privacy Slalemenr ar hqp://*w amri€rexdess omronvacv to l6am mre ab@l htu Ame.i€n Expr6ss prolets yolr pnvacy and how ss s approva ol th6 appl carLor lhe enlily w ll b€ provided wlth rhe agroemenl and matenals w€lcom n9 it to amonen Express s ca.d a@eplance proqram erchant's Signature Name (printod): Shawn Gillen Title:Date c [.4an Process Melhod: a EDC o Touchtone Platform: u East o Central lmprinter: oOwn o Purchase a, Purchase Pric€ per unil S Purchase Ouantity - Standard Purchase Ouafltity - Handheld Total Regular Plates Needed: Tolal Amex Plates Needed Total Plastic Cards Needed 1 Global to schedule downtoad? B Yes tr No Globalto train? o Yss o No @ Own/Reprogram tr Purchase tr Lease erminal Application / PC Sotiware Type fr Own declare and confrm lhe Iolowingrequir6d under the Payment Card lndusiry Data Security Standard (PCl DSS) I do he 5 (lC+; lobal PC Softvare: Seclndary Thrrd Party NumberofTIDS: 1 Productr x-Cha.ge Third Party Set emenl tr Terminal @ Hosl tr Purchas€ # of paymenlsl erm type: xC2 Merchant will maintain full PCI DSS compliance at all times and will notify GIobal Payments when it changes its point of sale software, system, application or vendor Do your transactions process through any other Third Parties (i.e web hosting companies, gateways, corporate office)? Merchant utilizes the services of a PCI SSC Qualified Integrator Reseller (QlR)when POS payment applications are utilized. YES _ NoL N/A _ (l have never accepted payment cards.) NO N/AYES / YES No L N/A YES _NO / N/A The signing merchant listed below has experienced an account data compromise. (l have never accepted payment cards.) YES N/ANO/The signing merchant listed below is storing Sensitive Authentication Data. (even if encrypted) after the transaction has been authorized. Merchant utilizes an EMV enabled terminal N/AYESNO/ Bank Information (Attach Voided Check or Bank Letter) TTTIIIIII Ameican Express ESA Program Cardholder Data Storage Compliance Hardware 2 Merchant lnitials C-#2 \2.2020 I 1 l"-., globalpayments lntegrated CARD SERVICES TERMS & CONDITIONS - GOVERNMENT ENTITIES 1, GENERAL 1.1. The "Card Services Agreement" consists of these Card Services Terms & Conditions and the Merchant Application and is made by and among Merchant (or "you"), Global Payments Direct, lnc. ("Global Direct"), and Member (as defined below). The provisions in the Card Services Agreement are applicable to Merchant if Merchant has signed the appropriate space in the Acceptance of Terms & Conditions/Merchant Authorization section of the Merchant Application. The member bank identified in the Merchant Application ("Member"] is a member of Visa USA, Inc. ("Visa"l and Mastercard International, Inc. ["Mastercard"). 6lobal Direct is a registered independent sales organization of Visa@, a member service provider of Mastercard@, a registered Program Participant of American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. ("American Express"J, and a registered acquirer for Discover Financial Services LLC ["Discover"). Any references to the Debit Sponsor shall refer to the debit sponsor identified below. 1.2, Merchant and GIobal Direct agree that the rights and obligations contained in these Card Services Terms and Conditions do not apply to the Member with respect to American Expresso, Discover@ and PayPal@ transactions and Switched Transactions (as defined belowJ. To the extent Merchant accepts Discover cards, the provisions in this Card Services Agreement with respect to Discover apply if Merchant does not have a separate agreement with Discover. In such case, Merchant will also be enabled to accept JCB@, China UnionPay@, Diner's Clubo and, for card present transactions, PayPal cards under the Discover network and such transactions will be processed at the same fee rate as Merchant's Discover transactions are processed. To the extent Merchant accepts Discover cards and has a separate agreement with Discover, Discover and PayPal card transactions shall be processed as Switched Transactions (as defined below). To the extent Merchant accepts American Express cards, the provisions in this Card Services Agreement with respect to American Express apply if Merchant does not have a separate agreement with American Express, 1.3. Under the terms of the Card Services Agreement, Merchant will be furnished with the services and products, including any software, described herein and in the Merchant Application and selected by Merchant therein (collectively and individually, as applicable, the "Services"). Any Merchant accepted by Global Direct for card processing services agrees to be bound by the Card Services Agreement, including the terms of the Merchant Application and these Card Services Terms & Conditions as may be modified or amended in the future. .4 Merchant's submission of a transaction to Glohal Direct shall be deemed to signw Merchant's Acceptance of the Cord Services Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions herein. 1.4. Except as expressly stated in the first three paragraphs ofsection 13, all terms and conditions of this Card Services Agreement shall survive termination. SERVICE DEsCRIPTIONS. 2.1. Credit Card Processing Services: Global Direct's credit card processing services consist ofauthorization and electronic draft capture of credit card transactions; outclearing of such transactions to the appropriate card associations and/or issuers (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, DiscoverJ; settlement; dispute resolution with cardholders' banks; and transaction-related reporting, statements and products. From time to time under this Card Services Agreement, upon Merchant's request, Global Direct may facilitate the transmission of certain payment card transactions ["Switched Transactions"l to the respective card issuers, including but not limited to American Express, Diners Club and various fleet. private label and commercial cards. Switched Transactions require Global Direct's prior written approval and are subject to applicable pricing; Global Direct does not purchase the indebtedness associated with Switched Transactions. ) Card Services Ts &Cs GovernmentEntities v2.2020 Page 1of21 CONFIDENTIAL 2.2. EBT Transaction Processing Services: Global Direct offers electronic interfaces to Electronic Benefits Transfer ("EBT") networks for the processing of cash payme nts or credits to or for the be nefit of benefit recipients ("Recipients"]. Global Direct will provide settlement and switching services for various Point of Sale transactions initiated through Merchant for the authorization of the issuance of the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services ["FNS") food stamp benefits ["FS Benefits") and/or government delivered cash assistance benefits ["Cash Benefits," with FS Benefits, "Benefits") to Recipients through the use ofa state-issued card ("EBT Card"). 2.3. Provisions regarding debit card services are set forth in section 27 below. 2.4. Provisions regarding Decline Minimizer Services are set forth in section 29 below. 2.5. Provisions regarding CallPop 0penEdge Services are set forth in section 30 below. 2.6. With respect to Visa and Mastercard products, Merchant may elect to accept credit cards or debit/prepaid cards or both. Merchant shall so elect on the Merchant Application being completed contemporaneously herewith. Merchant agrees to pay and Merchant's account(s) will be charged pursuant to section 5 of this Card Services Agreement for any additional fees incurred as a result of Merchant's subsequent acceptance of transactions with any Visa or Mastercard product that it has elected not to accepL 3. PROCEDURES. 3.1. Merchant will permit holders of valid cards bearing the symbols of the cards authorized to be accepted by Merchant hereunder to charge purchases or leases of goods and services and the debt resulting thereflom shall be purchased hereunder, provided that the transaction complies with the terms of this Card Services Agreement. All indebtedness submitted by Merchant for purchase will be evidenced by an approved sales slip. Merchant will not present for purchase any indebtedness that does not arise out of a transaction between a cardholder and Merchant. Merchant agrees to follow the Card Acceptance Guide which is incorporated into and made part of this Card Services Agreement, and to be bound by the operating regulations, requirements, and rules of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal and any other card association or netlvork organization covered by this Card Services Agreement, as any of the above referenced documents may be modified and amended from time to time. Merchant acknowledges that the Card Acceptance Guide is located on Global Direct's website at www.globaloavmentsinc.com. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Merchant agrees to comply with and be bound by, and to cause any third party who provides Merchant with services related to payment processing or facilitates Merchant's ability to accept credit and debit cards and who is not a party to this Card Services Agreement to comply with and be bound by, the rules and regulations ofVisa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal and any other card association or network organization related to cardholder and transaction information security, including without limitation, all rules and regulations imposed by the Payment Card Industry ("PCI") Security Standards Council (including without limitation the PCI Data Security Standard), Visa's Cardholder lnformation Security Program, Mastercard's Site Data Protection Program, and Payment Application Best Practices. Merchant also agrees to cooperate at its sole expense with any request for an audit or investigation by Global Direct, Member, a card association or netlvork organization in connection with cardholder and transaction information security. 3.2. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Merchant agrees that it will use information obtained from a cardholder in connection with a card transaction solely for the purpose of processing a transaction with that cardholder or attempting to re-present a chargeback with respect to such transaction, To the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, Merchant will indemnify and hold GIobal Direct and Member harmless from any fines and penalties issued by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal or any card association or network organization and any other fees and costs arising out of or relating to the processing of transactions by Global Direct and Member at Merchant's location(s) and will reimburse Global Direct for any Iosses incurred by Global Direct with respect to any such fines, penalties, fees and costs except to the extent that such fines, fees or costs arise solely from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of GIobal DirecL 3.3. Without limiting the generality of any other provision of this Card Services Agreement, Merchant also agrees that it will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations related to both: (a) the Page 2 ot 2l truncation or masking of cardholder numbers and expiration dates on transaction receipts from transactions processed at Merchant's location(s), including without limitation the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and applicable state laws ("Truncation Laws"); and (bJ the collection of personal information from a cardholder in connection with a card transaction, including all applicable state laws ["Laws on Cotlection of Personal Information"). As between Merchant, on the one hand, and Global Direct and Member, on the other hand, Merchant shall be solely responsible for complying with all Truncation Laws and Laws on Collection of Personal Information and will, to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, indemnifii and hold Global Direct and Member harmless from any claim, loss or damage resulting from a violation of Truncation Laws or Laws on Collection of Personal lnformation as a result of ransactions processed at Merchant's location(s). 3.4. Global Direct may, from time to time, issue written directions (via mail or Internet) regarding procedures to follow and forms to use to carry out this Card Services Agreemenl These directions and the terms of the forms are binding as soon as they are issued and shall form a part of these Card Services Terms & Conditions. Such operating regulations and rules may be reviewed upon appointment at Global Direct's designated premises and Merchant acknowledges that it has had the opportunity to request a review and/or review such operating regulations and rules in connection with its execution ofthis Card Services AgreemenL 4. MARKETING. Merchant shall adequately display the card issuer service marks and promotional materials supplied by Global Direct. Merchant shall cease to use or display such service marks immediately upon notice from GIobal Direct or upon termination of this Card Services AgreemenL 5. PAYMENT, CHARGES AND FEES. Fees and charges payable by Merchant for all products, services and applications, whether provided by Clobal Direct, a third party through Global Direct, or directly by a third party with Global Direct collecting monies with respect thereto [e.g., a POS Vendor Fee), shall be as set forth in the Merchant Application (exclusive of taxes, duties and shipping and handling charges). With respect to POS Vendor Fees, Global Direct does not control and is not responsible for the PoS Vendor Fees charged to Merchant, and the pricing for any such fees depends on Merchant's agreement with such third party. Merchant shall at all times maintain one or more commercial checking accounts with Member or with another financial institution of Merchant's choice acceptable to Member and Global Direct that belongs to the Automated Clearing House ("ACH") network and which can accept ACH transactions. Merchant will be paid for indebtedness purchased under this Card Services Agreement by credit to Merchant's account(sJ. Merchant's account(s) wiU be credited for the gross amount of the indebtedness deposited less the amount of any credit vouchers deposited. Merchant shall not be entitled to credit for any indebtedness that arises out of a transaction not processed in accordance with the terms of this Card Services Agreement or the rules and regulations of a card association or network organization. Availability of any such funds shall be subject to the procedures of the applicable frnancial institution. Chargebacks and adjustments will be charged to Merchant's account(sl on a daily basis. Merchant agrees to pay and Merchant's account(sJ will be charged for the discount, fees, product service costs, chargebacks, and other fees and charges described in this Card Seryices Agreement. Merchant also agrees to pay and Merchant's account(s) will be debited for all fees, fines, penalties, etc. charged or assessed by third parties, the card associations or network organizations on account of or related to Merchant's processing hereunder, including without limitation with regards to any third party who provides Merchant with services related to payment processing or facilitates Merchant's ability to accept credit and debit cards and who is not a party to this Card Services Agreement. If any type of overpayment to Merchant or other error occurs, Merchant's account(s) may be debited or credited, without notice, and if Merchant's account(s) do not contain sufficient funds, Merchant agrees to remit the amount owed directly to Global Direct. Merchant agrees not to, directly or indirectl, prevent, block or otherwise preclude any debit by Global Direct or Member to Merchant's account which is permitted hereunder. Merchant represents and warrants that no one other than Merchant has any claim against such indebtedness except as authorized in writing by Member and Global Direct. Merchant hereby assigns to Member and Global Direct all of its right, title, and interest in and to all indebtedness submitted hereunder, agrees that Member and Global Direct have the sole right to receive payment on any indebtedness purchased hereunder, and further agrees that Merchant shall have no right, title or interest in any such funds, including any such funds held in a Reserve Account (as defined belowJ. Page 3 ot 2l 6. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES/THIRD PARTY SERVICES. 6.1. Merchant agrees that it will not acquire any title, copyrights, or any other proprietary right to any advertising material; leased equipment including imprinters, authorization terminals, card reader hardware or printers; software; credit card authenticators; unused forms (online or paper); all hardware and software related to the CallPop OpenEdge Services (as defined below); and Merchant deposit plastic cards provided by Global Direct in connection with this Card Services AgreemenL Merchant will protect all such items from loss, theft, damage or any legal encumbrance and will allow Global Direct and its designated representatives reasonable access to Merchant's premises for their repair, removal, modification, installation and relocation. Merchant acknowledges that any equipment or software provided under this Card Services Agreement is embedded with proprietary technology ("Software"). Merchant shall not obtain title, copyrights or any other proprietary right to any Software. At all time, Global Direct or its suppliers retain all rights to such Software, including but not limited to updates, enhancements and additions. Merchant shall not disclose such Softlvare to any party, convey, copy, license, sublicense, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, tamper with, or create any derivative work based on such Software, or transmit any data that contains software viruses, time bombs, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, disabling devices, or any other malicious or unauthorized code. Merchant's use of such Software shall be limited to that expressly authorized by Global Direct. Global Direct's suppliers are intended third party beneficiaries of this Card Services Agreement to the extent of any terms herein pertaining to such suppliers' ownership rights; such suppliers have the right to rely on and directly enforce such terms against Merchant. 6.2, The operating instructions or user guides will instruct Merchant in the proper use ofthe terminals, other hardware or payment application(s), and Merchant shall use and operate the terminals, other hardware or payment application(s) only in such manner. If Merchant has purchased the relevant maintenance/help desk service hereunder, Merchant will promptly notify Global Direct ofany equipment malfunction, failure or other incident resulting in the loss of use of the equipment or software or need for repair or maintenance, whereupon Global Direct will make the necessary arrangements to obtain required maintenance or replacement software or hardware. Merchant is responsible for shipping costs. Merchant shall cooperate with Clobal Direct in its attempt to diagnose any problem with the terminal, other hardware or payment application(s). If Merchant's terminal requires additional Software, Merchant is obligated to cooperate and participate in a dial in down Iine load procedure. With respect to any item of equipment leased to Merchant by GIobal Direct, Merchant will not be liable for normal wear and tear, provided, however, that Merchant will be liable to Global Direct if any leased item of equipment is lost, destroyed, stolen or rendered inoperative. To the extent permissible under applicable law, Merchant will indemnify Global Direct against any loss arising out of damage to or destruction of any item of equipment or software provided hereunder for any cause whatsoever. Merchant also agrees, to the extent permissible under applicable law, to hold harmless and indemnify Global Direct for any costs, expenses, and judgments Clobal Direct may suffer, including reasonable attorney's fees, as a result of Merchant's use of the equipment or software provided hereunder, Any unused equipment in its original packaging purchased from Global Direct hereunder may be returned to Global Direct at Merchant's expense within 60 days of receipL Merchant shall receive a refund of any money paid in connection therewith subject to a re-stocking fee ofan amount equal to 20 percent ofthe total purchase price for the returned equipmenL No refunds shall be issued for any equipment returned after 60 days. 6.3. Merchant acknowledges that some ofthe services and applications to be provided by Global Direct and Member hereunder may be provided by third parties. Merchant agrees that except for its right to utilize such services in connection with this Card Services Agreement, it acquires no right, title or interest in any such services. Merchant further agrees that it has no contractual relationship with any third pafty providing Services under this Card Services Agreement and that Merchant is not a third party beneficiary of any agreement between Global Direct or Member, as applicable, and such third party. Merchant may not resell the services of any third party providing Services under this Card Services Agreement to any other party. 6.4. Merchant acknowledges that it may directly obtain softlvare platform services from a third party that facilitate or integrate Global Direct's Services as set forth in section 2. Global Direct does not control and is not responsible for such software platform services or any fees (and their occurrence) charged by Page 4af21 such third party to Merchant related to such software platform services. The pricing for Merchant's use of any third-party platform services and any associated fees depends on Merchant's agreement with such third party. Merchant authorizes Clobal Direct to collect all monies related to Merchant's use of such third-party software (i.e., the POS Vendor Fee) on behalf of such third party as set forth in the Merchant Application and Merchant's agreement with such third party. GIobal Direct is not responsible for the acts or omissions ofany third party and shall have no responsibility for or liability in connection with any software platform services Merchant receives from a third party, even if Global Direct collects monies with respect to such software or services. Global Direct makes no representation or warranty with respect to such third party's software platform services or such third party's access to or ability to integrate with the products, services, and systems of Global Direct and any such access or ability may terminate at any time and Global Direct shall have no obligation to advise Merchant ofsuch termination. 7. FINANCIAL INfORMATION. Merchant agrees to furnish Global Direct and Member such financial statements and information concerning Merchant as Global Direct or Member may from time to time request. Global Direct and Member, or their duly authorized representatives, may examine the books and records of Merchant, including records of all indebtedness previously purchased or presented for purchase, Merchant agrees to retain copies of all paper and electronic sales slips and credit slips submitted to Global Direct for a period of two years from submission, or such longer period of time as may be required by the operating rules or regulations of the card associations or network organizations, by law, or by Global Direct as specifically requested in writing in individual cases. 8. CHANGE IN BUSINESS, Merchant agrees to provide Global Direct and Member 60 days prior written notice of its: (a) transfer or sale of any substantial part (ten percent or more) of its total stock, assets and/or to liquidate; or (bJ change to the basic nature of its business, or (c) provided that Merchant has not indicated on the Merchant Application that it accepts mail order. telephone order, or internet-based transactions, conversion of all or part of the business to mail order sales, telephone order sales, Internet-based sales or to other sales where the card is not present and swiped through Merchant's terminal or other card reader. Upon the occurrence of any such event, the terms of this Card Services Agreement may be modified to address issues arising therefrom, including but not limited to requirements ofapplicable card associations or netlvork organizations. 9. TRANSFERABILITY. This Card Services Agreement is not transferable by Merchant without the prior written consent of Global Direct and Member. Any attempt by Merchant to assign its rights or to delegate its obligations in violation of this paragraph shall be void. Merchant agrees that the rights and obligations of Global Direct hereunder may be transFerred by Global Direct without notice to Merchanl Merchant agrees that the rights and obligations of Member hereunder may be transferred to any other member without notice to Merchanl Merchant acknowledges that the transferable rights of Global Direct and Member hereunder shall include, but shall not be limited to, the authority and right to debit the Merchant's account(sl as described herein. 1 O. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. 10.1.Merchant warrants and represents to Global Direct and Member: (a) that each sales transaction delivered hereunder will represent a bona fide sale to a cardholder by Merchant for the amount shown on the sales slip as the total sale and constitutes the binding obligation of the cardholder, free from any claim, demand, defense, setoff or other adverse claim whatsoever; (b) that each sales slip or other evidence of indebtedness will accurately describe the goods and services which have been sold and delivered to the cardholder or in accordance with his instructions; (cJ that Merchant will comply fully with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations applicable to its business; (d) that Merchant will fulfill completely all of its obligations to the cardholder and will resolve any customer dispute or complaint directly with the cardholder; (e) that the signature on the sales slip will be genuine and authorized by cardholder and not forged or unauthorized; (0 that the sales transaction shall have been consummated and the sales slip prepared in full compliance with the provisions of the Card Acceptance Guide and the operating regulations and rules of the applicable card association or network organization, as amended from time to time; (g) provided that Merchant has not indicated on the Merchant Application that it accepts mail order, telephone order, or internet-based transactions, that none of the sales transactions submitted hereunder represent sales by telephone, or mail, or Internet, or where the card is not physically present at the Merchant's location and swiped through Merchant's Page 5 of 21 terminal, unless Merchant is specifically authorized in writing by GIobal Direct to submit such sales slips for purchase, (h) to the extent Merchant has indicated on the Merchant Application that it accepts mail order, telephone order, or internet-based transactions, Merchant shall not submit such a transaction to Clobal Direct and Member for processing until the goods and/or services are shipped or performed, as applicable, unless otherwise permitted by the card associations or network organizations, [i) that sales transactions submitted hereunder for purchase representing sales to any principal, partner, or proprietor of Merchant shall not constitute an unreasonable portion of Merchant's transactions relative to the Merchant's legitimate business requirements, (j) that, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each sales transaction submitted hereunder and the handling, retention, and storage of information related thereto, will comply with the rules and regulations of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal and any other card association or network organization related to cardholder and transaction information security, including without limitation PCI Data Security Standards, Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program and Mastercard's Site Data Protection Program, and (k) that all of the information contained in this Card Services Agreement (including the Merchant Application) is true and correct. If that any of the foregoing warranties or representations is breached, the affected sales slips or other indebtedness may be refused, or prior acceptance revoked and charged back to the Merchant. Furthermore, ifMerchant submits for purchase hereunder a sales transaction that is not the result of a sale of Merchant's goods or services offered to the general public or if Merchant submits any sales transactions for purchase hereunder which represents an unreasonable sales transaction to any principal, partner, or proprietor, of Merchant, such sales transaction may be refused or charged back LO.2,Merchant must notify Global Direct if Merchant elects to use the terminal service of American Express, Novus, or any other third-party provider. IfMerchant elects to use a third-party terminal provider, that provider becomes Merchant's agent for the delivery of card transactions to Global Direct via the applicable card-processing network Global Direct and Member shall have no responsibility for or liability in connection with any hardware, software or services Merchant receives from a third party agent, even if GIobal Direct collects monies with respect to such hardware, software or services. Neither Global Direct nor Member makes any representation or warranty with respect to such agent's access to or ability to integrate with the products, services, and systems of Global Direct and any such access or ability may terminate at any time and Global Direct shall have no obligation to advise Merchant of such termination. Merchant agrees to assume full responsibility and liability for any failure of such agent to comply with the operating regulations and rules of the applicable card association or network organization, including without limitation any violation, which results in a chargeback to the Merchant. Global Direct and Member have no responsibility for any card transactions until it receives data for the card transaction in the format required by Global Direct. Merchant also agrees that the obligation hereunder to reimburse the Merchant for the value of the card transactions captured by an agent is limited to the value of the transactions (less applicable fees) received by the card-processing netlvork from the agenl 1.O.3.Neither Member, nor Global Direct, nor ony Supplier makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantabilily or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any terminal, any equipmen, software or services leased, sold, or otherwise Iurnished hereunder, 11.INDEMNITY. Merchant agrees to satisry directly with the cardholder any claim or complaint arising in connection with the card sale, regardless of whether such claim or complaint is brought by the cardholder, Global Direct, or another party. To the extent permissible under applicable law, Merchant agrees to indemnify defend and hold Global Direct, Member and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates (including, without limitation, the respective officers, directors, employees, attorneys, shareholders, representatives and agents of all of the foregoing) harmless from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, arbitration awards, settlements, actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs [including, but not limited to, court costs and out of pocket costs and expenses), expenses of any and every type, litigation expenses, and attorneys' fees, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees incurred in any and every type of sui! proceeding, or action, including but not limited to, bankruptcy proceedings, in connection with, by virtue of, oi arising from, either directly or indirectly: (aJ any card transaction that does not conform to the requirementi ofthis Card Services Agreement, the rules and regulations ofany card association or applicable laws; (b) any card transaction or any act or omission of Merchant in connection with a cardholder; (c) Page 6 of 21 Merchant's breach or default or an alleged breach or default of or under any term, covenant, condition, representation, warranty, obligation, undertaking, promise or agreement contained in this Card Services Agreement or in any agreement (whether oral or written) with any cardholder, any agreement with any card association, or in any other agreement with Member or Global Direct, any breach or threatened breach by Merchant of the card association rules and regulations or any violation by Merchant of laws, rules and regulations applicable to Merchant; (d) the rescission, cancellation or avoidance of any card transaction, by operation of law, adjudication or otherwise; (eJ any claim, counterclaim, complaint, dispute or defense, including, without limitation claims brought by Merchant, whether or not well founded, with respect to this Card Services Agreement or a card transaction; (f) damages, including, without limitation, those for death or injury caused by the good or service purchased with the card; or (g) for all web based, Internet or electronic commerce transactions including Merchant's insecure transmission of card transaction data and/or storage of cardholder information. For purposes of this Card Services Agreement, including the foregoing indemnities to the extent permissible under applicable law, Merchant is responsible and liable for the acts and omissions ofits employees, agents and representatives [whether or not acting within the scope oftheir dutiesJ 12. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 1.2.7.Neither Member nor clobal Direct shall be lioble for failure to provide the Services or delay in providing the Services including processing delays or other non-performance if such failure is due to any cduse or condition heyond such Party's reasonable control. Such couses or conditions shall include, but sholl not be limited to, acts ofGod or the public enemy, acts of the government in either its sovereign or contractual capdcily, frres, Iloods, epidemics, quarontine restrictions, strikes, riots, war, shortages of labor or materials, freight embargoes, unusually severe weather, breakdowns, operational failures, electricol power failures, telecommunications failures, equipment failures, unavoidable deldys, the errors or failures of third porty systems, non-performance of vendors, suppliers, processors or transmitters oI information, or other similar causes beyond such parE's control. 72.2.The lidbility of Globol Direct and Member for ony loss ffising out of or relating in any way to this Card Services Agreement, inctuding but not limited to damdges arising out of ony malfunction of the Equipment or the failure of the Equipment to operate, the unavailability or mavunction of the Equipment or the failure of the Equipment to operote, the unavailability or mdlfunction of the Services, personal injury or property damage, shall, in the aggregate, be limited to actual, direct, and general money damages in an dmount not to exceed three months average chdrge paid by Merchant hereunder (exclusive ofinterchange fees, assessments, and any other fees or costs that are imposed by a third party in connection with Merchant's payment processing) for the Services during the previous 12 months or such lesser number of months as shall hdve elapsed subsequentto the Elfecdve Date of this Card Services AgreemenL This shall be the extent of clobal Direct's and Member's liability arising out ofor relating in any way to this Card Services Agreement, including alleged acts of negligence, breach of contracL or otherwise and regardless of the form in which any legal or equitable action may be brought against Clobal Direct or Member, whether contract, tort, or otherwise, and the foregoing shall constitute M erchant's exclu s iv e r eme dy. 1.2.3.Itnder no circumstances shall Global Direct or Member by liable for special, consequential, punitive or exemplary domages, including tost profits, revenues and business opportunities, qrising out of or relating in any way ta this Card Services Agreement including butnot limited to damages arising out of placement of a merchant's name on any terminated merchantlistfor ony reason even if Gbbql Direct or Member has been advised ofthe possibility of such damages.lJnder no circumstances shall Globol Direct, or Member be tiable ior any settlement dmounts pertdining to Switched Transactions; Merchant's recourse therelore shall be to the applicable ctrd issuer, Member shall not be responsible or liqble to Merchantfor any action taken by Member (or the results thereof) thatis authorized by this Card Services AgreemenL 1,2.4.1t is agreed thqt in no event will Globql Direct or Member be liqble for any claim, loss, billing error, damage or expense arising out of or reldting in any way to this Card Services Agreement which is not reported in writing to ctobal Directby Merchantwithin 60 days of such fdilure to perform, or, ifs billing error occurs, within g0 days ol the ddte ofthe invoice or applicdble statemenL Merchant expressly waives any such claim that is not brought within the time periods stqted herein' Page1 of21 1,2.5.Globol Direct agrees to maintain commetciolly reasonable levels ofinsurqnce coverage during the term of the Card Services Agreement consistent with the scope and nadre of its business and applicable industry best practices. Upon reqsonqble request Clobal Direct shall deliver a certiJicate oJ insurance reflecting its then-cufient policy coverage and corriers. 13, TERM AND TERMINATION. 13.1.This Card Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for an initial term of one year fthe "lnitial Term"). The Card Services Agreement will automatically renew for additional one year periods ("Renewal Term" or "Renewal Terms", and together with the Initial Term, the "Term") unless Merchant gives 30 days' advance written notice oftermination prior to the end of the then-current term. This Card Services Agreement is expressly made subject to the limitations of the Merchant's state constitution. Nothing herein shall constitute, nor be deemed to constitute, the creation ofa debt or multi- year fiscal obligation or an obligation of future appropriations by Merchant. contrary to the any constitutional, statutory or charter debt limitation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Card Services Agreement, with respect to any financial obligation of Merchant which may arise under this Card Services Agreement in any fiscal year, if the budget or other means of appropriations for any such year fails to provide funds in sufficient amounts to discharge such obligation, such failure shall not constitute a default or breach of this Card Services Agreement, including any sub-agreement, attachment, schedule, or exhibit thereto, by the Merchant. 13.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Global Direct may terminate this Card Services Agreement or any portion thereof upon written notice to Merchant. Furthermore, Global Direct may terminate this Card Services Agreement at any time without notice upon Merchant's default in performing under any provision of this Card Services Agreement, upon an unauthorized conversion of all or any part of Merchant's activity to mail order, telephone order, Internet order, or to any activity where the card is not physically present and swiped through the Merchant's terminal or other card reader, upon any failure to follow the Card Acceptance Guide or any operating regulation or rule ofa card association or network organization, upon any misrepresentation by Merchant, upon commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings by or against the Merchant, upon a material change in the Merchant's average ticket or volume as stated in the Merchant Application, or if Global Direct reasonably deems itself insecure in continuing this Card Services AgreemenL 13.3.|f Global Direct and Member breach the terms and conditions hereof, the Merchant may, at its option, give written notice to Global Direct and Member of its intention to terminate this Card Services Agreement unless such breach is remedied within 30 days ofsuch notice. Failure to remedy such a breach shall make this Card Services Agreement terminable, at the option of the Merchant, at the end of such 30-day period unless notification is withdrawn. 13.4.Any Merchant deposit of sales or credit slips that is accepted by Global Direct and Member or by a designated depository after the effective date of termination will be returned to Merchant and will not be credited (or debited) to Merchant's account(s). If the deposit has already been posted to Merchant's account(s), said posting will be reversed and the deposit returned to Merchant. Termination of this Card Services Agreement shall not affect Merchant's obligations which have accrued prior to termination or which relate to any indebtedness purchased hereunder prior to termination, including but not limited to chargebacks even ifsuch chargebacks come in after termination. Ifa termination occurs, all equipment leased from, and software provided by, Global Direct including but not limited to imprinters, terminals, and printers; all supplies; Card Acceptance Guides; and operating instructions must be returned immediately to Global Direct at Merchant's expense. 14. RETURNED ITEMS/CHARGEBACKS. If a cardholder disputes any transaction, if a transaction is charged back for any reason by the card issuing institution, or if Global Direct or Member has any reason to believe an indebtedness previously purchased is questionable, not genuine, or is otherwise unacceptable, the amount of such indebtedness may be charged back and deducted from any payment due to Merchant or may be charged against any of Merchant's accounts or the Reserve Account (as defined below). Merchant acknowledges and agrees that it is bound by the rules of the card associations and network organizations with respect to any chargeback Merchant further acknowledges that it is solely responslble for providing CIobal Direct and Member with any available information to re-present a chargeback and that, regardless of Page 8 of 21 any information it provides or does not provide Clobal Direct and Member in connection with a chargeback, or any other reason, Merchant shall be solely responsible for the liability related to such chargeback. A list of some common reasons for chargebacks is contained in the Card Acceptance Guide provided, however, that such list is not exclusive and does not limit the generality ofthe foregoing. If any such amount is uncollectible through withholding from any payments due hereunder or through charging Merchant's accounts or the Reserve Account, Merchant shall, upon demand by Global Direct, pay Clobal Direct the full amount of the chargeback. Merchant understands that obtaining an authorization for any sale shall not constitute a guarantee of payment, and such sales slips can be returned or charged back to Merchant like any other item hereunder. 15. RESERVE ACCOUNT. 15.1.At any time, Global Direct and Member may, at their option, establish a reserve account to secure the performance of Merchant's obligations under this Card Services Agreement to such party ("Reserve Account"). The Reserve Account may be funded, at Global Direct's sole discretion, through any or all of the following: (a) direct payment by Merchant-at the request of Global Direct or Member, Merchant will deposit funds in the Reserve Account; or (b) the proceeds of indebtedness presented for purchase. Merchant hereby grants Member a security interest in all accounts referenced in section 5 or any other accounts, including certificates of deposits, maintained by Merchant with any designated depository or other financial institution and authorizes GIobal Direct [to the extent authorized by Member) or Member to make such withdrawals at such times and in such amounts as it may deem necessary hereunder. Merchant hereby instruct said financial institutions to honor any requests made by Global Direct and Member under the terms of this provision. To the extent permissible under applicable law, Merchant will hold harmless the financial institutions and indemnify them for any claims or losses they may suffer as a result of honoring withdrawal requests from Global Direct and Member. 15.2.Merchant hereby agrees that Global Direct and Member may deduct from this Reserve Account any amount owed to such party in accordance with this Card Services Agreement. Any funds in the Reserve Account may be held until the Iater of (a) the expiration of any potentially applicable chargeback rights in respect of purchased indebtedness under the rules and regulations of the card associations or network organizations and (b) the period necessary to secure the performance of Merchant's obligations under this Card Services Agreement, which holding period may extend beyond termination of this Card Services Agreement. Merchant will not receiye any interest on funds being held in a Reserve Account and Merchant has no right to access the funds being held in the Reserve Account or otherwise transfer, pledge or use these funds for its own purposes. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, M€rchant shall, upon termination of this Card Services Agreement, maintain the sum of at least five percent ofgross sales for the 90-day period prior to termination to be held in a Reserve Account in accordance with the terms of this Card Services Agreement Global may, at its discretion upon termination of this Card Services Agreement, require that the Merchant maintain more than five percent ofgross sales for the 90-day period prior to termination in a Reserve Account. 16. DEFAULT/SECURITY INTEREST. 16.1.Upon failure by Merchant to meet any ofits obligations under this Card Services Agreement [including funding the Reserve Accountl, any ofthe accounts referred to in section 5 may be debited without notice to Merchant, and Merchant (on behalf of itself and its affiliated entities) hereby grants to Member, Global Direct a lien and security interest in all of Merchant's right, title and interest in or to any of the following assets or properties: (aJ all of the accounts referenced in the preceding sentence; (b) the Reserve Accounq (c) any rights to receive credits or payments under this Card Services Agreement; and (dl all deposits and other property of Merchant that Member or its affiliates possess or maintain (including all proceeds of the foregoing). Merchant shall execute, acknowledge or deliver any documents or take any actions Member, Global Direct may from time to time request to better assure, preserve, protecl perfect, maintain or enforce this security interesL To the extent permitted by law, Merchant irrevocably authorizes Member, Global Direct to file any financing statements (at Merchant's expense) in any relevant jurisdiction or any other documents or instruments related to this security interest. Merchant represents and warrants that: (a) Merchant has good and valid rights and title to the property described herein; (bJ Merchant has full power and authority to grant to Member the security interest pursuant hereto and to execute, deliver and perform its obligations in accordance with the terms of this Card Page 9 oF21 Services Agreement, without the consent or approval of any other person or entity; (cJ no other person or entity has a security interest or lien in any of the property described herein; and (d) this security interest is a first lien security interest and secures Merchant's obligations to Member under this Card Services AgreemenL Member shall have all rights ofa secured party and Merchant must obtain the prior written consent of Member before granting any subsequent security interest or lien in the property described herein. Merchant agrees that it is Merchant's intent that these accounts and secured property shall to the extent allowed by applicable law not be subject to any preference, claim, or stay by reason of any bankruptcy or insolvency law. Merchant agrees to act consistently with the understanding that said accounts and secured property under this Card Services Agreement are free of all such preferences, claims or stays by reason of and as allowed by any such law. The scope of the security interest, and Merchant's (on behalf of itself and its affiliated entities) instructions to its financial institutions to accept withdrawal requests from Global Direct, Member, and Merchant's agreement to hold such institutions harmless and to indemnify them, to the extent permissible under applicable law, are described above in section 15. 16.2.Merchant also agrees that, if a default by Merchant occurs, Member has a right of setoff and may apply any of Merchant's balances or any other monies due Merchant from Member towards the payment of amounts due from Merchant under the terms of this Card Services Agreement. The rights stated herein are in addition to any other rights Global Direct, Member may have under applicable law. 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER 17.1.Any litigated action regarding, relating to or involving the validity, scope and/or enforceability of this Card Services Agreement, shall be brought in either the courts of the state of Georgia sitting in Muscogee County or the United States District Couft for the Middle District ofGeorgia, and Merchant and Global Direct expressly agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. Merchant and Global Direct hereby agree and consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts, and expressly waive any objection that Merchant or Global Direct might otherwise have to personal jurisdiction or venue in such courts. 17.2.Class Action Waiver: Merchant acknowledges and agrees thdt all disputes arising out of or related to this Card Services Agreement shall be resolved on on individual basis without resort to any form of class action dnd shall not be consoliddted with the claims ol any other parties. Merchant further agrees to waive, and hereby waives, the right to participate in a clo.ss action or to litigate or atbitrate on a class' wide basis. 17.3.Merchant hereby agrees that claims applicable to American Express may be resolved through arbitration as further described in the American Express Merchant Requirements Guide (the "American Express Guide"). 18. AMENDMENTS. Global Direct may change the terms of or add new terms to this Agreement at any time and any such changes or new terms shall be effective when notice thereof is given by Global Direct either through written communication or on its Merchant website located at: https://reporting.globalpay.com. Notlvithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all fees, charges and/or discounts charged to Merchant hereunder may be changed immediately and without prior written notice to Merchant, provided that Global Direct will notify Merchant of any such changes promptly, either through written communication or on the Merchant website listed above. If Merchant provides written objection to such changes or amendments, Merchant shall have 15 calendar days from receipt of such changes or amendments to provide written notice to Global Direct of its desire to terminate this Card Services Agreement. Following receipt of such written notice, the amendments communicated by Global Direct or Member shall not take effect, and the Card Services Agreement shall continue under the prior terms for a period ofup to 30 days. At the end ofsuch 30-day period, this Card Services Agreement shall terminate and Merchant's ability to utilize the Services will cease 19. WATVER No provision of this Card Services Agreement shall be deemed waived by any party unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement is soughL No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising on the part of any party hereto. any right, power or privilege under this card services Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege under this Card Services Agreement preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege. Page 10 of21 20. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. Merchant authorizes Global Direct to order a credit report on Merchant. Merchant hereby authorizes Member or any depository institution to release any financial information concerning Merchant or its accounts to Global Direct. Subsequent credit reports may be ordered in connection with updating, renewing or continuing this Card Services Agreemenl Upon the written request of any individual who is the subject ofa consumer credit report, Global Direct will provide the name and address of the consumer credit reporting agency furnishiug such report, if any. GIobal Direct may exchange information about Merchant with Member, other financial institutions and credit card associations, network organizations and any other party, Merchant hereby authorizes Global Direct to disclose information concerning Merchant's activity to any card association, network organizations, or any of their member financial institutions, or any other party without any liability whatsoever to MerchanL 21. GENERAL. If any provision of this Card Services Agreement or portion thereof is held to be unenforceable, such a determination will not affect the remainder of this Card Services AgreemenL Paragraph headings are included for convenience only and are not to be used in interpreting this Card Services Agreement. 22. NOTICES. All notices required by this Card Services Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by facsimile, by overnight carrier, or by regular or certified mail. All notices sent to Clobal Direct or Member shall be effective upon actual receipt by the Corporate Secretary of Global Payments Direct, Inc.- 3550 Lenox Road NE, Suite 3000, Atlanta GA 30326. Any notices sent to Merchant shall be effective upon the earlier of actual receipt or upon sending such notice to the address provided by Merchant in the Merchant Application or to any other e-mail or physical address to which notices, statements and/or other communications are sent to the Merchant hereunder. The parties hereto may change the name and address of the person to whom notices or other documents required under this Card Services Agreement must be sent at any time by giving written notice to the other parry. 23. MERGER This Card Services Agreement, including these Card Services Terms & Conditions and the Merchant Application, constitutes the entire agreement between Merchant, Global Direct, and Member and supersedes all prior memoranda or agreements relating thereto, whether oral or in writing 24. EFFECTM DATE. This Card Services Agreement shall become effective only upon acceptance by Global Direct and Member, or upon delivery of indebtedness at such locations as designated by GIobal Direct for purchase, whichever event shall first occur. 25. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY. The financial institution set forth in the Merchant Application is designated by Merchant as a depository institution ("Depository") for its credit card indebtedness. Such financial institution must be a member ofan Automated Clearing House Association, Merchant authorizes payment for indebtedness purchased hereunder to be made by paying Depository therefore with instructions to credit Merchant's accounts. Depository, Member, and/or Global Direct may charge any of Merchant's accounts at Depository for any amount due under this Card Services Agreement. Global Direct must approve in writing any proposed changes to the account numbers or to the Depository. Merchant hereby authorizes Depository to release any and all account information to Global Direct as Global Direct may request without any further authorization, approval or notice from or to MerchanL 26. FTNANCIAL ACCOMMODATION, The acquisition and processing of sales slips hereunder is a financial accommodation and, as such, if Merchant becomes a debtor in bankruptcy, this Card Services Agreement cannot be assumed or enforced, and Global Direct and Member shall be excused from performance hereunder. 27. DEBIT / ATM PROCESSING SERVICES: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS' 27.1. Debit Sponsor shall act as Merchant's sponsor with respect to the participation of point-of-sale terminals owned, controlled, and/or operated by Merchant (the "Covered Terminals") in each of the following debit card netvvorks ("Networks"): Accel, AFFN, Alaska Option, cu24, Interlink, Maestro, NYCE, Pulse, Shazam, Star, and Tyme, which Networks may be changed from time-to-time by Debit Sponsor or Clobal Direct without notice. Merchant may also haye access to other debit networks that do not require a sponsor. Global Direct will provide Merchant with the ability to access the Networks at the covered Terminals for the purpose ofauthorizing debit card transactions from cards issued by the members of the respective Networks, Global Direct will provide connection to such Networks, terminal applications, settlement, and reporting actiyities. Merchant will comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances ["Applicable Laws") and with all by-laws, regulations, rules, Page 1l of 2l and operating guidelines of the Networks ("Network Rules"J. Merchant will execute and deliver any application, participation, or membership agreement or other document necessary to enable Debit Sponsor to act as sponsor for Merchant in each Network. Merchant agrees to utilize the debit card Services in accordance with the Card Services Agreement, its exhibits or attachments, and Global Direct's instructions and specifications (including but not limited to the Card Acceptance Guide which is incorporated into and made a part of this Card Services Agreement), and to provide Global Direct with the necessary data in the proper format to enable Clobal Direct to properly furnish the Services. Copies of the relevant agreements or operating regulations shall be made available to Merchant upon requesL 27.2. Merchant shall not in any way indicate that Debit Sponsor endorses Merchant's activities, products, or services. Debit Sponsor and Merchant are and shall remain independent contractors of one another, and neither they, nor their respective individual employees, shall have or hold themselves out as having any power to bind the other to any third party. Nothing contained in this section 27 shall be construed to create or constitute a partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, or agency relationship between Debit Sponsor and Merchant. 27.3.lf the Debit Sponsor's sponsorship of Merchant in any Network is terminated prior to the termination of the Card Services Agreement, Global Direct may assign Debit Sponsor's rights and obligations hereunder to a third parry. All provisions in this section necessary to enforce the rights and obligations of the parties contained in this section 27 shall survive the termination of Debit Sponsor's debit sponsorship of Merchant under the Card Services Agreemenl Debit Sponsor may assign this Card Services Agreement to any parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or successor-in-interest. 28. MERCHANT ACCEPTANCE OF EBT TRANSACTIONS: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, If MeTchant accepts EBT transactions (as defined in section 2, Services Descriptions), Merchant agrees to issue Benefits to Recipients in accordance with the procedures specified herein, and in all documentation and user guides provided to Merchant by Global Direct, as amended from time-to-time (including but not limited to the Card Acceptance Guide which is incorporated into and made a part ofthis Card Services AgreementJ; and pursuant to the Quest Operating Rules (the "Rules"), as amended from time-to-time, issued by the National Automated Clearing House Association as approved by the Financial Management Service of the U.S. Treasury Department. Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms shall have the meanings ascribed them in the Rules. Merchant will provide each recipient a receipt of each Benefit issuance. Merchant will be solely responsible for Merchant's issuance of Benefits other than in accordance with authorizations. Merchant agrees to comply with all the requirements, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the delivery of services to Benefit Recipients and Benefit Recipient confidentiality. If Merchant issues FS Benefits under this Card Services Agreement, Merchant represents and warrants to Global Direct that Merchant is an FNS-authorized "Merchant" [as such term is defined in the Rules) and is not currently suspended or disqualified by FNS. Merchant agrees to secure and maintain at its own expense all necessary licenses, permits, franchises, or other authorities required to lawfully effect the issuance and distribution of Benefits under this Card Services Agreement, including without limitation, any applicable franchise tax certificate and non-governmental contractor's certiftcate, and covenants that Merchant will not issue Benefits at any time during which Merchant is not in compliance with the requirements of any applicable law. Merchant agrees to hold Global Direct harmless from any costs of compliance or failure to comply with any such obligation by Merchant. Global Direct may terminate or modify the provision of Services to Merchant if any of Global Direct's agreements with government EBT agencies are terminated for any reason or if any party threatens to terminate services to Global Direct due to some action or inaction on the part of Merchanl If any of these Card Services Terms & Conditions are found to conflict with Federal or State law, regulation or policy of the Rules, these Card Services Terms & Conditions are subject to reasonable amendment by Global Direct, the State or its EBT Service Provider to address such conflict upon 90 days written notice to Merchant, provided that Merchant may, upon written notice, terminate the Card Services Agreement upon receipt of notice of such amendmenl Nothing contained herein shall preclude the State from commencing appropriate administrative or legal action against Merchant or for making any referral for such action to any appropriate Federal, State, or local agency. Any references to "State" herein shall mean the State in which Merchant issues Benefits pursuant hereto. lf Merchant issues Benefits in more than one State pursuant hereto, then the reference shall mean each such State severally, not jointly. Page 12 of21 29. DECLINE MINIMIZER SERVICES. If Merchant elects to use Global Direct's Decline Minimizer Service (as defined belowJ, the following terms apply. Merchant represents and warrants that its business is of such a nature that it periodically needs to receive updated cardholder account information and that Merchant does not belong to any high-risk categories as determined by any Card Schemes. ln consideration of Merchant's payment of any fees and charges set forth herein, Global Direct agrees to provide to Merchant certain Card decline minimizer services facilitated by applicable card associations, which services are designed to assist merchants in recurring payment industries with maintenance of current cardholder account data (such services, the "Decline Minimizer Services"l, The Decline Minimizer Services are subject to availability as determined by the card associations. Merchant acknowledges that a card association may terminate or suspend CIobal Direct's ability or right to provide the Decline Minimizer Services, and Global Direct may terminate its obligations with respect to the Decline Minimizer Service at any time upon notice to Merchant. The Decline Minimizer Services may be subiect to additional terms, conditions, and/or fees, notice of which shall be provided to Merchant in accordance with this Card Services AgreemenL 30. CALLPOP OPENEDGE SERVICES. 30.1.Global Direct offers hardware and services, which may include but are not limited to, phone/fax to VOIP smart box converter, phone analytics, tlvo-way calling, call notes and call history, quick text for incom ing and missed calls, reviews via text, text to pay, smart caller ID, reporting portal(sJ, and mobile application(s) among other things (collectiyely, the "CallPop OpenEdge Services") for Merchant's sole use with its internal business operations. 3O.2.lf Merchant elects to use Global Direct's CallPop OpenEdge Services (as defined above), the following terms apply. In consideration of Merchant's payment of the fees and charges set forth in the Merchant Application with respect to Global Direct's CallPop OpenEdge Services, and subject to the terms and conditions herein, Global Direct agrees to provide Merchant certain CallPop Services and hereby grants Merchant a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license in the United States of America to access and use the CallPop Open Edge Services (as defined above) solely for Merchant's internal business operations, Merchant shall not and shall not permit or authorize any other party to [a) decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discern the source code ofthe CallPop OpenEdge Servicesj or (b) copy, modify, enhance, or otherwise create derivative works of the CallPop OpenEdge Services. Either party may terminate or suspend the CallPop OpenEdge Services without terminating the rest of the Card Services Agreement pursuant to the termination and/or suspension rights specified in the Card Services Agreement Notlvithstanding the foregoing, Global Direct may terminate its obligations with respect to the CallPop OpenEdge Services at any time upon notice to MerchanL The CallPop 0penEdge Services may be subject to additional terms, conditions, and/or fees, notice of which shall be provided to Merchant in accordance with this Card Services AgreemenL 3}.3.Notwithstanding onything to the contrary herein, excepts as expressly provided herein, Globol Dircct makes no representation or warranty, express or implied with respect to the CollPop openEdge services, including without limitation, any hardware provided in connection therewith. Globol Direct specifically disclaims all waffanties as to the merchantability, condition, design, or compliance with speciJications or standards, and expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation implied warranties of merchontability, lltness rot d particular use, or non-infringement ofthird party rights, with respect to the CallPop OpenEdge Services. Global Direct does not warrunt that the CallPop OpenEdge Services will operate without interruption or on an error-free basis. Global Direct sholl have not liability to Merchant for incidental, special, consequential, indirect or exemplary damages, including without limitation lost profits, revenues snd business opportunities, or damages for injury to person or propetE, orising out of or in connection with the use by Merchant ofthe CallPop OpenEdge Services. 31. DISCOVER PROGRAM MARKS. Merchant is hereby granted a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use Discover brands, emblems, trademarks, and/or logos that identify Discover cards ["Discover Program Marks"). Merchant is prohibited from using the Discover Program Marks other than as expressly authorized in writing by Global Direct. Merchant shall not use the Discover Program Marks other than to display decals, signage, advertising and other forms depicting the Discover Program Marks that are provided to Merchant by Global Direct pursuant to this Card Services Agreement or otherwise approved in advance in writing by Global Direct Merchant may use the Discover Program Marks only to promote the services covered by the Discover Page 13 of21 Program Marks by using them on decals, indoor and outdoor signs, advertising materials and marketing materials; provided that all such uses by Merchant must be approved in advance by Global Direct in writing. Merchant shall not use the Discover Program Marks in such a way that customers could believe that the products or services offered by Merchant are sponsored or guaranteed by the owners of the Discover Program Marks. Merchant recognizes that it has no ownership rights in the Discover Program Marks and shall not assign to any third party any of the rights to use the Discover Program Marks. 32. PAYPAL MARI6. PayPal Marks means the brands, emblems. trademarks, and/or logos that identify PayPal Acceptance. Merchant shall not use the PayPal Marks other than to display decals, signage, advertising, and other forms depicting the PayPal Marks that are provided to Merchant by Global Direct pursuant to the Merchant Program or otherwise approved in advance in writing by Acquirer. Merchant may use the PayPal Marks only to promote the services covered by the PayPal Marks by using them on decals, indoor and outdoor signs, advertising materials and marketing materials; provided that all such uses by Merchant must be approved in advance by Global Direct in writing. Merchant shall not use the PayPal Marks in such a way that customers could believe that the products or seryices offered by Merchant are sponsored or guaranteed by the owners of the PayPal Marks. Merchant recognizes that it has no ownership rights in the PayPal Marks. Merchant shall not assign to any third party any of the rights to use the PayPal Marks. Merchant is prohibited from using the PayPal Marks, not permitted above, unless expressly authorized in writing by PayPal. 33, AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD ACCEPTANCE. 3 3.1.1f Merchant accepts American Express transactions, Merchant hereby acknowledges and agrees that for purposes of acceptance of American Express, the American Express Guide is hereby incorporated by reference into this Card Services Agreemenl ln addition, Merchant agrees to comply with the terms of all other security and operational guides published by American Express from time to time, including the American Express Data Security Requirements, Merchant hereby authorizes Global Direct to submit American Express transactions to, and receive settlement from, American Express on behalfof Merchanl Merchant must accept the American Express card as payment for goods and services (other than those goods and services prohibited under the American Express Guide sold, or (if applicable) for charitable contributions made, at all of its establishments, except as expressly permitted by state statute. Merchant is jointly and severally liable for the obligations of Merchant's establishments under the Card Services Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, "cardholder" as used in this Card Services Agreement shall include Card Members as defined in the American Express Guide. 33.2.Merchant hereby acknowledges and agrees that (i) Global Direct may disclose American Express Transaction Data (which for purposes of this section 33 shall have the same definition as "Transaction Data" in the American Express Guide), Merchant Data (as defined below), and other information about Merchant to American Express, (ii) American Express may use such information to perform its responsibilities in connection with the American Express Program, promote the American Express Network perform analytics and create reports, and for any other lawful business purpose, including marketing purposes, and (iii) American Express may use the information obtained in this application at the time of setup to screen and/or monitor Merchant in connection with American Express Card marketing and administrative purposes. If Merchant has provided a wireless phone number in connection with this Card Services Agreement, Merchant hereby agrees that it may be contacted at that number and the communications sent may include autodialed text messages or automated prerecorded calls. If Merchant has provided a fax number, Merchant hereby agrees that it may be sent fax communications. To opt out of American Express-related marketing communications, Merchant may contact Clobal Direct customer service as described in this Card Services Agreement. For purposes of this section 33, "Merchant Data" means names, postal and email addresses, tax ID numbers, names and social security numbers of the authorized signer of Merchant and similar identifying information about MerchanL For clarification, Merchant Data does not include American Express Transaction Data. 33.3.Merchant hereby agrees that, if Merchant becomes a High Charge Volume Merchant [as defined below), Merchant will be converted from the American Express Program to a direct American Express Card acceptance relationship with American Express, and upon such conversion, (i) Merchant will be bound by American Express' then-current card acceptance agreement and (iiJ American Express will set pricing and other fees payable by Merchant for American Express Card acceptance. "High Charge Volume Merchant" for purposes of this section 33 means an American Express Program Merchant with either (iJ greater than $1,000,000 in Page 14 ot 2l American Express charge volume in a rolling 12-month period or [ii] greater than $100,000 in American Express charge volume in any 3 consecutive months. For clarification, ifMerchant has multiple establishments, the American Express charge volume from all establishments shall be summed to together when determining whether Merchant has exceeded the thresholds above. 33,4.Merchant shall not assign to any third party any American Express-related payments due to it under this Card Services Agreement, and all indebtedness arising from American Express Charges (as defined below) will be for bona fide sales ofgoods and services (or both) at its establishments (as defined below) and free of liens, claims, and encumbrances other than ordinary sales taxes; provided, however, that Merchant may sell and assign future American Express transaction receivables to Global Direct, its affiliated entities and/or any other cash advance funding source that partners with Global Direct or its affiliated entities, without consent of American Express. 33.5.1n connection with Merchants acceptance ofAmerican Express, Merchant agrees to comply with and be bound by, the rules and regulations imposed by the PCI Security Standards Council (including without limitation the PCI Data Security Standard). Merchant hereby agrees to report all actual or suspected Data Incidents (as such term is defined in the American Express Data Security Requirements) immediately to Global Direct and American Express immediately upon discovery thereoi 33.6.Merchant hereby agrees that American Express shall have third party beneficiary rights, but not obligations, to enforce the Card Services Agreement against Merchant to the extent applicable to American Express processing. Merchant's termination of American Express card acceptance shall have no direct or indirect effect on Merchant's rights to accept other card brands, To terminate American Express acceptance, Merchant may contact Global Direct customer service as described in this Card Services Agreement. 33.7.Without limiting any other rights provided herein, Global Direct shall have the right to immediately terminate Merchant's acceptance of American Express cards upon request of American Express. Merchant may not bill or collect from any American Express Card Member for any purchase or payment on the American Express card unless a chargeback has been exercised, Merchant has fully paid for such charge, and it otherwise has the right to do so. Merchant shall use the American Express brand and marks in accordance with the requirements set forth in the American Express Guide. 34. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. 34.1.Under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign), this Card Services Agreement and all electronically executed documents related hereto are Iegally binding in the same manner as are hard copy documents executed by hand signature when: (a) your electronic signature is associated with the Card Services Agreement and related documents, [b] you consent and intend to be bound by the Card Services Agreement and related documents; and (c) the Card Services Agreement is delivered in an electronic record capable of retention by the recipient at the time of receipt (i.e., print or otherwise store the electronic record). This Card Services Agreement and all related electronic documents shall be governed by the provisions of E-Sign. 34.2.By pressing Submit, you agree: (aJ that the Card Services Agreement and related documents shall be effeclive by electronic means; (b) to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Card Services Agreement and related documents; (cJ that you have the ability to print or otherwise store the Card Services Agreement and related documents; and (dJ to authorize us to conduct an investigation of your credit history with various credit reporting and credit bureau agencies for the sole purpose of determining the approval of the applicant for merchant status or equipment leasing. This information is kept strictly confidential and will not be released. 35. SURCHARGES/OTHER FEES. 35.1.Merchant pricing appears in the Card Services Fee Schedule of the Merchant Application. T&E merchants (airline, car rental, cruise line, fast food, lodging, restaurant, travel agent, transportation) may have separate rates quoted for consumer and commercial [business] transactions. Transactions that do not clear as priced are subject to surcharges [as outlined in Merchant Applicationl that are billed back to you on your monthly statement. The most predominant market sectors and transactions types for surcharges appear in the SurcharAe Addendum attached, however, such sectors and transaction Page 15 of21 types are not comprehensive and are subject to change. Most surcharges can be avoided by using a product that supports authorization and market data requirements established by the card associations and that are subject to change from time to time. Some surcharges occur on specific types of cards (including without limitation Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa lnfinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, Discover Premium Plus Card, and "foreign" cards issued outside the United StatesJ. Unless your Card Services Fee Schedule specifically addresses commercial cards (i.e., Business Cards, Corporate Cards, FIeet Cards, GSA Cards, Purchase Cards), you will be billed back for the higher cost of acceptance of commercial cards, unless you are primarily a business-to-business supplier with corresponding pricing based on acceptance of commercial cards. The card associations require that information from the original authorization. including a lifecycle identifier, be retained and returned with subsequent authorizations and/or the settled transaction data. The card associations validate this information as part of the clearing and settlement process, If authorization data is not retained and returned at settlement, then the transaction will not clear as priced and will incur a surcharge, For more information concerning surcharging and to view market data, you may wish to check the Global Direct website (www.globalpaymentsinc.coml for best practices information and to license GIobal Access @dvantage (GA@) or Business View for transaction detail review. 35.2.The items listed in this section 35 are not and are not intended to be a comprehensive list ofall instances in which surcharges may apply. Surcharges may apply in additional situations. AII surcharges may include additional fees assessed by the applicable card association and Member or Global DirecL 35.3.In addition, Merchant may be assessed additional fees which will be in addition to the fees stated on the Merchant Application, including the following: 35.4.Merchant will also be assessed: (a) cross-Border fees and a u.S. Acquirer Support fee for international Mastercard and Maestro transactions; (b) an International Service Assessment fee and International Acquirer fee for international Visa transactions; and (c) an International Processing fee and International Service fee for international Discover transactions. These fees, which are applicable to transactions between Merchant and a non-U,S. Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, American Express, or Discover cardholder will be displayed as a separate item on Merchant's monthly statement and may include fees assessed by both the applicable card association and Member or Global Direct. 35.5,Merchant will also be assessed per transaction access or participation fees and assessment rates for Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and PayPal transactions, which will be displayed as a separate item on Merchant's monthly statement and may include fees by both the applicable card association and Member or Global Direct. 35.6. Merchant will also be assessed a Discover Network Authorization Fee 35.7.Merchant may also be assessed a PCI DSS Compliance fee, which will appear as a separate item on Merchant's monthly statemenL This fee is assessed by Member and Global Direct in connection with Member and Global Direct's efforts to comply with the PCI Data Security Standard and does not ensure Merchant's compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard or any law, rule or regulation related to cardholder data security. The payment ofsuch fee shall not relieve Merchant of its responsibility to comply with all rules and regulations related to cardholder data security, including without limitation the PCI Data Security Standard. Merchant may also be assessed a PCI DSS Non-Compliance fee until they validate compliance or confirm they are using a PA DSS Validated payment application. 35.8.Merchant will also be assessed the following fees on or related to Visa transactions: the Visa Misuse of Authorization System fee, which will be assessed on authorizations that are approved but never settled with the Merchant's daily batch, the Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee, which will be assessed on settled transactions that were not authorized, the Visa Zero Dollar Verification fee, which will be assessed on transactions where Merchant requested an address verification response without an authorization, the Visa Transaction Integrity fee, which will be assessed on Visa signature debit and prepaid transactions that fail to meet processing and transaction standards defined by Visa, and a monthly fee based on the number of card present Merchant Page 16 of21 locations by Merchant taxpayer identification number and/or all Visa volume processed by a Merchant's taxpayer identification number, Merchant will also be assessed a Mastercard CVC2 Transaction fee and the Mastercard Misuse ofAuthorization System fee, which will be assessed on authorizations that are approved but never settled with the Merchant's daily batch or not properly reversed within 120 days, and an acceptance and licensing fee that will be applied to the Merchant's total U,S. Mastercard sales volume. These fees will be displayed as separate items on Merchant's monthly statement, provided that the acceptance and Iicensing fee may be included with Merchant's Mastercard assessment fees, and may include fees assessed by both the applicable card association and Member or Global DirecL PaEe 17 ofzl SURCHARGE ADDENDUM FOR PREDOMINANT MARKET SECTORS Retait/Restaurant Electronic Merchant Ifyou are a Retail Merchant or a Restaurant Merchant with retail-only pricing (no Business Card Rate) and utilize a certified terminal product or electronic system or the payment application provided by Global Direct or its partner, which is designed for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each consumer card transaction you submit which meets all of the following requirements will be priced at the rate quoted. Each transaction not processed as outlined, including without limitation retail commercial card transactions in addition to transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, Discover Premium Plus Card and all Commercial Cards, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . Obtain a single electronic authorization with magnetic strip read or contactless data capture (electronic imprint] at the time ofsale. Obtain a single electronic authorization and settle for authorized amounts, . Obtain a cardholder signature (unless transaction is eligible for No Signature Required [NSR] program), Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. . The electronic authorization amount must be equal to the transaction amount on all Visa debit card transactions unless a Restaurant (MCC 5812), Fast Food (MCC 5814J, Service Station (MCC 55a1J or, Bar/Tavern (MCC 5513), Beauty/Barber Shop (MCC 7230), or Taxi/Limousines (MCC 4121)' . The electronic authorization amount must be equal to the transaction amount on Discover retail transactions except that Taxi Limousines IMCC 4121) and Beauty/Barber Shop (MCC 7230) merchant transactions may vary up t;20%. Restaurant (MCC 5812), Fast Food (MCC 5814), Service Station (MCC 5541J or Bar/Tavern (MCC 5513) transactions may vary by more than 20o/o from the electronic authorization without incurring surcharges. Restaurant Electronic Merchant If you are a Restaurant Merchant MCC 5812 or Fast Food Merchant MCC 5814 and utilize a certified terminal product or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each consumer card transaction you submit which meets all of the following requirements will be priced at the rate quoted. Each transaction not processed as outlined, in addition to transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa lnfinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, and Discover Premium Plus Card will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Commercial Card transactions that meet these requirements will be subject to the Business Card rate quoted in the Fee Schedule. Commercial Card transactions not processed in accordance with these requirements will be subject to the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . obtain a single electronic authorization with magnetic strip read or contactless data capture felectronic imprintJ at the time ofsale. Obtain a cardholder signature (unless transaction is eligible for NSR program). . Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. Supermarket Electronic Merchant If you are an approved (certified) supermarket merchant and utilize a terminal or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each transaction you submit which meets all of the following requirements will be priced at the rate(s) quoted for Supermarket Credit Card and Supermarket Check Card. Each transaction not processed as outlined, in addition to transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, Discover Premium Plus Card and commercial cards, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . Obtain a magnetic strip read (card swipe/contactless data capture/electronic im printJ at the time of sale. 0btain a single electronic authorization and settle for authorized amounts. PaEe 18 of 21 . Obtain a cardholder signature [unless transaction is eligible for NSR program). Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. . The electronic authorization amount must be equal to the transaction amount on all Visa debit card transactions. Emerging Market Electronic Merchant If you qualify as an Emerging Market Merchant (as defined by Association guidelines from time to time) and utilize a terminal or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Clobal Direct, each transaction you submit which meets all the following requirements will be priced at the rates quoted. Any other transaction, including commercial card transactions, Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, Discover Premium Plus Card, and non-magnetic stripe read foreign transactions will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application In addition, each Visa transaction not processed as outlined, but transmitted same day or next day via your terminal/electronic system, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . obtain a single electronic authorization, . Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. Provide market data as required. See Note. NOTE: lf card is not present and a magnetic sfripe read does not occur, then Merchant may be required to comply with "Direct Marketer" market data requirements including AVS request on cardholder billing address at time of authorization, lf card is present and cardholder signature is obtained, however the magnetic stripe is damaged, then Merchant may be required to obtain AVS match on cardholder billing address zip code. MOTO Electronic Merchant Ifyou are a MOTO Merchant (non-magnetic swipe read transactions), and utilize a certified terminal product or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each transaction you submit which meets all of the following requirements will be priced at the rate quoted. Any other transaction, including all foreign transactions and commercial card transactions in addition to transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa lnnnite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, and Discover Premium Plus Card will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . obtain an electronic authorization and settle for authorized amounts (one reversal permitted on Visa transactions to make authorization amount equal to settle amount). . Address Verification Request in authorization on cardholder billing address. For Discover transactions, Merchant must obtain full address verification request on street number and/or 9 digit postal code. . CID veriRcation for Discover merchants on non-recurring transactions. Purchase date (settled date) is ship date. . Send order number with each transaction. . Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. . Send level 3 data (line item detail, sales tax, customer code) with every eligible commercial card transaction. NOTE: Card Not Present transactions involving one-time, recurring, or installment bill payment transactions are subject to additional card association requirements which must be complied with to avoid surcharges. Electronic commerce transaction requirements are also subject to additional card association requirements which must be complied with to avoid surcharges. Please refer to Card Acceptance Guide for additional requirements. PaEe 19 ol21 NOTE: Transactions which utilize our TouchTone Capture system for authorizations and settlement, settle beyond 48 hours, or are not transmitted via the TouchTone Capture system, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Public Sector Electronic Merchant If you are an approved (certified) public sector merchant and utilize a terminal or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Clobal Direct, each transaction you submit which meets all of the following requirements will be priced at the rate[sJ quoted for Public Sector. Each transaction not processed as outlined, in addition to transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, Discover Premium Plus Card and commercial cards, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application, . Obtain a magnetic strip read (card swipe/contactless data capture/electronic imprint) at the time ofsale, Obtain a single electronic authorization and settle for authorized amounts. . Obtain a cardholder signature [unless transaction is eligible for NSR program). Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. . The electronic authorization amount must be equal to the transaction amount on all Visa debit card transactions. Purchase Card Electronic Merchant If you are a Purchase Card Merchant (non-magnetic swipe read transactions) and utilize a certified terminal product or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each transaction you submit which meets the following requirements will be priced at the rate quoted. Each Visa transaction not processed as outlined, but transmitted same day or next day via your terminal/electronic system, will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Each Visa business and commercial card transaction will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Any other transaction that does not meet the following requirements, including without limitation foreign transactions, tax-exempt Visa Commercial transactions, Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card and Discover Premium Plus Card will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . obtain an electronic authorization and settle for authorized amounts (one reversal permitted on Visa transactions to make authorization amount equal to settled amount). . Address Verification Request in authorization on cardholder billing address. Purchase date (settled date) is ship date. . Send order number (customer code) with each transaction. Send tax amount with every transaction. . Send Level 3 data (line item detail) with every eligible commercial card transaction. Sales tax exempt transactions will not be considered to meet these requirements unless they include Level 3 data (line item detailJ. . Settle and transmit batches same day via your terminal/electronic system. Lodging/Auto Rental Electronic Merchant If you are a Lodging or Auto Rental Merchant utilizing a terminal or electronic system for authorization and settlement through Global Direct, each consumer card transaction you submit which meets the following requirements will be priced at the rate quoted, Each transaction not processed as outlined, including without Iimitation non-magnetic stripe read foreign transactions, and transactions using Visa Rewards Card, Visa Signature Card, Visa Signature Preferred Card, Visa Infinite Card, Mastercard Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card, Mastercard World Elite Card, Discover Rewards Card, Discover Premium Card, and Discover Premium Plus Card will be priced at the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Commercial Card transactions that meet these requirements will be subject to the Business Card rate quoted in Page 20 of 21 the Fee Schedule. Commercial Card transactions not processed in accordance with these requirements will be subject to the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. . obtain a magnetic swipe read (card swipe/electronic imprint) at the time ofcheck-in. . obtain additional electronic authorizations or send partial reversals to bring total authorized amount within 1syo ofsettled amounL Authorizations must meet card association requirements. . obtain a cardholder signature for final transaction amount. Purchase Date is hotel check-out date/auto return date. . Length ofguest stay/rental in initial authorization. . Hotel Folio/Rental Agreement Number and check-in date/check-out date transmitted with each transaction. . Additional market data may be required for commercial card transactions to avoid surcharges. Lodging merchants who: (a) accept credit cards for advance payment; (bJ guarantee reservations using a credit card; or (c) provide express check-out services to guests, must comply with additional card association requirements for these services in addition to additional authorization and settlement market data requirements. Lodging merchants who subject charges to final audit and bill for ancillary/additional charges must comply with additional bank card association requirements for these services in addition to additional authorization and settlement market data requirements to avoid surcharges. These transactions may also be subject to the rate quoted plus the applicable surcharge rate quoted in the Merchant Application. Please see Card Acceptance Guide for requirements and best practices for these transactions. Paper Deposit Merchant Non-terminal/electronic paper deposit transactions will be priced at the rate quoted in the Card Services Fee Schedule of the Merchant Application. Debit Card Merchant Each debit card transaction will be assessed the network's acquirer fee in addition to the debit card per item fee quoted in the Card Services Fee Schedule of the Merchant Application. Card Present / Mag Stripe Failure: A magneric stripe read is also referred to as an electronic imprint. If the magnetic stripe is damaged, then other validation means may be required to protect against counterfeit cards and merchant must obtain a manual imprinL Most products, including the payment application, if any, will prompt for cardholder billing zip code and perform an AVS check for a zip code match, CID verification is recommended for Discover key-entered transactions. Key-entered retail transactions are subject to higher interchange and surcharges. The foregoing information regarding surcharging is not comprehensive and is subject to change by the card association. Additional or different rates or fees may apply based on the details of a subject transaction. All questions regarding Card Services should be referred to Global Payments Direct Inc. - 3550 Lenox Road NE, Suite 3000, Atlanta, GA. 30326, or call: 1-800-367-2638. Note: Billing disputes must be forwarded, in writing, to Customer Service within 60 days of the date of the statement and/or notice. Contact information for Member is listed in the Merchant Application. Global Payments Direct Inc. is a registered ISO of BMO Harris Bank N.A. and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Debit sponsorship is provided by Old Line Bank - 1525 Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD.207 L6,1(800J617-7511. Page 27 of 21