HomeMy Public PortalAbout1987_01_28 422 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL, JANUARY 28, 1987 The regular meeting of the Leesburg Town Council was held in the Council Chambers, 10 Loudoun Street, SW, Leesburg, Virginia on January 28, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor with the invocation given by Mr. Tolbert, followed with the Salute to the Flag led by Councilmember Curry. Present were Mayor Robert E. Sevila, Councilmembers Arl Curry, Brian Kelley, Jerry Pelkey, John Tolbert, Jr., and Charles Williams. Staff members present were Town Manager, Jeffrey Minor, Director of Zoning, Planning and Development, Martha Mason-Semmes, Director of Finance, Paul York, Director of Engineering and Public Works, Tom Mason, Planner, Susan Sherman and Town Attorney, George Martin. On a motion by Mr. Tolbert and seconded by Mr. Curry it was recommended that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 22, 1986 and the special meeting of November 3, 1986 be approved as submitted with minor corrections as noted. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING H-1 REGULATIONS Mr. Minor explained that this pertains to the overhaul of the present zoning ordinance. There has been intensive review of these amendments by both the Planning Commission and the Board of Architectural Review and at this time Mr. Minor introduced Susan Sherman to give a more detailed overview. Susan Sherman stated that this draft began at the staff level, moved to the Board of Architectural Review level where there was intensive review and additional clarifying language incorporated. Following this a consultant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation reviewed the document with both the staff and the BAR. It then went on to the comprehensive plan committee of the Planning Commission where several concerns were addressed. These revisions were incorporated into the draft and the Planning Commission has approved this document. The document will provide a clearer understanding for both residents and developers as to their rights in the Old and Historic District. Since there was no one from the public who wished to address Council on this issue, the public heari*g was closed and referred to the Council level at this time. On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Curry, it was recommended that this be referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for further consideration. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None At this time Dr. Stephen Mayo entered the meeting and Mayor Sevila presented him with the following proclamation: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the future is, to a large measure, dependent on the good health of our children and youth, the citizens of tomorrow; and WHEREAS, good health, physical and mental, can be achieved through good health habits learned early: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Robert E. Sevila, Mayor of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia, do hereby proclaim the month of February as CHILDREN'S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING :4 2 3 in the Town of Leesburg and urge that all citizens and all community organizations join in the observance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Leesburg to be affixed this 28th day of January, 1987. Dr. Mayo thanked the Mayor on behalf of the Leesburg and Loudoun County dentists and the members of the American Dental Association. PUBLIC HEARING ON IZM-76 BY A.C. ECHOLS, JR. , AND J. LYNN CORNWELL, JR. As in the past, Mayor Sevila requested that Vice Mayor Williams chair the discussion on this request. Vice Mayor Williams stated' this was the second public hearing on this rezoning request, and asked Mr. Minor to present the staff report. Mr. Minor stated that this evening there were signed proffers offered to the town. These are involved in the Gateway project. A more detailed V^ site site plan for the northern part of Davis Avenue will be presented. The second hearing was required because of some changes to the original applica- N tion. Mr. Williams asked the applicant to step forward at this time for W the applicant's presentation. QRichard Thoesen, a professional engineer and partner in the firm of Bengtson, DeBell, Elkin and Titus, presented some background information and explained the changes that have been made to this'plan to date. In 1985 a preliminary development plan was submitted. In March of 1986, with the 1 adoption of the new Town Plan, the transportation and land use issues were 1 revised to make this development comply with the land use regulations of this parcel of land. The Town Plan now allowed high density residential use for this area with an intensity of six to ten dwelling units per acre and one corner designated as office/limited commercial. With changes to the road network in the area the corner designated high intensity is more appropriate in another portion of the parcel. Under application this evening is the Lokey project which is an apartment complex. Present zoning is B-2 and R-3 and the application requests a B-1 rezoning. The extension of Davis Avenue eliminates some rights-of-way and buffer zones. A decision must be made on the transportation issues in the area to determine where the most appropriate spot would be for certain developments. The B-1 zoning for the south side is for the development of a shopping center. The north side ,. should incorporate a transitional use between the existing residential area of Brandon and the new office/commercial use designated for the south side. The use being applied for is an apartment complex with generous buffer zones and many amenities being offered. The architectural treatment will be a style compatible with the adjoining neighborhood. Traffic patterns proposed would generate minimal trips per hour through existing developments. Peter Ralaris an attorney for the developer, addressed the following points: Pertaining to the proffers, the character of the condos will be in compliance with existing residential development; the land will be donated for the building of the roadways and there will be no additional condominium development in this particular area. Fred Hetzel differentiated between condominiums and apartments. This will be a condominium project in which the units will be purchased by individuals. This project will provide a good transition between the Lokey development and the proposed commercial development. Lou Dilda, resident of 327 Nansemond Street and President of the Leesburg Square Community Association, spoke against the condominium project in this area. He said that they believe that the Lokey apartments will be sufficient for this area. Several problems have already arisen because of the increased development in the area. Will the roadway be sufficient to carry the increased traffic? Also, Leesburg already has too many rental units in relationship to the rest of Loudoun County. He asked for the preservation of the present zoning for this piece of land. 424 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING Eric Strom, resident of 107 Nottoway Street, agrees that a higher density zoning for the area is not what the residents want. The opening of Harrison Street has already caused a signficant increase in traffic and created a traffic hazard. Charles Smith, president of the Virginia Knolls Homeowners' Associa- tion, stated the issues they are concerned about. Density and traffic are the primary concerns. Some of the owners of townhouses in this area are directly contiguous with this new development. These areas would be concerned about the sale of this property and if the zoning .would be sold with it. The Harrison Street traffic situation and what alternatives can be offered is another issue. The Associationwould support a development plan that coordinates all the issues but would be against a plan that has not addressed the issues in a manner considering current residents in the area. Mr. Williams asked what the stand of the Association was and Mr. Smith replied that it really depends on the location of the resident. The Association represents all the residents in that area and some are more affected than others. Alton Echols reflected back on seven years ago when a high density development was proposed for this area. He said that to this time the • density of the area was not increased, but actually decreased. Meetings have been held with the residents most affected by this development and the owners of this land. He stated that commercial development for this area . : would generate less traffic than a condominium unit. He urged that the data be collected accurately and that the residents are kept -up "to 'date on the progress of this development. Since there was no further comment from the public, the hearing was closed at this time and referred to the Council level. On a motion by Mr. Kelley and seconded by Mr. Pelkey the application of ZM-76 was referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for further consideration. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, and Vice Mayor Williams Nay: None Abstain: Mayor Sevila Councilmember Kelley asked for a five minute recess at this point Upon reconvening, the Council moved on to the next agenda item. COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Williams commended the town street crews that worked so hard in the recent snow removal effort. Mayor Sevila echoed these sentiments and asked that Mr. Minor relay the commendation from the entire Council to the town staff involved. Mr. Pelkey, having missed the last Councilmeeting, expressed his sentiments regarding the appointment of Mr. Bos to the. Board of Supervisors. He stated that he will be greatly missed on the Council and wished him much success on the Board of Supervisors. He went on to say that there is now the vacancy on the Council and gave a brief overview of the duties of a Councilmember. He encouraged all interested citizens to become involved. Mr. Curry reported on the last Planning Commission meeting at which the_ Commission approved the following: building addition to 302 S. King Street, preliminary and final development plat for an office building on Liberty Street, preliminary and final development plan for Wendy's, final development plat for a one lot subdivision for AT&T, and the final plat for Section I, Roxbury Townhouses. The staff gave a presentation on the development review process. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING 425 Mr. Kelley further commented on the snow removal recently undertaken stating thatthetown also had to take on expanded boundaries and more streets than in prior years. He especially commended the staff for removing the snow on undedicated streets even though they are not requ4red to do so. Mr. Tolbert briefly commended staff on snow removal. Mayor Sevila commended the Finance-staff for their recent audit which was accepted by the State. Also, the Mayor received a letter from the Rescue Squad thanking the town for their recent contribution. He attended the Planning Commission meeting and commended staff for their fine presentation. Lastly, he mentioned a letter received from Board of Supervisor Chairperson, Betty Tatum, in which she asked that the Council reconvene the Joint Policy Committee with the Board to look at issues relating primarily to transportation, specifically the toll road. At this time the Mayor asked Councilmember Kelley to expand on the recent meeting of this task force. T Mr. Kelley stated that there are 13 members of this task force, with 0) the town having one member. There are two committees within this task force, the finance committee and the basic transportation policy committee. Basically they are looking at the broad transportation picture of Loudoun County, presenting both a ten-year and twenty-year plan for the transpor- tation issues. A draft report should be available in about two weeks. CO Q MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Minor highlighted some items from the activity report. He mentioned that the streets that were plowed were not private streets but were streets where the dedication had been made but the public facilities had not yet been accepted. The town's effort to address the development review process is an effort to not only simplify this process for the development community, but also to keep the review committees up to date on all changes that occur in a more timely fashion. Increasing manpower involved and redetermining responsibilities are helping to streamline this process. LEGISLATION 87-0-1 - ORDINANCE - AMENDING SECTIONS 15-4 AND 19-1 OF THE TOWN CODE On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Kelley, the following ordinance was proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Town Council has found that it is in the public interest to require the extension of central water and sewer lines to any new sub- divisions created with lots of less than- 5 acres: THEREFORE, ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: SECTION I. Section 15-4 of the Town Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 15-4. Same--What constitutes--Generally. For the purposes of this chapter, an approved method of disposal of human excrement or other polluting waste shall be by means of approved plumbing fixtures connected to an adequate water supply, as provided in Chapter 19 of this Code, and discharging into: (a) The town sanitary sewer system; or (b) A private septic tank system installed in accordance with the county sanitation ordinance when the parcel or property on which the building so served is located does not abut a street or easement containing a sanitary sewer system owned by the town. 426 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING Connection to the town sanitary sewer system is required iii the follow- ing instances: (a) Any time an existing private septic tank system fails health department requirements and the town sanitary sewer system abuts the parcel of property; (b) Any new building constructed on an existing lot of record, unless it would require a private sewer lateral of 200 feet or greater; and (c) Any new residences constructed within subdivisions -created after February 1, 1987, with lot sizes of less than five (5) acres. SECTION II. Section 19-1 of the Town Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 19-1. Adequate supply required for building. (a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any house or other building where human beings congregate or are employed to use or lease such house or building for human occupancy unless and until the premises shall have been connected to an adequate water supply. (b) For the purpose of this section, a water supply shall be deemed adequate when provided: (1) By connection to a public water supply system; or (2) By connection to a private water supply capable of furnish- ing a flow of 50 gallons per capita per day at pressures equivalent to the town public water supply system, when the parcel of property on which the building is located does not abut a street or easement containing a watermain or water supply system owned by the town. Connection to the town water supply is required in the following instances: (a) Any time an existing private water supply system fails health department requirements and the town water system abuts the parcel of property; (b) Any new building constructed on an existing lot of record, unless a private water lateral of 200 feet or greater would be required; and (c) Any new residences constructed within subdivisions created after February 1, 1987, with lot sizes of less than five (5) acres. SECTION III. All prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are repealed. SECTION IV. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the Article as a whole or of any remaining provisions of the Article. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage. Mr. Minor explained that this ordinance addresses the expansion of the town limits and what portions will be eligible for town water systems. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING 427% 87-0-2 - ORDINANCE - AMENDING THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING DISCLOSURE OF REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST On a motion by Mr. Kelley and seconded by Mr. Tolbert, the following ordinance was proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Council on October 8, 1986, initiated amendments to the Leesburg Zoning Ordinance to require any applicant for amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or variance to disclose the equitable ownership of the real estate to be affected; and WHEREAS, a joint public hearing of the Planning Commission and Council was held on these amendments on November 12, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended to Council approval of these amendments on November 20, 1986; and WHEREAS, these amendments are in the interest of the public necessity, //�� convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice: V) N THEREFORE, ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: WM LSECTION I. The Leesburg Zoning Ordinance is amended to revise Section W 8-2-11-12(a) , 9-6(b) , 10-3-,1, and 11-2(b) as follows: Q 8-2-11-12. Application and approval. (a) Application for a special exception by the Council shall be made on forms provided by the zoning administrator who shall transmit a copy to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Each such application will be accompanied by a filing fee of $100 to defray the cost of processing said application, which amount shall be paid to the Director 111 of Finance. Special exception application shall include a disclosure state- ment, signed by the applicant and notarized, of the equitable ownership of the real estate affected, which shall list the names and addresses of all the real parties in interest, including all applicants, title owners, contract purchasers, and lessees of the land described in the application, all partners, both general and limited, in any partner- ship, and, if any of the foregoing is a trustee, each beneficiary having an interest in such land, and in the case of corporate owner- ship, the names of stockholders, officers and directors; provided, however, that the corporate requirement shall not apply to a corpora- tion whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and having more than five hundred shareholders. The applicant shall keep this information current at all times during the processing of the application. The Planning Commission shall transmit its recommendation to the Council no later than thirty days after the first meeting of the Commission after the application has been referred to the Commission. 9-6. Approval of Conditional Uses: General: Fee (b) Application for a Conditional Use Permit shall be made to the Zoning Administrator, on forms prescribed by him at least 21 days prior to the Commission meeting at which first consideration is desired and shall be accompanied by a zoning plan necessary to demon- strate that the conditions for approval set out in the Article shall be fulfilled. Each such application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100 to defray the cost of processing said application, which amount shall be paid to the Director of Finance. Conditional Use Permits shall include a disclosure statement, signed by the applicant and notarized, of the equitable ownership of the real estate affected, which shall list the names and addresses of all the real parties in interest, including all applicants, title owners, contract purchasers, and lessees of the land described in the •428 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING application, all partners, both general. and limited, in any partner- ship, and, if any of the foregoing is a trustee, each beneficiary having an interest in such land, and in the case of corporate owner- ship the names of stockholders, officers and directors; provided, however, that the corporate requirement shall not apply to a cor- poration whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and having more than five hundred shareholders. The applicant shall keep this information current at all times during the processing of the application. 10-3-1. ' An application to the Board for a variance, special exception, or interpretation of the Zoning District Map, or any other case in which the Board has original jurisdiction under the provisions of this Ordinance may be made by any property owner, tenant, governmental officer, department, board or bureau. Such application shall be filed in triplicate with the Zoning Administrator, who shall transmit a copy thereof, together with all the plans, specifications and other papers pertaining to the application, to the Chairman of the Board. Each such application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100 to defray the cost of processing said application, which amount shall be paid to the Director of Finance. • All applications for a variance or special exception, shall include a disclosure statement, signed by the applicant and notarized, of the equitable ownership of the real estate affected, which shall list the names and addresses of all of the real parties in interest, including all applicants, title owners, contract purchasers, and lessees of the land described in the application, all partners, both general and limited, in any partnership, and, if any of the foregoing is a trustee, each beneficiary having an interest in such land, and in the case of corporate ownership, the names of stockholders, officers and directors; provided, however, that the corporate requirement shall not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and having more than five hundred shareholders. The applicant shall keep this information current at all times during the processing of the application. 11-2. Initiation of Amendments (b) Amendments to the zoning boundaries or classification of property shown on the Zoning Map may be initiated by property owners of the land proposed to be rezoned, by the filing with the Council of a Zoning Map amendment petition addressed to the Council, which petition shall be on a standard form approved by the Planning Commission and provided by the Zoning Administrator, and accompanied by a fee of $300, plus $20 per acre, other material and data required in said form. Zoning Map Amendment Applications shall include a disclosure statement, signed by the applicant and notarized, of the equitable ownership of the real estate affected, which shall list the names and addresses of all of the real parties in interest, including all appli- cants, title owners, contract puchasers, and lessees of the land described in the application, all partners, both general and limited, in any partnership, and, if any of the foregoing is a trustee, each beneficiary having an interest in such land, and in the case of corporate ownership the names of stockholders, officers and directors; provided, however, that the corporate requirement shall not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and having more than five hundred shareholders. The applicant shall keep this information current at all times during the processing of the application. SECTION II. This amendment, upon its adoption shall apply to all applications for zoning map amendments, conditional use permits, special exceptions and variances within the entire corporate limits of the Town of Leesburg. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING 429 SECTION III. All prior ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. Severability. If any provision of this Article is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the Article as a whole or of any remaining provision of the Article. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None 87-18 - RESOLUTION - APPOINTING VICE MAYOR CHARLES WILLIAMS AS THE COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE CONSULTANT SELECTION TEAM FOR THE IDA LEE PARK MASTER PLAN 0) On a motion by Mr. Pelkey and seconded by Mr. Tolbert, the following n 1 resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: V^ 'VWHEREAS, a Request for Proposal has been issued to select a consultant WW to prepare a master plan for Ida Lee Park; and co WHEREAS, a member of the Town Council is required to serve on the review committee to recommend a consultant to the full Council: THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: Vice Mayor Charles Williams is appointed to serve as the Council's representative on the review committee to recommend a consultant to prepare a master plan for Ida Lee Park. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None 87-19 - RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING NOTICE OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT #ZM-83 - EVERGREEN MILLS INVESTMENTS On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Kelley, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: A Notice of Public Hearing shall be given to consider rezoning application #ZM-83 by Evergreen Mills Investments to amend the zoning district map of the Leesburg Zoning Ordinance, to rezone from County R-1 to Town R-3, 62 acres of land, which is a portion of the land commonly referred to as the Stowers tract, located on the west side of Route 643, south of the Route 7 Bypass, and to rezone the remaining 386 acres of the Stowers tract from County R-1 to County R-1 with proffers. This notice shall be published in the Loudoun Times Mirror on February 5, 1987 and February 12, 1987, for public hearing on February 25, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 10 Loudoun Street, SW, Leesburg, Virginia. In accordance with Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, this hearing shall be a joint hearing of both Planning Commission and Council. The clerk shall advise the Planning Commission of the purpose, time and date of the hearing. Following some discussion on this, the vote was as follows: Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING /�3 O The resolution authorizing a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee for preparation of the water and sewer systems master plans was referred back to the Finance and Administration Committee for further consideration. 87-20 -,RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH PERRY ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROUTE 643 WATERLINE On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Kelley the following resolution_ was proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS,. bids were opened January 16, 1987, for the. construction of the Route 643 waterline in accordance with the bid documents prepared by Camp, Dresser & McKee, dated December 11, 1986; and WHEREAS, the unit price bids were evaluated by Camp, Dresser & McKee and the Director of Engineering and Public Works; and WHEREAS, this evaluation resulted in the identification of material deficiencies in the bids submitted by the "apparent low bidder", General Excavation Company of Luray, VA; and WHEREAS, based on an evaluation of the bids received, the Director of Finance has determined that the bid submitted by General Excavation Company of Luray, VA is a non-responsive bid and notice of same has been sent to General Excavation Company of Luray, VA pursuant to Par. 10.3 of the Leesburg Purchasing Policy; and _ . WHEREAS, the extended price, based on estimated quantities and the unit price, as submitted by the next low bidder, Perry Engineering Company of Winchester, VA is below the engineer's estimate and utility fund appropriation for this project; and WHEREAS, Camp, Dresser & McKee and the Director of Engineering and Public Works have determined that the Perry. Engineering Company bid is a fully responsive bid: THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: The manager is authorized and directed to enter into a unit price contract with Perry Engineering inaccordance with, their bid, opened January 16, 1987, for the Route 643 waterline project. There was some discussion in which Mr. Minor pointed out the reasons why Perry Engineering was chosen over General Excavation Company. He stated that review of bids must be conducted carefully to assure that all items are being included, and are at the standard requested. He also mentioned that this project bid is below the engineer's estimate for the project. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None NEW BUSINESS 87-21 - RESOLUTION - ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASING THE PERFORM- ANCE GUARANTEE AND APPROVING A MAINTENANCE BOND FOR LEXINGTON PLACE On. a motion by. Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Kelley, the following resolution was. proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the developer of Lexington Place has completed public improvements in accordance with town standards and specifications and these have been inspected and approved and the as-built drawings have been submitted and approved: MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING 431 THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: SECTION I. The irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $21,569.13 from the Community Bank and Trust Company is released. A maintenance bond in the form of a letter of credit from the Community Bank and Trust Company of Sterling, Virginia, to be in effect for a period of one year from this date in the amount of $1,075 is approved. SECTION II. This release is contingent upon delivery of a properly executed instrument conveying unto the town all such improvements free of any liens or charges. - - - -- •- Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None On motion of Charles Williams and seconded by Brian Kelley, Council voted unanimously to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters N relating to Councilmember appointment and sale of surplus property. Section 2.1-344(1) and 2.1-344(2) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, permits the Council to discuss such matters in executive session. CO The following staff are requested to participate in the meeting: the Q Town Manager. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None The meeting reconvened with no action taken in the executive session. 87-22 - RESOLUTION - APPOINTING HUNTER M. LEACH TO LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM OF CHARLES A. HOS On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Curry the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: - - - WHEREAS, Councilmember Charles A. Bos submitted his resignation to the Leesburg Town Council on December 16, 1986, effective immediately; and WHEREAS, as a result of this resignation, a vacancy exists on the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Leesburg desires Hunter M. Leach to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Charles A. Bos upon his qualification: THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg as follows: Hunter M. Leach is hereby appointed to. fill thevacancy. on. the Town Council, effective immediately, upon his qualification as required by law, his term to expire June 30, 1988. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None 87-23 -- RESOLUTION - APPOINTING A JURY.FOR THE LEESBURG MUNICIPAL GOVERN- MENT CENTER/PARKING COMPLEX On a motion by Mr. Pelkey and seconded by Mr. Kelley the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, this Council has authorized a design competition to attract design solutions for the town's new municipal government center/parking complex from across the United States; and 432 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING WHEREAS, Design Competition Advisory Services has been retained as the town's professional advisor to ensure the design competition meets the highest standards of the National Endowment for the Arts and is adminis- tered in a professional and efficient manner; and WHEREAS, Design Competition Advisory Services has made recommendations to the Council for the outside jurors for the design competition; and WHEREAS, the recommended jury includes some of the finest architects, historic preservationists and design professionals in the Nation; and WHEREAS, the town's approved grant application for the National Endow- ment for the Arts proposes an additional two "local" jurors: THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: The following individuals are appointed to serve as the jurors for the Leesburg municipal government center/parking complex design competition: 1. Bernard Spring, FAIA 2. Milo Thompson, FAIA 3. Mary Means 4. Michael J. Pittas, AICP • 5. Vice Mayor Charles Williams 6. Martha Mason-Semmes, AICP • Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None 87-24 - RESOLUTION _ APPOINTING LEESBURG REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ANNEXA- TION AREA DEVELOPMENT POLICY JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE On a motion by Mr. Pelkey and seconded by Mr. Kelley, the following resolution was proposed and adopted: WHEREAS, the Annexation Area Development Policies (AADP's), an integral part of the Annexation Agreement between the County of Loudoun and the Town of Leesburg, provide for a joint policy committee composed of two represent- atives each of the town and county to provide a forum for discussion, nego- tiation and amendments with respect to the AADP's; and WHEREAS, the proposed road network for the NV Land planned development concept plan now before the Council impacts future plans for the Dulles Toll Road (Loudoun Parkway) extension and will require the concurrence of the county and VDOT. WHEREAS, by letter dated January 22, 1987, the Chairman of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors has requested the reconvening of the AADP's Joint Policy Committee to develop a joint county/town position on the align- ment of the Loudoun Parkway consistent with the AADP's, DNAMP and trans- portation needs of Loudoun County. THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: Charles Williams and Brian T. Kelley are appointed to serve as the town's representatives to the AADP's joint policy committee for a period co-terminous with their terms on the Council. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert and Vice Mayor Williams Nay: Mayor Sevila MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 1987 MEETING 433 87-25 = RESOLUTION _ APPOINTING COUNCILMANIC MEMBER TO BOARD OF ARCHITEC- TURAL REVIEW On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Pelkey, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Councilmember Charles A. Bos resigned from the Leesburg Town Councail on December 16, 1986; and WHEREAS, Charles A. Bos was the Councilmanic member of the Board of Architectural Review; and WHEREAS, Hunter M. Leach has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Town Council: THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: Hunter M. Leach is appointed as the councilmanic member of the Board of Architectural Review for a period co-terminous with his term on the N Council. W Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila m Nay: None On a motion by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Pelkey the meeting was adjourned. Aye: Councilmembers Curry, Kelley, 'Pelkey, Tolbert, Williams and Mayor Sevila Nay: None Mayor Clerk of •'.uncil .C�✓