HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1980-09-03FORM MI C. F. HOECKEL 0. B. L. CO. 15L;P2. 3, 1960 Board told drake to investiaste this further and see what additional easements would be neded, Board will look into the budgeting of this. Iioberts hearing Continued at 8:00 Close regular meting. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves page 2 Open regular meting. Ordinance 8 read, this concerns revising the membership of the board to allow for a citizen at large to be appointed to the Planning Commission replacing the position to be filled by the ex-official member. Clayton made a motion to change the Ordinance to read only 5 members on the Board and desolve all of the exsisting members from the present Board, and to appoint new members. Clayton •commented on i:.xoblems en decissions that have been made by the PC, in regards to Roberts re-zoning resolution, and seems that rules are made up as they proceed, and problems with the process of the master pl,s.n. ivaan Anderson commented on these statements. Clayton asked Susan Anderson about her residency as she does not live in Town. Anderson stated that she had filed a statement with the Attorney General stating she is a resident. Clayton again made E motion to ammend Ordinance 77 to disband p C and apoint new members. xio second. Rensberry made a motion to adopt Ordinance '4 2nd Klancke. carried. Richard McDowell asked to be appointed to the PC. Mayor told McDowell he would not apoint a member at this mtin.L: and wanted other interested persond to apply also. 6t. Parking Ordinance discussed. 3everal members are still concerned about 1, 1ancke proposal. Set workshop for Sept. 18th. 7:30 Cable T.V. reception again discussed, Board felt that no improvements has been accopplished since Nerideth was sent the letter. Doucette in3tructed to write to Grand Cablevision conc_ this. Abandoned vichiles to be advertised in the newspaper for sale at the next meeting. Sealed bids to be followed as need be by oral bidding. Doug Jenks- has sylar of a 1C approved minor subdivision needs the town to sign off on. Doucette told Mr. Jenks that he would nead tp present proof of ownei:ship and Lome owners declarations or L%ondo. declarations before this could be signed off by the Town. These things will be checked out b;y Doucette and he will advise the Town to sign. FORM SO C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. AAYOR RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Sept. 3, 1980 page 3 Clayton made a motion to have iiiayor sign this plat as soon as the above conditions were meet and approved by Town Attorney, but no building permit will be issued until the road had been improved and accepted by the Town, seconded Klancke, carried. Resolution5were read from the planning ;ommiseion concening recommendation to ammend Zoning urdinance in resards to Parkins spaces, and Sub. iegs. in regards to a change in open space. Doucette to publish notice of combined hearings for these changes. A futher numbering system for lots not previously numbered was approved by the Board. NFM liquor licence renewal was approved hy a motion from Rensberry, 2nd Tucker. carried. Board instructedt\to advise Mr. Davis of termination of the illegal water cross connection serving the office building. Letter recieved from the County Commissioners asking for an individual to serve on a Jail commission study. Rensberry was appointed to this study commiseion. Board instructed Clerk to put notice in the newspaper for water connection deadline for Oct. 15. 81' proposed budget was prez3ented and worked on. Uct. 1 set for hearing. Doucette advised the Board that he had recieved information on ordinances for water rights sranted from annexing property. Board instructed Doucette to pursue this o rdinance language so that the Town can adopt this type of ordinance. Doucette advised the Board that the hour: in 81' will be 350.00. Clayton made a motion to use the Ski-hi News for all of the Towns legal publications. 2nd Bickle, carried. Clayton made a motion to have the Clerk transfere moneys into Middle Park instead of having everything at Bank of tinter rark and to check the inter eat at .aving and IJoan. No futher business meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. FORM 50 C. F. HOFCKEL B. B. L. CO. Meting opened at 8:05 p.m. Mr Roberts is not present at this hearing. Meeting closed. Sept. 3, 1980 Continuation of Roberts re-zonin. 0 earing from 8-6-80 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Mayor reviewed with the Town Board and audience an outline of the orginal hearing. The vote that was taken and the reason for the continutation of the hearing. Mr. Doucette ,advised the Board that an aditional exhibit should be entered into the record Eithibit 6 should be a copy of the Town Zoning map. Doucette reviewed the orginal motion denying a rezoning of this property. Mayor Leonard casting the tie breaking vote, Voted aye- to deny rezoning.