HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:100No. 97-100 Dam of Adoplio,m March 6, 1~ I1ESOLUTION TO (;O INTO CLOSISI) SESSION WIIEREAS, SectionSoflheOpcuPublicMeeti.gsAct, Chapter231 P.L. 1975. pe~ mits tile exclusion of tile pt,bite fi om a meeting in certain circumsta,,ces; and WlIEREAS, this I)ublic body is of the opinion Ihal such circumstances presenlly exists; NOW, TIIEREFOllE, lie IT IIESOI,VEI) bylhe Mayor and Council oFthe Borough of Cmleret, County of Middlesex, Slate of New Jersey, as lbllows: 1. The public shall be excluded fi'om attending, discussing or participating in the hereinafter specified subject marie, s. 2. The general nature ofll~e subject mailer lo be discussed is as follows: ~tent~al litigation. 3. It is anticipated at this time that Ihe above stated subject matter will be made public: upon conclusion of th~ 4. This lesolution shall lake efl'ect immedialely. Adopled al a mccfillg ol lime Municilml Cimncil March 6~ 1997