HomeMy Public PortalAbout01-24-2019 Special HPC Agenda PacketSpecial Historic Preservation Commission Thursday, January 24, 2019 7:00 PM Village Boardroom 24401 W. Lockport Street Plainfield, IL 60544 Agenda CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of the Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission held on December 13, 2018. 2018-12-13 HPC Minutes.pdf CHAIR'S COMMENTS COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minutes per topic) OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS CASE No: 1826-123118.COA REQUEST: Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) LOCATION: 24042 W. Lockport Street, Suite #200 APPLICANT: Plainfield Castle LLC 24042 W. Lockport St. Staff Report and Plans.pdf DISCUSSION 1 Special Historic Preservation Commission Page - 2 REMINDERS - February 4, 2019 - Village Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. February 5, 2019 - Plan Commission Meeting at 7:00 p.m. February 7, 2019 - Joint LDDC & Public Outreach Meeting at 5:00 p.m. February 14, 2019 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN 2 Agenda Item No: Special Historic Preservation Commission Agenda Item Report Meeting Date: January 24, 2019 Submitted by: Tracey Erickson Submitting Department: Planning Department Item Type: Minutes Agenda Section: Subject: Approval of the Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission held on December 13, 2018. Suggested Action: Attachments: 2018-12-13 HPC Minutes.pdf 3 Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: December 13, 2018 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Lucas, Schmidt, Olsen, Derrick, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioner Barvian was absent. Also, in attendance: Kendra Kuehlem, Associate Planner. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hendricksen. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 8-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to approve the minutes dated October 11, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Hagen. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 8-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS No Comment. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Hendricksen mentioned the memo commissioners received regarding the Illinois Open Meetings Act. PUBLIC COMMENT Chairman Bortel asked for public comment and there was no response. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1825-111518.HPC 24022 W. Lockport Street Bill Beagle, Plymouth Congregational Church Ms. Kuehlem presented the staff report dated December 11, 2018, stating that the case before the Commission tonight is a landmark nomination for the Plymouth Congregational Church, located at 24022 W. Lockport Street. Ms. Kuehlem review the property ownership, period of significance, and structure analysis. In 1845, a preacher by the name of Daniel Chapman came into the Plainfield to lead congregational members. He advocated that the congregational members consider building a house of worship of their own, as they were sharing space with the Methodists. In 1850, Adah Royce sold a half-acre parcel where construction of the Congregational Church started. The period of significance outlined in the nomination form is from 1850 to 1917. This period reflects the construction of the church in 1850, and the east addition in 1906. Ms. Kuehlem stated that the Congregational Church was identified by the 2005 Historic Urban Survey as a contributing structure to a potential local district and landmark. Ms. Kuehlem reviewed the nomination criteria that are relevant to this case. Those criteria being: the property is identified with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the development of the 4 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 13, 2018 Page 2 of 3 community, county, state, or nation; the property embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style valuable for the study of a period, type or method of construction, or use of indigenous materials; the property embodies elements of design, detailing, materials, or craftsmanship that are of architectural significance; the property has a unite location or physical characteristics that make it a familiar visual feature of the community; and the property is suitable for preservation or restoration. Based on the information available prior to the public hearing, staff believes the subject property qualifies for landmark designation. Chairman Bortel swore in William Beagle, applicant and pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. Mr. Beagle stated that he is grateful for the church and the site. He appreciates the Historic Preservation Commission’s help and consideration of this request. Chairman Bortel stated during his research he found a book about Mr. Chapman and will share a copy with the Plainfield Historical Society. Commissioner Hendricksen mentioned that he enjoyed researching this site and believes the upkeep of the structure has been great. Chairman Bortel asks for public comments. Chairman Bortel swore in Michael Lambert, resident. Mr. Lambert explains that he has been advocating to the landmark designation of the property for many years and is happy to see it finally happening. Mr. Lambert points out that there are several errors in the nomination packet that he believes should be corrected before the application is submitted. Commissioner Derrick asked if the any of the changes will affect the criteria in the nomination. Mr. Lambert stated the changes will not change the criteria of the nomination. Mr. Lambert described the edits included diction, grammar, image proportion in the document, missing facts of history, and his belief that the period of significance should be expanded to 1988. Ms. Kuehlem informed the Commission and Mr. Lambert that his proposed edits can be sent to staff for review. Commissioner Derrick stated we have the right criteria even with edits to criteria d and c. Commissioner Hagen asked if the period of significance should be changed. Commissioner Derrick explained why the 1850 period of significance was chosen. Mr. Lambert provided the history on the current steeple of the church. Commissioners discussed expanding the period of significance as 1850 to 1968. The commission agreed to change the period of significance to 1968. Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Historic Preservation Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of the landmark designation to include the suggested edits discussed tonight, for the property known as the Plymouth Congregational Church, located at 24022 W. Lockport Street. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Derrick. Vote by roll call: Lucas, yes; Schmidt, yes; Olsen, yes; Rapp, yes; Derrick, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 8-0. DISCUSSION No Discussion. 5 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes December 13, 2018 Page 3 of 3 ADJOURN Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Lucas seconded the motion. Voice vote. All in favor; 0 opposed. Motion carried 8-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tracey Erickson Recording Secretary Click on the link to view the video of the December 13th, 2018 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/player/clip/432?view_id=2 6 Agenda Item No: Special Historic Preservation Commission Agenda Item Report Meeting Date: January 24, 2019 Submitted by: Tracey Erickson Submitting Department: Planning Department Item Type: Certificate of Appropriateness Agenda Section: Subject: CASE No: 1826-123118.COA REQUEST: Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) LOCATION: 24042 W. Lockport Street, Suite #200 APPLICANT: Plainfield Castle LLC Suggested Action: Attachments: 24042 W. Lockport St. Staff Report and Plans.pdf 7 MEMO TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: REQUEST: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ZONING: COMP.PLAN: BACKGROUND 1i111 .;,m· ... 111-11 111'-!-J!l --.----.--. • 1 .... I I •1i=•1•='1111 I 111 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION@ KENDRA KUEHLEM, ASSOCIATE PLANNER JANUARY 24, 2019 CASE No. 1826-123118.COA 24042 W. LOCKPORT STREET, SUITE #200 Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) 24042 W. Lockport Street, Suite #200 Plainfield Castle, LLC 8-5 Traditional Business District Transitional Commercial Michael P. Collins PRESIDENT Michelle Gibas VJLL<\CE ClfllK TRUSTEES Margie Bonuchi Bill Lamb Cally Larson Larry D. Newton Edward O'Rourke Brian Wojowski The applicant, Plainfield Castle LLC, is the owner of 24042 W. Lockport Street, and wishes to modify the exterior of the building performing tuckpointing and painting. Because the property is located in the Downtown Historic District, this work requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. In accordance with the Historic Preservation article of the Zoning Code (Chapter 9, Article XV, Section 9-149(2)), a COA is required prior to the issuance of a permit for any minor or major work involving any new and other construction, alteration, repair, demolition, relocation or other material change that may affect the exterior architectural appearance of any structure or site wilhin an historic district or of any designated landmark building or site. The subject property (PIN: 06-03-09-407-012-0000) is located north of Lockport Street, generally east of Des Plaines Street and west of Illinois Street. As previously mentioned, the property is within the Downtown Historic District and was identified by the 2005 Historic Urbanized Core Survey as a contributing structure to a national and local historic district and local landmark. This Romanesque style building was constructed around I 892 for commercial use. The adjacent land uses, zoning, and street classifications are below. North: Station One (BS) East: Krema Coffee House (85) South: Marie Angeline Boutique (85); Lockport Street (Collector) West: Prudential Financial (85) 24401 W. Lockport Street Plainfield, IL 60544 Phone (815) 436-7093 Fax (815) 436-1950 Web www.plainfield-il.org 8 REPORT TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION page #2 of 2 1826-123118.COA 1/22/2019 24042 W. LOCKPORT STREET- COA ANALYSIS The applicant is seeking approval to modify the north facing (rear) elevation of the structure for improvements. These improvements include new paint colors, adding a gutter downspout, and tuckpointing. In order for the Historic Preservation Commission to recommend approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness, they need to consider the significance of the site/building/structure, the general design guidelines, and the U.S. Secretary of the interior’s standards for rehabilitation. Staff has identified some of the most applicable criteria for evaluating a COA request, per Section 9-149(4) of the Zoning Code outline below. a.The significance of the site, structure, or building; b.General Design Guidelines: ii.Proportions of joint façade: The relationship between the width of a building and the height of the front elevation should be compatible with surrounding structures. iii.Proportions of Windows and Doors: The proportions and relationships betweendoors and windows should be compatible with the architectural style and characterof the building. vii.Directional expressions Facades in historic districts should blend with and reflect the dominant horizontal or vertical expression of adjacent structures. The directional expression of a building after alteration should be compatible with itsoriginal architectural style and character.viii. Architectural Details: Architectural details should be treated so as to make a building compatible with its original architectural style and character and to avoid detracting from the inherent characteristics of surrounding structures.; c. The U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation:i.A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. ii.The historic character of the property shall be retained and preserved. The removalof historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. RECOMMENDATION In advance of any public comment or discussion by the Historic Preservation Commission, staff supports the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness and believes that the restoration work is appropriate. Should the Historic Preservation Commission concur, the following motion is offered for your consideration: I move we recommend approval of the requested Certificate of Appropriateness for 24042 W. Lockport Street, subject to execution of a Letter of Agreement with the HPC, applicant, and Village staff. 9 HISTORIC URBANIZED CORE SURVEY Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission ADDRESS 519 W. Lockport St. PIN/Property Index Number #06-03-09-407-012-0000 Historic Property Name(s) Robertson Building Common Name(s) Cathy’s Sweet Creations Architectural Style Romanesque Revival Vernacular Building Type Commercial type Construction Date c. 1892 Architect/Builder Historic Use(s) Commercial Present Use(s) Commercial History (associated events, people, dates) Assessor’s Subdivision. Shown as a confectionary with a full-elevation 2 story porch on the 1893 Sanborn map. On the 1898 Sanborn map, the rear porch appears to have been rebuilt (along with that of 515 on the east); the now 1 story porch has a chute-like feature which extends down to the rear lot of 209 DesPlaines just north of here. The building had become a “motion picture” house by the 1912 Sanborn map; the unusual chute-like feature remained, now connecting into some ice operation on the adjacent lot. On the 1931 Sanborn, the building is still used for movies; the chute feature as been removed and the porch is once again indicated as 2 stories. The building has become a restaurant by the 1944 Sanborn map, with the address changing from 514 to 519. Appendix F: Historic Urban Building Inventory, April 2000 of the Design Manual, Lockport Street Business Corridor: Probably named for builder Daniel Robertson, founder of the E.J. & E. Railroad. Building was extensively renovated to restore original storefront and masonry parapet wall in mid-1980s. Perry Co., renovated the building and added the name block to the parapet top. Description See reverse side/Continuation Sheet. Integrity/Major Physical changes from original construction The building appears to have a very high degree of integrity evidently due to a very successful rehabilitation effort. Subsidiary Building(s)/Site No outbuildings. Registration & Evaluation National Register of Historic Places: Currently Listed: ___yes X no If not currently listed, recommend: Individually ___yes X no; historic district X yes no Contributing X or non-contributing Significance statement: An outstanding commercial building and an excellent example of the Romanesque Revival style. VP, Comm, VG&Comm, AA. Village of Plainfield designation: Currently Listed: ___yes X no If not currently listed, recommend: Historic Landmark X yes no; Historic District X yes no Contributing X or non-contributing Form prepared by: ArchiSearch Historic Preservation Consultants (Alice Novak) Date of Field Survey: 11.06.05 - 354 10 HISTORIC URBANIZED CORE SURVEY Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission ADDRESS 519 W. Lockport St. PIN/Property Index Number #06-03-09-407-012-0000 Description Foundation not visible; red brick facade walls; shed or flat composition roof. 2 stories, rectangular shape, 4 facade bays. Left storefront with large light door and right/east sidelight with transom over all and taller secondary transom above. Slightly recessed and framed with fluted iron pilasters. Huge storefront sash on either side with long paneled bulkhead, wood sill plate. 2-light transom above. 2-light stair door right/east with 2 transoms. Iron storefront beam with massive limestone lintel above (rock-faced). “Love Bros. Aurora, Ill.” on storefront iron. Three equally spaced 1/1 double-hung sash (replacements) with continuous stone sill and oversized rock-faced continuous lintel. Parapet of exceptional design and dentil with triple arches in single rowlocks with corbels, raised stretcher course, central pedimented parapet frame with curved/rounded piers with elaborate corbels. Name block with corbeled stretchers below. “Robertson” in raised letter on stone panel. Secondary upper triangular block a modern addition with “Perry Co.” ii panel inset. Molded cornice over all. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17