HomeMy Public PortalAbout2018-10-11 HPC Minutes Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: October 11, 2018 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Schmidt, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp and Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen were present. Commissioners Lucas, Barvian, Derrick and Chairman Bortel were absent. Also, in attendance: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; Kendra Kuehlem, Associate Planner; and Tracey Erickson, Recording Secretary. Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Rapp made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hagen. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hendericksen made a motion to approve the August 9, 2018 minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Schmidt. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 5-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen stated she was happy the Preservation Watch List is back. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Schmidt stated that they are looking for volunteers to help at the Baker House to remove the siding. PUBLIC COMMENT No Comment. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1813-080718.DEMO 24115 W. Commercial St. Rom Ruane Ms. Kuehlem stated the applicant is the owner of the parcel at 24115 W. Commercial Street, which is improved with a small home that dates back to the 1860’s. The structure is in need of maintenance and repair. The petitioner is proposing to demolish the existing structure. As a contributing structure, such request is subject to public hearing and recommendation by the Historic Preservation Commission to determine if a community impact study is recommended. Ms. Kuehlem reviewed the staff report dated October 8, 2018. Ms. Kuehlem stated Demolition is always identified as a last resort but in instances where it is not economically viable to restore a building and in circumstances where the history and/or architectural significance of the structure are limited, demolition may be the most appropriate action. The applicant would propose to build a new, residential structure on the site. The Historic Preservation Commission has an opportunity to make a recommendation on the demolition request. Mr. Proulx explained the demolition process and explained what considerations should be taken. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes October 11, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Click on the link to view the video of the October 11, 2018 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=404 Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen swore in Michael Lambert of the Plainfield Historical Society. Mr. Lambert provided a history of the Village of Plainfield and the pre-Civil War buildings. Mr. Lambert presumed that the home was built by Mr. Spivy, who is a historically significant figure. Mr. Lambert stated that this building deserves further research. Mr. Lambert stated that the renderings provided should not be part of the consideration of the demolition, it should be based on protecting the history of Plainfield. Mr. Lambert stated that this proposal is in violation of some of the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation. Mr. Lambert stated because of the lot size that this home could support an addition. Commissioner Hendericksen asked if the question of the house being moved has been answered, since a historian in Plainfield believes that this is the original location of the home. Commissioner Hendericksen explained how the economics affects this project. Commissioner Hendericksen suggested that the applicant work with staff and the HPC to try and put an addition on the home. Commissioner Hagen stated he believes the key feature of the home are the history, time period of construction, and the person who built it, but not the architecture of the home. Commissioner Hagen asked what the Alternative Analysis Report entails. Mr. Proulx explained the purpose of an Alternative Analysis Report. Commissioner Hendericksen and Mr. Proulx discussed the concept plan purpose of the demolition application and viability of the plan the applicant submitted. Pro Tem Chairwoman Olsen swore in Tom Ruane, applicant. Mr. Ruane stated the concept plans were given to the commission because they were required to show his intent with the property. Mr. Ruane stated there are no standards for building homes in the downtown area. Mr. Ruane stated there are no original features on the home besides the shape and scale. Mr. Ruane stated he did consider adding an addition, but it did not make sense. Mr. Ruane stated he is planning on building a home on the lot for his family. Commissioner Hendericksen indicated that it appears that there are no original features on the outside of the home except the shape. Commissioner Hendericksen voiced that the builder of the home may not be reason enough to keep the house. Commissioner Hendericksen stated it helps that the applicant is willing to work with the Village to build something that will fit with the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Schmidt asked if the house is currently occupied. Mr. Ruane responded that there is not. Commissioner Schmidt asked how long the applicant has owned the property. Mr. Ruane stated he has owned the home for 3 months and the previous owner was selling it because of mold in the basement, framing issues, and plumbing issues. Commissioner Rapp asked the applicant to confirm that the amount of the restoration of the property would be $191,632. Mr. Ruane confirmed. Mr. Lambert provided an explanation on the home’s architectural significance. Pro Tem Chairwomen Olsen asked who compiled the list of pre-Civil War houses in Plainfield. Mr. Proulx stated Chairman Bortel. Pro Tem Chairwomen Olsen stated the Village Ordinance does have specifications on in-fill houses in Plainfield. Pro Tem Chairwomen read from the demolition ordinance. Commissioner Hendericksen stated the HPC is here to help, if they approve the demolition he wants the applicant to build something that is sensitive to the neighborhood. Mr. Ruane indicated he does want to build something sensitive to the neighborhood. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes October 11, 2018 Page 3 of 3 Click on the link to view the video of the October 11, 2018 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=404 Commissioner Schmidt thanked Mr. Lambert for all the information he has provided the commission. Commissioner Schmidt explained why he is struggling with this case. Commissioner Hendericksen asked the applicant if he would be willing to follow the guidelines stated in in the demolition ordinance of what can be built there after the home is demolished. Mr. Ruane stated he disagrees and explained why. Mr. Proulx submitted that this type of case is more of a question of judgement based on the historic significance but if this home was located in a Historic District the commission would have more tools to use to make the decision. Mr. Proulx explained the options the commission has for possible motions. Pro Tem Chairwomen Olsen asked who will complete the Alternative Uses Analysis. Mr. Proulx stated the applicant is responsible to work with an architect or a consultant. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested the commission take a vote. Commissioner Rapp asked Commissioner Hendricksen if he wants to continue the case. Commissioner Hendricksen stated that he does not feel there is any more information that needs to be provided. Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to recommend to the Board of Trustees that an alternative uses analysis be required for this demolition request. Seconded by Commissioner Rapp. Vote by roll call: Hendericksen, yes; Hagen, no; Rapp, yes; Schmidt, no; Olsen, yes. Motion carried 3-2. Pro Tem Chairwomen Olsen made a motion to close the public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrickson. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION ADJOURN Historic Preservation meeting adjourned at 8:16 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Tracey Erickson Recording Secretary