HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:118 L)n~e o1' Ad~qflim~~7 No. 97-~18 DIIU~C'riNG Tile ISSUANC'E OF II. AIq~LE blCENSE$ '1'O WllEIlEAS, application has been p~opedy made lo lhe Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cmle~el, New Jersey by St:. Demetrius lJkrainian Ort. tx~ox Cathedral of the Bol'ough of Cm Imel; and WltEREAS, it appears that the applicant (s) is/me qualified to be liceused and that the members of the ' d members designate to conduct ILAFI;I_.ES and to assist are bona fide applicant (s); and WlIEI[EAS, the applicm~t (s) has/have signified that the games will be played iu accordance wRh Rules 6, 7 and 8 ~>[the Legalized Games u[ Cimnce Comtmss'o ~s Regulations. NOSY, TIIEikEIrOIIE' BE IT AND IT IS IIEREIIY I/ESOLVED, by tim Mayor and Council o[Ihe Bmough o[ Cm tenet, flint the Municipal Clink is hereby authotlzed and directed to execule the endotsement u[ II~e Mayu~ aud Council by ssm g,.upon proper p~esentatiou o[application and [~es, a RAFFLE LICENSI~ to the appllcaut (s); BE 1T IrURTI!EI/RESOLVED that a cedi(led copy of tiffs Ikesolutlon .be sent ' Box 46000, fmthwith to the Legahzec Games oFChance Control Corniness on, P. O. Newmk, New Jersey 07101. CEII'I'IIrlCATION_ ' i I hereby certify that this P, esuhflton s a l~ue copy of the odglnal adopted by Ihe Mayor ami Council of lite Borough o['Carle! et, County of Middlesex, Slate of New Je~ sey, at t ~e Counctl Meeting held on ~4;aZtl.~L~- 1907_ DA'I'ED:-~-~--4~- 'l~°zT~- KATIILEIgN M. BAI',NHY Celtilied Municipal Cleric II.I,]C()I~.I) [)l;' COUN(jII~ X - Indicn~¢ Vote All - Absent NV - lq¢fl Vud.g XOR - h~dlcales Vale lo Overrule CLE