HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2002-09-18PRESENT Board: Staff: 3. Open Forum 4. Public Hearings FRASER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DATE: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 MEETING: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PLACE: Fraser Town Hall Board Room Mayor Pro Tem Mike Rantz; Trustees: Fran Cook, Pat Howlett, Donn Manly, Vesta Shapiro and Steve Sumrall Town Manager Chuck Reid, Finance Director Nat Havens, Public Works Director Allen Nordin, Community Development Director Jeff Durbin, Planner Drew Nelson and Town Clerk Molly McCandless Others: David Pratt, Jack Bestall, Eden Recor, Tracy Ross Mayor Pro Tem Rantz called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the 09/04/02 regular meeting with a correction (changing EMS to SAR on page 1). Motion carried: 6 -0 Mayor Pro Tem Rantz asked for items not on the agenda. Hearing none, he moved on. a) Johns Property Annexation Continued Public Hearing Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Manly seconded the motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried: 6 -0. After a brief update by CDD Durbin, Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to continue the Public Hearing until October 16, 2002 at approximately 7:45 p.m. Motion carried: 6 -0 b) Special Use Permit and Height Variance for a wireless communications antenna Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried: 6 -0. Planner Nelson reviewed the request which was forwarded to the Board the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval with the following conditions: 1) The antenna will be removed within 90 days of being abandoned or of the business becoming defunct; 2) Box height will not exceed seven feet at the bottom of the box, will be painted to blend in, and maintained; and 3) Should the pole be removed, the antenna will be also. After extensive analysis of this proposal, Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Sumrall seconded the motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried: 6 -0 5. Action Items Board of Trustees Minutes 09/18/02 Page 2 a) Motion to approve a Special Use Permit and Height Variance for wireless communications antenna for Grand County Internet Services Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Manly seconded the motion approving the Special Use Permit and Height Variance with the above three conditions and adding the condition that the Special Use Permit be reviewed for renewal in three years. Motion carried: 6 -0 b) Motion to approve the transfer of a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for the Crooked Creek Saloon David Pratt TC McCandless informed the Board that the application for this transfer is complete and all fees have been received. The Board was provided material from the application for consideration. Trustee Howlett asked the applicant, who was present, if he intended to provide training for his staff in alcohol service. Mr. Pratt replied that he did and required his employees to attend TIPS classes. Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to approve the transfer of the liquor license. Motion carried: 6 -0 c) Resolution No. 09- 01 -02, Adopting a Municipal Records Retention Schedule for the Town of Fraser Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Sumrall seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 09- 01 -02. Motion carried: 6 -0 6. Discussion Items a) Directional Signage Guidelines Most Board members felt this policy looked very good. There was discussion of a number of options and considerations and Mayor Pro Tem Rantz expressed concern about the reaction of businesses located on Highway 40. Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Manly seconded the motion to accept to the Directional Signage Guidelines as policy direction for staff. Motion carried: 6 -0 7. Staff Choice a) Departmental Updates Board of Trustees Minutes 09/18/02 Page 3 CDD Durbin asked the Board if they approved of the Town applying for a State Trails grant for the Fraser to Granby trail linkage. The Board agreed. Planner Nelson asked the Board if they approved of the of the Town applying for a Homeland Security grant for GIS software. The Board approved and Planner Nelson will draft a letter for the Mayor's signature. FM Havens distributed the sales tax report for July. He reported sales tax revenue was up 4.5% for July and 6.7% year to date. Manager Reid informed the Board that with all the big projects Elam Construction is working on, it is very likely that Doc Susie and Clayton Court will not be paved this year. Manager Reid circulated a memo from Engineer Jim Swanson on this project. Trustee Howlett asked if Rendezvous, who is one of Elam's big clients, could persuade Elam to fit us in. Manager Reid announced a meeting with the Rec District, Rendezvous, GC Water Sanitation and the Town at 11 a.m. on Monday, September 23 to discuss the proposed Recreation /Community Center. Trustee Howlett and Trustee Sumrall agreed to attend and Mayor Soles will also be invited. Manager Reid requested a brief Executive Session at the end of the meeting on a personnel matter. Manager Reid told the Board that since Rendezvous' architect included a Starbucks coffee shop sign on a rendering for Planning Area 12E, CDD Durbin sent them a pound of coffee from the Rocky Mountain Roastery with a note inviting them to try the competition. b) Transmitted Items 1. August Sheriff's Department Report 8. Board Choice Trustee Manly said the CR 8 bridge band -aid repair seems to holding up well. Board of Trustees Minutes 09/18/02 Page 4 Trustee Sumrall inquired about the status of the Safeway second access and the CR 804 cut. Manager Reid replied the access will be ready for the diverted two -way traffic next week. Trustee Howlett thanked Public Works Director Allen Nordin for obtaining and installing the mobile base crosswalk signs on Highway 40 and for a speedy response to a report of a damaged area on the Fraser River Trail. Mayor Pro Tem Rantz suggested the Town treat the Public Works crew to lunch. The Board concurred. Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Manly seconded the motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 26 -6- 402 -4(f), regarding personnel matters. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 9:00 p.m. At 9:17 p.m., Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to return to regular session. Motion carried: 6 -0. Trustee Sumrall moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 6 -0. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Molly M CayccLIdA.J andless, Town Clerk TOWN OF FRASER "Icebox of the Nation" P.O. Box 120 153 Fraser Avenue Fraser, Colorado 80442 (970) 726 -5491 FAX Line: (970) 726 -5518 E -Mail: faser@ rkymtnhi,com Town of Fraser ‘1// Y Town Board Meeting sign -in sheet J Name F eCj Address (physical post office) /D/f t Via /J l Minutes from the September 18, 2002 Fraser Board of Trustees Special Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Rantz called the Special Meeting to Order at 6:35 p.m. Present: Trustees: Pat Howlett, Donn Manly, Steve Sumrall, Vesta Shapiro, Fran Cook; Mayor Pro Tem Mike Rantz; Town Manager Chuck Reid; Finance Manager Nat Havens; Community Development Director Jeff Durbin and Public Works Director Allen Nordin Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to C.R.S. 26- 6 -402- 4(1). Motion carried: 6 -0 At 7:04 p.m. Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to return to the Special Meeting. Motion carried: 6 -0 Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 6 -0. Special Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. I certify that the above reflects the entire discussion of the Fraser Town Board during the Executive Session held on September 18, 2002, between 6:37 p.m. and 7:04 p.m. f r -./V/ 0,% MichaeY W. Rintz, Mayor Pro Tem