HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:128 97-128 Date tff Ad.I)liml A~kKi]~0~-J,~97 I1ES()LUTION TO (;O INTO CLOSEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Section 8 of Ibc Open Public Meeti.gs Act, Clmpter 231 ILL. 1975, pen mits tile exclusion oF tile public fi om a meeli.g i. certain ci~cumsta.ces; and WIIEREAS, this public body is of lite ol)inio. (bat such circumstances plesently exists; NOW, TIIEREFOIIE, lie I'l' IIESOI.VEI) by lite Mayor a.d Council of lite Borougln of Carteret, County of Middlesex, Slate o£New Jersey, as follows: I. Th~ public shall be excluded fi'om atlending, discussing or paflicipating ill tile be'reinafler specified subject matters. 2. Tile general nature o£the subject malter to be discussed is as follows: AFSCME Grievance - Oenny Lavan 3. It is auticipated at [his lime tlmt the above staled subject matter will be made Imblic: upon conclusion of the matter. 4. Tiffs resolution shall take effect immedialely. I~.E¢;()III) ()lr COUNCIl. VOTI.; BIALOWARCZUK [ X FAZEKAS X .... _[ .... DUPONT X FEINGOLD ' ~1 -'l -- -~ / I-t q-1 X - Imlicatc Vole AB - Absc. INV - Ntfi Voli.g XOR * I.dlcatcs Vole Itl Overrule Velt} 8j Adopted al a mecli.g ol' thc Municilml Cou.cil  Apr___i~l 10__, 199~7