HomeMy Public PortalAbout2012_tcmin0925COUNCIL MEETING September 25, 2012 Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, 7:30 p.m. Mayor Umstattd presiding. Council Members Present: David Butler, Thomas S. Dunn, Katie Sheldon Hammler, Kevin Wright and Mayor Umstattd. Council Members Absent: Council Members Burk and Martinez were absent. Staff Present: Town Manager John Wells, Deputy Town Attorney Barbara Notar, Deputy Town Manager Kaj Dentler, Director of Utilities Amy Wyks, Director of Economic Development Marantha Edwards, Airport Manager Scott Coffman, Assistant Director of Finance Bob Berkey and Clerk of Council Lee Ann Green AGENDA ITEMS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION: Council Member Katie Hammler 3. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: Mayor Kristen Umstattd 4. ROLL CALL: Showing Council Members Kelly Burk and Marty Martinez absent. 5. MINUTES a. Regular Session Minutes of September 11, 2012 On a motion by Council Member Butler, seconded by Vice Mayor Kevin Wright, the minutes of the Regular Session meeting of September 11, 2012 were approved by a vote of 5 -0 -2 (Burk /Martinez absent). 6. ADOPTING THE MEETING AGENDA On the motion of Vice Mayor Wright, seconded by Council Member Butler, the meeting agenda was approved after moving agenda item 11 a to the Consent Agenda by the following vote: Aye: Butler, Dunn, Hammler, Wright and Mayor Umstattd Nay: None Vote: 5 -0 -2 (Burk /Martinez absent) 7. PRESENTATIONS a. Farm to Fork Update Miriam Nasuti gave an update on the Loudoun County Farm to Fork program which is a cooperative endeavor between local farmers and restaurateurs. She introduced the owners of King Pinz and Aiyara Thai, who are both participants in the program. She noted that participating restaurants agree to include 70% local products in their menus. 1 Era" COUNCIL MEETING September 25, 2012 8. PETITIONERS The Petitioner's Section was opened at 7:47 p.m. There being no citizens wishing to speak, the Petitioner's Section was closed at 7:47 p.m. 9. APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA On a motion by Vice Mayor Wright, seconded by Council Member Butler, the following item was moved for approval as part of the Consent Agenda: a. FBO Lease Reassignment at Leesburg Executive Airport RESOLUTION 2012 -107 Assignment of Fixed Base Operator Lease at Leesburg Executive Airport from Landmark Aviation to ProJet Aviation The Consent Agenda was approved by the following vote: Aye: Butler, Dunn, Hammler, Wright and Mayor Umstattd Nay: None Vote: 5 -0 -2 (Burk /Martinez absent) 10. PUBLIC HEARING a. Amending the FY 2013 General Fund Budget and Making a Supplemental Appropriation for the Capital Asset Replacement Fund Bob Berkey stated the request is provide funding for replacement of vehicles and heavy equipment as well as replace the non - public safety radio system, repave the Public Works facility parking lot, replace the fleet maintenance vehicle lift, replace HVAC systems at Town Hall and Ida Lee Recreation Center, lighting and ceiling tiles in Ida Lee Recreation Center, and replace and upgrade the IT server infrastructure. There were no members of the public wishing to address this public hearing. Council Comments/ Questions: • What vehicles are being replaced and what is their average age? Staff answer: Most vehicles are for the Police Department and Public Works. The heavy equipment is for the streets department for mowing and removal of trash. Average age is 10 years for vehicles. • HVAC systems? Staff answer: Replacement of original building equipment — 22 years for Town Hall. • Can repaving the parking lot be put off? Staff answer: The cracks have been sealed in the past, but further degradation will result in higher cost for repaving. • Use of more contractual services would reduce maintenance and insurance of equipment. 21Pa e COUNCIL MEETING September 25, 2012 The public hearing was closed at 7:53 p.m. On a motion by Vice Mayor Wright, seconded by Council Member Butler, the following was proposed.• RESOLUTION2012 -107 Amending the FY 2013 General Fund Budget and Making a Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $1,852, 000 for the Replacement of Capital Assets The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Butler, Dunn, Hammler, Wright and Mayor Umstattd Nay: None Vote: 5 -0 -2 (Burk /Martinez absent) b. Amending Chapter 34 (Utilities) regarding Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Control Program Amy Wyks gave a presentation on the request to amend the Town Code. She stated when the Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Control Program was adopted in 2009, the $20 charge for resumption of service after disconnection for violation was inadvertently left out of the Town Code. Further she stated the charge should have been re -set by Council action, but has not been accomplished. Council Comments/ Questions: • Why is the Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Control program important? Staff answer: Required by the State of Virginia because contaminants can be drawn back into the water system from individual user locations. • Why make the fee $30? Staff answer: Consistency with the resumption of service fee for those who have their water shut off for nonpayment. • Who is required to comply? Staff answer: Those residential customers who have fire sprinkler systems (normally four story townhomes) or irrigation systems and commercial restaurant customers. • When is administration of the Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention program scheduled to be reviewed by Council? Staff answer: It is on the agenda for the October 22 as an information memo and discussion scheduled for November 26. Council Member Dunn made a motion to postpone this item until the meeting of October 22. The motion was seconded by Council Member Butler. The motion to postpone was approved by the following vote: Aye: Butler, Dunn, Hammler, Wright and Mayor Umstattd Nay: None 3 1 Prig COUNCIL MEETING Vote: 5 -0 -2 (Burk /Martinez absent) 11. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS a. None. 12. ORDINANCES a. None. 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. None. 14. NEW BUSINESS a. None. September 25, 2012 15. COUNCIL COMMENTS Vice Mayor Wright: Reminded everyone about the food collection at the Shred Event at Loudoun County High School on Saturday. He encouraged everyone to attend the Leesburg Airshow. Council Member Hammler: noted that she had been re- elected as Chair of the Towns Committee of Virginia Municipal League (VML). She stated she attended the VML Conference in Williamsburg. She also noted that the Retail Forum was excellent. Council Member Butler: stated he attended the last part of the 1812 Symphony _w concert. Further, he noted the Paragon Arts Festival was a great success. He encouraged everyone to visit Art in the Village at Village at Leesburg. 16. MAYOR'S COMMENTS Mayor Umstattd thanked the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra and the Journey Through Hallowed Ground for their work on the 1812 Concert at Ida Lee Park. She stated it was an excellent event and she was impressed by the sound quality. 17. MANAGER'S COMMENTS John Wells noted that the free document shredding event is being held at Loudoun County High School, not Heritage High School. He reviewed some of the scheduled acts and features for the Leesburg Airshow. Further, he noted that there will only be one work session per month due to Federal holidays and the winter break through the middle of January. 18. CLOSED SESSION a. None. 41Pag COUNCIL MEETING September 25, 2012 19. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Vice Mayor Wright, seconded by Council Member Butler, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p. m. AT E T: Clerk of o it 2012 tcmin0925 At 24, 1. `> Kristevk. trnstattd, Mayor " Town of Leesburg 5 1 Pa c