HomeMy Public PortalAbout2000_02_07 MINUTES COUNCIL WORKSESSION February 7, 2000 Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, 7:00 p.rn. Vice Mayor Webb presiding. Councilmembers Present: Vice Mayor B. J. Webb, George F. Atwell, Mervin V. Jackson, Leonard McDonald, Kristen C. Umstattd, and Robert Zoldos. Mayor Clem was absent for this meeting. Staff Members Present: Robert S. Noe, Town Manager, William E. Donnelly, Town Attorney, Director of Engineering & Public Works Thomas A. Mason, Director of Parks and Recreation Kaj Dentler, Assistant Town Manager for Economic Development John H. King, Director of Planning and Zoning Michael E. Tompkins, Jerry Mucci, Stacy Rothfuss. AGENDA ITEMS 1. Agenda for Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 8, 2000 - no comments. 2. Initiation of a Town Plan amendment for transportation element to define a portion of Trailview Boulevard as a through collector - Planner Stacey Rothfuss was present for this item. She advised that this amendment is essentially a scriber's error that has been discovered in the Town Plan, but that it does need to be corrected. In response to a question by Councilmember Umstattd, Ms. Rothfuss defined the differences between through collectors and major arterials. There were no other concerns and this matter was set for the next council meeting. 2. Expansion of flower basket program in downtown Leesburg - John King and Kaj Dentler were present for presentation of this program to expand the scope of the hanging flower baskets in downtown. Ms. Julie Glower was present representing the downtown merchants and their contribution to this program. There was discussion regarding the cost of the program. Councilmember Zoldos asked for the status of agreements with the utility companies. Mr. Dentler stated that they have verbal agreements, but that written agreements are being drawn. Mr. Dentler reminded the Council that funding for the baskets in the immediate downtown have been funded in the budget and that the request is only for additional baskets. It was pointed out that if the project is to go forward, a decision needs to be made shortly in order to be able to place the orders for the additional flowers. Councilmember McDonald pointed out the concerns regarding a draught and the impossibility of keeping the baskets blooming in such an event. He questioned if the requested funds could not be used more efficiently. Councilmember Atwell questioned the need for an additional truck. Mr. Dentler explained that it is necessary if the additional baskets are to be placed and that the truck will be used for other duties as well. A motion to send this forward for the next meeting was approved 5-1-1. Mr. McDonald voting nay, Mayor Clem absent for the vote. COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES FOR 2/07/2000 Page # 2 4. VDOT Six Year Construction Program - Tom Mason was present to review this matter with the Council. He outlined the three urban projects and three primary system projects and explained that a resolution is needed for the Town's request to the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) for funding highway projects in the VDOT Six-Year Plan. Councilmember Zoldos stated concerns for a need to widen Route 15 south to 704, he confirmed that there is a planned pedestrian trail included in the plans for the Route 15 widening project. Councilmember Zoldos asked that the new Board of Supervisors be asked to review their policy regarding the further widening of Route 15. Mr. Mason confirmed that there is an asphalt trail in conjunction with the widening of Route 15 from Governor's Drive to Virts Corner. Vice Mayor Webb emphasized the need for limited access on Route 7 west of Leesburg and the need for sound barriers on the proposed widened sections of the bypass, and the use of diamond interchange at Edwards Ferry Road and the bypass and whether or not it is an adequate interchange. By a unanimous vote with Mayor Clem absent, a resolution is to be on the next agenda, with notations regarding a clarification of the County's position on widening Route 15 south of town, noise barriers as part of the bypass improvements and a parallel road/limited access plan for Route 7 and also implementation of limited access for Route 7. 5. Charter review - Vice Mayor Webb pointed out that the current charter for the Town calls for advice and consent from the Council for the hiring of a Police Chief and pointed out that if the Council has confidence in the Town Manager for hiring a police chief perhaps this language should be eliminated from the Charter, pointing out that a charter change would take action in the general assembly. Councilmember Jackson made this motion, seconded by Councilmember Umstattd. Councilmember Atwell suggested that this would be an opportunity Council to review the entire Charter for other necessary changes. Town Attorney William Donnelly pointed out that this provision is also required for the position of Director of Finance. Other members were in agreement. There was a unanimous vote, with Mayor Clem absent (6-0-1),to have staff review the entire Town Charter for other possible changes and bring it back to council after completion of the budget process. 6. Pager information - Vice Mayor Webb pointed out that she finds that using the pager is annoying and not very helpful in receiving essential information and asked for comments from the other members of Council. There was general agreement to do away with pagers, most Councilmembers agreeing that Mr. Noe has been keeping everyone well-informed. It was suggested that the pagers be donated to the police support group who would have use for them. 7. Proffer monitoring - Vice Mayor Webb asked how the proffers are currently being monitored. Director of Planning and Zoning Mike Tompkins was present and advised that the matter has been being studied. That they are currently being monitored by Zoning Administrator Brian Boucher manually, but that the 2 COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES FOR 2/07/2000 Page # 3 department has been meeting with the Department of Information Technology and investigating the use of software. A special program is needed and will be put in the budget. Ms. Webb asked how long before we have such a program. Mr. Tompkins stated he would report back in a month with additional information regarding this matter. Ms. Webb asked what triggers disbursements of checks to Fire and Rescue or any other agency who receive proffer funds? Mr. Tompkins stated that it is the zoning permit or the occupancy permit. 8. Long-range park and open space plan - Vice Mayor Webb stated a need for a long-range park and open space plan, commenting on the 1993 Trails and Greenway plan.. She recommended that this be turned over to the Parks and Recreation Commission in conjunction with the Planning Commission to look at open space preservation and future park planning. Councilmember Zoldos recognized John Elgin, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. He agreed with the need for a new study but emphasized the need for it to be done professionally, because of the scope of the project. Mr. Zoldos also recognized Director of Parks and Recreation Kaj Dentler who also endorsed the need for a professional study stating that it would be an exhausting undertaking for staff. He stated he estimates a cost of $50,000 to 60,000 for a complete study. Mr. Elgin stated a need for this to be integrated with the existing Town Plan. Councilmember McDonald expressed a need to also look at the urban growth area and he feels a sense of commitment from the Board of Supervisors for a central park and that should be included in this planning for the future. He pointed out that new census figures will be helpful. This matter will be looked at during the budget process. Other items: Councilmember Jackson asked when the Council will meet with the Boards and Commissions. Mr. Noe pointed out that the budget review provides a good opportunity for such meetings if this would be suitable. Vice Mayor Webb stated that this Council has asked for a work session with the various boards and commissions. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 12 p.m. .7n~R 7n~ Clerk of Council i/ro \.IF fl7 Worksession20nooo 3 " MINUTES COUNCIL WORKSESSION February 22, 2000 Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, 7:00 p.m. Mayor Clem presiding. Councilmembers Present: Mayor Clem and Councilmembers: George F. Atwell, Mervin V. Jackson, Leonard McDonald, Kristen C. Umstattd, and Robert Zoldos Vice Mayor Webb was absent for this meeting. Staff Members Present: Robert S. Noe, Town Manager, William E. Donnelly, Town Attorney, Director of Engineering & Public Works Thomas A. Mason, Director of Parks and Recreation Kaj Dentler, Assistant Town Manager for Economic Development John H. King, Director of Planning and Zoning Michael E. Tompkins and Acting Town Clerk Mary Mack. AGENDA ITEMS 1. Agenda for Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 23, 2000: Council member Atwell questioned consent agenda items 3, 4 and 5, stating his concerns that there had not been any discussion by Council regarding these rather high ticket items. Mr. Noe explained that they were routine budget items previously approved, but emphasized that discussion of these matters can occur at Council's direction. Director of Utilities Randy Shoemaker was present to explain these items. He clarified that the bid openings had been delayed due to the recent snow storms and that normally they would have been on the work session held two weeks prior. He then went on to review they three contracts and explained the cost savings related to these items. Council member Umstattd questioned the issuance of water and sewer permits for the Northlake project. Tom Mason explained that serving this project was included in the 1984 annexation area agreement. There were no further questions regarding the agenda. Mayor Clem took a break to introduce Ms. Doris Haddock, better known as Granny D, who has walked from Pasadena on her way to Washington, D.C. for campaign finance reform in Washington. She addressed the Council and invited everyone to join her on the 29th in her final steps to the United States Capitol. COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES FOR 2/22/2000 Page # 2 Mayor Clem then also recognized Bill Zawacki. Mr. Zawacki stated he is a resident of Chesterfield and asked that Resolution #7 for the performance guarantee for Dry Mill Townhouse Subdivision be held back stating that the developer has not met some of the agreements he made with the Chesterfield H.D.A. and also some of the Board of Architectural specifications. Mayor Clem asked for staff comments on this matter. Mayor Clem recognized Tom Mason, who advised that in the past the Mayor or a representative of the Council has accompanied staff to present the resolution to VDDT regarding the six-year plan. Mayor Clem stated he will plan to do this. Councilmember Umstattd thanked Mr. Mason for including the noise study in the resolution. Councilmember Zoldos asked Council member McDonald for an update regarding the Cable Franchise. He advised that there has been a slow- down and a brief extension may be needed. Susan Farmer is to have a briefing for the next meeting. Expansion of flower basket program in downtown Leesburg Memos from staff suggested that this matter be withdrawn from the agenda due to the problems getting permission from Bell Atlantic to use their poles. Councilmember McDonald then asked for consideration of alternatives to the flower basket program. John King advised that the business community has become involved and are petitioning Bell Atlantic for permission to use their poles. Councilmember Atwell asked if the park benches are still under consideration. Mr. King outlined how the Department of Economic Development has been using test benches before making a recommendation or request for actual placement of the benches, advising on the matter of upkeep, etc. Councilmember Zoldos asked if there is a chance for public/private partnership. Mr. King stated he would look into it. Meeting with Boards and Commissions Mr. Noe asked the Council how to proceed with the scheduling of meeting with the Boards and Commissions. The Council agreed to his suggestion for one each work session and that it should be first on the agenda followed by the regular agenda review. 2 COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES FOR 2/22/2000 Page # 3 Councilmember McDonald reported that he had received an application for the vacancy on the EAC and forwarded it to the clerk for future Council consideration. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. '/11 e~/7l~ Clerk~ouncil /h;7P~ 3