HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-06-2019 Village Board Agenda and Packet0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV 0RQGD\0D\ 30 :/RFNSRUW6WUHHW 3ODLQILHOG,/ ,QWKH%RDUGURRP $JHQGD $ &$//7225'(552//&$//3/('*( % 35(6,'(17,$/&200(176 3URFODLP0D\DV0RWRUF\FOH$ZDUHQHVV0RQWK 0RWRUF\FOH$ZDUHQHVV0RQWK3URFODPDWLRQ 3URFODLP0D\DV3HDFH2IILFHUV¶0HPRULDO'D\DQGWKHZHHNLQZKLFK0D\ IDOOVDV1DWLRQDO3ROLFH:HHN 1DWLRQDO3ROLFH:HHN3URFODPDWLRQ 3UHVHQWDWLRQWRRXWJRLQJ7UXVWHH(G2¶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‡ 0D\ 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±FDQFHOOHG ‡ 0D\ &RIIHHZLWKWKH0D\RU±DP ‡ 0D\ +LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 0D\ &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP ‡ 0D\ 1H[W9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP 3 4 5 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 15, 2019 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, E.O’ROURKE, B.WOJOWSKI, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, C.LARSON, AND L.NEWTON,. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; S.AMANN, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.MELROSE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND J.KONOPEK, CHIEF OF POLICE. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Cub Scouts, Den 8, Pack 15 presented the colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Mayor Collins: x Informed everyone of the CN Railroad emergency repair that will be completed at 135th Street railroad crossing. x Proclaimed April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. x Proclaimed April 2019 as Safe Digging Month. x Proclaimed April 26, 2019 as Arbor Day. x Commented on his visit to Washington, DC and meetings with several representatives. Trustee Bonuchi moved to approve the Presidential Reappointment: Plan Commission terms expire April 30, 2022: Andrew Heinen Brian Minnis Plan Commission Chair expires April 30, 2020. Richard Kiefer Historic Preservation Commission term expires April 30, 2020 Michael Bortel, Chair Suzanne Derrick, Vice-Chair The HPC reappointments are for the Chair and Vice-Chair terms only. Police Pension (2 year term) expires April 30, 2021: Jeff Cook Fire & Police Commission expires April 30, 2022 James Gardner Advisory Task Force on Economic Development expires April 30, 2022 Harold Oliver Greg Schaefer Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.6 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2019 Page 2 TRUSTEES COMMENTS Trustee Lamb commented on the Notre Dame Cathedral fire. Trustee Bonuchi informed everyone of The Big Serve on May 4-5, 2019 and encouraged everyone to volunteer. For more information, visit www.thebigserve.info. Trustee Newton thanked Administrator Murphy for giving him information he requested regarding a grant. Trustee Larson commented on the State’s Tobacco 21 legislation not including possession and inquired about what citations are issued under the Village’s Ordinance regarding possession. Chief Konopek stated that it’s a local ordinance violation. Trustee O’Rourke commented about distracted driving enforcement efforts and inquired about possible new State legislation making it a moving violation. Chief Konopek stated that he would look into any new legislation. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-5 minutes) No Comments. BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 2) CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Bonuchi moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include: a) Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held March 18, 2019. b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for April 15, 2019. c) Cash & Investments, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for March, 2019. d) Approval to accept tangible property (2015 Ford Transit 150 Van). e) Authorize the final payment for Hydro-Vision Technology, LLC in the amount of $73,081.30. f) Reduction of letter of credit of TCF Bank Letter of Credit No. 07-008 to $ 482,902.00 for Playa Vista, Unit 1. g) Authorize the Village President to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Plainfield and the Forest Preserve District of Will County regarding funding for improvements to 143rd Street west of Steiner Road. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 3) WILL KANKAKEE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3409,authorizing the ceding of private activity bonding authority to the Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.7 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2019 Page 3 4) 2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Trustee Lamb moved to open a Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget. Second by Trustee Newton. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3410, adopting the Annual Budget for the Village of Plainfield for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 5) 23855 W. ANDREW RD / 12249 S. RHEA DR. (PC CASE #1828-021119.AA/REZ) Trustee O’Rourke moved to open the Public Hearing regarding the annexation agreement for the properties commonly known as 23855 W. Andrew Road (PIN 07-01-27-108-002-0000) and 12249 S. Rhea Drive (PIN 07-01-27-108-001-0000) and to continue the Public Hearing to the May 6, 2019 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 6) 12191 S. RHEA DR. (PC CASE #1829-021419.AA/REZ) Trustee Newton moved to open the Public Hearing regarding the annexation agreement for the property commonly known as 12191 S. Rhea Drive (PIN 07-01-27-101-026-0000) and to continue the Public Hearing to the May 6, 2019 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 7) WILL COUNTY CASE - 12019 S. SPAULDING SCHOOL DRIVE Trustee Lamb moved to file no objection to a requested special use permit from Will County to permit internet-based used car sales at 12019 S. Spaulding School Drive, in unincorporated Will County. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 8) 2019 CINCO DE MAYO Trustee Bonuchi moved to authorize the road closures as identified for the 2019 Cinco de Mayo Event to be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT No Report. MANAGEMENT SERVICES REPORT No Report. ENGINEER’S REPORT No Report. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. 8 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2019 Page 4 BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Mr. Ken Goska presented the Building and Code Enforcement Report for March, 2019. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Trustee Larson moved to authorize the Village President to award the 2019 Landscape Maintenance (Various Roadways) Contract to Ramiro Guzman Landscaping Inc., the low bidder, in an amount not to exceed $57,000. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Lamb moved to authorize the Village President to award the 2019 Spring Curb and Sidewalk Program to Triggi Construction, Inc. at a total cost not to exceed $299,734.54. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT No Report. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No Report. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 9 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2019 Page 5 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 15, 2019 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, E.O’ROURKE, B.WOJOWSKI, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, C.LARSON, AND L.NEWTON,. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; S.AMANN, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.MELROSE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND J.KONOPEK, CHIEF OF POLICE. 2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:23 p.m. Present roll call stands. Mrs. Traci Pleckham, Management Services Director, presented the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget. Mrs. Pleckham stated that the Village had a series of Budget Meetings starting in October, 2018. The Budget is balanced and the Public Hearing has been published in accordance with state laws. There were no public comments. Trustee Lamb moved to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular business meeting. Second by Trustee Larson. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 10 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice Amount10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204768 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 90.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204291 Edit 02/15/2019 04/30/2019 10,452.5910131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204780 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 10,452.5910131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204774 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 2,867.1810131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204284 Edit 02/15/2019 04/30/2019 16,054.6212254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2019-00001415 Edit 12/17/2018 04/30/2019 458.2512254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2019-00001418 Edit 02/21/2019 04/30/2019 146.2512254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2019-00001420 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 146.2512254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2019-00001440 Edit 02/21/2019 04/30/2019 477.7512254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2019-00001441 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 58.50Invoice Transactions10 $41,203.9810413 - GALLS INC. 012348690 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 13.75Invoice Transactions1 $13.7510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001401 Paid by EFT # 920 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 (170.55)Invoice Transactions1 ($170.55)10578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 40,823.2910578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 41,844.30Invoice Transactions2 $82,667.5910578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 34,629.4610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 25,963.48Invoice Transactions2 $60,592.94FICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableAccount 0201.999 - Miscellaneous Accounts PayableFinance Charge ReversalAccount 0201.999 - Miscellaneous Accounts Payable TotalsAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer TotalsAccount 0128.109 - Employee ReceivableHoushAccount 0128.109 - Employee Receivable TotalsRCCG CornerstoneLockport St. Self StorageBallard FarmsSpringbank Riverfront TrailSpringbank Riverfront TrailThe FarmhouseNorthpointeNorthpointeUnivarUnivarAccounts Payable by G/L Distribution ReportInvoice Due Date Range 04/16/19 - 05/06/19Invoice DescriptionFund 01 - General FundAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 1 of 3311 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 6,040.8410578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 6,072.08Invoice Transactions2 $12,112.9210527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR2019-00001374 Paid by Check # 119652 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 59,115.39Invoice Transactions1 $59,115.3910949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-23082019-00001380 Paid by Check # 119658 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 21,798.3210949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-23082020-00000008 Paid by Check # 119688 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 21,804.10Invoice Transactions2 $43,602.4210315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2019-00001373 Paid by Check # 119651 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 214,723.4910774 - METLIFE 2019-00001377 Paid by Check # 119655 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 16,992.9911758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-3065932019-00001383 Paid by Check # 119661 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 109,580.3610315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2020-00000003 Paid by Check # 119683 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 21,571.4310774 - METLIFE 2020-00000006 Paid by Check # 119686 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 706.2711758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-3065932020-00000011 Paid by Check # 119691 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 9,388.01Invoice Transactions6 $372,962.5510778 - METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF POLICE 2019-00001378 Paid by Check # 119656 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 1,620.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,620.0011244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2019-00001382 Paid by Check # 119660 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 52.9811244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2020-00000010 Paid by Check # 119690 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 52.98Invoice Transactions2 $105.9610030 - AFLAC 2019-00001372 Paid by Check # 119650 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 795.2810030 - AFLAC 2020-00000002 Paid by Check # 119682 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 795.28Invoice Transactions2 $1,590.56Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.242 - Union DuesMAP - Metropolitan Alliance of PoliceAccount 0210.242 - Union Dues Totals457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*POL PEN - Police Pension Annual*Account 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*IMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.237 - IMRF Payable TotalsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H PayablePOL PEN - Police Pension Annual*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF PayableAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA* Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 2 of 3312 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10030 - AFLAC 2019-00001372 Paid by Check # 119650 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 403.6910030 - AFLAC 2020-00000002 Paid by Check # 119682 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 403.69Invoice Transactions2 $807.3811124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2019-00001381 Paid by Check # 119659 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 3,195.0112714 - WILL COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK'S OFFICE2019-00001385 Paid by Check # 119663 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 355.8411124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2020-00000009 Paid by Check # 119689 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 3,195.0112714 - WILL COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK'S OFFICE2020-00000014 Paid by Check # 119694 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 355.84Invoice Transactions4 $7,101.7011154 - SWAHM-INSURANCE 2020-00000015 Edit 05/01/2019 05/01/2019 158,325.9011272 - VSP 2020-00000013 Paid by Check # 119693 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 2,414.44Invoice Transactions2 $160,740.3411266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2019-00001384 Paid by Check # 119662 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 2,447.9611266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2020-00000012 Paid by Check # 119692 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 2,047.96Invoice Transactions2 $4,495.9211154 - SWAHM-INSURANCE 2020-00000015 Edit 05/01/2019 05/01/2019 25,451.4011272 - VSP 2020-00000013 Paid by Check # 119693 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 539.14Invoice Transactions2 $25,990.5410854 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 2019-00001379 Paid by Check # 119657 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 69.2810854 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 2020-00000007 Paid by Check # 119687 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 69.28Invoice Transactions2 $138.5610175 - CARCARE TOWING 2019-00001456 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 500.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 2019-00001457 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 800.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2019-00001455 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 250.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,550.002 Tows 03/01 - 03/31/19Account 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsAccount 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee4 Tows 03/01 - 03/31/196 Tows 03/01 - 03/31/19Account 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance Adjustment TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance AdjustmentMay 2019 InsuranceVISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*Account 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*FSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitMay 2019 InsuranceVISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage SPOUSAL SUP - Spousal/Maintenance CHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage SPOUSAL SUP - Spousal/Maintenance AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 3 of 3313 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 550.1010767 - MENARDS, INC. 51762 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 180.07Invoice Transactions2 $730.1710924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8101 Paid by Check # 119673 04/05/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 16.50Invoice Transactions1 $16.5010951 - PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2019-00001398 Paid by Check # 119674 04/11/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 3,644.92Invoice Transactions1 $3,644.9211678 - BRIAN P MURPHY 2019-00001419 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 119.84Invoice Transactions1 $119.8411511 - MARGARET BONUCHI 2019-00001388 Paid by Check # 119665 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 90.0011630 - COLLINS, MICHAEL P. 2019-00001387 Paid by Check # 119668 03/20/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 236.4011630 - COLLINS, MICHAEL P. 2019-00001390 Paid by Check # 119668 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 100.0012868 - LARSON, CALLY 2019-00001389 Paid by Check # 119672 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 90.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001406 Paid by EFT # 924 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 135.8610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001411 Paid by EFT # 929 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 529.6812820 - 7-ELEVEN #33859 2019-00001448 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 71.1110891 - OFF THE PRESS 21982 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 601.0010937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE2019-00001424 Edit 04/23/2019 04/30/2019 270.0012734 - TAI GINSBERG & ASSOCIATES 1198 Edit 04/14/2019 04/30/2019 8,188.53Invoice Transactions10 $10,312.58Invoice Transactions11 $10,432.4210312 - DISCOVERY BENEFITS 0000994800-IN Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 140.25Invoice Transactions1 $140.25Division 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 2020 - Employee InsuranceMarch 2019Account 2020 - Employee Insurance TotalsMarch 2019Account 8070 - Public Relations TotalsDivision 01 - Legislative Program TotalsMurphyCollinsCoffee With the MayorNew Trustees, Letterhead and PlaqueAnnual Awards DinnerAccount 8070 - Public RelationsWCGL Lobby DayWCGL Lobby DayUSDOT Washington D.C.WCGL Lobby DayUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 01 - Legislative ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingU.S. DOTAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 0227.015 - Special Olympics TotalsAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-LibraryReplacement TaxAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-Library TotalsMobile Field ForceAccount 0227.005 - Mobile Field Force TotalsAccount 0227.015 - Special OlympicsSpecial Olympics-StampsAccount 0227.005 - Mobile Field ForceKonopek Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 4 of 3314 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001406 Paid by EFT # 924 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 1,019.8812872 - HOLIDAY INN & SUITES PEORIA AT GRAND PRAIRIE62019 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 115.8310831 - MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF ILLINIOIS 2019-00001446 Edit 04/30/2019 04/30/2019 75.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,210.7110391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 1,397.20Invoice Transactions1 $1,397.2011749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 366.27Invoice Transactions1 $366.2711278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 4251122-0 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 14.0511278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 4248640-0 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 146.55Invoice Transactions2 $160.6012871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 659.00Invoice Transactions1 $659.0011174 - ENTERPRISE NEWSPAPERS, INC. 125672 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 53.75Invoice Transactions1 $53.7511838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 79447371 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 653.9010832 - MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION , LLC00326031 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 950.0011192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC.23302 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 877.0312548 - UPLAND DESIGN LTD 16-519-06 Edit 01/04/2019 04/30/2019 837.13Invoice Transactions4 $3,318.0612830 - CPSM 1653 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 13,848.00Invoice Transactions1 $13,848.00Invoice Transactions15 $21,153.84Division 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 03 - Community Relations ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 9300 - ContingenciesBoard Approved 12/17/2018Account 9300 - Contingencies TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct. 901868063Online Code Hosting April 2019Image and EntriesAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8050 - Legal NoticesLegal NoticesAccount 8050 - Legal Notices TotalsOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/191211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageOffice SuppliesAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMurphyTrainingCIMCO TrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 5 of 3315 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001402 Paid by EFT # 921 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 35.00Invoice Transactions1 $35.0011749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 36.63Invoice Transactions1 $36.6310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001402 Paid by EFT # 921 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 55.25Invoice Transactions1 $55.25Invoice Transactions3 $126.8810623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94565619 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 211.9211278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 4259880-0 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 89.33Invoice Transactions2 $301.2512610 - COSMOPOLITAN CLEANING & MAINTENANCE8627 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 2,375.0012324 - TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 384524364 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 120.00Invoice Transactions2 $2,495.00Invoice Transactions4 $2,796.2511749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 73.25Invoice Transactions1 $73.2511054 - SELECTION.COM 369421 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 85.0011054 - SELECTION.COM 367545 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 36.00Invoice Transactions2 $121.00Invoice Transactions3 $194.2512869 - CHRISTINA CURRY 2019-00001397 Paid by Check # 119667 04/12/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 150.0010638 - RICK KACZANKO 2019-00001400 Paid by Check # 119671 04/11/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 144.91Account 3000 - Travel/TrainingDrone State Board ExamTyler Connect ConferenceAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources Program TotalsDivision 08 - IT ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesDivision 04 - Facility Management Program TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 8135 - Contractual ServicesApril 2019Pest Control VHAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 04 - Facility Management ProgramAccount 5000 - Building SuppliesFire Extinguisher Maint. & SuppliesBuilding Maintenance SuppliesAccount 5000 - Building Supplies TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsDe BoniAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsDivision 03 - Community Relations Program TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsDe Boni Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 6 of 3316 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 1,748.00Invoice Transactions3 $2,042.9111749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 36.63Invoice Transactions1 $36.6310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 16.18Invoice Transactions1 $16.1810638 - RICK KACZANKO 2019-00001400 Paid by Check # 119671 04/11/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 34.80Invoice Transactions1 $34.8010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 495.32Invoice Transactions1 $495.3210387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 2,354.2212866 - BEYOND TRUST CORPORATION IN0005033 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 2,586.11Invoice Transactions2 $4,940.3310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 48.0010340 - EDWARD OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 00090886-00 Edit 01/31/2019 04/30/2019 58.00Invoice Transactions2 $106.00Invoice Transactions11 $7,672.17Invoice Transactions47 $42,375.8110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 819.55Invoice Transactions1 $819.5510391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 4,866.96Invoice Transactions1 $4,866.96Account 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsDivision 08 - IT Program TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/Finance TotalsUnit 05 - Police DepartmentAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesKaczankoContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/RenewalsKaczankoBomgar on-prem VA and maintenanceAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/Renewals TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 8030 - Server/Network SuppliesKaczankoAccount 8030 - Server/Network Supplies TotalsKaczankoAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashTyler Connect ConferenceAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 7 of 3317 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 100.16Invoice Transactions1 $100.1610891 - OFF THE PRESS 21976 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 52.00Invoice Transactions1 $52.0012871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 380.0011982 - MAILFINANCE N7670763 Edit 04/06/2019 04/30/2019 346.35Invoice Transactions2 $726.3510924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8100 Paid by Check # 119673 04/05/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 99.8612515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL INC.SD18-363 1 Edit 12/04/2018 04/30/2019 290.0012515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL INC.SD18-363 2 Edit 12/04/2018 04/30/2019 310.0012749 - ALLEGIANT FIRE PROTECTION, LLC SO007294 Edit 03/13/2019 04/30/2019 415.0012749 - ALLEGIANT FIRE PROTECTION, LLC SO007300 Edit 03/13/2019 04/30/2019 3,130.0010092 - ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 615795 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 70.6510623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94565618 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 997.7212115 - COLLEY ELEVATOR COMPANY 182978 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 215.0010265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S506320202.001 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 157.9111734 - FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC 4821426-00 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 62.8511450 - FACILITY SUPPLY SYSTEMS, INC 43456 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 416.1411750 - MECHANICAL INC CHI143804C Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 2,392.5910767 - MENARDS, INC. 51073 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 66.3010767 - MENARDS, INC. 51264 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 50.9011621 - SAFETY SERVICES INC 47395 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 29.05Invoice Transactions15 $8,703.9711689 - FMP 50-2353431 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 (187.41)Invoice Transactions1 ($187.41)Account 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM1Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesSuppliesSuppliesFirst Aid PDAccount 8040 - Custodian TotalsInspectionE.O.C. LightingSuppliesMaintenance SuppliesQrtly. Maintenance PDRoof RepairClean Agent Semi AnnualWet Sprinkler & Fire Alarm AnnualCoffeeCustodianAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8040 - CustodianKitchen SuppliesRoof RepairAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Maintenance Contracts/Lease1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageBus. Cards - Konopek & Sheehan Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 8 of 3318 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10340 - EDWARD OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 00090886-00 Edit 01/31/2019 04/30/2019 249.00Invoice Transactions1 $249.00Invoice Transactions23 $15,330.5810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 1,383.7312803 - GATE AMERICA, INC. 2019-00001452 Edit 04/22/2019 04/30/2019 225.0012292 - ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ACADEMY FISCAL SECTION2019-00001454 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 7,759.4812367 - SEAN KOZAK 2019-00001462 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 75.0010690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 582 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 16.0011538 - LUKE OSTREKO 2019-00001463 Edit 04/22/2019 04/30/2019 75.0012764 - ROBLES, RICARDO 2019-00001458 Edit 03/24/2019 04/30/2019 110.0012263 - JASON ROGERS 2019-00001464 Edit 04/22/2019 04/30/2019 30.0010916 - CASEY SESTER 2019-00001459 Edit 04/06/2019 04/30/2019 75.00Invoice Transactions9 $9,749.2111749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 128.7811262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9824646075 Paid by Check # 119675 02/21/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 604.4411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9826634752 Paid by Check # 119676 03/21/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 625.93Invoice Transactions3 $1,359.1512867 - SALSBURY INDUSTRIES CS-698852 Edit 04/19/2019 04/30/2019 1,294.0110891 - OFF THE PRESS 21976 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 30.00Invoice Transactions2 $1,324.0112656 - AXON ENTERPRISE SI-1585401 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 2,260.0012856 - NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE IN364211 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 1,533.25Invoice Transactions2 $3,793.2510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 10.00KonopekReplacement SuppliesTourniquets & KitsAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsLockersBus. Cards - Konopek & SheehanAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesAcct. 485081837-00003Acct. 485081837-00003Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageTri-River Field TrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Overweight Vehicle Enforcement TrainingTrainingField TrainingIDEOA ConferenceJuvenile Investigative CaseDivision 51 - Police OperationsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekFisherNew Recruits/Academy Silacz & StillwellContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 9 of 3319 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO840121211 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 266.00Invoice Transactions2 $276.0010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5702 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 176.9510777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 15560 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 141.0011681 - PARENT PETROLEUM 1250912 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 54.9412264 - WEX BANK 58466570 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 189.00Invoice Transactions4 $561.8912212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 244899 Edit 11/06/2018 04/30/2019 17.0012212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 247055 Edit 12/29/2018 04/30/2019 24.0010413 - GALLS INC. 012364774 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 127.4610413 - GALLS INC. 012348690 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 150.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 753515 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 100.9010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 752367 Edit 03/08/2019 04/30/2019 70.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 754634 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 54.0012856 - NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE IN364211 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 1,399.2010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1920756-IN Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 116.5110997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1915025-CM Edit 03/15/2019 04/30/2019 (7.95)10997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1921573-IN Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 79.2810997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1920290-IN Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 236.9510997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1919099-IN Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 152.1410997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1921693-IN Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 24.9910997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1918661-IN Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 32.41Invoice Transactions15 $2,576.8910765 - MEGGITT TRAINING SYSTEMS INV-0082915 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 1,000.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1919335-IN Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 4,765.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1918097-IN Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 460.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1918706-IN Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 384.00Invoice Transactions4 $6,609.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 51482 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 29.8512522 - PROGRESS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS CO126802 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 2,499.61Account 5115.001 - Traffic ProgramsTraffic ProgramTraffic ProgramFirearms/AmmunitionAmmunitionAmmunitionFirearms/AmmunitionAccount 5100 - Ammunition/Weapons TotalsM. SiegelPruchnickiAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5100 - Ammunition/WeaponsCaliendoUniformsMunson & ZigtermanUniformsHoushHoushKausUniformsHoushTourniquets & KitsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsRoblesGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashMarch 2019Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsMarch 2019Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 10 of 3320 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions2 $2,529.4612871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 496.00Invoice Transactions1 $496.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535909510640 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 372.8610421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912108 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 63.8210421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-913253 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 91.9810421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912904 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 58.4812181 - HARMONIC DESIGN 8732 Edit 03/04/2019 04/30/2019 170.0012181 - HARMONIC DESIGN 8791 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 230.0010666 - K & M TIRE 421610532 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 568.4011020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 174720 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 42.9011840 - SAFELITE AUTO GLASS 692911 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 327.9711204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 19-15053 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 125.00Invoice Transactions10 $2,051.4111838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 79447371 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 653.8811695 - TREADSTONE TIRE RECYCLING 5033 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 100.13Invoice Transactions2 $754.0111311 - WILL COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL G19040009 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 500.00Invoice Transactions1 $500.00Invoice Transactions57 $32,580.2810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 777.96Invoice Transactions1 $777.9611749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 128.78Invoice Transactions1 $128.7812853 - IAFCI 041519-1 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 10.00Invoice Transactions1 $10.00Account 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDuesAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsDivision 51 - Police Operations TotalsDivision 52 - Police AdministrationAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8267 - Animal ControlMarch 2019Account 8267 - Animal Control TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct. 901868063Contractual ServicesM24M25M18M-36M-13M-25Vehicle MaintenanceM13M44M22 & M42Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 5115.001 - Traffic Programs Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 11 of 3321 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12264 - WEX BANK 58466570 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 175.81Invoice Transactions1 $175.8110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 12.7310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 267.92Invoice Transactions2 $280.6510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 754846 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 108.9010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1919900-IN Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 22.32Invoice Transactions2 $131.22LAURA CLEMENT 2019-00001395 Paid by Check # 119677 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 25.00KEVIN KUCA 2019-00001394 Paid by Check # 119678 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 75.00ALEJANDRO MORENO 2019-00001396 Paid by Check # 119679 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 25.00ANDREA MUNOZ 2019-00001393 Paid by Check # 119680 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 100.00LAURA SMITH 2019-00001392 Paid by Check # 119681 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 250.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 79.5211361 - BOOMER T'S 27759 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 240.0010413 - GALLS INC. 012413592 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 85.0010413 - GALLS INC. 012398290 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 212.5010413 - GALLS INC. 012393032 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 42.50Invoice Transactions10 $1,134.5212871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 275.00Invoice Transactions1 $275.0010421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2019-00001460 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 190.99Invoice Transactions1 $190.9910387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 143.6010569 - INNOVATIVE CREDIT SOLUTIONS, INC.201904531 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 25.00Invoice Transactions2 $168.60KonopekBackground Check ServicesAccount 8250 - Background Check Services TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance1236-913151Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8250 - Background Check ServicesAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsExplorer ProgramExplorer ProgramExplorer ProgramExplorer ProgramAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer Program TotalsExplorer's RaffleExplorer's RaffleExplorer's RaffleExplorer's RaffleKonopekGrecoAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer ProgramExplorer's RaffleKaczankoAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingGrecoMarch 2019Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech SupplyKonopek Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 12 of 3322 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions22 $3,273.5310924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8105 Paid by Check # 119673 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 15.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8106 Paid by Check # 119673 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 58.07Invoice Transactions2 $73.0711749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 128.78Invoice Transactions1 $128.7810690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN7299751 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 65.90Invoice Transactions1 $65.9012871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 180.00Invoice Transactions1 $180.00Invoice Transactions5 $447.7510190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. RWF9624 Edit 04/14/2019 04/30/2019 9,250.0012861 - EAGLE RISE LLC 1125 Edit 04/06/2019 04/30/2019 6,000.0012845 - FIRST SPEAR 94426 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 1,638.78Invoice Transactions3 $16,888.78Invoice Transactions3 $16,888.7810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 425.00Invoice Transactions1 $425.0011749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 128.78Invoice Transactions1 $128.7810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001405 Paid by EFT # 923 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 42.99Invoice Transactions1 $42.9910413 - GALLS INC. 012376632 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 85.00RugglesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsDivision 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture TotalsDivision 56 - Community ServicesAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture ExpenseLaptop touchscreensTraining - SpeakerSeizureAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 53 - Police Records TotalsDivision 54 - Seizure/ForfeitureKalarAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingDivision 53 - Police RecordsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPer Diem - KoniecznyPer Diem and Mileage - ScapardineAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsDivision 52 - Police Administration Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 13 of 3323 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $85.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8102 Paid by Check # 119673 04/11/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 29.69Invoice Transactions1 $29.6910487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535910110809 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 132.4210487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535910110819 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 180.1910487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535909856506 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 22.1310487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535910110838 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 (188.97)10487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535909842133 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 355.2111689 - FMP 50-2370041 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 494.6410421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-907607 Edit 02/13/2019 04/30/2019 (18.00)10421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-914818 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 44.3610666 - K & M TIRE 421611325 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 429.4810139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45013531 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 69.7410139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45013532 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 496.04Invoice Transactions11 $2,017.2410263 - CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC 124360 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 3,652.71Invoice Transactions1 $3,652.71Invoice Transactions17 $6,381.4111749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 100.18Invoice Transactions1 $100.1810379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 6-473-65945 Edit 02/27/2019 04/30/2019 60.44Invoice Transactions1 $60.4411297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO840121211 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 277.0011297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO6127289912 Edit 03/27/2019 04/30/2019 354.0011297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO840036536 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 517.92Account 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsMarch 2019IL Vehicle Code 2019March 2019Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePostageAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsDivision 56 - Community Services TotalsDivision 57 - Court ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 8245 - D.A.R.E. ProgramDARE SuppliesAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. Program TotalsVehicle MaintenanceM504M504M504Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsM504M504M504M504M502Account 5115.002 - Community Programs TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM504M504Account 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5115.002 - Community ProgramsBulletin Board and CPA Supplies Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 14 of 3324 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions3 $1,148.9212871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 160.00Invoice Transactions1 $160.00Invoice Transactions6 $1,469.5410997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1921318-IN Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 612.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1919897-IN Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 105.4010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1920512-IN Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 483.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,200.40Invoice Transactions3 $1,200.4010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8103 Paid by Check # 119673 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 40.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 559.5512830 - CPSM 1653 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 10,000.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 19-15077 Edit 03/18/2019 04/30/2019 250.00Invoice Transactions4 $10,849.55Invoice Transactions4 $10,849.55Invoice Transactions140 $88,421.8210387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 80.0012862 - AEROVISTA INNOVATION, LLC 1233 Edit 04/22/2019 04/30/2019 200.00Invoice Transactions2 $280.0011749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 326.5110825 - MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS 2019-00001453 Edit 04/30/2019 04/30/2019 10.00Invoice Transactions2 $336.5110058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213TD Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 124.53Invoice Transactions1 $124.53Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847April 2019Unit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekTrainingAccount 9300 - Contingencies TotalsDivision 93 - Contingencies TotalsUnit 05 - Police Department TotalsAccount 9300 - ContingenciesPizza for WescomKonopekBoard Approved 12/17/2018Tow-ContingenciesAccount 9120 - Machinery and Equipment TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsDivision 93 - ContingenciesDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9120 - Machinery and EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 57 - Court Services TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 15 of 3325 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11951 - EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP, INC2019-00001465 Edit 04/22/2019 05/06/2019 915.00Invoice Transactions1 $915.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 62.16Invoice Transactions1 $62.1612857 - NATIONAL HOSPITALITY SUPPLY 97186 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 255.42Invoice Transactions1 $255.4212212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 251010 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 15.0010413 - GALLS INC. 012395205 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 81.60Invoice Transactions2 $96.6010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001404 Paid by EFT # 922 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 28.75Invoice Transactions1 $28.7511368 - RAGAN COMMUNICATIONS 21854 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 163.24Invoice Transactions1 $163.2410767 - MENARDS, INC. 51568 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 438.04Invoice Transactions1 $438.0412871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 100.00Invoice Transactions1 $100.0010421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-914817 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 386.3112536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2019-00001451 Edit 04/22/2019 04/30/2019 101.0010666 - K & M TIRE 421615360 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 429.4811020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 174581 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 53.87Invoice Transactions4 $970.6612759 - FULTON SIREN SERVICES 1441 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 460.98Invoice Transactions1 $460.98Invoice Transactions19 $4,231.89Siren MaintenenceAccount 8125 - Siren Maintenance TotalsDivision 07 - PEMA Program TotalsP11P3Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8125 - Siren MaintenanceAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceP11P-1Building MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 8003 - Radio MaintenanceRadio MaintenanceAccount 8003 - Radio Maintenance TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5110 - Emergency Operation CenterKonopekAccount 5110 - Emergency Operation Center TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsKonopekAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwarePEMAAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsMembership 06/2019 - 05/2022Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 16 of 3326 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions19 $4,231.8910089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-15 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 41.6610089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-18 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 8.3312238 - LEWIS G. BENDER 2019-00001414 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 927.7911825 - NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL INV-1675295 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 25.0010921 - ALLEN PERSONS 2019-00001426 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 65.00Invoice Transactions5 $1,067.7810391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 689.56Invoice Transactions1 $689.5611749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 2,402.46Invoice Transactions1 $2,402.4612847 - PITNEY BOWES INC. 2019-00001412 Paid by EFT # 930 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 125.0011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC. 3103065349 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 78.5411222 - TRIPLE S VENDING I2558 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 12.96Invoice Transactions3 $216.5012355 - APWA CHICAGO METRO CHAPTER 2019-00001391 Paid by Check # 119664 04/18/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 90.00Invoice Transactions1 $90.0010265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S506296009.001 Edit 03/14/2019 04/30/2019 56.29Invoice Transactions1 $56.29Invoice Transactions12 $4,522.5910315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2019-00001373 Paid by Check # 119651 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 1,700.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,700.00Account 4015 - Electricity/GasDivision 60 - Street Maintenance ProgramAccount 2025 - Deferred Comp. Contribution457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*Account 2025 - Deferred Comp. Contribution TotalsBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsHannon and NewcomerAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenancePW PostagePostage MeterCoffeeAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsDuctile Iron Pipe Training04/03/19 Monthly MeetingTeam Building Workshop PWGPS/GIS TrainingDC Per DiemUnit 07 - PEMA TotalsUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 17 of 3327 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY, INC 14539236201 Paid by Check # 119669 03/29/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 409.8910238 - COMED 2019-00001417 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 376.8210238 - COMED 2019-00001427 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 248.3410238 - COMED 2019-00001428 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 314.1810238 - COMED 2019-00001429 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 234.0410238 - COMED 2019-00001430 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 89.1610238 - COMED 2019-00001431 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 8.0210238 - COMED 2019-00001432 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 64.2710238 - COMED 2019-00001445 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 323.6110238 - COMED 2019-00001449 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 162.52Invoice Transactions10 $2,230.8510777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 15560 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 141.0011681 - PARENT PETROLEUM 1250912 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 54.9311166 - TEXOR PETROLEUM 4824267-41501 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 14,902.9711166 - TEXOR PETROLEUM 4816248-41501 Edit 03/08/2019 04/30/2019 12,011.87Invoice Transactions4 $27,110.7710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 32483 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 28.4110767 - MENARDS, INC. 50687 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 56.5311058 - SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 114312 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 39.7512542 - SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 89936894-001 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 1,855.98Invoice Transactions4 $1,980.6712005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 261310 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 1,027.1212005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 261311 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 1,115.72Invoice Transactions2 $2,142.8412763 - BLAIN'S FARM & FLEET 9127 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 254.8510218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344153312 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 49.36Account 5060 - Aggregate Materials TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingMechanicsUniformsAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5060 - Aggregate MaterialsStone for PW PadStone for PW PadAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareFirst Aid PWSuppliesSuppliesSettlers' Park - VH IslandGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashMidgrade FuelMidgrade FuelAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAcct. 1459002013Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAcct. 1171000026Acct. 2089129057Acct. 0721078039Acct. 0238143078Acct. 07681541787299263-52952Acct. 1101143016Acct. 0066136025Acct. 0768154178 Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 18 of 3328 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344149798 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 49.3610218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344119360 Edit 01/17/2019 04/30/2019 52.8710218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344129459 Edit 02/07/2019 04/30/2019 51.8610218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344132805 Edit 02/14/2019 04/30/2019 49.3610238 - COMED 2019-00001444 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 200.9811004 - RELIABLE HIGH PERFORMANCE 205248 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 709.50Invoice Transactions8 $1,418.1410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001407 Paid by EFT # 925 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 695.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535908755900 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 6.2911995 - FLEETPRIDE 24442959 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 79.6410421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912213 Edit 03/27/2019 04/30/2019 127.9810421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912903 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 14.7610421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-913173 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 40.9910421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912108 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 63.8110437 - GRAINGER 9123087489 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 126.6711872 - MERLIN 200,000 MILE SHOPS 59225 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 71.7211020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 174033 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 39.84Invoice Transactions10 $1,266.7010760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 687161 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 900.0010760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 685917 Edit 01/07/2019 04/30/2019 861.2610760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 685918 Edit 01/07/2019 04/30/2019 866.1410767 - MENARDS, INC. 50852 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 45.2610767 - MENARDS, INC. 50417 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 5.8712587 - SPECTRUM TECHNICAL SERVICES VP103 Edit 09/29/2016 04/30/2019 4,498.75Invoice Transactions6 $7,177.2812005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 261117 Edit 03/15/2019 04/30/2019 308.0912005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 261322 Edit 04/06/2019 04/30/2019 237.0011625 - BURRIS EQUIPMENT CO. RS16134 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 2,430.2511596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 231863 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 29.0011596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 231877 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 29.00Turf Plow DamageAccount 8131 - Street MaintenanceShoulder StoneLimestone & CA-6Street MaintenanceTurf Plow DamageStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStr Lt Rpr Directinl Bore 1-1.25 in ID subduct Feeney Account 8130 - Street Light Maintenance TotalsAccount 8130 - Street Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceHeritage Meadow & Apple TreeRed CloverVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceUnit 1061F150 Air FiltersAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals#1070Street StockUnit 1061Shop SuppliesVehicle MaintenanceUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenancePersonsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAcct. 1171000026 Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 19 of 3329 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 231864 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 58.0011596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 231834 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 58.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 50626 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 105.2811220 - TRI-COUNTY STOCKDALE COMPANY 291247 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 915.00Invoice Transactions9 $4,169.6210986 - R&R SEPTIC AND SEWER SERVICE 19-1772 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 600.0011220 - TRI-COUNTY STOCKDALE COMPANY 292097 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 304.00Invoice Transactions2 $904.0011838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 79447371 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 653.8810252 - CONTINENTAL WEATHER SERVICE 192252 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 150.0010340 - EDWARD OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 00094482-00 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 339.0011695 - TREADSTONE TIRE RECYCLING 5033 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 100.1112755 - VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC. OSV000001673978AEdit 02/01/2019 04/30/2019 374.1012755 - VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC. OSV000001726871Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 511.65Invoice Transactions6 $2,128.7410018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 633726 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 5.5610480 - AHW LLC 1865065 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 3.0110421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-911143 Edit 03/18/2019 04/30/2019 (59.92)10613 - JIM'S TRUCK INSPECTION & REPAIR 176819 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 30.0010613 - JIM'S TRUCK INSPECTION & REPAIR 176823 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 30.0012064 - POMP'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 690068987 Edit 03/13/2019 04/30/2019 436.6711075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-111159 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 154.1211075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-110080 Edit 03/27/2019 04/30/2019 229.7012010 - TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 3173585 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 47.5812010 - TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 3173570 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 47.5811298 - WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES J71906 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 126.94Invoice Transactions11 $1,051.24Street StockEquipment MaintenanceUnit 1038Account 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsUnit 1090Unit 1084Unit 1044Equipment MaintenanceMower Air FiltersAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceMowers1546Equipment MaintenanceContractual ServicesContractual ServicesJanuary 2019March 2019Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8132 - Storm Sewer Improvements TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct. 901868063April 2019Account 8131 - Street Maintenance TotalsAccount 8132 - Storm Sewer ImprovementsVan Dyke Road26344 Baxter DriveTurf Plow DamageTurf Plow DamageStreet MaintenancePlow Damage Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 20 of 3330 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions73 $53,280.8510441 - GRAYBAR 9309217743 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 502.73Invoice Transactions1 $502.73Invoice Transactions1 $502.73Invoice Transactions86 $58,306.1710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001409 Paid by EFT # 927 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 (25.00)Invoice Transactions1 ($25.00)10391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 224.95Invoice Transactions1 $224.9511749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 183.14Invoice Transactions1 $183.1411278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 4259251-0 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 67.76Invoice Transactions1 $67.7612871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 50.00Invoice Transactions1 $50.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204766 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 322.50Invoice Transactions1 $322.50Invoice Transactions6 $823.3510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001410 Paid by EFT # 928 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 255.0011092 - DEANN SNODGRASS 2019-00001421 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 110.0011108 - LONNIE SPIRES 2019-00001422 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 120.00Invoice Transactions3 $485.00Account 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceDivision 21 - Building ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingGoskaTyler Connect ConferenceTyler Connect ConferenceAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesMisc. Development Assistance Playa VistaAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 20 - Planning Program TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 04/10 - 05/09/19Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageOffice SuppliesAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetUnit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 20 - Planning ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingProulxAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry Program TotalsUnit 08 - Street Department TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry ProgramAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareFountain in Settlers' Park Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 21 of 3331 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 397.89Invoice Transactions1 $397.8911749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 36.62Invoice Transactions1 $36.6212847 - PITNEY BOWES INC. 2019-00001412 Paid by EFT # 930 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 125.0011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC. 3103065349 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 78.55Invoice Transactions2 $203.5510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001408 Paid by EFT # 926 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 365.0010631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 32485 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 171.60Invoice Transactions2 $536.60Invoice Transactions9 $1,659.66Invoice Transactions15 $2,483.01Invoice Transactions360 $1,076,452.2410578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 4,401.7910578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 4,700.63Invoice Transactions2 $9,102.4210578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 2,745.2210578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 2,837.59Invoice Transactions2 $5,582.8110578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2019-00001376 Paid by Check # 119654 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 642.0410578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2020-00000005 Paid by Check # 119685 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 663.65Invoice Transactions2 $1,305.6910527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR2019-00001374 Paid by Check # 119652 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 13,385.61Invoice Transactions1 $13,385.61Account 0210.237 - IMRF PayableIMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.237 - IMRF Payable TotalsAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsUnit 09 - Community Development TotalsFund 01 - General Fund TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundHarrisBldg. Truck Dept. First Aid KitsAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 21 - Building Program TotalsPW PostagePostage MeterAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 22 of 3332 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2019-00001373 Paid by Check # 119651 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 13,695.5110774 - METLIFE 2019-00001377 Paid by Check # 119655 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 5,389.0511758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-3065932019-00001383 Paid by Check # 119661 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 4,730.5510315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2020-00000003 Paid by Check # 119683 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 1,228.5810774 - METLIFE 2020-00000006 Paid by Check # 119686 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 291.1511758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-3065932020-00000011 Paid by Check # 119691 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 212.70Invoice Transactions6 $25,547.5411244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2019-00001382 Paid by Check # 119660 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 9.0211244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2020-00000010 Paid by Check # 119690 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 9.02Invoice Transactions2 $18.0410030 - AFLAC 2019-00001372 Paid by Check # 119650 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 30.4910030 - AFLAC 2020-00000002 Paid by Check # 119682 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 30.49Invoice Transactions2 $60.9810030 - AFLAC 2019-00001372 Paid by Check # 119650 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 37.8510030 - AFLAC 2020-00000002 Paid by Check # 119682 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 37.85Invoice Transactions2 $75.7011124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2019-00001381 Paid by Check # 119659 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 852.5311124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2020-00000009 Paid by Check # 119689 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 852.53Invoice Transactions2 $1,705.0611154 - SWAHM-INSURANCE 2020-00000015 Edit 05/01/2019 05/01/2019 16,222.7011272 - VSP 2020-00000013 Paid by Check # 119693 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 255.68Invoice Transactions2 $16,478.3811266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2019-00001384 Paid by Check # 119662 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 293.04VISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*Account 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*CHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitMay 2019 InsuranceAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*UNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will County457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp MetlifeAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 23 of 3333 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2020-00000012 Paid by Check # 119692 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 293.04Invoice Transactions2 $586.0810854 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 2019-00001379 Paid by Check # 119657 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 26.7210854 - NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 2020-00000007 Paid by Check # 119687 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 05/03/2019 26.72Invoice Transactions2 $53.4410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001407 Paid by EFT # 925 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 563.8710089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-15 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 41.6610089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-18 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 8.3312238 - LEWIS G. BENDER 2019-00001414 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 927.5010921 - ALLEN PERSONS 2019-00001425 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 54.85Invoice Transactions5 $1,596.2110391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 374.46Invoice Transactions1 $374.4611749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 745.59Invoice Transactions1 $745.5910058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213TD Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 37.36Invoice Transactions1 $37.3612847 - PITNEY BOWES INC. 2019-00001412 Paid by EFT # 930 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 125.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001407 Paid by EFT # 925 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 7.3510379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 6-502-87994 Edit 03/27/2019 04/30/2019 18.6510652 - KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS2019-00001442 Edit 04/26/2019 04/30/2019 26.5011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC. 3103065349 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 78.5511222 - TRIPLE S VENDING I2558 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 12.97CoffeePW PostagePersonsPostage26420 Silverleaf Drive (Water)Postage MeterAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAWWA ConferenceAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsDuctile Iron Pipe Training04/03/19 Monthly MeetingTeam Building Workshop PWSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERS Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 24 of 3334 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2019-00001447 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 123.00Invoice Transactions7 $392.0210086 - APWA 2019-00001443 Edit 02/05/2019 04/30/2019 120.98Invoice Transactions1 $120.9812682 - CORE & MAIN LP K267591 Edit 03/18/2019 04/30/2019 4,040.00Invoice Transactions1 $4,040.0010265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S506296009.001 Edit 03/14/2019 04/30/2019 56.29Invoice Transactions1 $56.2910628 - JULIE, INC. 2019-00001466 Edit 03/31/2019 05/06/2019 2,961.2811192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC.23302 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 877.04Invoice Transactions2 $3,838.3210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204295 Edit 02/15/2019 04/30/2019 296.6410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204785 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 656.1010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204765 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 2,677.50Invoice Transactions3 $3,630.24Invoice Transactions23 $14,831.4711749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 1,159.81Invoice Transactions1 $1,159.8111969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY, INC 14539236201 Paid by Check # 119669 03/29/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 8,359.0510868 - NICOR 2019-00001434 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 224.6910868 - NICOR 2019-00001437 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 109.7410868 - NICOR 2019-00001438 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 212.66Acct. 84403020005Acct. 82178910004Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas7299263-52952Acct. 20521933950Division 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 8225 - Engineering Fees2018 IDNR LOM2 Assistance2018 IDNR LOM2 AssistanceWater System Master Plan UpdateAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual Services3rd & 4th Qtr. 2019April 2019Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 5080 - Water Meters TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsSchattke (ID 147270) Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5080 - Water MetersWater Meters03/04 - 03/27/2019Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 25 of 3335 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions4 $8,906.1411190 - THE UPS STORE 84888387 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 9.61Invoice Transactions1 $9.6110777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 15560 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 141.0011681 - PARENT PETROLEUM 1250912 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 54.94Invoice Transactions2 $195.9410631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 32483 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 28.3910767 - MENARDS, INC. 50349 Edit 03/20/2019 04/30/2019 39.97Invoice Transactions2 $68.3610037 - ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORPORATIONSLS 10079483 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 1,407.50Invoice Transactions1 $1,407.5011093 - GREG SNODGRASS 2019-00001423 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 144.99Invoice Transactions1 $144.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 51550 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 8.76Invoice Transactions1 $8.7610487 - ADVANCE AUTO PARTS/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES6535909167401 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 5.8410421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912778 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 21.9810421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912828 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 4.6910421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912108 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 63.8212229 - RON TIRAPELLI FORD INC C23020 Edit 04/13/2019 04/30/2019 2,936.38Invoice Transactions5 $3,032.7111838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 79447371 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 653.8812871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 265.0011695 - TREADSTONE TIRE RECYCLING 5033 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 100.13Invoice Transactions3 $1,019.0110063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000166088 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 23,160.15Contractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water PurchaseMarch 2019Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct. 90186806304/10 - 05/09/19#1005Unit 1005Unit 1005Vehicle MaintenanceUnit 1036Account 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 5070 - Chemicals TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingBoot ReimbursementAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5070 - ChemicalsChemicalsGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareFirst Aid PWPostageAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 26 of 3336 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000166090 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 667,560.87Invoice Transactions2 $690,721.0210627 - JSN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY 82444 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 88.80Invoice Transactions1 $88.80Invoice Transactions24 $706,762.65Invoice Transactions47 $721,594.1210387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001407 Paid by EFT # 925 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 563.8710089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-15 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 41.6810089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2019-18 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 8.3410324 - ANDY DOYLE 2019-00001433 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 34.8612238 - LEWIS G. BENDER 2019-00001414 Edit 04/04/2019 04/30/2019 927.51Invoice Transactions5 $1,576.2610391 - FIRST NONPROFIT UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM2nd Qtr. 2019 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 275.98Invoice Transactions1 $275.9811749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 1,159.81Invoice Transactions1 $1,159.8110058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213TD Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 37.36Invoice Transactions1 $37.3612847 - PITNEY BOWES INC. 2019-00001412 Paid by EFT # 930 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 04/19/2019 125.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001407 Paid by EFT # 925 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 7.3510652 - KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS2019-00001442 Edit 04/26/2019 04/30/2019 26.5011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC. 3103065349 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 78.5511192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC.23302 Edit 03/31/2019 04/30/2019 877.3011222 - TRIPLE S VENDING I2558 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 12.9726420 Silverleaf Drive (Water)Postage MeterApril 2019CoffeeAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePW PostagePersons1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceAccount 3015 - IL Unemployment Insurance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet04/03/19 Monthly MeetingWatershed MeetingTeam Building Workshop PWAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsUnit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsDuctile Iron Pipe TrainingAccount 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program TotalsUnit 10 - Water Department TotalsMarch 2019Account 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water Purchase TotalsAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceMarking Paint Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 27 of 3337 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2019-00001447 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 123.00Invoice Transactions7 $1,250.6710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 32483 Edit 04/16/2019 04/30/2019 28.4010767 - MENARDS, INC. 51077 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 241.1111253 - USABLUEBOOK 845617 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 958.43Invoice Transactions3 $1,227.9410018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 633722 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 34.9910018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 633712 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 4.9610265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S506296009.001 Edit 03/14/2019 04/30/2019 56.3010437 - GRAINGER 9127740505 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 211.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 51080 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 16.8610767 - MENARDS, INC. 51127 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 51.41Invoice Transactions6 $375.5210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204787 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 513.7510386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146985 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 108.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146988 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146967 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 45.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146743 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 40.5010628 - JULIE, INC. 2019-00001466 Edit 03/31/2019 05/06/2019 2,961.2912128 - PHENOVA 147956 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 777.7611138 - STUHLMAN ENGINEERING CO. 8812 Edit 03/15/2019 04/30/2019 25.00Invoice Transactions8 $4,511.80Invoice Transactions32 $10,415.3411749 - CALL ONE 2019-00001399 Paid by Check # 119666 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 2,816.66Invoice Transactions1 $2,816.66Account 4015 - Electricity/GasDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsChloridePlant BODChloride3rd & 4th Qtr. 2019Contractual ServicesAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesPFLVD-IEPA Biosolids PermitNitrogenBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareFirst Aid PWSupplies03/04 - 03/27/2019 Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 28 of 3338 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY, INC 14539236201 Paid by Check # 119669 03/29/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 37,605.4510238 - COMED 2019-00001416 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 76.0110868 - NICOR 2019-00001435 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 116.7710868 - NICOR 2019-00001436 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 1,601.23Invoice Transactions4 $39,399.4610777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 15560 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 141.0011681 - PARENT PETROLEUM 1250912 Edit 04/10/2019 04/30/2019 54.94Invoice Transactions2 $195.9411253 - USABLUEBOOK 836637 Edit 03/12/2019 04/30/2019 200.03Invoice Transactions1 $200.0310961 - POLYDYNE INC 139730 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 2,217.0610961 - POLYDYNE INC 1335866 Edit 03/25/2019 04/30/2019 2,217.0612582 - USALCO 1335943 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 4,070.0712582 - USALCO 1334000 Edit 03/07/2019 04/30/2019 3,968.06Invoice Transactions4 $12,472.2510386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146966 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146649 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146791 Edit 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 36.00Invoice Transactions3 $108.0010218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344153312 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 56.5310218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344149798 Edit 03/21/2019 04/30/2019 56.5310218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344119360 Edit 01/17/2019 04/30/2019 56.5310218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344129459 Edit 02/07/2019 04/30/2019 54.0310218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344132805 Edit 02/14/2019 04/30/2019 56.53Invoice Transactions5 $280.1512763 - BLAIN'S FARM & FLEET 0970 Edit 04/12/2019 04/30/2019 420.05Account 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsIndustrialsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5070 - Chemicals TotalsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow MonitorIndustrialsIndustrialsAccount 5070 - ChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsBoard Approved 07/02/2018Board Approved 07/02/2018Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash7299263-52952Acct. 0195025060Acct. 05663020005Acct. 39188020000 Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 29 of 3339 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-912108 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 63.82Invoice Transactions2 $483.8711838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 79447371 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 653.8810386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.146650 Edit 03/26/2019 04/30/2019 40.5012871 - IMAGE SYSTEMS & BUSINESS SOLUTIONS285113 Edit 04/09/2019 04/30/2019 265.0011671 - STEWART SPREADING 12366 Edit 04/15/2019 04/30/2019 20,388.4811695 - TREADSTONE TIRE RECYCLING 5033 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 100.13Invoice Transactions5 $21,447.9910018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 633723 Edit 04/08/2019 04/30/2019 15.1810018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 633700 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 15.2510418 - GASVODA & ASSOCIATES, INC INV1900671 Edit 04/03/2019 04/30/2019 613.0011058 - SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. 114217 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 17.00Invoice Transactions4 $660.4312848 - HYDRO-VISION TECHNOLOGY LLC 1100 Paid by Check # 119670 02/11/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 46,708.1012848 - HYDRO-VISION TECHNOLOGY LLC 1100A Edit 02/11/2019 04/30/2019 26,373.20Invoice Transactions2 $73,081.30Invoice Transactions33 $151,146.08Invoice Transactions65 $161,561.4210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204771 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 2,828.7510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204770 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 3,506.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204775 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 14,612.5812799 - PERFORMANCE PIPELINING, INC. 2019-00001439 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 123,345.7811318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2019-00001447 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 62.00Village Green Sanitary Improvements-Final03/04 - 03/27/2019Division 91 - CapitalAccount 8133.005 - Village Green Reconstruction ProjectVillage Green Utility ImprovementsVillage Green Sanitary ImprovementsVillage Green Utility ImprovementsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program TotalsUnit 11 - Sewer Department TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Account 8185 - System MaintenanceBoard Approved 04/08/2019Board Approved 04/08/2019Account 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct. 901868063Chloride04/10 - 05/09/19Board Approved 12/17/2018Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 30 of 3340 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions5 $144,355.3610131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204781 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 4,392.43Invoice Transactions1 $4,392.43Invoice Transactions6 $148,747.7912076 - ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY2020-00000017 Edit 05/01/2019 05/06/2019 80,444.61Invoice Transactions1 $80,444.6112076 - ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY2020-00000017 Edit 05/01/2019 05/06/2019 13,558.94Invoice Transactions1 $13,558.94Invoice Transactions2 $94,003.55Invoice Transactions8 $242,751.34Invoice Transactions147 $1,199,808.6312388 - AMALGAMATED BANK OF CHICAGO 2020-00000016 Edit 05/01/2019 05/06/2019 127,925.00Invoice Transactions1 $127,925.00Invoice Transactions1 $127,925.00Invoice Transactions1 $127,925.00Invoice Transactions1 $127,925.0011979 - CHUBB & SON 2019-00001450 Edit 04/11/2019 04/30/2019 500.0010770 - MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES, INC.1053821 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 3,000.0010770 - MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES, INC.1053822 Edit 04/05/2019 04/30/2019 5,006.00Invoice Transactions3 $8,506.00Invoice Transactions3 $8,506.00Invoice Transactions3 $8,506.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsCommercial Cyber LiabilityCommercial Crime LiabilityAccount 8300 - Commercial Umbrella Liability TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsFund 07 - Tort Immunity FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8300 - Commercial Umbrella LiabilityPolicy 000099070591Division 92 - Bonds TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 05 - Bond and Interest Fund TotalsUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 92 - BondsAccount 9200.031 - 2014 Refunding- 2007 Bond (Interest)Bond Issue 5468Account 9200.031 - 2014 Refunding- 2007 Bond (Interest) TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund TotalsFund 05 - Bond and Interest FundAccount 9201.002 - IEPA Loan (Interest)Project L17-3115Account 9201.002 - IEPA Loan (Interest) TotalsDivision 92 - Bonds TotalsDivision 92 - BondsAccount 9201.001 - IEPA Loan (Principal)Project L17-3115Account 9201.001 - IEPA Loan (Principal) Totals127th St WPS VFD ReplacementAccount 8134.002 - Pump Station Improvements TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsAccount 8133.005 - Village Green Reconstruction Project TotalsAccount 8134.002 - Pump Station Improvements Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 31 of 3341 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions3 $8,506.0011969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY, INC 14539236201 Paid by Check # 119669 03/29/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 43.60Invoice Transactions1 $43.60Invoice Transactions1 $43.6010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204773 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 2,883.7510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204778 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 10,632.58Invoice Transactions2 $13,516.3310190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. RXG0038 Edit 04/17/2019 04/30/2019 (105.44)10190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. RRX5054 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 37.90Invoice Transactions2 ($67.54)11091 - SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 03291989618 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 58.75Invoice Transactions1 $58.7510441 - GRAYBAR 9309348086 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 72,684.8610750 - MCCANN INDUSTRIES, INC. P01705 Edit 04/02/2019 04/30/2019 278.61Invoice Transactions2 $72,963.4710131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204767 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 10,478.3011280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 3574858-2354-0 Edit 03/28/2019 04/30/2019 242.50Invoice Transactions2 $10,720.8010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204788 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 4,775.8810758 - MCSHANE-FLEMING STUDIOS 117136 Edit 03/12/2019 04/30/2019 155.00Invoice Transactions2 $4,930.88Account 9165 - Roadway Improvements TotalsAccount 9165.031 - Village GreenAccount 9152.006 - PACE Park-N-Ride TotalsAccount 9165 - Roadway Improvements2019 Non-MFT Street ImprovementProject JupiterAccount 9152.001 - Street Lights-Replacement TotalsAccount 9152.006 - PACE Park-N-RidePACE Park N RidePACE Port-o-LetAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public Works TotalsAccount 9152.001 - Street Lights-Replacement313 Cobra Head LED Light FixturesAsphalt ToolsMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-Police TotalsAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public WorksTools & Equipment135th Street Corridor StudyAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-PoliceMachinery & EquipmentDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees2018 Misc. EngineeringUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8135 - Contractual Services7299263-52952Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsFund 07 - Tort Immunity Fund TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 32 of 3342 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204772 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 385.0010758 - MCSHANE-FLEMING STUDIOS 117135 Edit 03/12/2019 04/30/2019 155.00Invoice Transactions2 $540.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204776 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 1,573.33Invoice Transactions1 $1,573.33Invoice Transactions14 $104,236.02Invoice Transactions15 $104,279.62Invoice Transactions15 $104,279.6210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 8104 Paid by Check # 1701 04/15/2019 04/18/2019 04/19/2019 73.2010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES2019-00001403 Paid by EFT # 10 03/29/2019 04/22/2019 04/22/2019 32.5512762 - PLAINFIELD LANES 2019-00001461 Edit 04/18/2019 04/30/2019 1,488.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,593.75Invoice Transactions3 $1,593.75Invoice Transactions3 $1,593.75Invoice Transactions3 $1,593.7510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0204777 Edit 03/22/2019 04/30/2019 7,327.5012542 - SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 89936984-001 Edit 03/29/2019 04/30/2019 1,763.18Invoice Transactions2 $9,090.68Invoice Transactions2 $9,090.68Invoice Transactions2 $9,090.68Invoice Transactions2 $9,090.68Invoice Transactions531 $2,527,655.92Fund 17 - Tax Increment Financing-Downtown TotalsGrand TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8135 - Contractual Services2019 Downtown Streetscape RefreshDowntown StreetscapeUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. Fund TotalsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing-DowntownKonopekFreedom ElementaryAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. Program TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. ProgramDARE Graduation PartyDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsAccount 9165.031 - Village Green TotalsAccount 9165.032 - Woodfarm Road ReconstructionWoodfarm Road ReconstructionAccount 9165.032 - Woodfarm Road Reconstruction TotalsVillage Green Street ImprovementsVillage Green Run by Kristin Partyka on 05/02/2019 01:40:41 PM Page 33 of 3343 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 N 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 HISTORIC URBANIZED CORE SURVEY Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission ADDRESS 14930 S. Illinois St. PIN/Property Index Number #06-03-09-404-010-0000 Historic Property Name(s) Common Name(s) Architectural Style Italianate Vernacular Building Type Cross Plan Construction Date c. 1875 Architect/Builder Historic Use(s) Single Family Residential Present Use(s) Single Family Residential History (associated events, people, dates) Doud’s Subdivision. The 1931 Sanborn map is the first to show this block. This house was then 134, sharing the lot with the nearly identical house to the south at then 135. At this house, the large rectangular lot extends in a tall, narrow triangular tract, with a large 2 story carriage barn in the lot extension. The adjacent house had the bulk of the lot, with 3 outbuildings. This house is shown with the full SE reentrant angle porch and a complex series of rear wings including a 1 story NW reentrant angle wing, filling the angle; a 1 story rectangular wing set narrow end flush north; then what appears to be an open porch which connects the other wings/main house to a 1 story rectangular wing (which may have been a summer kitchen.) Description See reverse side/Continuation Sheet. Integrity/Major Physical changes from original construction Subsidiary Building(s)/Site 2 story carriage barn, c. 1890 or earlier. Architectural asphalt shingle gable front roof, shiplap sided walls, varied fenestration. Gable front faces side/north with double wide opening; door assumed to be modern overhead door, but open at time of survey. Modern pedestrian door and 2 horizontal/2 horizontal double-hung sash (modern replacement) face front/east. House with broad south side lot which blends with open lot of 802. Registration & Evaluation National Register of Historic Places: Currently Listed: ___yes X no If not currently listed, recommend: Individually ___yes X no; historic district X yes no Contributing XX or non-contributing Significance statement: Exceptionally detailed building with a high degree of integrity. Modern dark screens prevent clear view of some windows; some windows may be modern replacements; others are c. 1930, now historic, replacements. An interesting combination of a vernacular house form with Italianate style and early 20th century minor changes. VP; AA. Village of Plainfield designation : Currently Listed: ___yes X no If not currently listed, recommend: Historic Landmark X yes no; Historic District X yes no Contributing XX or non-contributing Form prepared by: ArchiSearch Historic Preservation Consultants (Alice Novak) Date of Field Survey: 12.02.05 - 414 806 N. Illinois St. 68 HISTORIC URBANIZED CORE SURVEY Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission ADDRESS PIN/Property Index Number #06-03-09-404-010-0000 Description Limestone foundation; medium gauge clapboard walls (painted green); plain, narrow cornice, corner boards, and water table (painted ivory); architectural asphalt shingle gable roof. 2 stories, cross plan, 3 facade bays. Windows and doors with identical surrounds consisting of a shouldered pedimented drip cap with corner blocks and base blocks as to effect the base of a pilaster or column. House nearly identical to adjacent house to south @ 802. Enclosed SE reentrant angle porch with three 3 vertical/1 double-hung sash facing south and entrance with original door and modern storm door facing front/east. South elevation with broad truncated 1 story semi-hexagonal bay (as to effect a Mansard roof) with paneled bulkhead and cornice, petite brackets. Paired 1/1 above and square attic sash in apex. 2 story enclosed sleeping porch out of rear/SW reentrant angle, an early 20th century addition. 3 modern 1/1 and modern door; 2nd story with 5 shorter and wider 1/1. Facade/east gable front with paired 3 vertical/1 double-hung sash, also an early 20th century, c. 1930, alteration, though done within the original fenestration opening. Paired 1/1 on 2nd story and square apex sash as on side elevation gables. Single 3v/1 faces front from 1st story of north side gable; blind above. Steep shed side porch north behind side gable. 1 story rear shed wing historic/original. 806 N. Illinois St. 14930 S. Illinois St. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Michael Collins, Village President John Konopek, Chief of Police Monday, April 15 2019 Operations Report- March 2019 Brian Murphy, Village Administrator Village Trustees The following pages contain the Monthly Operations Report for the month of March 2019: Coordination of Administration and Parent groups for Educational efficiency (CAPE) School District 202 Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Officer Jason Kopek, Awarded Support Staff of the Year Revenue Summary Page 2 5 Year Crime Index Page 2 Vehicle Report Page 3 Training Report Page 3 Dispatch Activity Page 4 Arrest Reports Page 5-11 Case Status Reports Page 12-16 Monthly Offenses Reported Page 17-26 Page 1 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 77 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Operations Report Payment Category FEES - Fees and Services Payment Category FINES - Fines/Forfeitures Payment Category PERMITS - Permits 2017 2018 2019 **Red light Camera Violations includes all transactions receipted by Plainfield and not solely the Police Department. *Will and Kendal County fines were received by the counties in February, but were received by Plainfield in March. Monthly Revenue Summary: March Administrative Ticket $11,375.00 $16,300.50 $18,405.00 Administrative Ticket-Late Fee $1,160.00 $1,065.00 $700.00 Alcohol Enforcement Fine $2,900.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 Daily Storage Fee $120.00 $0.00 $900.00 Impound Fees $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,500.00 Kendall County Court Fine*$56.73 $41.16 $219.15 Red Light Camera Violations**$21,800.00 $26,800.00 $21,700.00 Will County Court Fine*$34,045.17 $27,477.66 $22,056.90 $73,456.90 $74,934.32 $69,481.05 Accident/Insurance Reports $515.00 $345.00 $890.00 Copies, Maps, Etc.$5.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fingerprint Fee $160.00 $180.00 $120.00 Freedom of Information Fee $8.30 $3.10 $5.00 Offender Registration Fee $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $688.30 $728.10 $1,015.00 Solicitors Permit $385.00 $175.00 $560.00 $385.00 $175.00 $560.00 $74,530.20 $75,837.42 $71,056.05Total Year Burglary Motor Vehicle Theft Human Traffic Comm. Sex Acts 5 Year Crime Index* Theft Arson Human Traffic Invol. Serv.Rape Agg. Assault/ Agg. Battery Criminal Homicide Robbery Index**Total 2015 44 10 02982 0102117 9.24393 2016 35 15 02792 072703 8.65368 2017 25 21 02802 01229113 8.92383 2018 31 18 02700 0143007 8.42370 2019 5 4 0380 03802 5.4660 *Crime index categories are as determined by Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) definitions that differ from the Illinois Criminal Statute (ILCS) requirements; numbers in these categories are not necessarily equal to those in the itemized reports of offenses later in this report. **An estimated population is used to calculate the crime index based off of the US Census Bureau. The current year's crime index is a projection of what the index would be if the year remains consistent with previous months. Page 2 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 78 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Vehicle Report: March Average Miles Per Gallon 9.90 10.35 9.81 Gallons of Gasoline Used 4,183.30 4,532.00 4,705.90 Miles Driven 41,402 46,903 46,188 Monthly Maintenance*$12,034.99 $13,513.33 $11,557.39 *Vehicle maintenance is reported as an expense based upon the calendar date paid; therefore is not necessarily representative of the date the maintenance was performed, billed, nor the budget month applied. LocationCourse TitleClass DateEmployee Hours Each March 2019 Training Report Total Hours Konopek, Meyers, Novak, Ruggles 3/1 8 Employment Law Seminar Drury Lane Theater & Conference Ctr, Oakbrook Terrace 32 Kalar 3/5 8 Child Passenger Seat Exam Aurora FD8 Caliendo 3/5 8 Problem Solving/Training for Narcotics Canine Requalification JJC, Weitendorf Ag. Ctr./TR 8 Caliendo 3/6 8 K9 Training8 C. Siegel 3/6 8 Financial Crimes Investigator's Association Annual Training Seminar Double Tree by Hilton, Downers Grove 8 Mulacek, Ostreko 3/11 - 3/12 16 Bus Assault Response College of DuPage32 Zigterman 3/18 - 3/23 8 2019 ILEETA Conference Union Station Hotel, St. Louis, MO 48 Bayless 3/19 - 3/20 16 A.R.I.D.E.Frankfort PD/TR16 Caliendo 3/20 8 K9 Training8 Ostreko 3/20 8 Marijuana-Impaired DUI Benedictine University/NE TRA031R 8 Friddle, Housh, Konopek, Lehmann, Miller, Ruggles, M. Siegel, Wagner 3/20 8 ILEAS MFF - Physical Fitness Testing, Molotov Cocktails, Baton Rouge OIS, Protests, & Officer Ambush Romeoville64 Pruchnicki, Robles 3/20 - 3/22 24 IDEOA Conference Embassy Suites, East Peoria 48 Dabezic, Malcolm, Pedersen 3/21 8 Kendall County SRT24 Caliendo 3/22 8 SOG Training8 Allen, McQuaid 3/25 - 3/26 16 Child Death Investigation: From Death Scene to Court Plainfield Fire HQ/TR32 Allen, McQuaid 3/28 8 Wireless Carrier Training for Investigators (Verizon) McCormick Place16 Mulacek 3/28 10 Joliet SOS - Shoot House, Dupage Co. 10 378Total Training Hours for March 2019: Page 3 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 79 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Dispatch Activity Zone*2017 2018 2019 March Zone Incident Comparison Report PCW 97 105 90 Z1 572 698 672 Z2 529 481 531 Z3 803 979 967 Z4 479 506 502 Z5 94 81 100 Z6 5 1 6 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 PCW Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 2017 2018 2019 2579 2851 2868TOTAL** *PDF/PCW/WC is used when an incident is out of the village, or when the dispatcher does not validate the address. **Total incidents includes all CAD created incidents, including all Service Calls, Traffic Stops, Information only Calls, Etc. 0 50 100 150 200 250 0100200300400500600700800900100011001200130014001500160017001800190020002100220023002017 2018 2019 *Total incidents includes all CAD created incidents, including all Service Calls, Traffic Stops, Information only Calls, Etc. Yearly Dispatch Comparison By Hour for March Page 4 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 80 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Arrest Reports 201920182017 March Adult Arrests* Battery Aggravated Battery 1 1 0410 Domestic Battery 2 3 2486 Theft Theft Over $500 1 0 0815 Theft $500 and Under 3 0 0825 Retail Theft 8 6 1860 Motor Vehicle Theft Motor Vehicle Theft 0 1 0910 Deceptive Practices Deceptive Practice 1 0 01110 Possession Stolen Property 0 0 11200 Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property Criminal Damage Property 0 1 01310 Criminal Damage Govt Supported Property 3 0 01340 Criminal Trespass Vehicle 0 1 01360 Deadly Weapons Unlawful Use Weapon 0 1 01410 *Both Juvenile and Adult Felonies and Misdemeanors (Excludes Petty Offensese) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 123456789101112 2017 2018 2019 Arrest Comparison for the Past 3 Years Page 5 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 81 201920182017 March Adult Arrests* Cannabis Control Act Possession of Cannabis Over 10Gm to 100Gm (Misdemeanor)0 0 11810 Possession of Cannabis 10Gm or Less (Ordinance or Civil Violation) 2 8 51814 Controlled Substance Act Possession Controlled Substance 0 1 02020 Drug Paraphernalia Act Possession Drug Equipment 1 3 02170 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Ordinance or Civil Violation)0 2 12171 Liquor Control Act Violations Illegal Consumption Alcohol By Minor 0 1 02230 Disorderly Conduct Disorderly Conduct 4 2 02890 Interference with Public Officers Resist/Obstruct/Disarm an Officer (Discontinued Code)3 0 03710 Resist, Obstruct, Officer, Firefighter, Correctional Ofc 0 4 03711 Obstructing Identification 0 1 03731 Intimidation Aggravated Intimidation 1 0 03961 Traffic Crashes Hit and Run 2 0 02445 Motor Vehicle Offenses DUI-Alcohol 3 3 102410 Illegal Transportation Alcohol 1 0 12430 Reckless Driving 0 0 12440 Street Racing 0 0 12450 Improper Use of Registration 0 0 12465 No Valid Drivers License 2 1 12470 Motor Vehicle Anti-Theft Law 1 0 02475 Suspended/Revoked Drivers License 5 4 12480 Flee/Attempt to Elude Peace Officer 0 1 02495 Other Offenses Violation Order of Protection 0 0 14387 In-State Warrant 7 10 15081 Out-Of-State Warrant 1 1 05082 52 56 29TOTAL *Felonies & Misdemeanors (Excludes Petty Offenses). Any 2410 Arrests are for all individual citations. This number does not reflect the number of individual occurrances since a single offender may recieve multiple citations, e.g. DUI Alcohol & DUI >.08. Page 6 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 82 201920182017 March Juvenile Arrests* Robbery Vehicular Hijacking 1 0 0325 Battery Aggravated Battery 2 1 0410 Battery 0 3 2460 Assault Assault 1 0 0560 Theft Theft Over $500 2 0 0815 Theft $500 and Under 1 0 0825 Retail Theft 1 1 0860 Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property Criminal Damage Property 2 0 11310 Criminal Trespass State Supported Property 2 1 01350 Sex Offenses Distribution of Harmful Materials 0 3 01540 Offenses Involving Children Curfew 0 0 11730 Runaway (M.R.A.I.)0 1 01740 Truancy 0 3 01770 Cannabis Control Act Possession of Cannabis Over 10Gm to 100Gm (Misdemeanor)0 1 21810 Possession of Cannabis 10Gm or Less (Ordinance or Civil Violation) 0 5 81814 Controlled Substance Act Possession Controlled Substance 0 0 12020 Look-A-Like Controlled Substance 0 1 02030 Drug Paraphernalia Act Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Ordinance or Civil Violation)0 0 22171 Liquor Control Act Violations Illegal Consumption Alcohol By Minor 1 0 02230 Motor Vehicle Offenses DUI-Drugs 0 1 02420 Disorderly Conduct Disorderly Conduct 9 10 42890 Fireworks 0 1 03000 Interference with Public Officers Resist, Obstruct, Officer, Firefighter, Correctional Ofc 0 0 13711 Intimidation Intimidation 2 0 03960 Other Offenses In-State Warrant 0 0 15081 Out-Of-State Warrant 0 1 05082 Page 7 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 83 201920182017 March Juvenile Arrests* 24 33 23TOTAL *Felonies & Misdemeanors (Excludes Petty Offenses). Any 2410 Arrests are for all individual citations. This number does not reflect the number of individual occurrances since a single offender may recieve multiple citations, e.g. DUI Alcohol & DUI >.08. Page 8 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 84 Arrestee March 2019 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee's Address Date of Arrest Release Report # HAYDEN, TAVARIS R 34 4017 W MONROE ST 1ST FL, CHICAGO, IL 60624 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/18/19 9:05 PM 19-001579 NO VALID DRIVERS LICENSE RETAIL THEFT CULLOTON, GEOFFREY D 23 418 ELITE AVE, WEST CHICAGO, IL 60185 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/2/19 12:02 AM 19-002910 DUI BAC OVER .08 DUI-ALCOHOL FAILURE TO SIGNAL IMPROPER LANE USAGE MEYER, ELYCE D 23 24061 W PEAR TREE CIR, PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS 60585 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/2/19 2:58 AM 19-002913 DUI BAC OVER .08 DUI-ALCOHOL ILLEGAL TRANSPORTATION ALCOHOL SPEEDING: RADAR PEREZ, JUSTIN 21 18W025 73RD ST, DARIEN, IL 60561 24 - Administrative Ticket Issued 3/2/19 8:16 PM 19-002947 POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) SHUKSTOR, CONOR E 25 13719 S SAVANNA DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60544 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/5/19 9:25 PM 19-003087 DUI-ALCOHOL FAILURE TO REDUCE SPEED TO AVOID ACCIDENT ILLEGAL USE OF CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING OPERATION UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE UNGER, ASHLEY N 27 905 PLAINFIELD RD APT 2W, JOLIET, IL 60435 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/6/19 12:09 AM 19-003094 DUI-ALCOHOL OTHER EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS (CITATIONS ISSUED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL VIOLATION MENDEZ SANCHEZ, LUIS ALBERTO 29 1123 LEAWOOD CT, JOLIET, IL 60431 26 - 10% Bond Posted3/6/19 2:05 AM 19-003095 DUI BAC OVER .08 DUI-ALCOHOL SPEEDING: RADAR CASAS, HECTOR S 44 14859 S MORGAN LN, PLAINFIELD, IL 60544 26 - 10% Bond Posted3/9/19 12:23 AM 19-003275 DUI-ALCOHOL PARKING: WITH MOTOR RUNNING OLIVA, LUIS G 41 1309 DEVONSHIRE DR, JOLIET, IL 60435 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/9/19 2:29 AM 19-003277 DUI-ALCOHOL SPEEDING: OVER 35+ mph OVER POSTED LIMIT STREET RACING Page 9 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 85 Arrestee March 2019 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee's Address Date of Arrest Release Report # HANACK, CHRISTOPHER H 18 5522 ALABAMA AVE APT L, CLARENDON HILLS, IL 60514 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/13/19 11:21 PM 19-003488 RECKLESS DRIVING ROZNER, RONALD G 33 16228 S LEXINGTON DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60586 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/15/19 10:51 PM 19-003607 VIOLATION ORDER OF PROTECTION PERSCHNICK, JOSHUA L 27 7003 CLEARWATER DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60586 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/15/19 11:53 PM 19-003609 DUI BAC OVER .08 DUI-ALCOHOL FAILURE TO REDUCE SPEED TO AVOID ACCIDENT IMPROPER LANE USAGE RHODES, BRADLEY S 43 206 HOBBS AVE, JOLIET, IL 60433 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/16/19 11:40 PM 19-003663 DUI-ALCOHOL IMPROPER DISPLAY OF REGISTRATION IMPROPER LANE USAGE IMPROPER USE OF REGISTRATION OTHER MOVING VIOLATIONS (CITATIONS ISSUED) POSSESSION STOLEN PROPERTY SUSPENDED/REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE ALTHOUSE, SCOTT P 50 2803 SARAH CT, PLANO, IL 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/17/19 7:46 PM 19-003683 DUI BAC OVER .08 DUI-ALCOHOL ILLEGAL USE OF CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING IMPROPER LANE USAGE KRISHAN, ROMESH C 43 13762 S SHARP DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60544 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/18/19 12:24 PM 19-003707 DOMESTIC BATTERY INTERFERING WITH THE REPORTING OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HUMPHREYS, MELODY R 18 1809 LAKE SHORE DR, ROMEOVILLE, IL 60446 3/20/19 10:39 AM 19-003766 POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) LABOY, AARON D 42 25325 W CERENA CIR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60586 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/20/19 12:40 AM 19-003793 DOMESTIC BATTERY CHAVEZ, ANDRES 18 21725 W JOPLIN CT, PLAINFIELD, IL 60544 24 - Administrative Ticket Issued 3/21/19 12:18 PM 19-003871 POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) LEAL-OCHOA, JUAN 22 2202 WATERBURY DR, JOLIET, IL 60431 3/21/19 3:12 PM 19-003879 DRIVER AND PASSENGER SAFETY BELTS Page 10 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 86 Arrestee March 2019 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee's Address Date of Arrest Release Report # TENORIO, NICHOLAS M 20 2807 JOE ADLER DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60586 5 - Recognizance, Personal or I-Bond 3/21/19 4:00 PM 19-003879 Possession Cannabis over 10 gm to 100 gm (misdemeanor) POSSESSION OF MEDICAL CANNABIS IN A MOTOR VEHICLE SPEEDING: RADAR VIOLATION OF MEDICAL CANNABIS PILOT PROGRAM ACT JENCO, DAVID M 32 16221 S BURGUNDY DR, PLAINFIELD, IL 60586 15 - Transported to WCADF 3/22/19 12:30 PM 19-003913 IN-STATE WARRANT GONZALEZ, ARELY 18 2672 VILLAGE GREEN DR #2A, AURORA, IL 60504 24 - Administrative Ticket Issued 3/23/19 12:08 PM 19-003953 POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) JONES, KEYONTE 20 46 WINGATE DR, OSWEGO, IL 60543 24 - Administrative Ticket Issued 3/23/19 12:08 PM 19-003953 POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) *This report includes all adult arrests as reported to the press- juveniles are excluded. Page 11 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 87 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Case Status Reports 15 - WARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02 - PENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: April 15, 2019 0260 - CRIMINAL SEXUAL ASSAULT 2 0280 - PREDATORY CRIMINAL SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 1 0310 - ARMED ROBBERY 2 0410 - AGGRAVATED BATTERY 34 0460 - BATTERY 2 0486 - DOMESTIC BATTERY 64 0488 - AGGRAVATED DOMESTIC BATTERY 2 0510 - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 2 0560 - ASSAULT 1 0610 - BURGLARY 2 0625 - RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 21 0760 - BURGLARY FROM MOTOR VEHICLE 39 0815 - THEFT OVER $500 99 0825 - THEFT $500 AND UNDER 13 0825 - Theft Over $500 2 Detective 2017 2018 2019 Active (02) Pending Case Assignments as of: April 15, 2019* ALLEN, CHRISTOPHER 196 15 22 DABEZIC, DINO 194 11 10 MCQUAID, KEVIN 117 4 5 MESZAROS, RICHARD 193 31 18 SIEGEL, CARIANNE 191 22 31 0 83 86TOTAL May 2016 - March 2017 active investigations data is unavailable due to the change from LRMS to Premier One for Records Management. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ALLEN, CHRISTOPHER 196 DABEZIC, DINO 194 MCQUAID, KEVIN 117 MESZAROS, RICHARD 193 SIEGEL, CARIANNE 191 2017 2018 2019 *Active case assignements and pending investigations will not typically be equal because multiple officers may be assigned to follow up on one case that may have multiple offenses. Page 12 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 88 15 - WARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02 - PENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: April 15, 2019 0860 - RETAIL THEFT 203 0910 - MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT 13 1110 - DECEPTIVE PRACTICE 45 1120 - FORGERY 14 1130 - FRAUD 37 1135 - INSURANCE FRAUD 1 1137 - IDENTITY THEFT 7 1150 - CREDIT CARD FRAUD 11 1180 - FALSE PERSONATION 1 1200 - POSSESSION STOLEN PROPERTY 1 1240 - COMPUTER TAMPERING 1 1305 - CRIMINAL DEFACEMENT PROPERTY 1 1310 - CRIMINAL DAMAGE PROPERTY 213 1360 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS VEHICLE 1 1411 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon 1 1425 - UNLAWFUL POSSESSION FIREARM/AMMUNITION 1 1540 - DISTRIBUTION OF HARMFUL MATERIALS 2 1562 - AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE 1 1563 - CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE 1 1565 - INDECENT SOLICITATION OF CHILD 1 1567 - GROOMING 3 1720 - CONTRIBUTING TO DEPENDENCY/NEGLECT CHILD 1 1726 - DISSEMINATE/DISTRIBUTE INDECENT VISUAL DEPICTION - MINOR (SEXTING) 2 1740 - RUNAWAY (M.R.A.I.)13 1810 - POSSESSION OF CANNABIS OVER 10GM TO 100GM (misdemeanor) 12 1813 - POSSESSION OF CANNABIS OVER 100GM (FELONY)11 1814 - CIVIL LAW CANNABIS (NOT MORE THAN 10GRAMS)1 1814 - POSSESSION OF CANNABIS 10GM OR LESS (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) 4 1821 - DELIVERY/MANUFACTURE OF CANNABIS 10GM AND UNDER (MISDEMEANOR) 1 1822 - DELIVERY/MANUFACTURE OF CANNABIS OVER 30GM (FELONY) 2 2010 - MANUFACTURE/DELIVERY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1 2011 - MANUFACTURE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1 2012 - DELIVERY OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 2 2013 - POSSESSION WITH INTENT TO DELIVER 11 2020 - POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 3 2170 - POSSESSION DRUG EQUIPMENT 1 2171 - CIVIL LAW PARAPHERNALIA 1 Page 13 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 89 15 - WARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02 - PENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: April 15, 2019 2171 - POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA (ORDINANCE OR CIVIL VIOLATION) 2 2230 - ILLEGAL CONSUMPTION ALCOHOL BY MINOR 1 2420 - DUI-DRUGS 1 2430 - ILLEGAL TRANSPORTATION ALCOHOL 1 2440 - RECKLESS DRIVING 2 2447 - LEAVING SCENE PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT 11 2470 - NO VALID DRIVERS LICENSE 11 2480 - SUSPENDED/REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE 1 2825 - HARASSMENT BY TELEPHONE 13 2826 - HARASSMENT THROUGH ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS 3 2860 - FALSE POLICE REPORT 1 2890 - DISORDERLY CONDUCT 26 2895 - INTERFERENCE W/EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION 1 3100 - MOB ACTION 1 3711 - RESIST, OBSTRUCT, OFFICER, FIREFIGHTER, CORRECTIONAL OFC 2 3960 - INTIMIDATION 1 3968 - CYBERSTALKING 1 3970 - EXTORTION 1 4230 - UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 11 4387 - VIOLATION ORDER OF PROTECTION 12 4510 - PROBATION VIOLATION 2 4870 - DOMESTIC DISPUTE 1 5081 - IN-STATE WARRANT 2 5083 - RECOVERED PROPERTY ONLY 1 6310 - PARKING: OVERNIGHT PROHIBITED/SPECIFIC HOURS 1 6601 - SPEEDING: RADAR 2 6604 - TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS 1 6608 - IMPROPER LANE USAGE 1 6620 - FAILURE TO YIELD: STOP SIGN 1 6633 - IMPROPER LIGHTING (ONE HEADLIGHT)1 6648 - OTHER EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS (CITATIONS ISSUED)1 7001 - EXPUNGED OFFENSE 1 9001 - ASSIST: FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 9003 - ASSIST: STATE POLICE 1 9004 - ASSIST: OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 9005 - ASSIST: OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY 1 9061 - LOST ARTICLES 1 9064 - MISSING PERSON: ADULT MALE 1 9083 - ASSIST: AMBULANCE 24 Page 14 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 90 15 - WARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02 - PENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: April 15, 2019 9100 - INVESTIGATION QUASI-CRIMINAL 16 9103 - SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 9119 - OTHER INVESTIGATIONS 3 9154 - LOCAL ORDINANCE VIOLATION (OTHER)1 9183 - DRUG ACTIVITY 1 9225 - ANIMAL CRUELTY/WELL BEING CHECK 1 9246 - FOUND PROPERTY 1 9325 - RELEASED VEHICLE/PROPERTY 2 9331 - SEARCH WARRANT 1 9356 - SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 1 9375 - TRESPASS WARNING 1 9411 - SUICIDE ATTEMPT: BY FIREARMS 1 9414 - SUICIDE ATTEMPT: BY DRUGS 1 9438 - DEATH: OTHER SUDDEN DEATH/BODIES FOUND (DEATH INVESTIGATION) 2 9507 - STATION INFORMATION 3 9603 - PARENT-JUVENILE: CRISIS INTERVENTION 1 9608 - OTHER: CRISIS INTERVENTION 11 9612 - CHILD ABUSE: CRISIS INTERVENTION 1 9798 - WELFARE CHECK 2 9910 - POSSESSION OF TOBACCO/MINOR 1 9918 - FIGHTS, RIOTS, BRAWLS 4 9927 - VEHICLE SEARCH: WITHOUT K-9 1 9933 - SERVICE OF ORDER OF PROTECTION 1 102198TOTAL 0 50 100 150 200 250 02 - PENDING INVESTIGATION 15 - WARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 2019 Page 15 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 91 Closed Cases by Offense Administratively Closed Adult Arrest Juvenile Arrest March 2019 Closed Cases (by Disposition and Primary Offense) Victim Refusal to Cooperate Prosecution Declined Referred to Other Jurisdiction Assault 6 1 Battery 14 41 10 1 5 Burglary 19 5 7 Burglary or Theft from Motor Vehicle 4 3 Cannabis Control Act 8 23 Controlled Substance Act 5 8 Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property 27 36 9 7 1 Criminal Sexual Assault 7 3 Deceptive Practices 11 8 Disorderly Conduct 6 2 7 Drug Paraphernalia Act 4 1 Interference with Public Officers 8 15 Kidnapping 7 Liquor Control Act Violations 6 Motor Vehicle Offenses 7 63 2 Motor Vehicle Theft 8 Offenses Involving Children 5 8 Other Offenses 60 6 6 10 3 Sex Offenses 2 2 3 Theft 10 7 7 1 180 184 110TOTAL 34 11 16 Page 16 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 92 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Offense Reports 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Robbery Robbery 1 0 0320 Vehicular Hijacking 1 0 0325 2 0 0Total: Robbery Battery Aggravated Battery 3 2 2410 Battery 1 4 3460 Domestic Battery 10 8 6486 Aggravated Domestic Battery 0 1 0488 14 15 11Total: Battery Assault Assault 1 2 1560 1 2 1Total: Assault Burglary Burglary 0 0 2610 Residential Burglary 1 0 0625 1 0 2Total: Burglary Burglary or Theft from Motor Vehicle Theft From Motor Vehicle 0 1 0710 Theft Motor Veh Parts/Accessories 1 0 0720 Burglary From Motor Vehicle 4 1 5760 5 2 5Total: Burglary or Theft from Motor Vehicle Theft Theft Over $500 2 2 4815 Theft $500 and Under 4 2 3825 Retail Theft 14 11 5860 Pocket Picking 0 1 0870 20 16 12Total: Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Motor Vehicle Theft 0 4 2910 0 4 2Total: Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Arson 1 0 01010 Fires 1 0 09054 2 0 0Total: Arson Page 17 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 93 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Deceptive Practices Deceptive Practice 1 6 51110 Forgery 0 2 01120 Fraud 0 2 61130 Identity Theft 4 2 61137 Credit Card Fraud 0 1 11150 Impersonating Peace Officer 1 0 01170 Deceptive Collection Practices 1 0 01185 Possession Stolen Property 0 0 11200 Computer Tampering 1 0 01240 Wire Fraud 0 1 09125 8 14 19Total: Deceptive Practices Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property Criminal Defacement Property 0 0 11305 Criminal Damage Property 5 5 131310 Criminal Trespass Property 0 1 11330 Criminal Damage Govt Supported Property 2 3 01340 Criminal Trespass State Supported Property 1 1 01350 Criminal Trespass Vehicle 0 3 01360 Trespass Warning 2 3 19375 Trespassing 0 1 09376 10 17 16Total: Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property Deadly Weapons Unlawful Use Weapon 0 1 01410 Reckless Discharge Firearm 1 0 01477 1 1 0Total: Deadly Weapons Sex Offenses Criminal Sexual Assault 0 0 1260 Distribution of Harmful Materials 1 1 01540 Sexual Exploitation of Child 1 0 01544 Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse 0 0 11562 Criminal Sexual Abuse 1 0 01563 Indecent Solicitation of Child 1 0 01565 Grooming 0 1 11567 4 2 3Total: Sex Offenses Page 18 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 94 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Offenses Involving Children Endangering Life/Health of Child 1 0 01710 Possession, Sale To/From Minors - Tobacco Products 0 1 11715 Contributing to Dependency/Neglect Child 0 1 01720 Disseminate/Distribute Indecent Visual Depiction - Minor (Sexting) 0 0 11726 Curfew 0 0 21730 Runaway (M.R.A.I.)2 2 21740 Truancy 2 4 11770 Possession of Tobacco/Minor 0 5 159910 Child Custody Dispute/Visitation Interference 0 2 29934 5 15 24Total: Offenses Involving Children Cannabis Control Act Possession of Cannabis Over 10Gm to 100Gm (Misdemeanor)0 1 31810 Possession of Cannabis 10Gm or Less (Ordinance or Civil Violation) 1 14 101814 Violation of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act 0 0 17003 Possession of Medical Cannabis in a Motor Vehicle 0 0 17004 1 15 15Total: Cannabis Control Act Controlled Substance Act Manufacture of Controlled Substance 0 1 02011 Possession Controlled Substance 0 1 22020 0 2 2Total: Controlled Substance Act Drug Paraphernalia Act Possession Drug Equipment 1 3 12170 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Ordinance or Civil Violation)0 2 72171 1 5 8Total: Drug Paraphernalia Act Vehicle Tow Tow: Abandoned Vehicle 0 1 16723 0 1 1Total: Vehicle Tow Liquor Control Act Violations Sale Liquor to Minor, Drunkards 0 1 02210 Illegal Possession Alcohol By Minor 0 2 02220 Illegal Consumption Alcohol By Minor 1 2 22230 1 5 2Total: Liquor Control Act Violations Page 19 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 95 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Disorderly Conduct Telephone Threat 0 0 12820 Harassment By Telephone 1 1 32825 Harassment Through Electronic Communications 0 1 02826 Eavesdropping 1 0 02835 Disorderly Conduct 14 13 72890 Fireworks 0 1 03000 Mob Action 1 0 13100 17 16 12Total: Disorderly Conduct Interference with Public Officers Resist/Obstruct/Disarm an Officer (Discontinued Code)3 0 03710 Resist, Obstruct, Officer, Firefighter, Correctional Ofc 0 4 13711 Obstructing Identification 0 2 03731 3 6 1Total: Interference with Public Officers Intimidation Intimidation 1 0 13960 Aggravated Intimidation 1 0 03961 Cyberstalking 0 0 13968 2 0 2Total: Intimidation Kidnapping Unlawful Restraint 0 0 14230 Child Abduction 0 1 04250 Unlawful Visitation Interference 0 1 14255 0 2 2Total: Kidnapping Traffic Crashes Hit and Run 4 0 02445 Accident: Hit and Run (Personal Injury)0 2 06547 Accident: Hit and Run (Property Damage)9 6 06548 Accident: Personal Injury 9 4 86556 Accident: Non-Injury 72 75 666557 Accident: Property Damage 5 2 06558 Accident: Police Department Vehicle 1 0 06560 Accident: Village /City/County Property 3 2 06562 Accident: Private Property 20 14 106563 Accident: Pedestrian (Auto)1 1 06566 Accident: Leaving Scene of Accident 1 0 06572 Accident: Truck (Non-Injury)5 2 06576 Accident: Truck (Injury)1 0 06577 131 108 84Total: Traffic Crashes Page 20 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 96 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Parking Parking: All Other Violations 0 1 36300 Parking: Blocking Public/Private Drive 0 1 06302 Parking: Handicapped Violation 0 1 26304 Parking: Left Wheel to Curb 2 0 06306 Parking: Over Sidewalk (Blocking Sidewalk)2 1 06308 Parking: Over Time Limit 15 0 06309 Parking: Overnight Prohibited/Specific Hours 72 63 576310 Parking: Where Prohibited (Sign Posted)10 31 86312 Parking: With Motor Running 0 0 26313 Parking: Within 15Ft of Fire Hydrant 1 1 26316 102 99 74Total: Parking Page 21 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 97 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Motor Vehicle Offenses DUI-Alcohol 3 4 102410 DUI-Drugs 0 2 02420 Illegal Transportation Alcohol 1 2 22430 Reckless Driving 1 3 42440 Leaving Scene Personal Injury Accident 0 1 02446 Leaving Scene Property Damage Accident 1 2 02447 Street Racing 0 0 12450 No Valid Registration 3 7 192455 Cancelled/Suspended/Revoked Registration 2 1 02460 Operation Uninsured Motor Vehicle 83 87 552461 Operation Vehicle w/Suspended Registration (No Insurance)7 0 12462 Improper Use of Registration 3 1 32465 No Valid Drivers License 14 18 152470 Motor Vehicle Anti-Theft Law 1 0 02475 Suspended/Revoked Drivers License 17 22 112480 Driver and Passenger Safety Belts 57 92 962485 Flee/Attempt to Elude Peace Officer 0 2 02495 Child Restraint (Improper Restraint Violation)4 5 66148 Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid Accident 49 33 216581 Failure to Signal 6 12 66584 Tire Violations 1 0 06592 Speeding: Over 26 - 34 Mph Over Posted Limit 13 19 96594 Speeding: Over 35+ Mph Over Posted Limit 1 2 46595 Speeding: Construction Zone 20 0 06596 Instruction Permit/Temporary License Violations 1 0 06598 Speeding: Radar 196 507 4946601 Speeding: Paced 1 6 16602 Speeding: School Zone Violation 1 1 06603 Too Fast For Conditions 0 3 06604 Traffic Sign Violation 9 19 786605 Traffic Signal Violation 4 15 86606 Improper Passing 9 7 166607 Improper Lane Usage 13 27 276608 Following Too Closely 0 1 16609 DUI BAC Over .08 1 2 56610 Improper Turn At Intersection 2 0 06611 Improper Right Turn on Red Light 0 0 26612 Failure to Yield: Merging Traffic 0 1 06615 Failure to Yield: Intersection 4 5 16616 Failure to Yield: Turning Left 7 8 36617 Page 22 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 98 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Motor Vehicle Offenses Failure to Yield: Private Road 3 2 06618 Failure to Yield: Stop Sign 4 18 186620 Failure to Yield: Emergency Vehicle 0 0 16621 Failure to Report Accident 1 1 06624 No Driver's License on Person 4 4 26625 Graduated License Violation(s)0 2 36626 Improper Backing 3 0 06628 Improper Lighting (Driving Without Lights)3 7 136630 Improper Lighting (No Taillights)2 10 116631 Improper Lighting (One Headlight)4 68 796633 No Valid Safety Test (Sticker)3 3 26635 Size, Weight, Load, Length Violations 1 0 06636 Disobeying a Police Officer - Traffic Control 0 0 16641 Warning Ticket - Moving Violations 0 1 16642 Warning Ticket - Equipment Violations 0 4 226643 Failure to Notify SOS of Address Change 2 3 46645 Other Equipment Violations (Citations Issued)10 20 86648 Other Moving Violations (Citations Issued)1 3 96649 Improper Display of Registration 3 6 66653 Improper Overtaking 0 0 16665 Disobey Traffic Control Device (Red Light)4 14 156669 Avoiding Traffic Control Device 0 0 16672 Driving In Wrong Lane 2 0 06677 Driving Off Roadway 1 0 06678 Failure to Yield: Private Road or Drive 0 1 06683 Obstructed/Tinted Window(s)4 3 06685 Illegal Operation of Farm Equipment 0 1 06693 Illegal Texting While Driving 0 1 06696 Improper Equipment 0 0 76699 All Other Traffic 4 2 26701 Illegal Use of Cell Phone While Driving 26 39 506707 Expired Registration 63 127 996712 Disobeying/Passing Stopped School Bus (Stop Arm Violation)1 0 06740 Defective Windshield, Side or Rear Window 0 2 09162 684 1259 1254Total: Motor Vehicle Offenses Page 23 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 99 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Citizen Assist Child Safety Seat Check 0 0 16149 Lock Out 47 37 269031 Obstruction In Roadway/Thoroughfare 0 0 19049 Found Bicycle 1 1 19068 Citizen Assist 0 1 19760 Abandoned Vehicle 0 1 19908 48 40 31Total: Citizen Assist Missing Persons Missing Person: Adult Male 1 0 29064 Missing Person: Juvenile Female 0 1 09067 1 1 2Total: Missing Persons Other Offenses Violation Order of Protection 1 1 34387 Probation Violation 0 1 04510 Domestic Dispute 13 12 164870 All Other Criminal Offenses 1 0 05000 In-State Warrant 8 10 25081 Out-Of-State Warrant 2 2 05082 Expunged Offense 5 5 07001 Violation of Bail Bond 0 0 19175 30 31 22Total: Other Offenses Suspicious Activity Investigate Explosive Device 0 1 09045 Mischievous Conduct (No $ Loss)0 0 19055 Loud Noise Complaint 0 0 19058 Investigation Quasi-Criminal 0 4 19100 Suspicious Auto 1 0 09101 Suspicious Person 1 0 09103 Damage to Property: Non Criminal 2 0 09104 Disturbance/Disputes 2 1 09110 6 6 3Total: Suspicious Activity Lost/Found Property Lost Articles 1 1 09061 Found Articles 1 0 29062 Lost Driver's License/Plates 2 2 09063 Found Property 1 1 29246 Lost/Stolen Firearm 1 1 09283 Lost/Stolen Wallet/Purse 0 2 09285 6 7 4Total: Lost/Found Property Page 24 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 100 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Suicide & Death Investigations Suicide Attempt: By Cutting 0 1 19413 Suicide Attempt: By Drugs 1 1 19414 Death: Natural Causes 1 1 09431 Death: Other Sudden Death/Bodies Found (Death Investigation)1 1 09438 Suicide Threat: Crisis Intervention 2 1 29607 5 5 4Total: Suicide & Death Investigations Agency Assist Assist: Fire Department 2 0 49001 Assist: State Police 1 0 09003 Assist: Other Police Department 0 6 29004 Assist: Schools 0 0 19009 Assist: Service to Other Agencies 0 1 09019 Assist: Ambulance 4 9 129083 7 16 19Total: Agency Assist Animal Complaints Dog Bite: Home 1 0 09201 Dog Bite: Other 0 1 09204 Stray Dogs/Leash Law 0 2 19209 Stray Other Animals 0 0 19210 Animal (Found)0 2 49215 Animal (Dog At Large)0 1 09231 1 6 6Total: Animal Complaints Crisis Intervention Transportation of Mental Cases 2 2 09301 Domestic Trouble: Crisis Intervention 0 0 29600 Parent-Juvenile: Crisis Intervention 0 0 29603 Mental Illness: Crisis Intervention 0 0 19604 Other: Crisis Intervention [Juvenile Problems]0 0 19635 Runaway: Crisis Intervention [Juvenile Problems]1 0 29637 3 2 8Total: Crisis Intervention Page 25 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 101 2017 2018 2019 Monthly Offenses Reported: March UCR Codes changed with the transition to Premier One on 05/02/2016. Some changed again in November 2016 due to the ISP review of UCR reportable offenses. Other Incidents Other Investigations 1 0 09119 Interfering with the Reporting of Domestic Violence 0 0 19132 Remove Subject/Unwanted Subject (No Arrest)0 0 19138 Building Code Violations 0 1 09141 Civil Matter 0 1 19150 Code Enforcement Violation 1 0 09153 Local Ordinance Violation (Other)1 1 09154 Surrender Property 0 1 09354 Threats 0 1 09366 Harassment 1 0 09367 Station Information 2 3 49507 Welfare Check 2 4 79798 Dumping Garbage: City, Town, Village 1 0 09902 Littering on Toll Highway 0 1 09904 Trash or Leaf Burning 0 1 09906 Notifications 0 0 19916 Fights, Riots, Brawls 7 1 09918 Service of Order of Protection 1 2 09933 Park Closing 0 0 19992 911 Hang Up/Misdial 1 0 09997 18 17 16Total: Other Incidents Searches and K9 Activity K-9 Consent Search: In Village/City/County 0 0 19928 0 0 1Total: Searches and K9 Activity 1140 1737 1668TOTAL 14300 S. Coil Plus Drive, Plainfield, Illinois 60544-7704 Main Office # (815) 436-6544 Executive Office Fax # (815) 436-9681 Page 26 of 26March 2019 Operations Report 102