HomeMy Public PortalAbout2002_01_07 Council Work Session Jantlary;~;?;f9~~C:: . .I' .. ~ _ . -" -.. ~j: " '_i" -:; ;:.:.~..:: __-, . - Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, 7:00 p.m. May;~r~e~,I?'~T:~fQingj~,it'c: . :.'_, ","_ j:,_,:,"'J' 4:J-:: Councilmembers Present: George A~~~'; Mervin Jack~pn, Leon<;lrd fJi1aDot)qJQ, DavidSchmidt, Kristen Umstattd, Roberftoldos and Ma~~L>>,ebb:, ',,, ' Council members Absent: None >.'C.., ", Staff Members Present: Town f'1~ra~.r"1!~b,~~~ttJ-:*,j!,' " ~rn'~~YJ.r"'"')". DeputyTo~n M~nager Phil Rod~nbe.rg,~?,lr~~torof,~n\)ij.,~., ~ 'r.' '" ,~,..' ,~~, ~,~ ',:,. Mason, Acting Director of Planning, Zomngand DeveloRm~",}~~lIl~I(~~;' .t,)~,.' ComprElhensive Planning Randy Hodgson' Chief of Polic.~ Jpe.gti~~fin'~'~."." .,,~~~rL. Paul York, Director of Utilities Randy Shoemaker, HumanResoUrce"Di,(~tWt;.D'oha'-:'" '. ' f,'" , "'~'," ',)':f' ',' ".';'1,-, Wolf, Town Arborist Jay Banks, Assistant to the Town ,~aq~ger Njc()le~r~, .~".," ',' -,' Management Intern Larry DiRe, and Clerk of Council Judy Ahalti ;" ., ,.. AGENDA ITEMS 1. Agenda for Council Meeting:'~,f}apuary $,200.2':; ,." ,.' ::-:: " ~: Mayor Webb added t,he, folJoWiJl9,~forldiscussloh: (n le9jslative"j~$lLeS, (2) annexation negotiating team', and Council goals for the coming months,"'; l. a. Receiving the Planning Commission Annual Report',: .... ;" Planning Commission members Cliftoh Vaughan, Lyle 'W~rriera[ltl'BtII , Zawacki were present. ' " -'.r " .' .;; ;,' , Planning Commission Chairman Clifton Vaughan'outlin,~d ~"~~Ql: Meeting Activity Summary. He gave a summary 6nlpplications:ahq'- ,.' administrative activities reviewed adding the Zoning Ordinance review should be to the Council by the end of the first quarter. He expressed the Commission's desir.~ to estab.listH\ ~Itlzens Academy and their support for additional plannin!f~'nd en9ine~itobq;taff'::' ,. 'i ~ " .' ,', j " ";-,' ~ .- ~" ~ ..i ; , , ,;' b. Adopting the depiction of Town Hall a$ jbe 'Official Town of Leesburg corporate seal. "~' " ,:. ' Phil Rodenberg stated the Town Council hasoe~~t..~ffi~i~.tly.oesignated the depiction of the eight-sided portion of Town:H~lt\~~ery~~s~~N):t.~he't~'" ' ' corporation. The proposed action will make the use bf:tHiss-eaJ :9'fficjal. . ' c. Adopting Town goals for the coming months. , Mayor Webb outlined' theCour\CH goals as follows: (1) Annexation, (2) Tax Rate/Budget, (3) Downtown dev~opment, traffic and par~tng, (4) , Elementary school site, (5) Space nee"ds, (6) Zonin~!~gfd!n~,nF~,.,~€vieW and approval, (7) Organizational culture,and (8) Re,I~~,j99,$Hr'Rt.Wftrl:Loudoun ' County. :"""',... The Mayor asked that specifics for accom'plishing these goals be brought to another work session. " ' Town Council Work Session Minutes for January 7.2002 Page 2 d. FY-2002 Legislative Program Mayor Webb discussed the two issues that Council may want to take a position on, (1) Legislative Transition Task Force study of the State Corporation Commission review of generation facilities and (2) Virginia Housing Study Commission recommendation to treat manufactured homes as single-family homes for local zoning purposes. It was the consensus that a resolution would be brought forward for the Virginia Housing Study Commission in opposition because such a change would be a dilution of local authority in land use regulation. It was the opinion that the Legislative Transition Task Force study of the review of generation facilities will not be going forward at this time. 2. Polling and Precinct Places Betsy Mayr, Secretary to the Electoral Board, addressed Council with reference to reducing the number of polling and precinct places for local elections in Leesburg to four. These precincts will follow the four quadrants (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest) in Town. It was the consensus of Council to hold a public hearing on January 23rd to solicit public input on this issue. 3. Report on Woodlea tree replacement Mr. Peter Vanderloo of Brumsey Court in Woodlea addressed Council in reference to the replacement of eleven street trees in their neighborhood. It was decided that this issue would be discussed at the next Tree Commission meeting with a report to Council in February. 4. FY-02 Mid-year Budget Town Manager, Bob Noe, addressed Council with reference to his recommendations for the FY-02 Mid-Year budget. He stated it is too early to take drastic measures to address a shortfall in this fiscal year, but it is prudent to be judicious in our expenditures. Therefore, he will be recommending two general fund expenditure adjustments to the FY-02 Budget - a school resource officer for Heritage High School and an Administrative Associate II for Human Resources. Council discussed funding and the possibility of a contribution from Loudoun County for School Resource Officers. Council was supportive of these adjustments to the FY-02 Mid-Year budget. Mayor Webb discussed issues relating to the side streets off Edwards Ferry Road and asked that the Engineering Department concentrate on completing curb, gutter, and sidewalk for the streets already open to thru traffic. Councilmember Schmidt asked that the Bradfield Drive street lights be moved forward. Vice-Mayor Umstattd commented that planning staff has immediate needs for a planner. A public hearing is scheduled for this item on January 23, 2002. Town Council Work Session Minutes for Januarv 7. 2002 Page 3 New Business Mayor Webb read the following memo to Council whereby she withdrew from the Annexation Negotiation Team: "I believe it is important for any member of an elected body to honor the decision made by the majority of that elected body. I believe I have always done that. It has become increasingly clear to me though during the holidays that while I respect the decision made by the majority of this Council, I cannot adequately serve this Council as a member of the Annexation Negotiating Team. As all of you know, I opposed the annexation in its present form. I have always supported the inclusion of Area 2 in to the Corporate Limits of Leesburg because it is an area appropriate for business development so crucial to our tax base. I initially broached the subject of boundary line adjustment for those properties with the incoming Board of Supervisors over two years ago. Additionally, I have been a strong supporter of the economic engine we call the Leesburg Executive Airport but, I cannot support and have found it impossible to debate on your behalf the inclusion of Areas 1 and 3 in the proposed annexation as we continue our meetings with the Board of Supervisors. On October 31st I asked Council to adopt a vision statement. This Council unanimously supported that statement which says in part, "Future growth will be carefully planned to preserve our sense of small town and neighborhood." The inclusion of area 1, already planned and built by Loudoun County as residential areas without sidewalks on both sides of the streets and no street lights and area 3 slated for residential development does nothing for our Town but add more rooftops that come with a high cost of service and expectations by those in those developed areas that Leesburg will bring their neighborhoods up to our standards. I support the Council's desire to protect our airport and to insure important transportation corridors such as Battlefield Parkway and Cross Trails Boulevard are built as quickly as possible to insure that our transportation crisis has relief in sight. Last Thursday alone there were three traffic accidents during the pm rush hour on the Route 15 Bypass between Route 7 and Route 15. Without these critical corridors being built to move traffic that already has our bypass at failing levels on all sides of Town, we will continue to be at ground zero for the continuing nightmare of traffic gridlock in Loudoun County. For these reasons, I am withdrawing from the Annexation Negotiating Team and ask that the Council name a third member of the Team who can negotiate successfully as the Council has asked with the inclusion of all three areas being brought into the Corporate Limits." Councilmember Atwell made a recommendation, seconded by Vice-Mayor Umstattd, to nominated Councilmember Jackson to fill the vacancy. Council will take official action on this issue at tomorrow night's meeting. Town Council Work Session Minutes for January 7. 2002 Paoe 4 5. Xerox/Potomac Station Sanitarv Sewer Outfall Dro-rata Randy Shoemaker outlined the proposed adoption of a sewer pro-rata for Xerox/Potomac Station sanitary sewer outfall. He stated the construction of the sewer system is complete and the pro-rata is necessary to recover our capital costs from the development community. 6. Boards and Commission Attendance Mayor Webb asked for consensus from Council as to whether they want to consider imposing attendance requirements upon boards and commissions? Councilmember Schmidt suggested that 3 unexcused absences should be referred to Council. There was further discussion with reference to retaining councilmanic reps on the boards and commissions. Mayor Webb instructed the Clerk of Council to review the Town Code with reference to commission attendance. 7. AdelDhia's Service Council member McDonald discussed various complaints he has received from Adelphia and referenced a recent e-mail from John Gibb. Cable Commission members Chuck Shotton, Billy Fiske, Bill Webb, and Michael Glennon were present. Chuck Shotton, Cable Commission Chairman, addressed Council stating that Adelphia has not completed their 2001 upgrade. Nicole Ard added that the town engineers have provided technical assistance to Adelphia subcontractors in their upgrade process. Commission member, Billy Fiske, addressed Council in reference to an issue with bills from Adelphia that do not give 30 days for payment. Peter Quam, Adelphia Cable, addressed Council. He commented that they have 7500 customers in Leesburg and had only 6 complaints in December. Mr. Quam stated that town standards have slowed them down in their upgrade process. Additionally, the Town has denied them a gO-day extension. Council expressed concern with the Adelphia call center being located in Buffalo, New York and the current two-day response for service. Nicole Ard explained the complaint process. Councilmember Zoldos stated that Adelphia is in violation of their franchise agreement and asked the Town Manager to impose the necessary penalties. He added their customer service is in great need of improvement. He further suggested that a local center be provided for customers and educating the public on what to do in the case of an outage. Town Council Work Session Minutes for January 7. 2002 Page 5 7. SchedulinG meetinGs for Council attendance Councilmember Schmidt discussed some concerns he had with the process of scheduling council meetings without Council input. 8. Preview Items for Council Work Session MeetinG of Januarv 22. 2002 a. Jerry's Chevrolet Special Exception Public Hearing There was no discussion on this item. b. Entrance sign for Kenneth B. Rollins Water Treatment Plant Mayor Webb asked that the entrance sign be similar to other Town signs. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. JJ~~I~Z:-