HomeMy Public PortalAbout1949-06-27 Special MeetingOrdinance No. 17 amending Ordinance No. 7 was read and,upon motion of.Mr. Bonneau ind'eecdnded by Xr: Whittaker said Ordinance., No. 17 Was unanimously passed, entitled as follows: I ' Ordinanci No. 17 RAN ORDINANCE OF HAL SARBOUR;VILLLGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 5, CLASSIFIamw OF CONTRACTORS, OF ORDINANCE #7 OF BLL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, ENTITLEU't *AN oimnaNCE OF HAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, IMPOSING LICENSES AND OTHER, TAXES ON 'PRIVILEGES. BUSINEWES, OCCUPATIONS,,AND PRO- FESSIONS CARRIED ON AND.,ENGLGIM IN WITHIN SAID VILLAGE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR: THE ' EXERCISING OF"SUCH PRIVILEGES OR CARRYING ON SUCH BUSINFSSESO OCCUPATIONS, OR PROFESSIONS, WITHOUT A LICENft OR OTHER FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE 'PROVIS�fORS THERbor .l w Mr. Webb called the covncil's attention to the appointmsnt�of Mr. Fred Pdrwelle as Village Engineer without salary, and it was suggested that he be placed on the village payroll at $1.00 per year. Upon motion of Mr. Whittaker, seconded by'Mr. Bonneau: it was unanimously voted.that the salary of the village engineer be fixed at '$1.00 per year.. Bind. that Mr. Zurwellets name be placed upon the village payroll at that "salary. There being no further business, on notion duly made, seco�hded and carried the meeting adjourned at 9 :00 otclock P. M. Attests Clark JUNE 27, 1949 A special meeting of the council, of Bal Harbour Village was called for 8:00 P. M., Monday, June 27,.1949. ' There were present: Messrs'. Bonneau abd Whittaker. Also present worst Mr. W. H. Webb, Town Manager and Mary Wetterer,: Town Clerk. JUNE 27. 1949 44 1clubrust of the council'not,being piresonto the'Reiting wns adjourned. A However, Mr. Webbp the Town lanager O'stated that he had discussed with the Mayor, Mr. Sou I thiil*nds the appointment under consideration-add he had approved than: The members of the. council present also approved the appointments as followas Police Chief Hirola I. Hale Chief of Fire Department Harold I. Hale The Town Manager reported that,,the presenV#17mouthpolice Car in in bad condition and that tires A�" repairs are necessary and that JA his opinion it would be ah'abohomy to trade thia,4w, in for anew Plymouth., as he had beenbffared About 11 - I I : for- the A, now V , police oar, which would.maklA the, new ' P uth roximately $825-00. He stated that the transkeriiagof equips "painting the now car would run the total coast to a*ut $10000, it.vga agreed .by the councilliAll present, that this sxp�Oiditute be author 14 Ud that the money �he transferred m surplus to the Police A4 Equipment Fund (4903-D2). Mr. utherl we oonsult'eA� a -at th a and gave, his approval. Mr. Webb also reported that the fire siren is worn out thdthat, the Electrical Equipment Company had found it completely beyond repair, and therefor a now siren for the Fire Department I in nOq,e*o ary. He stated that such a siren will cost approximately $".00- and that. our own force will do the installation work. It was ag'ried'that this expenditure for a fire siren alarm be authorized and that $50.00 be transferred from surplus to the Fire Department Equipment Fun& (4903-D2). W. Southerland was also consulted about this and gave. his approval. The meeting was adjourned with the understanding that the informal approval of the fore ing by a majority of the council be presented at the next eouneilitetiAg for formal action. Att sets lark C JUNE 27, 1949 J° F1 ;1 J