HomeMy Public PortalAbout04-11-2019 HPC Minutes Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: April 11, 2019 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Lucas, Schmidt, Derrick, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp, and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioners Barvian and Olsen were absent. Also, in attendance: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner; and Tracey Erickson, Recording Secretary. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Lucas made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hendericksen. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the minutes dated January 24, 2019 as amended and the February 7, 2019 as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Rapp. Vote by roll call: Lucas, yes; yes; Schmidt, yes; Hendericksen, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Derrick, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS Chairman Bortel advised the commission of a possible Special Meeting on May 13th at 6:00 p.m. to tour a home on Fox River. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Hendricksen suggested meeting with Code Enforcement at the May LDDC meeting or going to their office to discuss how Code Enforcement receives violation information. Chairman Bortel reminded the commission to submit their nominations for Preservation Rewards. PUBLIC COMMENT Chairman Bortel asked for public comment and there was no response. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1832-031819.HPC 14930 S. Illinois St. Bryan and Jennifer Buss Commissioner Derrick made a motion to open the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt. Vote by roll call: Lucas, yes; Schmidt, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Rapp, yes; Hagen, yes; Derrick, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Proulx presented the staff report dated April 9, 2019, stating the applicant, is requesting landmark designation for the property located at 14930 S. Illinois Street. On the Historic Urban Survey form for the property, it is recommended for local landmark status and inclusion in a historic district as strongly Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 11, 2019 Page 2 of 4 contributing. Pursuant to the Village’s Historic Preservation ordinance, due notice was published, and adjacent property owners were given written notice. Mr. Proulx stated the detailed nomination package provides a comprehensive review of the Overman- Brown-Buss home’s history and a thorough, well-illustrated analysis of the architectural merit for the nomination. Based on the information available prior to the public hearing and discussion by the HPC, staff believes the subject property qualifies for designation under the aforesaid mentioned criteria. Chairman Bortel stated the applicant was not able to attend the meeting this evening. Commissioner Derrick asked if the collection of the additions are “seamless” per the nomination or is it a specific addition. Chairman Bortel explained his thoughts on the three additions. Commissioner Derrick asked if the Chairman is implying the additions are sympathetic. Commissioner Derrick indicated she does not have any concerns about the addition but the language in the nomination needs to be consistent. Chairman Bortel stated that the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from 1931 shows the house footprint being the same it is currently. Chairman Bortel indicated the addition was probably done during when the Brown’s owned the home. Commissioner Derrick asked what the relationship this property has to Ms. Van Horn. Chairman Bortel indicated that Ms. Van Horn is not significant to the property and was included as a reference for the property’s location. Commissioner Derrick asked if the Overmans and Browns are the important people for “criteria c”. Chairman Bortel provided the ownership history. Commissioner Derrick asked if “criteria a” is because the house is a vernacular building with an Italianate influence. Chairman Bortel stated it was the first house built on the block and the house has interesting characteristics. Commissioner Derrick stated this is a great nomination and it is clear the building should be landmarked. Commissioner Derrick indicated the nomination needs clarity on who are the important people and list character defining features about the house. The commission discussed what the character defining features of the house are, which include; siding, windows from the 1930s, exterior window trim, all additions made to the home, front door, foundation, and gutters. Commissioner Derrick asked if the garage is included in the nomination. Chairman Bortel stated the garage was not included. Commissioner Derrick indicated that garages are a target for demo. Commissioner Derrick asked if the homeowner would like to include the garage. Chairman Bortel stated he will talk to the homeowner. Commissioner Hendericksen indicated that he would be happy to go back to the home to examine the garage to see if it should be added to the nomination. Commissioner Hendericksen made a motion to close the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Derrick. Vote by roll call: Lucas, yes; Schmidt, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Derrick, yes; Hendericksen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Historic Preservation Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of the landmark designation for the property known as the Overman-Brown-Buss house, located at 14930 S. (806 N.) Illinois Street, based on criteria a, c, d, and j of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, with a period of significance of 1884 to 1935. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 11, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hendricksen. Vote by roll call: Lucas, yes; Schmidt, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Hendericksen, yes; Derrick, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. 1833-031419.COA 15326 S. Joliet Road Laura Zaidi Mr. Proulx stated the commission does not hear a large number of COA’s and explained a Certificate of Economic Hardship is available. Mr. Ding presented the staff report dated April 9, 2019, stating the applicant, who is the owner of the subject property, is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for installing new fences and replacing the three existing doors on the property. Currently, the parcel is improved with a single-family home and an independent dual garage on the subject site. The subject property was approved as a local landmark in 2009 and, therefore, the exterior modifications require a COA review. Mr. Ding stated subject to discussion by the Historic Preservation Commission, staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness requests. Chairman Bortel asked the commission to discuss the fence first. Commissioner Derrick suggested that staff gather further images or drawings for the fence, so they have a clear vision of what it will look like. Mr. Proulx stated the applicant was unable to attend and staff requested a cutsheet for the doors, but it has not been received. Mr. Proulx indicated that they understand there could be no action on this COA tonight. Chairman Bortel asked if the fence for the front yard will be a replica of the rear fence. Mr. Ding clarified that the applicant will be moving the existing rear white fence to the front yard. Commissioner Derrick asked if the cedar fence will be installed on the remaining 2 or 3 sides of the property. Mr. Ding stated the resident adjacent in the rear has a fence and the applicant will be installing a cedar fence on two sides. Chairman Bortel asked if the cedar fence will be along the east and west property line. Mr. Ding confirmed. Chairman asked if there will be gates for the driveway and the interior sidewalk to the front door. Mr. Ding confirmed. Chairman Bortel requested relocating the ground landmark sign out to the sidewalk to make sure it is not blocked by the proposed front fence, so people can see it. Commissioner Derrick indicated that the following information is needed before the commission can make a motion; graphics/illustrations of the proposed cedar fences, a quote of a proposal similar to the white aluminum fences, graphics and textual descriptions for the driveway gate and the sidewalk gate, and plans showing location of the proposed side fences and the existing fences. Commissioner Derrick as if the Village has ever granted a Certificate of Economic Hardship (COEH). Mr. Proulx indicated he does not believe the Village has. Commissioner Derrick indicated while the commission deems that a black wrought iron fence would be historically appropriate, they understand the potential higher costs and understands the economic hardship on the owner. Chairman Bortel provided a history in the change to the exterior of the home. Commissioner Hendericksen agreed with Commissioner Derrick that more information is needed to make a discussion. Commissioner Hendericksen expressed the need to have more information regarding the new doors, such as, will the side lights be removed, door size, and placement. Commissioner Hendericksen indicated that the commission will be sensitive to the fence situation. Commissioner Derrick stated the nomination states the original front door was a double leaf. Commissioner Derrick indicated that the proposed door replacements are not consistent with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Commission Minutes April 11, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Standards for Rehabilitation as they make the historic building even more modern and continue to degrade the integrity of the front entry. Commissioner Derrick suggested the applicant to provide a picture of the replacement door and prefer either choosing double leaf or the existing style. Mr. Proulx stated that the current doors on the home are not very secure. Commissioner Lucas pointed out that there is conflicting information between the staff report and the quote provided by the applicant regarding door size. Mr. Proulx stated staff will clarify with the applicant. Commissioner Henricksen indicated that code may require a 36-inch door. Commissioner Schmidt asked if the applicant will be adding a transom to the front door. Commissioner Derrick stated changing the front door with transom is discouraged by HPC and would encourage choosing similar doors to the ones on the attached historical photo. Commissioner Schmidt suggested that from the information provided the applicant may be removing all existing doors and side lights. Commissioner Schmidt asked if the applicant provided an elevation of what the house will look like with the fence. Mr. Yuchen indicated that there will be a keypad at the driveway for the fence. Chairman Bortel asked for more information regarding what type of gate will be installed at the driveway. Chairman Bortel indicated that the case will be heard at the May 9, 2019 HPC meeting, if all materials are ready. DISCUSSION ADJOURN Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hendricksen seconded the motion. Voice vote. All in favor; 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tracey Erickson Recording Secretary Click on the link to view the video of the April 11, 2019 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/player/clip/490?view_id=2