HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:173a~o. 97-173(A) Dn[e ,,[' Ad,,[,,i.,, MAY 22~_1_9_9_7. RI~SOLUIION TO (, ) INTO CLOSli;D SESSION WIII!;I/F~AS, Seclio. 8ol'01eOpenlh'blicMeetings Act, Chaple~ 231 ILL. 1975, imlmils Ihe exclusion oflhe public liom a meeli.g in ce~lain ci~cumslances; ami WII EItEAS, this public body is of Ihe Olfinion thai s.ch circt.nslnnces presently exisls; NOW, TIIEllEFOilE, lie IT RESOI.VEI) by Ihe Mayor and Council of the Bo~oughofCmleret, Co"nlY°f Middlesex, SlateofNew Jersey, as 1. The public shall be excluded fi'om alle.ding, discussing or pa, licipaling J. the hereiual/er specified subject marlins. 2. The general nature of the subject malter to be discussed is as follows: Pers~el ~trer~: ~d ConCra~B~goei ~¢i m~- Il is anlicipaled at Ihis time thai Ihe above slaled subject matter will be made public: upon conclusion of the mtter~. .1. This ~esolution shall lake effect immediately.