HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:174aiqo. ~ 97-174 (A) I~.~c .r Adol)llo,,~ 1997_ iiir~SOLUTION TO GO INTO CI.OSI,Jl) SESSI()N WIIERIgAS, SectionSofihe()lmnl~t'blicMeetingsAcI, Chapler231 ILL, 1975, pelmits the excltmlo, of Ihe public Ii om a meeli.g i. cet lain ci~ct.ustauces; WIIEREAS, II~is public body is of lite opinion thai s.ch ci~ct.nsla.ces ptese.tly exists; NOW, TIIEIIEirORI~, IIIY; IT Ill,SOl.VEl) by Ihe Mayor a.d Cotmcll of the Boro.gh of Ca tenet, Cotmty of Middlesex, State oFNew Jersey, as Ibllows: I. The public shall be excluded flora alle.ding, discussi.g or pm.cqmti.g in the hereinafter specilicd subject 2. The get,cz'al .ature oflhe subjet:t mallei lo be discussed is as h~llows: ~ticipatad Liri garl ~. 3. It is anticipated at this lime thai Ihe above staled subject matter will be made public: Upon conclusion of the matter. 4. This =esolution shall lake effect immediately. Adopted al a mecling tit Ihc iM.ni~:ipal Cou.cil MAY 29, 1997 ~ / CI.I.RI{ ~