HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:222 97-222 b.~ ul Ad.ldlO. JLI~ 17~ 1997 DIRIgCTING Tile ISSUANCE OIr i~lrlrLE LICENSES TO ~. D~I~US ~ ~ & ~. ~ B~ WIlEREAS, application has been properly made to II~e Mayor and Couuci[ of the Bmough of Caltelet, New Jersey by St.. I)~n~,trius Ukrainian O:m:rch and St. Elias Byzantine Rite Catholic Omrch of the Bmough of Cmteml; ami WlIEREAS, it al)peats flint the al)plicant (s) is/are Clualified to be licensed nnd that Ihe members designated to conduct I{AIrFLES m~d lo assJsl are bona fide members of the applicant (s); and WlIEREAS, the applicant (s) has/have signified that the games will be played in accmdance with Rules 6, 7 ami 8 oflhe Legalized Games of Chance Commission's Regulations. NOW, TII EREIrOllI¢, lie IT A N D IT IS I IEIIEBY IIESOI~VED~ by the Mayor and Council of tim Bmough 9f Cmle~el, lhat the Municipal Clerk is hereby authorized and di~ ecled to execute the entire semeut ul' the Mayor attd Council by issuing, .upon pmpe~ p~esentation of al~pllcatlon and I~es, a RAFFLE LICENSE to the applicaut (s); BE IT FURTIIEI/IIESOLVED thnt n certified copy ofthis l[eso]ulion be sent Forthwith to Ihe~egalized Games oFCImnce Couttol Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newmk, New Jersey 07101. CEItTIIrlCATION 1 hereby certify that tiffs P. esolutim~ is a hue copy of the odgi,ml adopted by tile Mayol and Council of tile Borough of Caflerel, County of Middlesex. Stale of New Je~ sey, at tile Council Meetiug held oil Jul~t~ 17, 1997 DATED: .Jul~ _18+. 1007 KATI ILEEN M. BARNEY Ce~tiffed Municipal Clerk Advplcd ul ti lueellng .[dm Mum':,lml Cv ,, c,I ~ July 11., 1997