HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:222ahi,,. 97-222 (A)_ I)a~e .r ^d.p0,,. JULy 1~7,_ 19~9fl IH~SOLUTION TO GO INTO CI,OSEI) SESSI{.)N V'/IIEIHCAS, Section 8 ol'lhe Open I'ublic lVleelings Acl, Chal)ler 23 I ILL. 1975, pelmils Ihe exclusion o£1he public limn a meeting in cellain eiicumslances; nmi WIi ER EAS, this public body is of the Olfinio. tim( mmh ci~cufHslnllce$ i)1 esently exisls; NOW, 'I'IIEREFOillg, BE IT IHgS()I,VEI) by tim Mayor and Council o~ Bmough o~CaHerel, Comdy o~ Middlesex, Shale o~New Jelsey, as lbllow~: I. The Imblic slmll be exckMed flora attending, discussing or pa~licilmting in the hereina~er specified stlbject ill,Iici s. 2. The general nalure o~lhe subject mailer lo be discussed is as Follows: ~Eieipated LicigaEion ~d C~t~act ~egoClaCions. 3. It is anticipated at II,is lime thai Ihe above staled subject, malter will be made public: Upon conclusion of the matters. 4. This resolution shall lake effect immedialely. Ad.pied al :, mecllng ,,d Ibc Municilml C'mulci} JULY 17, 1997