HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-23-2019 Special HPC Minutes Special Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: May 23, 2019 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken: Commissioners Barvian (7:10 p.m.), Olsen, Derrick, Hendricksen, Hagen, Rapp, and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioners Lucas and Schmidt were absent. Also, in attendance: Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Bortel made a motion to amend the agenda to include under New Business the exterior review of 24034 W. Lockport St. Seconded by Commissioner Hendericksen. Vote by roll call: Olsen, yes; Derrick, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 6-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the minutes dated April 11, 2019 and May 13, 2019 2019 as amended. Seconded by Rapp. Voice Vote. All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried 6-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS Chairman Bortel reminded the commissioners to complete the Open Meeting Act training and Statement of Economic Interests. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Hendricksen suggested meeting with Code Enforcement at the June LDDC meeting to understand how Code Enforcement operates. Chairman Bortel suggested creating a demolition by neglect ordinance. PUBLIC COMMENT Chairman Bortel asked for public comment and there was no response. OLD BUSINESS 1833-031419.COA 15326 S. Joliet Rd. Laura Zaidi Mr. Ding stated the applicant, who is the owner of the subject property, is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for relocating existing fences and installing new fences on the property. Currently, the parcel is improved with a single-family home and an independent dual garage on the subject site. The subject property was approved as a local landmark in 2009 and, therefore, the exterior modifications require a COA review. After receiving the feedback regarding the fence installation and the door replacements proposals from the Historic Preservation Commission at the April 11th meeting, the applicant has been actively working with the Planning Department and the Historic Preservation Commission to improve the original proposals. While the applicant has not finalized the new door replacements quote yet, at this time, the applicant has submitted the updated fences proposal including the specifics of the proposed side fences for review. Mr. Ding reviewed the staff report dated May 21, 2019. Mr. Ding indicated staff believes that the character of the property can be mostly retained and preserved with the addition of the proposed fences. Staff seeks input and direction from the Commission with respect to support for the proposed COA and if Special Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 23, 2019 Page 2 of 3 there would be an option to consider a COEH for any aspect of the request. Staff believes that consideration of the request is highly subjective in nature and involves having the Commission and the Board of Trustees establish how closely or strictly it seeks to maintain compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s standards. Mr. Ding stated subject to discussion by the Historic Preservation Commission, staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Commissioner Derrick asked the applicant to clarify the proposed fence location. Ms. Zaida explained where the fence will be located. Commissioner Derrick asked the applicant to point out where there is existing cedar fencing on the property. Ms. Zaida pointed out the location of the existing cedar fencing. Commissioner Derrick asked if the proposed cedar fence will match what is already existing. Ms. Zaida stated the fence will be matched as best they can with the existing fence. Commissioner Olsen asked if the fence will be from the corner of the house to the front sidewalk will be six-foot tall. Ms. Zaida confirmed. Commissioner Olsen asked staff if that would be allowed per code. Commissioner Hagen asked if they have received a fence permit yet. Ms. Zaida stated they had started the process and then were referred to the Planning Department. Chairman Bortel stated the fence height is dictated by code. Mr. Ding stated a decorative fence cannot be above four-feet and will need to confirm with Building regarding fence heights. Commissioner Barvian suggested having the white fence go the front edge of the house and using the cedar in the rear yard. Commissioner Hendericksen stated he feels the cedar fence should match the neighbors. Commissioner Derrick stated this landmark’s nomination called out its architecture as the character defining feature. It was not about landscaping or being an element in a district; the garage is noncontributing. Fencing materials are coming from the property, and cedar will match the neighbors that is why this would not violate the standards. Chairman Bortel stated the Building Department will review the height on the fence from the front of the house to the sidewalk by code. The commission discussed their recommendations for the letter of agreement. Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the requested Certificate of Appropriateness for the fences at 15326 S. Joliet Road, subject to the applicant executing a letter of agreement with the Village and Historic Preservation Commission to accept the following conditions of approval: 1. The four-foot (4’) tall, white aluminum decorative fence be approved across the Joliet Road frontage and then turn at both side yard corners and proceed to the point that aligns with the front elevation plane of the house. The six-foot (6’) tall cedar privacy fence, that is closest match to existing neighbor's fence and transitions from the four-foot (4’) height to match the height of the neighbor's fence, may proceed from the point that aligns with the front corners of the home to the rear of the property. 2. The historic landmark plaque shall be relocated to the public side of the proposed front fence. Seconded by Hendericksen. Vote by roll call: Barvian, yes; Olsen, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Hendericksen, yes; Derrick, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. NEW BUSINESS Historic Preservation Commission Annual Report Chairman Bortel explained what is included in the report and reviewed what is being worked on for this year. Special Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 23, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Commissioner Derrick made a motion to approve the Historic Preservation Commission Annual Report as presented. Seconded by Olsen. Vote by roll call: Barvian, yes; Hendericksen, yes; Hagen, yes; Rapp, yes; Derrick, yes; Olsen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. 24034 W. Lockport St. Coldwell Banker Chairman Bortel explained that Coldwell Banker is reimaging all their properties. Chairman Bortel stated Coldwell Banker wants to paint the brick above the awning white. Chairman Bortel read an email between Chairman Bortel and the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office (see attached). Chairman Bortel stated that the commission has purview over this building, since the brick has never been painted. Chairman Bortel stated he and staff informed Coldwell Banker that painting the brick would require a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA). Commissioner Hendricksen and Derrick agreed that since the village does not require a permit to paint the building Coldwell Banker is not required to apply for a COA. The commissioners did agree that they do not want Coldwell Banker to paint the brick and made suggestions on what could be done instead. Mr. Ding explained the sign code and the limitations Coldwell Banker will have. Commissioner Derrick asked if Coldwell Banker could apply for a variance to protect the integrity of the building. Mr. Ding stated yes. Commissioner Derrick asked staff to share the information from the National Park Services on painting brick. Chairman Bortel asked staff to invite the owner of the building the next LDDC meeting. DISCUSSION No discussion. ADJOURN Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Barvian seconded the motion. Voice vote. All in favor; 0 opposed. Motion carried 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tracey Erickson Recording Secretary Click on the link to view the video of the May 23, 2019 Historical Preservation Commission Meeting. http://plainfieldil.granicus.com/player/clip/512?view_id=2