HomeMy Public PortalAbout1986_04_09_O018The Town of Leesburg in Virginia ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE: PRESENTED April 9~ 1986 86-0-18 ADOPTED April 9~ 1986 AMENDING A PROFFER PERTAINING TO THE LEESBURG GATEWAY PROPERTY OF A. C. ECHOLS, JR. TEE AND J. LYNN CORN-WELL, JR. TEE WHEREAS, A. C. Echols, Jr. and J. Lynn Cornwell, Jr. on August 19, 1985, by rezoning application #ZM-67 applied for amendment of a proffer submitted April 9, 1980, as amended by Council on March 9, 1983, setting forth certain conditions which became a part of zoning map amendment #ZM-28 by Sycolin Partnership; and WHEREAS, the Planning ComMission held a public hearing on the proposed proffer amendment #ZM-67 on November 7, 1985, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on December 5, 1985 recommended to Council approval of the proposed amendment with the additional proffers from the applicant dated December 5, 1985; and WHEREAS, this Council held a public hearing on the proposed proffer amendment on February 12, 1986; and WHEREAS, this Council finds that the proposed proffer amendment, as it pertains to the lands lying southeast of the Rockbridge Drive/Harrison Street intersection and lands lying south of Davis Avenue, is in the interest of public health, safety, welfare and good zoning practice: THEREFORE, ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as follows: SECTION I. Paragraph (a) of the April 9, 1980 proffer by Sycolin Partnership pertaining to zoning map amendment #ZM-28, as amended by Council on March 9, 1983, is amended to read as follows: (a) Ail land hereby rezoned within ......... ~nn feot -~ +~- adjacan_+ rcsi- c~c~ by applicants an~ cthcrc, an~ lying northeast of thc m_--r~__hcartcr!y cztcnsicn cf Harrison Street and northwest of CORNWELL PROFFER AMENDMENT Rockbrid8e Drive shall be used only for offices and/or single family dwellings and permitted accessory uses associated with those uses. Ail land hereby rezoned w~R~-~00-~ee~-o~-~he ex~g-~¢e~-~e~dem~y-zomed-~d-~y~g-~o~hwe~-o~-~he ~n~-he~eby-~e~o~ed~-ow~e~-by-~pp~e~neo-and-o~he~ow-~n~ lying southwest of ~e-m~em$~e~y-ex~emm~om-~ Harrison Street and north of Davis Avenue shall be used only for offices and/or dwellings and permitted accessory uses associated with those uses. Harrison Street~ Rockbridse Drive, and Davis Avenue shall be as shown on the approved final plat for the Leesbur8 Gateway Subdivision~ Phase I~ revision dated December 23, 1985. SECTION II. The area affected by this proffer amendment is illustrated on the accompanying plat prepared by Bengtson, DeBell, Elkin and Titus and dated March 25, 1986. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage. PASSED this 9th day of April , 1986. Robert E. Sevila, Mayor Town of Leesburg ATTEST: Clerk of ~uncil