HomeMy Public PortalAboutAmerican Legion 154• ■idksl. - letup bailie. '61artaiss urrutys s. 4 fasalNisa �apirsa Jeer 1. 1lio. (1011la2AL UAL) Eta* Or 411O11$A otoirr Q GSM iit = Rms•ivsd for Mallard Ha i, 2946 eicar4N Js1y 6. 1946 idNadsdma ads sad sNslr% iiav aria ftl1 air wr m�. telly 1111411111. a �i no." k•ltsM� s1pl oirpas+attse of maid last* aid Casale, piety ar blfrst PA. sad AMOLLGAa LlMON pear 10. Ili, or aortaa h rasa, charge, Portt *r the aewf pta. fi +1112?1a%anti t - 1'a►?, 111111mAS. meld tom or tat first pet la Us armor •r tai property Mr,. !BON, aural` i nob alts* to loathed a aortal uk Milliard, sal maid pp* art Use first Mr)/ data art •sma it desirsbls is spirits ail swage the saws, hat dew it to tell best istsr•nts at 1bt •ihlseas ay s or std lost is. rah lbwir ooa/Weat+a sod seller.. to burs the saris .prate' by tai party of tas aseaai Part, glad said party of tk• r•so a port la m1111aa soaeebe sae ism spa tins s.dltivas a.rolraftar sot farm and the motiratios d this d sad moo bait 4s1y esthsrised by m rsssissisa sasp'sa by tall *spar aid Oow•ilats ale Jsvaaemk. Omsk erase astaaa. at • repNsip aatisa hold -n April 4111, 1416, a sops at talon la hereto att. d tai sad• s port Maier. 111:1, , too •aia pay of tae first part, for sat in soaslearatioa air us emit of op aeiLp ($1.00), aai ether hoed sad 'slash* seauider. Wsa, to it la Mai paid b the alike party of Its arson. port. IS ad before the m soils. ant d.lioery ar theca premolar, the lama pt or vain la hereby satasrrl Mpg r has feinted. hmrr•issd, sold sod sasatrs)..d, • n. h Nose leoreatt doss plat, baramla, mall and convoy. unto th• add parts or tbs mafnsd pert► tea fa l tilas desert b.d pepsrtp, toss t-- Adi. hat somata lot, trait sr p roof st rssa situate. Wag al **Lae la )drt assise,M tolli, is tall Tors of de••aesh host, 'Jaarsis, lamas sod des sob - division of maid bras l tad OIL sap at • waada tarp lark _Amara vslq ant ,:asspay by P. J. trials-, =df1a•er. fated Marsh. 1%6 aQSe74 k re.®ndsd is tam orrice or the Jlarlt of tam Superior court or said %euaty s. got *mu? sus (11. musk iiest7-tira (25), amid Lot having a froata also sal sia.ty►asa ems-acaar•d64 fist 02.92') on tae basal able of bbiasoa Arsons, a t ii ti is Asa fsstMptl limo of .Sds ty aid twice sae-baudr.d.th. foot (60.12') . a dopph am its asters Adaay has st tats *trade* Ertl -rear and ford -tee one-laadradtas lsat (14..4.42') .ad s d•p1k OA 1t* .eat•at Mamdory ills or ohs amidst tarty -firs sad nrasty.alpt ens-4aadrsdtls (1i5.2d' balsa laded or the earth by Robbins Amos, oa tat seat ►p mat Limber tsar (U. said Aims* and bigy s ma Sao south by Let Yrtsbor sutra' (10, said Hook sell bard, ant a the toot by Lot ltlbor Jia (6), maid claalt asd il•!d. TflprLiIR WITH AM MID 321BOz.. the bsil►tiy, trellis a, houses, outhous«s, taptos•ayats, saseam horsaitaasats, righta, o.stsr. sad oppirtaaasoas ta.rsrado halals Lae sr tar *nub, apwtaiaiah. 24 RAM AID L RO= the obese d.sarib,4 sat crayspad poporty 41.d prams•;, rte aka said pOSy or tea means part. in fr o .Lee Ple . apes Cao i'allorlp tae.,s ash fad itdees, 1 1. Said property shall be used and operated by said party of the second part for pimp's** in tamping adth its aativitiss. 2. nsid property shall be maintained and !apt in aocd repair by WO party of the mooned pert at its a=pen*s. 3. ..add party of the sassed part shall psrait the use of said property by ether organisations at rsasowbis ties, for doais1, edesaticsal and stiktin affairs ■ad events; provided Unit if the party of the ■aeod pert aid meta or4snisations are unable to arcs on what are reasonable tiara, the party of the first part shall than davits the matter. 4. 414 party of the seoocd part shall pay all eipensas io oonnaotion with the upkeep and op re ti on of mid property. lac lad ine the tales thereo a. 5. amid petty at the issord part shall not ooavq said p-•oparty, or any part thereof, to say other organization, peraon, 'ir: or corporation without the writ tan pamisaioh of the party of the first part. 6. It Is aadsratood and agreed that a violation of any of the covenants stall eause,tha t%ti* .to paid proparty.to -start ti -tabs -said party- tits first part, or its suaeeaaors. Said party or the first part reserves to itself, wed its sacossaors. title to any sewerage lines, water lines and equipment, end electric lines sal estin= t ..n+- , �4 , ... -----_.�. �..��rgaTi-cvE*LDar-iEL me easement for the pareses of alai thsrsot to repair. ranges. ahsass, sr eea•vimm *a7 of amid lines sad •rmiptisat. b 33 1t33 WIRRROY, said party of the :,iast pert has caused these presents to be sisiatse by its 4017 wtsorisid ottloors, in its. nerve. and its corporate Goal to be a ttaeh. beret•. d%iwd, sesie4 and ddlitersd SA►TAINIR &ACM, :MSS !SUM is tin erSNae' ors titaiata loo.* fl Myatt Dutton 1. A. L. assailer wyar £rr T: Rotary M. Bustler eatery Pobiia, Giantism Co., Oe. Clark of cows u (SUL 07 T.tip ; t azACA i - A II:-' -L] 7I011 IIMMIAS, Um American Legioa Post at aevaitmb mew h beg requested-tnm--ayvr and Gnawilasa at tiere*ha1lakReeeta. Trim Isiaai, to oonrsy to it certain proparty owned by s -aid ma+aisipslit4 , within the tormer lord corsTea Reservation beings a lot reserved by said tiunicipal- ity ea whisk ■ coaaaism is located; AID, VIML1O, slid Leoriosa Lad nn Lost has aarsed that if said Munialpatity riall sewer said property t' it. it will waintato tbs same and ks•p it in ;tai repair, •eying, all amperes in •onmsetion tbar•with, inoludiss tames thersaa. at will permit the use of said property by other organisations. at such tiara ■a such use will not intsrtars with its use by sold Amends* Avalon Post; AM, Ilitlataii, the .+ayor and Councilman of acid Town of .ewenimn ,3escb, Tybam If4sri, deem it to the bast interest of said Municipe It" that said property *ball be owned sod o peps►ad by said marl atm `*don poet in the manor sib reasid: as IT XIEU}DR1« RISOLVTim by the Layer end Cannella= of Bahaman Sem*, Tybes Is1ead, in Council assembled, that the Loa' of said 7;unioipellty be, sad b■ is hmreny, author- ` lead amt direst to uzsaats • deed, in tim nsae of said 1Lnnicipality, to said American legion Poet" • ern ROM* to /alai •MmllNlas, lrcttci 'Mt la tie West best sat bshd•ine !4x3.sem• M be rase by std ieertems *gee y;,, he wrpat111s is hoopla( eitk Sts snit,. ptdd respleir allerrersd by said dame shall i.x.rt be meld L+alsipalt4. M4 laelseiall tai odl l !we preps, ei/r•eioae L leepims .1ttt the aZJ.ssa et this remissible; sal site +llettt Ott lbsa,u at said i`aillputt Is, ace Y Le bNsdf, asbherlaett and ir..ta4 to tritest said MOW ad so am: lea ■tsrpossta amai at said liaalaiplib, busts. 2. ovary r. l•U1IJ, nett at sealed or Saveseek bows, ?peas Islam!, do si*7•srbi* teat the tsrearlait le a tree tat *arrest copy at • reaelatlea •opts et • roialsr 550$1at at Ls Diyar rd as•asuaba or *at auttiplostilty laid so Lena iri. 1416. Moen 4 Mai mad corporate seal alt said �ttmieitaiiie tala i} day at coy, ataxy if. leeeb:ls7 Aare of ,:ettoell (ALAI, 0! 41Y•Khelf 34.0%) • I1YLt1LUTIt1M ilLt,iJe, damask awash,',Osa late , a attioipality, Ices agreed to sower to *4rleas Isom rase mo. 1514 Mshaib Bees!. "aims!, certain 0colsrt7 tacos sr :4t *elm bar stirs (j), not Tuoctr.fir • (2j), Zooid ales• Asa Word, !• said seen. Da valet* Is isat•d tks std dputeslse (altesetap hawses s• toe old ?amoskisal tall) as a pnribmrat awe for tie llsria•s ieea01 pleat, ape tits tsllseloo seelltisn•, L. loft atilt ta•party snail be Deed sad •perr t.d by said party. of Cc susoos part rut pasp••ss is lisping Lito its •etitittso. R. ael4 'taperer sdell be ieletatasi sad tspt is seal repair by send party et t Ms asses' pert at its s:psass, 3. -oil parser or um socked pert mall pawlt ton urn or sell property b7 Maar eraiisallea11 at rbassarels uses. for seek 1, s oatloaal act athletic affairs eat eseata; prodded test it the port, of the m•014 psi cal mast acilotsetione are umrela is wires ee most ere riesomabla Llano, tae part' or cis first pert eite11 tied !settle the matter. i. arse pert, of lb mopes. part shall ley ell eapmeets is colae•tiag watt toe aea11sp 1114 oprstLet or void Jrbeen ". lassos iaa tie - Mstea.tiarsma• !. $.4d part: or bee s#utOl part 411- -,1tot o a=-037r estmo taw ;,; , M1r el; rest iota-oat,tins aa7 osier orivaitetiant. Riess, are or oorlor'etlon aiMoab the wlttta poodootol or the party of the brat part. 1. 1t is ealershss see forsod theta tiolstlea et any of toast esseeeeis stall ere! Mom title to said ptotort7 to revert to tit said party or too brat port. ar its ese.sseere. 7. held party a lbs drat out rasartos is it:mait and its I cocolicers, title W solieraes lima, aster Hies. sad •italyaramt, nee elestrle lisle sets a*leeett chi* soy be Issatei se maid presort,. teaeta.r visa fa walosmt far the perpoea or via,' ther11ee to rspsir. recove, Omaha, or serii.e at, at said lines 1.4 spiesant. el IT 7 og Unit= that s 014 America `colas Feat l+e. :A sensed cos Tocolpoo soy soot peeperop, *gayest b to. tlreseLao anon Mmes, end tent at fetcher sdro Mist +bo•y alters Is say ri alat Loa or any sr said se mesa to mad semi t i..,, or s baald said :_.01111111.1111S metae rase diebsbe, et etateeiss cease tic ftia.eitlm as areas sold eryttrtf .Yell irognoodtrooll. eeolttp•litp, amd meta a•stetp111ty La aetiariroi N preamat a Msft$A to .. -.r-a "OM .-. eft• asset et thetas etas, u.II1I firth U. ir.t at Meta elive- a7a eeisrst.ae, ewe styles teat tie 1t, aise'sprieis dseree, teeters t!t1s to lava is wetlnt}iit/, -sit . etso . !n atten se eel one it Mort et tme orrleete OM joie ma Jenginn Flit i11 HaiessNi tak •,-&<ihsre to is iaal ramie. oe isle /Vet, .44 SIM aje% NNW tees s eating -1 saw of Ow •_ o1 tisa atoll op ets as a usisat et all sad ratans •ersisa sat eettes. fi a tint a asrtttl•i .op of this r.wisxiss be stte•Oel �etl es toss It ay moron •■ radio* et the segues emetic!. I, tap Mitt. ltts$ nee Caeresttst or 4rmrisao L•iiaa root eo. i54. 3•veataa 3grsta, tt Yatee! ssttity 1 t the trestslet in trio std arrest espy et • reeslatloa a t a ra*eis! items! sa or rill cost Maki is tee Mee hey of Nat, 1%6. Tele 15 Mal sr !l. 1%6 Velh �aies ► Arst Ti.. Gmennat.rt kitbag in ans•oa* of .oeiaD4er. lss4vei for aaaairi Mat lx, 1%6 i4eorlsd lily 4, 1166 stadaieaad