HomeMy Public PortalAbout20160718 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesBOH July 18, 2016 Minutes Approved August 9, 2016 Page 1 BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street, Room 211 Monday, July 18, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. MINUTES Members Present: Vice Chairman Belesi and Ms. Jennifer Flanagan Also Present: Edward Wirtanen, Board of Health Director Absent: Late Arrival: Early Dismissal: The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m. by Vice Chairman Belesi Request to Approve Board of Health Meeting Minutes Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve the following meeting minutes:  June 27, 2016 Vice Chairman Belesi motioned to approve the meeting minutes of June 27, 2016. Ms. Flanagan seconded. Vice Chairman Belesi and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Open Session (Unanticipated Topics) Kate Richardson introduced herself to the Board and explained that she is in attendance today to learn about Public Health and take notes for her health policy and politics course which she is taking at Regis College. Attendance at a local Board meeting will satisfy her course requirement. The Board welcomed Ms. Richardson to the meeting. Proposed Food Service Operations/Joanne Arena-A. Arena & Sons/159 Ash Street Ms. Arena informed the Board that she already has a design plan from Robert Gemma, Metrowest Engineering, and has been waiting for the her plumber and Mr. Dabritz, Plumbing Inspector, to coordinate a date and time to inspect where the connection for the flow is. Mr. Gemma can’t proceed until the plumber has inspected the connection and confirm the location of the flow(s). Mr. Wirtanen stated that there were a number of problems with Mr. Gemma’s plan. One area of concern is that the plan does not address the short-circuiting issue. The current building sewer is connected at the outlet of the septic tank. It is required to be connected at the inlet. Mr. Wirtanen said that the Health Agent Bryan Besso addressed these concerns and others in his letter to Mr. Gemma dated May 18, 2016 and explained what needed to be done to have the design plan approved (letter attached). He informed the Board that the previous improper connection(s) were done sometime after 1982 without the permitting approvals from the Board of Health. BOH July 18, 2016 Minutes Approved August 9, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Wirtanen gave a copy of the May 18, 2016 letters from Mr. Gemma with his plan and Mr. Besso to Ms. Arena for her files since she voiced that she did not receive a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Gemma nor has he contacted her with the Board of Health’s concerns. She also indicated that Jeff Deiana might have corrected the connections to repair the flow but is not sure. Mr. Wirtanen noted that the office is unaware of any work done to correct the flow by Mr. Deiana. If Mr. Deiana did in fact make the corrections he did so without any approved permits. Ms. Arena said that she would confirm with Mr. Deiana as to what and if he did anything. Ms. Arena notified the Board that she will have the plumber (Mark Shaywood) and Mr. Dabritz over in the next few days and asked if the Board needed a letter confirming the inspection. The Board confirmed that a letter will need to be submitted with a confirmation of the inspection. Mr. Wirtanen indicated he would try to coordinate with the Plumbing Inspector to move the evaluation along. Until this work is completed no expansion of the food operation may occur. Board of Health Vacancy Update Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that two letters of interest have been received for the vacant position and also informed them that the joint meeting for the appointment of this vacancy with the Board of Selectmen might be Tuesday, August 9th and that he will confirm with them if that is the date. He also noted that the date for the deadline for submittal of letters of interest was incorrect (date on the vacancy was Wednesday, July 16, 2016-July 16th was a Saturday) and does not know if the notice will need to be re-posted. He will keep the Board apprised. BOH Director’s FY2016 Performance Review and FY2017 Objectives Worksheet Mr. Wirtanen presented the Board with his 2016 Performance Review and 2017 Objectives Worksheet for their input. Vice Chairman Belesi said that she would complete the review over the weekend and return the paperwork to him as soon as possible. Lifeguard Discussion/Semi Private Pools/The MEWS Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve the draft letter to David Giuliano, Project Manager, for the Hopkinton MEWS regarding the Board of Health’s requirements and expectations to their swimming pool construction for their apartment complex. He explained that the MEWS’s swimming pool is less than 5 feet in depth and under the State Sanitary Code-105 CMR 435.00 – Minimum Standards for Swimming Pools (Chapter V) 15 square feet of pool water surface area shall be provided in the non- swimming areas for each non-swimmer. Based on the size of the swimming pool and wading area a total of 5.5 lifeguards will be required to be on duty in order to operate the pool. BOH July 18, 2016 Minutes Approved August 9, 2016 Page 3 A meeting was held on June 27th with the Building Department and the Board of Health to discuss the swimming pool design plan. Mr. Giuliano was informed of the Minimum State Requirement of Swimming Pools and voiced his opposition to having any lifeguards on duty and instead required the pool operator to oversee the pool and any bathers. A suggestion of building a smaller pool was offered but was declined. He noted that the paperwork that was submitted blends egress codes with swimming requirements. They would utilize a key for entry which is linked to the property manager’s computer system. Vice Chairman Belesi motioned to approve the draft letter to David Giuliano, Project Manager, regarding the swimming and wading pool at Hopkinton MEWS as presented which requires lifeguards based on the size of the pool. Jennifer Flanagan seconded. Vice Chairman Belesi and Ms. Flanagan in favor. FY 2017 Century Health Systems Renewal Contract for the Visiting Nurses Association Mr. Wirtanen provided the Board with a request for contract renewal for the Century Health Systems Contract for Fiscal Year 2017 and stated that the fees are pending agreement with Century Health Systems and will await their response to his letter. Century Health Systems’ current fee rate for their Visiting Nurse Association is $75 per home visit or $75 per hour for travel, telephone consultation and/or coordination and communicable disease follow-ups. The current contract is renewed as long as both parties agree to the fee for service. BOH Revenues for Fiscal Year 2016 Mr. Wirtanen announced that a total of $73,375 in fees was collected for the Town from the Board of Health’s permitting revenues for fiscal year 2016 which was returned to the Town’s general fund. Informational, Review Materials Mr. Wirtanen advised the Board of the following informational materials for their review:  Massachusetts Department of Public Health-Arborvius Surveillance Program Report-Mr. Wirtanen indicated that the EEE notification in Plymouth is much earlier than usual (usual notification is sometime in August) and worries that Hopkinton might have to embark in a dusk to dawn curfew as it was imposed two years ago in light of a EEE fatality in Westborough MA due to the bordering of Cedar Swamp.  CDC Vital Signs-Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths  Legislature Passes Balanced Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Notice BOH July 18, 2016 Minutes Approved August 9, 2016 Page 4 Payroll Authorization Mr. Wirtanen requested Vice Chairman Belesi’s signature for his payroll authorization, vacation and personal time off for the following weeks and day: ≈ August 10, 2016 (Personal Day) ≈ August 17-23, 2016 (Vacation ) ≈ July 18-23, 2016 ≈ July 25-30, 2016 ≈ August 1-8, 2016 ≈ August 8-13, 2016 Vice Chairman Belesi signed Mr. Wirtanen’s payroll, vacation and personal time as requested. Board of Health Future Meetings The Board will meet on the following date(s) at 5:30 p.m.:  Monday: August 15, 2016  Monday: September 12, 2016 ADJOURN: Vice Chairman Belesi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 p.m. Ms. Flanagan seconded. Vice Chairman Belesi and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Board of Health Administrative Assistant