HomeMy Public PortalAboutExhibit MSD 18X Engineering Cost Allocations (2010 Actual Costs)Exhibit MSD 18X Engineering Cost Allocations (2010 Actual Costs) Table 2-2 Split Personnel Costs to Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities based on Staffing Wastewater Stormwater Admin. Total % Stormwater Personnel Cost Allocation Staffing Admin Design Planning Construction Management Environmental Compliance Total Admin. Allocation Adjusted Staffing % Personnel Costs All Other Costs 80 25 46 2 23 7 44 195 5 37 1.5 0.5 196.3 83.9% 37.7 16.1% 85.0% 15.0% 2 2 (2) 0 0.0% 82 48 53 49 234 0 234 2.4% 47.9% 13.2% 10.6% 15.9% Assumed generally proportional to personnel costs Table 3-14 Step 1- Split Wastewater/Stormwater Costs Based on Table 2-2 Total Engineering Admin Design Planning Construction Management Environmental Compliance Total Stormwater Utility Admin Design Planning Construction Management Environmental Compliance Total Wastewater Utility Admin Design Planning Construction Management Environmental Compliance Total Total All Other 100 200 300 400 200-300 500 260,160 32,648 6,867,498 26,483 4,110,289 16,199 4,326,694 16,237 4,167,597 302,647 19,732,238 394,214 41,915 167,500 1,969,513 571,450 442,276 3,192,654 16.2% 218,245 6,699,998 2,140,776 3,755,244 3,725,321 16,539,584 83.8% 371 482 18,028 918,702 3,899 354,651 13,962 1,269,851 10,861 269,636 33,501 963,213 374,749 1,300,050 583,144 47,121 2,813,322 3,254,657 5,397 23,493 179,567 171,705 61,885 442,047 13.6% 28,104 939,720 195,182 1,128,345 521,259 2,812,610 86.4% Total 0 293,661 12,700 7,843,411 2,507 4,487,545 118 5,626,862 60,231 4,810,972 75,556 23,062,451 47,312 190,993 2,149,081 743,155 504,160 3,634,701 246,349 7,639,718 2,335,957 4,883,589 4,246,581 19,352,194 FinalEngrAlloc2.xls 7/1/2011 Table 3-14 Step 2 - Allocate Personnel Costs to Major Program Elements Collection Treatment Total System Plants Wastewater Utility Design Planning Construction Management Environmental Compliance Admin Design Planning Construction Management Admin Subtotal Environmental Compliance EC Admin Subtotal 96.0% 98.0% 95.0% 6.8% 37.2% Allocated on all above 4.0% 2.0% 5.0% 6,699,998 6,431,998 268,000 2,140,776 2,097,960 42,816 3,755,244 3,567,482 187,762 168,431 161,764 6,667 Surcharge Non -Res. Program Customers 4.1% 36.5% All Customers 15.3% OK 12,764,449 12,259,204 505,244 3,725,321 255,159 1,386,364 153,095 1,360,848 569,855 49,814 3,412 18,538 2,047 18,197 7,620 3,775,136 258,571 1,404,902 155,143 1,379,045 577,475 Total 16,539,584 12,517,775 1,910,147 155,143 1,379,045 577,475 Table 3-14 Step 3 - Allocate Personnel Costs to Functional Cost Components All Total Volume Capacity TSS BOD Customers Collection System Treatment Plants (Plant Investment) Env. Compliance Program Collection System Treatment Plants Env. Compliance Program 100.0% 20.7% 20.8% 100.0% 63.8% 6.8% Above percentages are from the EC worksheet 12,259,204 505,244 3,775,136 12,259,204 104,586 322,346 784,332 258,571 Total 16,539,584 888,917 12,840,121 Percentage for Table 3-14 100.0% 5.4% 77.6% 2007 Allocation 100.0% 5.7% 43.3% 4.7% 10.3% 10.9% 10.3% 15.3% Non -Res Customers 36.5% 23,746 55,072 387,856 387,856 577,475 1,379,045 411,603 442,928 577,475 1,379,045 2.5% 2.7% 3.5% 8.3% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 50.0% FinalEngrAlloc2.xls 7/1/2011 Table 3-14 Step 4 - Allocate All Other Costs to Major Program Elements Collection Treatment Surcharge Non -Res. All Total System Plants Program Customers Customers Wastewater Utility Design 96.0% Planning 98.0% Construction Management 95.0% Environmental Compliance 6.8% 37.2% 4.1% 36.5% 15.3% OK Admin Allocated on all above 4.0% 2.0% 5.0% Design 939,720 902,131 37,589 Planning 195,182 191,278 3,904 Construction Management 1,128,345 1,071,928 56,417 Admin 21,689 20,751 938 Subtotal 2,284,936 2,186,088 98,848 Environmental Compliance 521,259 35,703 193,985 21,422 190,414 79,736 EC Admin 6,415 439 2,387 264 2,343 981 Subtotal 527,674 36,142 196,372 21,685 192,758 80,717 Total 2,812,610 2,222,230 295,220 21,685 192,758 80,717 Table 3-14 Step 5 - Allocate All Other Costs to Functional Cost Components Total All Non -Res Volume Capacity TSS BOD Customers Customers Collection System 100.0% Treatment Plants (Plant Investment) 20.7% 63.8% 4.7% 10.9% Env. Compliance Program 100.0% 20.8% 6.8% 10.3% 10.3% 15.3% 36.5% Collection System 2,186,088 2,186,088 Treatment Plants 98,848 20,462 63,065 4,646 10,774 Env. Compliance Program 527,674 109,631 36,142 54,213 54,213 80,717 192,758 Total 2,812,610 130,092 2,285,295 58,859 64,988 80,717 192,758 Percentage for Table 3-14 100.0% 4.6% 81.3% 2.1% 2.3% 2.9% 6.9% 2007 Allocation 100.0% 5.5% 78.1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 15.4% FinalEngrAlloc2.xls 7/1/2011 Enviro nmental Compliance Di vision Wastewater Functional Cost Compo ne nt Labor All Other All NR H1hs Cost (100) ( 200 - 400) Total Stormwater Wastewater Volume Capacity TSS BOD Customers Customers Program / Activity $ $ $ 49 .0 4,167,597 583,144 4,750,741 Pretreatment Inspecti ons 9.0 765,477 107,108 872,585 Lab 3.0 255,159 35,703 290,862 Field 2.0 170,106 23,802 193,908 Subtotal 14.0 1,190,742 166,613 1,357,355 100% 1,357,355 Hauled Waste 2.0 170 ,106 23,802 193,908 96,954 48,477 48,477 Lab 1.0 85,053 11,901 96,954 48 ,477 48,477 Subtotal 3.0 255,159 35,703 290,862 100% In d. Discharge Permits 2.0 170 ,106 23,802 193,908 100% Surcharge Program 1.0 85,053 11,901 96,954 Lab 0. 5 42,527 5 ,950 48,477 Fie ld 0. 3 25,516 3 ,570 29,086 Su bto tal 1.8 153,095 21,422 174,517 100% 87,259 87,259 By -Pass Investigations 3.0 255,159 35,703 290 ,862 100% 290,862 Retum Factor 1.0 85,053 11,901 96,954 100% 96,954 Stream Monitoring 1.0 85,053 11,901 96,954 96,954 Lab 2.0 170,106 23, 802 193,908 96,954 Field 1. 0 85, 053 11, 901 96,954 96,954 Su btotal 4. 0 340,212 47,604 387, 816 100% R egulatory Affairs 6. 0 510,318 71,405 581, 723 100% 48,477 48,477 581,723 Storm Water 4.5 382,739 53,554 436,293 Lab 0. 5 42,527 5,950 48,477 Field 0.2 17,011 2,380 19,391 Subtotal 5. 2 442,276 61,885 504,160 100% Stormwater inclu des all stormwater related costs. NPDES 1.0 85,053 11, 901 96,954 96,954 Lab 7.0 595,371 83, 306 678, 677 203,603 203,603 203,603 67,868 Field 1. 0 85,053 11,901 96,954 96,954 Su btotal 9. 0 765,477 107,108 872, 585 100% 193,908 Total 49 4, 167,597 583,144 4,750,741 504, 160 4,246,581 882,280 290,862 436,293 436,293 649,591 1,551,262 SW/WW Split 10. 6% 89. 4% WW Allocation 100.0% 20.8% 6.8% 10 .3% 10 .3% 15.3% 36 .5% lab 14. 0 field 4. 5 FinalEngrAlloc2. xls 7/1/2011 DEC C ompliance Charge December 2010 Number of sample points 2010 Number of Acco unts Percentage Distribution Non - Residential Industrial charge based on number of sample p oints Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 0 1 2 3 or m ore sample points TOTAL 23,665 440 680 230 150 25,165 94 .04% 1.75% 2.70% 0 .91% 0 .60% Used to establish eq ui vale nt bills Inspe ctio n Co st FTEs 2 .75 1 .47 2.27 0 .77 0.50 7 .75 Salary 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Subtotal $151,250 $80,667 $124,667 $42,167 $27,500 $426,250 In du strial Cost Recovery FTEs 2.00 0.29 0 .45 0 .15 0.10 3.00 Salary 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Su btotal $120,000 $17,600 $27,200 $9,200 $6,000 $180,000 Sample Cost FTEs 0.86 0 .58 0 .57 2.00 Salary 45,000 45,000 45,000 Su btotal $38,491 $26,038 $25,472 $90,000 Analytica l Cost FTEs 1.71 1 .16 1.13 4.00 Salary 55,000 55,000 55,000 Subtotal $94,088 $63,648 $62,264 $220,000 To tal DEC Salary Cost $271,250 $98,267 $284,445 $141,052 $121,236 $916,250 Benefits (26%) $70,525 $25,549 $73,956 $36,674 $31,521 $238,225 Basic Mate rials (20%) $54,250 $19,653 $56,889 $28,210 $24,247 $183,250 Additional M aterials (20%) $0 $0 $56,889 $28,210 $24,247 $109,347 Total Direct DEC Cost $396,025 $143,469 $472,179 $234,147 $201,252 $1,447,072 M onthly Charge $1.39 $27. 17 $57.87 $84. 84 $111.81 Co st Ratios 1. 000 19.485 41. 494 60.834 80.174 « Cost multipliers of an equivalent cust omer Net per Model for FY 2013 Total Direct & Indirect $514,834 $186,511 $613,835 $304,392 $261,628 1.3 1,881,200 Adj. M onthly Charge 1. 81 35.32 75. 22 110.29 145. 35 19. 485 41.494 60. 834 80.174 Note: A more equ itable wa y to assess the compliance charge for indu stries would be to use $27.17 plus $23. 00/sample poin t as the monthly charge. Table 3-16a Non -Residential Equivalent Bills (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2010 Percentage Monthly Rate Allocated 2010 Distribution Unit Cost Equivalent Block Cost Customers of Customers Cost Ratio Bills $ $/Customer Tier 1 514,800 23,665 94.04% 1.81 1.000 284,000 Tier 2 186,500 440 1.75% 35.32 19.485 102,900 Tier 3 613,800 680 2.70% 75.22 41.494 338,600 Tier 4 304,400 230 0.91% 110.29 60.839 167,900 Tier 5 261,600 150 0.60% 145.33 80.170 144,300 Total 1,881,100 25,165 100.00% 1,037,700