HomeMy Public PortalAboutExhibit MSD 16S 2007 Annual AuditExhibit MSD 16S THE METR OP OLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DIST RICT FINANCI AL REP ORT (Audited) Year E nded June 30, 2007 t ��. r-_ ��, - THE METROPO LITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Table of Contents June 30, 2007 and 2006 Page INDEPEN DENT AU DITO RS' REPORT 1 MA NA GEMEN T'S DISCUSSION AN D ANALYSIS 3 FINA NCIA L STA TEMENTS Statements of Net Assets 14 Statements of Rev en ues, Expen ses, and Changes in Net Assets 16 Statemen ts of Cash Flows 18 Notes to Fin an cial Statements 20 ) Hochschild, Bloom & Company LLP Ce rtified Public A cco unta nts Co nsultants and Advisors INDEPENDENT AUDIT ORS' REPO RT October 9, 2007 Board of Trustees THE METR OPO LITAN ST. LO UIS SEWER DISTRICT We have audited the basic fin an cial statements of THE METR OP OLIT AN ST . L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT (the District) as of Jun e 30, 2007 and 2006 and for the years then ended, as listed in the accom- pan ying table of conten ts. These fin an cial statements are the responsibility of the District's management. Our respon sibility is to express an opin ion on these fi nancial statements based on our audits . We conducted ou r audits in accordance with U .S. generally accepted a uditi ng standards a nd the standards applicable to finan cial au dits contained in G overnment Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller Ge n- eral of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reaso nable assu ran ce about whether the finan cial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes co n- sideration of internal control over financial reporti ng as a basis for designing audit procedures that are ap- propriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the District's internal con trol ov er finan cial reporting. Accordi ngly, we e xpress no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial state- men ts, assessing the accou nting prin ciples used and significant estimates made by management, as well as ev aluatin g the overall financial statemen t presentation . We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opin ion . In our o pin ion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the fina ncial position of the D istrict as of June 30, 2007 and 2006, and the results of its operatio ns and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with U .S. generally accepted accounting principles. The management's discussion and analysis is not a required part of the basic fina ncial statements but is sup- plemen tary information requ ired by U.S. generally accepted accou nti ng principles . We have applied certai n limited procedures, which con sisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of meas- u rement and presentation of the required supplementary information . However, we did not audit the infor- mation and ex press no opinion on it. ❑ 16100 Chesterfield Pa rkway West, Suite 125, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017-4829, 636-532-9525, Fax 636-532-9055 ❑ 1000 Washington Square, P.O. Box 1457, Wa shington, Missouri 63090-8457, 636-239-4785, Fax 636-239-5448 www.hbclp.co m rotARIS- Member: Polaris Internation al with Firms in Principal U.S. and Int ernational Cities In accordan ce with Govern men t Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 9, 2007 on our consideration of the D istrict's in ternal control over fi na ncial reporting and on our tests of its compli- ance with certain provision s of laws, regu lations, contracts, and grant agreements a nd other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of inter nal control over fina ncial reporting and complian ce and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal co ntrol over fi nancial reportin g or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accorda nce with Gov- ern ment Auditin g Standards and should be considered in assessing the res ults of o ur audits . taoc 6 Cr?-&,44Aeti CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUN TA NTS 2 THE METROPO LITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 The ann ual report of The Metropolitan St. Lou is Sewer District (the District) includes the independent audi- tors' report, managemen t's discussion and analysis (MD&A), and the financial statements accompanied by notes essential to the user's u nderstanding of the financial statements. Management of the District has provided this MD &A to be used in combi nation with the District's fmancial statements. This narrative is in tended to prov ide the reader with more insight into management's knowledge of the transactions, even ts, and conditions reflected in the accompanying fmancial statements and the fiscal poli- cies that govern the D istrict's operations. 2007 Financial Highlights ➢ Net capital assets increased by $118. 4 million due to conti nued high le vels of spe nding related to the regulatory required Capital Improvement and Replacement Program (CIRP). o Treatment an d disposal plant an d equipment $ 221.7 million o Less: Construction in progress (CIP) $ 116.5 millio n o Collection and pumping plant $ 54.9 million o General plant an d equ ipmen t $ 1.3 million o Less: Change in accumulated depreciation $ 43.0 million D. Cash and cash equivalents balances in creased by $89.5 million, while investment balances decreased by $44. 5 million, from fiscal year 2006 to fiscal year 2007 . The overall increase is due to the iss u- ance of Series 2006B an d Series 2006C bonds. The high level of cash compared to investment bal- ances is due to the more fa vorable short-term rates a vailable to the District. D. Bon ds an d notes payable balances, net of unamortized premi um a nd issue costs, increased by $68.6 million in most part du e to the issuance of Series 2006B and Series 2006C bonds in the amounts of $14.2 million and $60.0 million respectively. Retirements of $8.2 million and changes in the unam- ortized premiu m balan ce an d the balance of bo nd issuance costs netting to $2.6 million c ombine for the remaining $5.6 million in chan ge. ➢ Operating income declined by $12.5 million compared to prior year . The decli ne stems from lowered billed volumes an d higher operating expenses. ➢ Inv estment income rose by $9. 3 million due to favorable rates and larger in vestment balances . 2006 Finan cial Highlights D. Net capital assets increased by $143. 8 million due to continued high levels of spendi ng related to the CIRP. o Collection an d pumpin g plant $ 92.1 million o Construction in progress (CIP) $ 90.0 million o Treatment and disposal plant and equipment $ 2.9 million o General plant and equipment $ 1.0 million o Land $ 0.1 million o Less: Chan ge in accumulated depreciation $ 42 .3 million ➢ Cash and cash equiv alents balan ces increased by $36.5 million, while i nvestment balances decreased by $41. 1 million , from fiscal year 2005 to fiscal year 2006 . The shift from longer -term investments to cash and cash equ ivalen ts occurred as a result of the curre nt interest rate e nviro nment in which an in - 3 THE METROPOLITA N ST. LOUIS SEWE R DIST RICT Ma nagement's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 verted yield curve makes short-term inv estments more attractive than long-term in vestments a nd to provide su fficient liquid assets to fund the CIRP. > Bonds an d n otes payable balances, net of unamortized premium and issue costs, increased by $37.6 million in most part due to the issuance of Series 2006 A bonds in the am ount of $42.7 million. Re- tirements of $5.5 million and changes in the unamortized premium balance and the balance of bond issuance costs netting to $0.4 million combine for the remaining $5.1 millio n in cha nge . > Capital contributio ns increased by $36.7 million due to the transfer of assets related to 293 develop- ments in fiscal year 2006 versus 194 in fiscal year 2005. > Operating reven ues increased by $17.8 million or 9.4% as a result of the rate increase that took affect in July 2005. Required Financial Statements The financial statements presented by the management of the District i ncl ude the Stateme nts of Net Assets; Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets; and Statements of Cash Flows . These state- ments are prepared using the accrual basis of accoun ting. This method of acco unti ng recognizes revenues at the time they are earned and ex penses when the related liability occurs . As a result of using this method of accou nting, the District's performance over the time period being reported is more easily determinable . The Statemen ts of Net Assets provides a report of the District's current, restricted, and other noncurrent assets such as cash, in vestments, receivables, an d property. Also, the Statements of Net Assets pro vides a summary of the District's current, restricted, an d non curren t liabilities, inclu ding contracts and accounts payable, deposits and accrued ex- penses, and bond and notes payable. The final section of the Statements of Net Assets, the net assets section, co ntains earnings retain ed for use by the District. Increases or decreases in the net assets sectio n maybe i ndicative of an im- provin g or declin ing financial position. This statement provides the basis for computing rate of return, e val uating the capital structure of the District, an d assessin g the liqu idity and fmancial flexibility of the District. The Statements of R evenues, Ex penses, and Changes in Net Assets summarizes all of the year's revenues and expenses. This statement indicates how successful the District was at maintaining expenses below the level of reven ues earn ed. The Statements of Cash Flows accounts for the net change in cash and cash equivalents by summarizing cash re- ceipts and cash disbursements resulting from operating acti vities, noncapital fmancing activities, capital a nd re- lated finan cing activities, and inv esting activities. This statement assists the user in determining the sources of cash comin g into the District, the items for which cash was expe nded, and the begin ning and ending cash balance . Financial Analysis The overall financial condition of the District is strong as i ndicated by the increase in net assets over the past year. The D istrict had income befo re capital contributions of $56 .5 million in fiscal year 2007, compared to $59 .2 million in 2006 and $42. 1 million in 2005. Plans for maintaining the District's ability to meet future spending needs are dis- cussed in greater detail in the section of the MD&A en titled " Decisions Impacti ng the Future." 4 THE METROPOLITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's D iscussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 Con den sed Finan cial Statemen ts and A nalysis The Metropolitan St . Louis Sewer District Condensed Statements of Net Assets (000s) Increase Increase ( Decrease) (Decrease) 2007 2006 2007-2006 2005 2006-2005 Assets: Cu rrent, Restricted, and Other A ssets $ 566,700 $ 523,948 $ 42,752 $ 523,666 $ 282 Capital Asse ts (net of accu mulated depreciation) 2,004,792 1,886,435 118,357 1,742,683 143,752 Total assets 2,571,492 2,410,383 161,109 2,266,349 144,034 Liabilities: Current Liabilities 68,285 52,685 15,600 57,115 (4,430) Noncurren t Liabilities 446,023 381,333 64,690 345,006 36,327 Total liabilities 514,308 434,018 80,290 402,121 31,897 N et Assets: Investe d in capital asse ts, net of related debt 1,723,093 1,652,348 70,745 1,625,673 26,675 R estricted 276,069 273,062 3,084 193,803 79,259 Un restricted 58,022 50,955 6,990 44,752 6,203 Total Net Assets 2007 Analysis $ 2,057,184 $ 1,976,365 $ 80,819 $ 1,864,228 $ 112,137 Total n et assets in creased $80.8 million , or 4. 1%, over prior year. This change is due to an increase in total assets of $161.1 million and an increase in liabilities of $80.3 million . Net capital assets increased by $118.4 million , while curre nt, restricted, a nd other assets increased by $42.8 million. The increase in capital assets can be attributed to an increase in treatment a nd disposal plant of $221.7 million, collection and pu mping plant of $54.9 million, general plant and equipment of $1.3 million, and off- settin g decrease in construction in progress of $116.5 million a nd an increase in accumulated depreciation of $43.0 million. The in crease in current, restricted, and other assets is mostly attrib utable to the i ncrease in cash equivalents an d investment of $45. 0 million as a result of i nvesti ng funds made available by the issuance of new debt. The change in total liabilities breaks down to in creases in curre nt and noncurrent liabilities of $15 .6 million and $64.7 million , respectiv ely. The increase in n on current liabilities is the result of the issua nce of new debt . Current liabilities are up in large part du e to an increase in contracts and accou nts payable of $7.3 million due to the timin g of some large con struction progress payments . The c urrent portion of bonds and notes payable also contributed $3.7 million towards the $15. 6 million increase. The remaining $4 .6 million is a combination of deposits and accrued ex penses and retainage payable. 5 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 a nd 2006 2006 Analysis Total net assets increased $112.1 million, or 6. 0%, over prior year. This change is the result of an increase in total assets of $144. 0 million an d an increase in liabilities of $31.9 million. N et capital assets increased by $143.8 million in fiscal year 2006 from fiscal year 2005 acco unting for the ov erwhelming majority of the change in total assets. Current, restricted, and other assets accou nt for the other $0.2 million of the $144.0 million dollar increase. The change in net capital assets can be attrib uted to an i n- crease in collection and pumping plant of $92.1 million and an increase in construction in progress of $90.0 million with an offsetting increase in accumulated depreciation of $42 .3 million. The remaining increase of $4.0 million is a combination of treatment and disposal pla nt and equipme nt, general plant and equipment, a nd land. The change in total liabilities of $31.9 million is representati ve of an increase in noncurre nt liabilities of $36.3 million and a decrease of current liabilities of $4. 4 million. Noncurrent liabilities increased by $36 .3 million almost exclusively due to the issuance of Series 2006A bonds through the state revolvi ng fu nd (SRF) in the amount of $42.7 million. The retirement of bonds totaling $5 .5 million, less a net change in unamortized pre- miu m and accretion of bond issu ance costs of $0.4 million, a nd a $1.7 million change in the current portion of bonds payable combine to offset the $42.7 million and account for the change in noncurrent bonds and notes payable. An increase in deposits and accrued expenses of $0.4 million rounds out the variance in noncurrent liabilities from fiscal year 2005 to fiscal year 2006. 6 THE METROPO LITAN ST. LO UIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's D iscussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Sta tements of Revenues, Ex penses, and Changes in Net Assets (000s) I ncrease Increase ( Decrease) (Decrease) 2007 2006 2007-2006 2005 2006-2005 Operatin g Rev enu es: Sewer service charge s $ 198,993 $ 203,880 ($ 4,887) $ 183,513 $ 20,367 Re cove ry of (provision for) doubtful sewer service charge accounts (4,194) (3,161) (1,033) (1,546) (1,615) Licenses, permits, and other fees 6,031 5,210 821 6,549 (1,339) Other 1,376 873 503 478 395 To tal operating rev enu es 202,206 206,802 (4,596) 188,994 17,808 Nonoperating Revenues: Property taxe s levied by the District 24,401 23,211 1,190 22,016 1,195 Inv estment in come 16,946 7,610 9,336 5,502 2,108 Rent income 878 1,027 (149) 1,038 (11) Total nonoperating revenues 42,225 31,848 10,377 28,556 3,292 Total rev enues 244,431 238,650 5,781 217,550 21,100 Operating Expenses: Pumping and treatmen t 37,848 38,316 (468) 35,514 2,802 Collection system mainte nance 27,718 27,792 (74) 25,225 2,567 Engineering 8,864 8,737 127 6,851 1,886 Gen eral and administrative 39,200 37,055 2,145 37,047 8 Depreciation 45,721 43,980 1,741 44,443 (463) Other 24,460 20,009 4,451 13,294 6,715 Total operating expenses 183,811 175,889 7,922 162,374 13,515 Nonoperating Expen ses: Capital improvement surcharge refund 15 95 (80) 5,667 (5,572) Net loss on disposal an d sale of utility plan t 97 95 2 3,139 (3,044) N onrecurring projects and studies 3,999 3,375 624 4,292 (917) To tal n ono perating expenses 4,111 3,565 546 13,098 (9,533) Total expenses 187,922 179,454 8,468 175,472 3,982 In come before Capital Con tributions 56,509 59,196 (2,687) 42,078 17,118 Capital Con tribu tio ns 24,310 52,941 (28,631) 16,351 36,590 Change in N et Assets 80,819 112,137 (31,318) 58,429 53,708 Net A ssets -Beginning of Year 1,976,365 1,864,228 112,137 1,805,799 58,429 N et Assets -End of Year $ 2,057,184 $ 1,976,365 $ 80,819 $ 1,864,228 $ 112,137 7 THE METROPO LITA N ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Mana gement's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 2007 Analysis N et assets increased $80.8 million or $31.3 million less than in the prior year . While i ncome before capital contributions remained very close to prior year levels, capital contrib utions declined significa ntly. Capital co n- tributions declined by $28.6 million due to a fall in the number of developme nts gifted to the District of $30.4 million offset partially by $1. 8 million in crease in grant revenues. Total revenues increased $5.8 million thanks to in creases in i nvestment income of $9.3 million. Sewer ser vice charges declined by $4. 9 million in comparison to prior year as a result of lower billed volumes. Other reve- nues, such as property taxes and other revenue, netted to a $1.4 milli on increase in revenue. Operating ex penses increased by $7.9 million. Other expenses, ge neral a nd administrative expenses, and de- preciation ex pense increased by $4.5 million, $2.1 million, a nd $1.7 million, respectively. Increased spe nding in combined sewer area and separate sewer area inflow and infiltration studies account for the $4.5 million in- crease in other expen ses. General and administrativ e expe nses increased in most part as a result of a lawsuit filed by the EPA and the State of Missouri for which the District booked a $1.0 milli on reserve for judgme nt and claims settlement. Depreciation ex pense rose most significantly as a result of the new treatment plant be- ing capitalized in fiscal year 2007. Pu mping and treatme nt, collection system mai nte nance, and engi neering ex penses netted a decrease of $0. 4 million in operating expenses. 2006 Analysis Net assets increased $112. 1 million, which was $53.7 million over 2005 . The largest co ntributi ng factor in the increase in net assets is the increased lev el of capital contributions . In fiscal year 2006, capital contributions totaled $52. 9 million while in fiscal year 2005 they were $16.4 million. This change accounts for $36.5 mil- lion of the total change in net assets, and is a result of a larger number of de velopme nts being gifted to the Dis- trict. An other significant factor in the $53.7 million increase in net assets over 2005 was the increase in sewer ser- vice charge revenu es totaling $20.4 million as a result of the rate increase that took affect in July of 2005. Operating expenses increased by $13.5 million or 8.3% over prior year. The largest increase in operating e x- penses occurred in other operating ex penses in the amount of $6.7 million. This increase is a result of greater spen ding on infrastructu re repair and data collection projects. Additionally, pumping and treatment, collection system maintenance, and engineering expen ses increased by $2.8 million, $2.6 million, and $1.9 million, re- spectively, while depreciation ex pense decreased by $0.5 milli on . Nonoperating expen ses decreased by $9.5 million or 72.8% over prior year. The decrease can be attributed to the capital improvemen t su rcharge refun d. $5. 7 million of the refu nd was expensed in fiscal year 2005, while only $0.1 million was charged in fiscal year 2006. The other major contributing fact or to the $9.5 million de- crease is a drop in the net loss on disposal and sale of utility plant in the am ount of $3.0 million . In fiscal year 2005, land v alued at ov er $3.0 million was gifted to the City of Maplewood . 8 THE METROPOLITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years en ded June 30, 2007 and 2006 The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Condensed Statements of Cash Fl ows (000s) I ncrease Increase (Decre ase) (Decrease) 2007 2006 2007-2006 2005 2006-2005 Cash flows from operating activities $ 72,214 $ 69,033 $ 3,181 $ 71,563 ($ 2,530) Cash flows from noncapital financing activ ities 24,401 23,211 1,190 22,016 1,195 Cash flows from capital and related finan cin g activities (68,948) (105,123) 36,175 (145,635) 40,512 Cash flows fro m inv estin g activities 61,784 49,380 12,404 (105,948) 155,328 N et increase (decrease ) in cash and cash equivalen ts 89,451 36,501 52,950 (158,004) 194,505 Cash and cash equ ivalents at be ginnin g of year Cash and Cash Equ iv alen ts at End of Y ea r 2007 Analysis 103,089 66,588 36,501 224,592 (158,004) $ 192,540 $ 103,089 $ 89,451 $ 66,588 $ 36,501 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year increased by $89 .5 millio n. The most significant i ncrease oc- curred in cash flows from capital and related financing acti vities. These cash o utflows of $68 .9 million were favorable to prior year by $36.2 million, an d they were most significantly affected by an increase in proceeds from issuance of debt an d the prior year refund of the Clean Water Capital Improvement Trust Fund. Also significant was the cash flows from investin g activities which were $61 .8 million or $12.4 million more than in the prior year, as a result of increased investment balances a nd a fa vorable rate en vironment. Cash flows from operating activities increased $3. 2 million over last year in large part due to a decline in payments to suppliers for goods an d services of $2. 9 million. Finally, the increase in cash flows from noncapital financing activities is related to the in crease in assessed property values resulting in increased ta x revenue for the District. 2006 Analysis The net increase in cash and cash equ iv alen ts experienced a $194.5 millio n increase in relatio n to fiscal year 2005. The most sign ificant reason for that increase is the cash flow from investing activities . In fiscal year 2006, cash flow from in vesting activities was a positive $49.4 millio n while in fiscal year 2005 the District had a negativ e cash flow from in vesting activ ities of $105.9 million . Bond proceeds originally converted to long- term investments hav e been con verted to cash to cov er CIRP expenses a nd to take advantage of better i nterest rates on sho rt-term investments. 9 THE METR OPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DIS TRIC T Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 Cash ou tflows from capital and related financing activities increased by $40 .5 million in fiscal year 2006. In fiscal year 2006, the D istrict's proceeds from issuance of debt increased by $35.6 million. Payments for capital improvements decreased by $14.8 million, principal and interest and fees paid on debt i ncreased by a com- bin ed $3. 7 million , cash refunded for the clean water capital improvement surcharge increased by $5 .8 million, and proceeds from capital grants and sale of utility plant declined by a net of $0 .4 million. Capital Assets The Metropolitan St. Lo uis Sewer District Capital Assets Net of D epreciation (000s) I ncrease I ncrease (Decrease) (Decrease) 2007 2006 2007-2006 2005 2006-2005 Land $ 26,976 $ 26,976 $ -- $ 26,912 $ 64 Con struction in progress 249,127 365,628 (116,501) 275,615 90,013 Treatment and disposal plant and equipment 483,762 278,200 205,562 290,262 (12,062) Co llection and pumping plant 1,228,821 1,200,494 28,327 1,134,222 66,272 General plant and equ ipment 16,107 15,137 970 15,671 (534) Total $ 2,004,793 $ 1,886,435 $ 118,358 $ 1,742,682 $ 143,753 2007 Analysis Total capital assets, net of depreciation, increased $118.4 millio n over prior year . Treatment and disposal plant an d equipment incurred the most significant change. It increased $205.6 million mostly d ue to the capitaliza- tion of the D istrict's newest treatment plant. Also significant is the decrease in construction in progress of $116. 5 million resultin g from a new treatment plant placed i nto service offset by co nti nued high levels of CIRP spen din g. Collection and pumping plant increased by $28 .3 million or $38.0 million less tha n it had in prior year as a result of lower levels of contributed capital assets, and general plant and equipment increased by $1 .0 million. 2006 A nalysis Total capital assets, net of depreciation, increased $143 .8 million over prior year. The most significant in- crease was to construction in progress, which rose by $90 .0 million . Collection and pumping plant also in- creased by a significant amount of $66.3 million in large part due to the increase in contributed assets. Treat- ment and disposal plant and equipment decreased by $12.1 million as depreciation o utpaced additio ns in this asset category. Finally, general plant an d equipment decreased by $0.5 millio n in relation to the prior year, a nd land increased by less than $0.1 million. For addition al information related to the District's capital assets, see Note 3 to the fmancial statements . 10 THE METRO PO LITA N ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Management's D iscussion and A nalysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 Long-term Debt The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Long-term Debt (000s) Increase Increase ( Decrease) (Decrease) 2007 2006 2007-2006 2005 2006-2005 Revenu e Bonds: Series 2004A $ 171,995 $ 173,500 $ (1,505) $ 175,000 $ (1,500) Series 2004B 150,312 156,245 (5,933) 160,152 (3,907) Series 2005A 6,520 6,800 (280) 6,800 -- Series 2006A 42,615 42,715 (100) -- 42,715 Series 2006B 14,205 -- 14,205 -- Series 2006C 60,000 -- 60,000 -- West Watson and Nanell 175 486 (311) 536 (50) Ozark and Tablerock 94 116 (22) 147 (31) Energy Loan Program 69 79 (10) 89 (10) $ 445,985 $ 379,941 $ 66,044 $ 342,724 $ 37,217 2007 Analysis The D istrict ended fiscal year 2007 with $446. 0 million in long-term debt outstanding, consisting mainly of revenue bonds. The increase of $66.0 million is a result of new issues in the amou nt of $74.2 million and re- tirements of $8. 2 million. 2006 Analysis The D istrict ended fiscal year 2006 with $379.9 million in long-term debt outstandi ng, co nsisti ng mai nly of rev enue bonds. The increase of $37.2 million is a result of new issues in the amo unt of $42 .7 million and re- tiremen ts of $5.5 million. For addition al information related to the D istrict's long-term debt, see Note 5 to the fmancial statements. Decisions Impacting the Future In the upcoming fiscal year, the D istrict intends to begin the wet weather expansion of the Lemay treatment plant and begin the second phase of its multi -decade wastewater capital improvement and replacement pro- gram. Both of these efforts will be funded primarily on a pay -as -you go basis and supplemented as necessary by the remain ing $40. 0 million proceeds of the $500 million in bo nds authorized by St. Louis voters in Febru- ary 2004. The D istrict will begin implemen tation of an ex panded stormwater maintenance and infrastructure improve- men t program in fiscal year 2008. This sto rmwater initiative is possible due to the adoption of new stormwater rate stru cture based on customer impervious area which will yield a projected additional $28 million o ver the 11 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Ma nagement's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 nex t 5 years. This fun ding will prov ide a projected total of $92 million in stormwater improvements by fiscal year 2012. The D istrict will also respond to a lawsuit filed on June 11, 2007 by the U .S . En vironme ntal Protectio n Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. See Note 12 for additional informatio n regarding this liti- gation. Requ ests for Information This financial report is design ed to provide a general overview of the District's fina nces for all those with an in terest in the District's fmances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or re- qu ests for additional finan cial information should be addressed or e -mailed to: Janice M. Zimmerman, Director of Finance The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District 2350 Market Street St. Louis, MO 63103-2555 or jzimmer@stlmsd. com 12 CA i THE METRO PO LITAN ST. LO UIS SEWER DISTRICT Statements of Net Assets June 30, 2007 and 2006 ASSETS 2007 2006 Current Assets: Cash and cash equ iv alents $ 22,545,737 $ 11,919,000 Investments 9,806,705 8,701,028 Sewer service charges receiv able, less allowance of $2,922,000 in 2007 and $2,906,000 in 2006 27,030,264 27,151,790 Unbilled sewer service charges receivable, less allowan ce of $312,000 15,599,712 15,961,693 in 2007 and $326,000 in 2006 A ccrued income on inv estments 302,762 241,174 Grants receiv able 20,166 10,434 Other receivables, less allowance of $27,853 in 2007 and $6,934 in 2006 744,596 1,945,845 Su pplies inventory 7,437,689 7,972,849 Total current assets 83,487,631 73,903,813 N oncurren t Assets: Restricted Assets: Cash and cash equivalents 169,994,047 91,169,876 Inv estments 295,587,011 346,775,935 A ccrued income on investments 2,994,002 2,721,930 Gran ts receivable 530,602 Other receivables 248,771 54,161 468,823,831 441,252,504 Other Assets: Long-term inv estments 14,388,086 8,792,859 Capital Assets: Deprecia ble: Treatment and dispo sal plant and equipment 791,451,221 569,721,790 Collection and pumping plant 1,661,514,054 1,606,656,767 General plant and equipmen t 54,483,299 53,194,761 Less: Accumulated depreciation 1,728,689,530 1,493,830,853 Nondepreciable: Land 26,976,107 26,976,107 Construction in progress 249,126,873 365,627,566 N et capita l assets 2,004,792,510 1,886,434,526 Total non current assets 2,488,004,427 2,336,479,889 2,507,448,574 2,229,573,318 778,759,044 735,742,465 Total Assets 2,571,492,058 2,410,383,702 See the accompan ying n otes to the finan cial statements . 14 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT LIABILITIES t i 2007 2006 Current Liabilities: Contracts an d accounts payable 13,123,349 8,623,266 Deposits and a ccrued expe nses 17,616,037 16,518,268 Retainage payable 23,768 33,970 30,763,154 25,175,504 Current Liabilities --Payable From Restricted A ssets: Contracts and accou nts payable 18,527,848 15,685,704 Deposits and a ccrued expenses 3,634,222 2,411,785 Retainage payable 6,773,031 5,052,722 Current po rtio n of bon ds and n otes payable 8,053,048 4,359,578 Total cu rrent liabilities 36,988,149 27,509,789 67,751,303 52,685,293 No ncurren t Liabilities: Deposits an d accrued ex penses 4,434,462 4,154,065 Bonds and notes payable 442,122,110 377,178,944 Total Liabilities N ET ASSETS 446,556,572 381,333,009 514,307,875 434,018,302 N et Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 1,723,093,113 1,652,348,133 Restricted for: Debt serv ice 28,790,300 20,198,822 Real property purchase and improvement 2,519,150 2,544,713 Subdistrict construction and improvement 56,657,281 46,774,026 Construction 188,102,445 203,544,388 Unrestricted 58,021,894 50,955,318 Total N et A ssets $ 2,057,184,183 $ 1,976,365,400 See the accompanying notes to the financial statements. 15 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Statements of Rev enues, Ex penses, and Changes in Net Assets for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 2007 2006 Operating Revenu es: Sewer service charges $ 198,992,581 $ 203,880,320 Recovery of (prov isio n for) dou btful sewer service charge accounts (4,193,703) (3,160,972) Licenses, permits, and other fees 6,030,583 5,210,321 Other 1,376,071 873,353 To ta l ope rating rev enue s 202,205,532 206,803,022 Operating Expenses: Pumping and treatment 37,848,292 38,316,092 Collection system maintenance 27,718,099 27,791,675 Engineering 8,863,847 8,737,413 General and admin istrativ e 39,199,349 37,055,565 Depreciation 45,720,978 43,979,819 Other 24,459,942 20,008,972 Total operating ex pen ses 183,810,507 175,889,536 Operating Income 18,395,025 30,913,486 N onoperating Reven ues: Property taxes lev ied by the District 24,401,167 23,210,982 Investment income 16,946,145 7,610,461 Rent income 878,319 1,026,547 Total non operating reven ues 42,225,631 31,847,990 Nonoperating Expen ses: Capital improvement surcharge refund 15,000 95,372 N et loss on disposal and sale of utility plan t 96,630 95,064 Nonrecurring projects and studies 3,999,673 3,375,189 Total n onoperating expenses 4,111 ,303 3,565,625 Income before Capital Con tribu tions 56,509,353 59,195,851 Capital Con tribution s: U tility plant contributed 21,131,633 51,516,525 Grant revenu e 3,177,797 1,424,920 Total capital con tribu tion s 24,309,430 52,941,445 Chan ge in Net Assets Net Assets -Beginnin g of Y ear Net Assets -End of Y ear 80,818,783 112,137,296 1,976,365,400 1,864,228,104 $ 2,057,184,183 $ 1,976,365,400 See the accompanying notes to the fin ancial statements . 16 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Statements of Cash Flows for the yea rs ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 2007 2006 Cash flows from operating activities: Receiv ed from customers $ 203,155,790 $ 201,059,008 Paid to employee s for services (59,876,278) (58,033,022) Paid to su pplie rs for goods and services (71,065,344) (73,992,802) Net cash prov ided by operating activ ities 72,214,168 69,033,184 Cash flows prov ided by non capita l fin ancing activities: Tax es lev ied 24,401,167 23,210,982 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Proceeds from capital grants 3,698,667 2,142,401 Clean water capital improvement surcharge refunded (15,000) (5,762,702) Proceeds from issuance of debt 77,190,257 43,193,659 Principal paid on debt (8,160,308) (5,498,061) Interest and fees paid on debt (7,190,721) (13,848,925) Payments for capital assets (134,588,843) (125,572,530) Proceeds from sale of u tility plant 117,307 223,313 N et cash used in ca pital and relate d finan cing activities (68,948,641) (105,122,845) Cash flo ws from investin g activ ities: Purchase of inv estments (355,303,670) (224,477,577) Proceeds from sale and maturity of investmen ts 401,621,990 263,696,471 In vestmen t income 14,587,575 9,134,073 Proceeds from rents 878,319 1,026,547 Net cash provided by in vesting activities 61,784,214 49,379,514 Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 89,450,908 36,500,835 Cash and Cash Equ iv alen ts at Begin nin g of Year 103,088,876 66,588,041 Cash and Cash Equ iv alents at End of Y ear $ 192,539,784 $ 103,088,876 Noncash capital and investin g activities: Utility plant contributed by other gov ernments and developers Fair v alu e in vestment adju stment $ 21,131,633 $ 51,516,525 ($ 454,961) ($ 1,549,223) See the accompanying notes to the fin ancial statements. 18 THE METROPO LITA N ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT 2007 2006 ( Reconciliation of operating in come to net cash flows prov ided by operating activities: Operating income $ 18,395,025 $ 30,913,486 Adjustments to recon cile operatin g income to n et cash provided by operating activ ities: Depreciation 45,720,978 43,979,819 Change in operating assets an d liabilities: (Increase) decrease in billed an d unbilled sewer service charges receivable 483,507 (4,954,471) (In crease) decrease in o the r receivables 1,201,249 (999,033) (In crease ) decrease in supplies inv en tory 535,160 66,218 Incre ase (decrease) in contracts and accounts payable 3,277,646 (1,416,690) In cre ase (dec rease) in deposits and accrued expen ses 2,600,603 1,443,855 Net Cash Provided by Operatin g Activities $ 72,214,168 $ 69,033,184 See the accompanyin g notes to the financial statements. 19 THE METRO PO LITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organization and Summary of Sign ificant Accounting Policies Organization The Metropolitan St. Lou is Sewer D istrict (the District) was a uthorized by the voters, established a nd chartered under the prov isions of the Constitution of Missouri, as a municipal corporation a nd a political subdiv ision of the State. Upon creation in 1954, the District assumed responsibilities to provide for the con struction, operation, and maintenan ce of the sewer facilities within its defined boundaries. The Dis- trict's serv ice area now comprises all of the City of St. Louis and most of St. Louis County. Subdistricts within the D istrict's total serv ice area represent separate geographic areas within which specific taxes are levied for the retirement of indebtedness issued to finance constr uction of sa nitary or stormwater facilities within the area or to operate, maintain , or construct improvements within the subdistrict . The District also main tains all of the publicly own ed stormwater sewers within its original boundaries a nd is contin uing to accept maintenance of the stormwater sewers in the remainder of its service area. Pu rsu ant to provision s of its charter an d subject to limitati ons imposed by the Constitution of Missouri, all powers of the District are vested in a six -member Board of Trustees (the Board), three of whom are ap- pointed by the Mayor of the City of St. Louis and three of whom are appointed by the County Executi ve of St. Louis County. Reporting Entity The D istrict defines its financial reporting en tity to include all component units for which the District's governing body is financially accountable. To be co nsidered financially accou ntable, the organization must be fiscally dependent on the D istrict and the District must either 1) be able to impose its will on the organization or 2) the relationship must hav e the potential for creating a financial benefit or imposing a finan cial bu rden on the D istrict. Based on the foregoin g, the District's fin ancial statements include all funds that are established under the authority of the D istrict's charter. There are no age ncies, boards, commissions, or authorities that are co n- trolled by or dependent on the District. Measu rement Focus, Basis of Accoun ting, and Fina ncial Stateme nt Presentation Throughout the year, the District maintain s its detailed accounting records on the modified accrual basis of accoun ting. In order to account for the transactions related to certain subdistricts and restricted re- sources, separate fund accou nting records are maintai ned. For fma ncial reporting purposes, the District reports its operations as a single enterprise fun d. Accordingly, the acco unting records are co nverted to the accrual basis of accounting and all interfund transactions are eliminated . Under the accrual basis of ac- counting, rev enues are recognized when earned and expenses are recog nized when the related liability is incu rred. The District's measurement focus is on the flow of economic resources . Unbilled sewer 20 THE METRO PO LITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DIST RICT N otes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organization and Summary of Significant A ccounting Policies (continued) Measu rement Focus, Basis of A ccounting, and Financial Statement Presentation (conti nued) service charge revenues are accrued by the District based on estimated billings for services provided through the end of the current fiscal year. Rev en ues and ex pen ses are divided in to operating and nonoperating items. Operating reven ues ge nerally resu lt from providing services in connection with the District's pri ncipal ongoing operations. The princi- pal operating revenues of the District are user fees, licenses, and permits for wastewater treatment ser- vices. Operating expenses include the costs associated with the conveyance a nd treatment of wastewater, stormwater, administrative expen ses, and depreciation on capital assets. All re venues and e xpe nses not meeting these defmitions are reported as n onoperati ng revenues and e xpenses. The D istrict follo ws GASB Statemen t No. 33, Acco unting and Fi nancial Reporting f or No n -Exchange Transa ctio ns (GA SB 33), which establishes acco unti ng and fma ncial reporting standards for non - exchange transactions involving fmancial or capital resources . GASB 33 groups nonexchan ge transactions into the following four classes, based upo n their principal characteristics: derived tax revenues, imposed none xchange reven ues, government mandated no n - exchange transactions, and v oluntary nonexchange transactions . For the District, the following non - exchange transactions are applicable. The District recognizes assets from imposed nonexchange re venue transactions in the period when an en- forceable legal claim to the assets arises or when the resources are recei ved, whichever occurs first. Reven ues are recognized in the period when the reso urces are required to be used or the first period that use is permitted. The District recognizes rev enues from property taxes, net of estimated refunds and esti- mated uncollectible amounts, in the period for which the taxes are levied. Imposed nonexchange re ve- n ues also in clude licenses, permits, and other fees. Intergovern mental reven ues, representing grants and assista nce received from other governmental units, are gen erally recognized as rev enu es in the period when all eligibility requirements, as defined by G ASB 33, have been met. A ny resou rces received before eligibility requirements are met are reported as de- ferred rev enues. When both restricted and un restricted resources are available for use, it is the District's policy to use re- stricted resou rces first, and then unrestricted resources as they are needed. 21 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organ ization and Summary of Significant Accounti ng Policies (continued) Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, an d Financial Statement Presentation (continued) The D istrict follows all Governmental Accou nting Standards Board (GASB) pronounceme nts as well as all Financial Accounting Standards Board (FA SB) Statements and Interpretations, Acco unting Pri nciple Board Opinions, and Accounting R esearch Bulletins iss ued on or before November 30, 1989, unless those pro nouncements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements . In additio n, the District also applies all FASB Statements and Interpretations issu ed after No vember 30, 1989, except for those that co nflict with or con tradict GASB pronouncemen ts. Cash and Cash Equ ivalents an d Investments The District's " cash and cash equivalents" consist of all highly liquid in vestments (including restricted assets) with maturity dates of 89 days or less from the date acquired by the District. "Investments " consist of those investments with maturity dates 90 days or greater at the time of p urchase by the District . Investments are stated at fair valu e based upon quoted market prices . The District's inv estmen t disclosu res follow GASB Stateme nt No. 40, Deposit and Investme nt RiskDis- closures, an Amendment of G ASB Statement No. 3 (GASB 40). This sta ndard's disclos ure requirements addresses custodial credit risk, concentrations of credit risk, interest rate risk, and foreign currency risk. Clean Water Capital Improvement Surcharge In connection with the Consent D ecree, on August 2, 1988, the voters within the District appr oved a sched- u le of capital improvement surcharges to be added to each customer's user charge. The collections from the su rcharges, as well as investment income and proceeds from vario us grants, are fi- nancing upgrades to certain sewage treatmen t facilities and other capital impro veme nts req uired by the Fed- eral Clean Water Act and the Missouri Clean Water Law (req uired projects). The ballot proposition stated that all surcharges, investment income, and grant proceeds collected were to be deposited in a Clea n Water Capital Improvement Tru st Fund (the Trust Fund). All funds of the Trust Fund are included in the financial statemen ts of the D istrict. The D istrict issu es a publicly available fmancial report on the Trust Fund that i n- cludes fmancial statemen ts and supplementary information. That report may be obtained by writing: The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, D irector of Finance, 2350 Market Street, St. L ouis, MO 63103-2555 . The District was entitled to lev y and collect the su rcharges until one of the following three eve nts occurred: 1) the cu mulative collections totaled $436,000,000; 2) the intended construction a nd improvements were com- plete; or 3) until December 31, 1995, regardless of whether the construction was complete or whether the 22 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LO UIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Clean Water Capital Improvement Surcharge (continued) cumulativ e collections totaled $436,000,000. The surcharge was eliminated in April 1995 . This was made pos- sible by favorable construction bids, higher than expected investment earnings, a nd increased federal and state grant participation. In Janu ary 1997, the District refunded appro ximately $25 million to its c ustomers . In 1998, the District determined that approximately $9.2 millio n wo uld also be a vailable for refund to customers. In 1999, the District identified additional projects to be completed reducing the amount available for re- fund. In 2005, the District identified all remaining allowable projects to be completed. The District re- funded $15,000 and $5,762,702 from the Trust Fund to its c ustomers during 2007 and 2006, respecti vely . Capital Assets Capital assets are v alued at historical cost or estimated historical cost based in part upon a study per- formed in 1981. In terest cost is capitalized as part of the historical cost of acquiring certain assets when the effect of such capitalization is material to the financial stateme nts . I nterest is not capitalized on assets constructed with contributions from other governmental sources. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis ov er the following estimated useful lives: Treatment and disposal plant and equipme nt Collectio n an d pumping plant General plan t and equipment 10 to 50 years 10 to 100 years 3 to 50 years When designing u ser charge rates, the District includes funding for replacement cost of assets, which may differ from depreciatio n expense recorded for financial reporting purposes . Normal main ten ance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially e xtend asset lives are not capitalized. Betterments are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the re- lated assets, as applicable. The D istrict defines capital assets as assets with an initial, indi vidual cost of more than $1,000 an d an estimated useful life in e xcess of three years. Capitalization of Interest Interest costs are capitalized as part of the costs of capital assets during the period of co nstruction based on the related weighted average net borrowing costs incurred . Interest earned on temporary investments acquired with the proceeds of su ch borrowed funds from the date of the borrowing until the assets are ready for their intended use is used to reduce the interest costs capitalized on the constructed assets. In- terest is not capitaliz ed for outlays financed by capital grants (or other outside parties) externally restricted for the acquisition of specified assets. In 2007 and 2006, the District capitalized $10,095,195 and $8,182,438 of net interest expen se, respectiv ely. 23 THE METROPOLITA N ST. LOUIS SEWE R DIST RICT N otes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organization and Summary of Significant A ccounting Policies (continued) Supplies Inventory Supplies inven tory con sists of parts and supplies to be used to operate and maintain treatment facilities and various treatment -related equ ipment at the District. This inve ntory is stated at the lower of cost or market, determined on the av erage cost method. Expenses are recognized when the inventory is con- sumed. Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt: This component of net assets c onsists of capital assets, in- cluding restricted capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation and reduced by the outstanding debt that is attributable to the acquisition, con struction, or improvement of those assets . R estricted: This compon ent of net assets consists of constraints placed on net asset use through external con straints imposed by creditors, gran tors, contributors, laws, or regulations of other governments or con- strain ts imposed by law through constitution al pro visions or enabling legislation. Restricted net assets represent those portions of equity set aside for specific purposes. Proceeds fr om the sale of real property no longer necessary in the operation of the District and rental income from District -owned properties have been restricted for the pu rchase and improvement of real property and expenses related to the use of 2350 Market Street. Property tax es levied by the various subdistricts a nd other reven ues received for construc- tion in those subdistricts hav e also been restricted for that use. Clean water capital improvement sur- charges, sewer extension and connection fees, grants, and other revenues received for construction within certain subdistricts have been restricted for that use . In addition, a portion of sanitary sewer charges have been restricted for the payment of principal and interest on certai n debt of the District . U nrestricted net assets: This component of net assets consists of net assets that do not meet the definition of restricted or inv ested in capital assets, net of related debt . Capital Contribu tion s Capital contributions to the District represent government grants and other aid used to f und capital pro- jects. In accordance with GASB 33, capital contributions are recognized as revenue when the expenditure is made an d the amount becomes subject to claim for reimb ursement . Bond Issuance CostsBond Premiu ms an d Discounts Bond issuance costs incurred, as well as bond premiums and discounts, and paid from the proceeds of revenue bon d issues are deferred an d amortized using the straight-li ne method over the term of the bo nds. 24 THE METROPO LITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial St atements June 30, 2007 and 2006 1. Organ ization and Summary of Sign ificant A ccounti ng Policies (continued) Compensated Absences Vacation Under the terms of the District's person nel policies, employees are allowed to carry a maximum of 30 to 45 days of vacation (depen ding on length of service) from one calendar year to the next. Since va- cation accrued at year-en d is expected to be used by the employee during the following fiscal year, the accrual is reported as a component of current deposits a nd accrued expe nses payable . Sick Leav e Employees earn sick pay ben efits at accru al rates ranging from 10 days per year to 12 days per year (depending on length of service). U nu sed sick leave can be carried over at year-end without limita- tion. An employee retiring from the District with fi ve or more years of service, who has unused ac- cru ed sick leav e remainin g, will be compensated for that portio n of u nused accrued sick leave at the rate of 1-1/4% for each year of District service. The District has recorded a liability, which has been actu arially determined to be equal to the accumulated e xpense charge that will amortize the employees' benefits over their period of D istrict service. The liability, included in current deposits and accrued expenses payable, in clu des v ested accumulated rights to receive sick leave benefits estimated to be paid within one year. The portion of sick leave e xpected to be paid after one year is recorded as a componen t of noncurrent depo sits and accrued expenses payable. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statemen ts in con formity with U.S. ge nerally accepted accounting principles requires man agement to make estimates an d assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the financial statements. A ctual results could differ from those estimates. 2. Deposits and Investments With the approv al of the District's Board of Trustees, the Secretary -Treas urer is authorized to invest excess cash in any investment authorized by the District's charter. The District's in vestment policy conforms to the inv estment policy guidelines for the State of Missouri. The District's in vestment policy authorizes the Dis- trict to invest in the fo llowing instruments: U.S. Treas ury notes, certificates of deposit, obligations of any agency or in strumentality of the U.S. , repurchase agreements, banker's acceptances, and commercial paper rated in the three highest classifications, for terms specified in the policy . At J une 30, 2007 and 2006, all of the District's inv estmen ts were in compliance with the District's i nvestment policy and charter . 25 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT N otes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 2. Deposits and Investmen ts (contin ued) In accordance with the D istrict's investment policy, the District also invests in mortgage -backed securities such as collateralized mortgage obligations. These securities are reported at fair value and are based on the cash flows from in terest payments by the underlying mortgages. As a result, they are sensiti ve to pre- payments by mortgagees, which may result from a decli ne in interest rates. For example, if interest rates decline and homeowners refinance mortgages, thereby prepayi ng the mortgages u nderlying these securi- ties, the cash flow from interest paymen ts is reduced and the value of these sec urities declines. Likewise, if homeowners pay on mortgages longer than anticipated, the cash flows are greater and the return on the initial inv estment would be higher than anticipated. A summary of deposits and inv estments as of June 30, 2007 and 2006, is as follows: 2007 2006 Deposits Repu rchase agreements (collateralized) U. S. T reasury and Age ncy o bligations Commercial paper Bankers acceptan ce n otes Interest Rate Risk Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value $ 105,918,805 $ 105,918,805 $ 60,784,313 $ 60,784,313 18,583,974 18,583,974 9,074,525 9,074,525 323,030,205 322,418,113 370,388,893 366,358,187 64,800,645 64,956,887 31,023,546 31,141,673 442,914 443,808 -- -- $ 512,776,543 $ 512,321,587 $ 471,271,277 $ 467,358,698 As of June 30, 2007 and 2006, the District had the following investments and maturities: 2007 Inv estmen t Type Fair Value Repu rchase agreements (collateralized) $ 18,583,974 Certificates of deposit 12,100,000 U. S. Treasuries 89,405,468 U.S. Agencies 233,012,645 Commercial paper 64,956,887 Ban kers acceptance notes 443,808 Total $ 418,502,782 Weighted Average Mat urity ( Years) 0 .00 0.63 0 .36 1 .82 0 .04 0.01 2006 Fair Value $ 9,074,525 11,200,000 116,409,742 249,948,445 31,141,673 $ 417,774,385 Weighted A verage Maturity (Years) 0 .00 0 .33 0 .24 1 .37 0 .11 0 .00 1 .21 0.93 The D istrict will minimize the risk that the fair value of debt securities in the portfolio will fall due to in- creases in gen eral interest rates by: 26 THE METRO PO LITA N ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Fin ancial Statements Jun e 30, 2007 a nd 2006 2. Deposits and Investmen ts (contin ued) Interest Rate Risk (continu ed) 1. Structurin g the investment portfolio so that securities mature to meet cash requirements for o ngo- ing operatio ns, thereby avoiding the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity; and 2. Investing operating funds primarily in short-term securities. 3. State law limits the max imum stated maturities to fi ve years on any in vestment from the date of purchase. Custodial/Credit Risk The D istrict will minimize credit risk, the risk of loss due to failure of the security issuer or backer, by: 1. Prequalifying the financial institutions, broker/dealers, i ntermediaries, and advisors with which the D istrict will do bu siness; and 2. Div ersifying the portfolio so that potential losses on individual securities will be minimized . In accordance with its inv estment policy, the D istrict limits its investments in these investme nt types to the top rating issued by N RSR Os. As of June 30, 2007, the District's investments in commercial paper were rated Al by Stan dard & Poor's, F-1 by Fitch ratings, and P-1 by Moody's In vestors Service . The D istrict's investments in repu rchase agreemen ts carry the e xplicit guarantee of the U.S. Go ver nment. The District's investments in U .S. agencies that do not carry the explicit g uarantee of the U.S. government all carry a rating assigned by Standard & Poor's of "AAA" . All cash deposits of the District were fully col- lateralized with securities held by a third party fina ncial institution in the District's name. Con centration of Credit Risk The D istrict places no limit on the amoun t the District may in vest in any one issuer with respect to U.S. Treasury Securities and collateralized time and demand deposits . U.S. Go vernme nt agencies and gov- ernmen t -sponso red enterprises are limited to 60% of the portfolio; and collateralized repurchase agree- ments are limited to 50% of the portfolio. U.S. Government age ncy callable securities, commercial paper, and bankers' acceptances are limited ited to 30% of the portfolio, each. The following table lists investments in issuers that represent 5% or more of total investments at June 30, 2007 and 2006: Perce nt of Total Investments Issuer Federal Home Loan Ban k Federal Nation al Mo rtgage Association Federal Ho me Loan Mortgage Corporation 2007 2006 23 .8% 12 .4 6.4 24 .1 18 .8 7.3 27 THE METR OPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 3. Change in Capital Assets The following is a su mmary of capital assets changes for the fiscal years e nded Ju ne 30, 2007 a nd June 30, 2006: for the year e nded J une 30, 2007 Balance Balance Jun e 30, 2006 Additions Deletions June 30, 2007 Capital assets not being depreciated: Land $ 26,976,107 $ -- $ -- $ 26,976,107 Construction in progress 365,627,566 139,477,160 255,977,853 249,126,873 To tal capital assets n ot being depreciated 392,603,673 139,477,160 255,977,853 276,102,980 Capital assets bein g depreciated: Treatment and disposal plant and equ ipment Collection and pumping plant General plant an d equipment Total capital assets being depreciated Less: A ccumulated depreciation : Treatment and disposal plant an d equipmen t Collection and pumpin g plan t General plant and equipment Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets being depreciated, net 569,721,790 221,729,431 -- 791,451,221 1,606,656,767 55,232,810 375,523 1,661,514,054 53,194,761 3,831,350 2,542,812 54,483,299 2,229,573,318 280,793,591 2,918,335 2,507 ,448,574 (291,521,309) (16,167,623) -- (406,163,408) (26,705,002) (174,472) (38,057,748) (2,848,351) (2,529,925) (735,742,465) (45,720,976) (2,704,397) 1,493,830,853 235,072,615 213,938 Total Capital Assets $ 1,886,434,526 $ 374,549,775 $ 256,191,791 for the yea r end ed Ju ne 30, 2006 Balance Bala nce June 30, 2005 Additio ns Deletions June 30, 2006 (307,688,932) (432,693,938) (38,376,174) (778,759,044) 1,728,689,530 $ 2,004,792,510 Capital assets n ot being depreciated: Land $ 26,911,933 $ 64,174 $ -- $ 26,976,107 Construction in progress 275,615,002 134,326,899 44,314,335 365,627,566 To tal capital assets no t being depreciated 302,526,935 134,391,073 44,314,335 392,603,673 Capital assets bein g depreciated: Tre atment and disposal plant and equipment 566,802,423 3,490,424 571,057 569,721,790 Collection an d pumping plant 1,514,563,636 92,156,109 62,978 1,606,656,767 General plant and equipment 52,201,691 2,327,055 1,333,985 53,194,761 Total capital assets being depreciated 2,133,567,750 97,973,588 1,968,020 2,229,573,318 Less: A ccumulated depreciation: Treatment an d disposal plant an d equ ipmen t (276,540,194) (15,309,480) (328,365) (291,521,309) Collection and pumping plant (380,341,905) (25,882,705) (61,202) (406,163,408) G eneral plant an d equipmen t (36,530,189) (2,787,635) (1,260,076) (38,057,748) Total accumulated depreciation (693,412,288) (43,979,820) (1,649,643) (735,742,465) Total capital assets bein g depreciated, net 1,440,155,462 53,993,768 318,377 1,493,830,853 T otal Capital A ssets $ 1,742,682,397 $ 188,384,841 $ 44,632,712 $ 1,886,434,526 28 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial St atements June 30, 2007 and 2006 4. Property Tax On or before May 1 of each year, the District levies ad valorem ta xes on all ta xable tangible property, real and personal, within its boundaries based on assessed valuations established by the City of St. Louis and St. Lou is Cou nty assessors. Tax rates v ary by subdistrict and purpose. Ta xes levied are used for opera- tion s an d stormwater maintenance, debt service, and construction . Taxes are recorded as nonoperating revenues. Property tax bills are mailed in October. They become delinquent and represent a lien on the related property if not paid by December 31. All property ta xes are billed and collected by the City of St. Louis and St. Louis Cou nty Collectors of Revenue and are distributed to the District monthly. 5. Long-term Liabilities The following is a summary of chan ges in the District's long-term liabilities for the year ended Ju ne 30, 2007: Bonds and n otes payable : Rev enu e bonds: Series 2004A Series 2004B Series 2005A Series 2006A Series 2006B Series 2006C Missou ri Department of Natural Resou rces: West Watson and Nanell Ozark an d Table Rock Energy Loan Program Add: Unamo rtized premiu m, net Less: Bond issue costs, net De posits and accrued expen ses: Landfill closu re and postclosu re costs Compen sated absences Origin al Issuan ce Amounts $ 175,000,000 161,280,000 6,800,000 42,715,000 14,205,000 60,000,000 Balance Ju ly 1, 2006 Additions Retirements $ 173,500,000 156,245,000 6,800,000 42,715,000 535,600 485,500 374,680 116,094 98,595 78,944 $ - $ 1,505,000 5,932,500 280,000 -- 100,000 14,205,000 -- 60,000,000 $ 461,008,875 $ 379,940,538 $ 74,205,000 Bala nce June 30, 2007 $ 171,995,000 150,312,500 6,520,000 42,615,000 14,205,000 60,000,000 Current Portion $ 1,510,000 6,150,416 256,667 91,667 310,606 174,894 21,100 22,124 93,970 12,800 10,078 68,866 10,398 $ 8,160,308 445,985,230 $ 8,053,048 $ 498,421 $ 35,416 $ 4,569,555 804,480 498,253 $ 5,067,976 $ 839,896 $ 498,253 10,514,133 (6,324,205) $ 450,175,158 $ 533,837 $ 4,875,782 975,157 $ 5,409,619 $ 975,157 29 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LO UIS SEWE R DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Long-term Liabilities (continued) Wastewater System R ev enue Bonds Payable In November 2006, the District authorized and issued $60,000,000 of Wastewater System Revenue Bonds Series 2006C (Series 2006C) fo r the purpose of providing funds to fmance the initial phase of its capital improvements and replacement program, including c onstructi ng, repairing, and replaci ng new wastewater facilities. These senior bonds have interest rates ra nging from 4.125% to 5% and are payable in semian nual installmen ts at varyin g amoun ts through 2036 . The revenue bonds do not constitute a legal debt or liability for the District, the State of Missouri, or for any political subdivision thereof and do not con stitute indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. In May 2004, the District authorized an d issued $175,000,000 of Wastewater System Reve nue Bonds Se- ries 2004A (Series 2004A ) for the pu rpose of providing funds to fmance the initial phase of its capital improvements and replacement program, in cluding co nstructing, repairing, and replacing new wastewater facilities. These senior bon ds have in terest rates ra nging from 2% to 5% and are payable in semia nnual installments at varying amounts through 2034. The revenue bonds do not constitute a legal debt or liabil- ity for the District, the State of Missouri, or for any political subdi vision thereof a nd do not co nstitute i n- debtedn ess within the meaning of an y constitu tional or statutory debt limitation or restriction . The issuance of the rev enu e bonds does not obligate the District to levy any form of taxation therefore or to make any appropriation for their payments in any fiscal year. The principal and interest on the bo nds are expected to be paid from future wastewater revenues . The sched uled payment of the principal of and interest on the Series 2006C and 2004A Bonds maturing on May 1 whe n d ue are guara nteed under a fi- n ancial guaranty insu rance policy. Water Pollution Control and Drinking Water Revenue Bonds Payable In November 2006, the State Env ironmen tal Improvement and Energy Resources Authority (the Author- ity) authorized an d issued $22,105,000 of Water Pollution Control a nd Drinki ng Water Reve nue Bonds (State Revolv in g Fu nds Programs) Series 2006B (Series 2006B) . The Series 2006B bonds provided funds to make loans to 7 Missouri political su bdivisio ns that will be used to fmance water pollution con- trol and drinking water projects. A portion of the proceeds of the Series 2006B bonds issued by the Au- thority were used to purchase subordinate Participant Revenue B onds (Participant Bonds) authorized and issu ed by the D istrict in the aggregate principal amount of $14,205,000, the proceeds of which will be used for constructin g, repairing, an d equipping new and existing wastewater facilities. The District's Par- ticipant Bonds hav e interest rates ranging from 4% to 5% and are payable in semiannual installments at varyin g amounts through 2030. In May 2006, the A uthority au thorized and issu ed $87,505,000 of State Revolvi ng Funds Programs Series 2006A (Series 2006A). The Series 2006A bonds provided funds to make loans to 13 Missouri political subdivisions that will be used to fmance water pollution control and drinking water projects. 30 THE METR OPO LITA N ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Lon g-term Liabilities (continu ed) Water Pollution Control and D rin kin g Water Revenue Bonds Payable (conti nued) A portion of the proceeds of the Series 2006A bonds iss ued by the Auth ority were used to purchase sub- ordinate Participant Bonds au thorized an d issued by the District in the aggregate principal amount of $42,715,000, the proceeds of which will be used for constructing, repairing, and equipping new and exist- ing wastewater facilities. The D istrict's Participant Bonds have i nterest rates rangi ng from 3.5% to 4 .5% and are payable in semiannu al in stallments at varying amounts through 2025. In May 2005, the Authority authorized and issued $53,060,000 of State Revol ving Funds Programs Series 2005A (Series 2005A). The Series 2005A bon ds pro vided funds to make loans to ten Missouri political subdiv isions an d one Missouri nonprofit corporatio n that will be used to finance water pollution control and drinkin g water projects. A portion of the proceeds of the Series 2005 A bo nds issued by the Authority were used to purchase Participant B onds authorized and issued by the District in the aggregate pri ncipal amount of $6,800,000, the proceeds of which will be used for constructing, repairing, and eq uipping new and existing wastewater facilities. The D istrict's Participant Bonds have interest rates ranging from 3% to 5% and are payable in semiannu al in stallments at varying amounts through 2026. In May 2004, the Authority authorized and issu ed $179,780,000 of State Revol vi ng Funds Programs Se- ries 2004B (Series 2004B). The Series 2004B bonds pro vided fu nds to make loans to seven Missouri po- litical subdivisions that will be used to fmance water pollution control projects . A portion of the proceeds of the Series 2004B bonds issued by the Authority were used to purchase Participant Bonds authorized and issued by the District in the aggregate principal amou nt of $161,280,000, the proceeds of which will be used to fmance the District's three water pollution control co nstruction projects outlined in the agree- ment. The D istrict's Participant Bonds have interest rates ranging from 2% to 5.25% a nd are payable in semiannu al installmen ts at varying amounts through 2027. The Series 2004B, 2005A, 2006A, and 2006B bonds do not constitute a legal debt or liability for the Dis- trict, the State of Missouri, or for any political subdivisio n thereof and do not constitute indebted ness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. The issuance of the Se- ries 2004B, 2005A, 2006A , and 2006B bonds does not obligate the District to levy any form of taxation therefore or to make any appropriation for their payments in any fiscal year . The principal and interest on the bonds are expected to be paid from future wastewater revenues . In connection with the District's issuance of the Participant Bonds, which were purchased with the pro- ceeds of the Series 2004B, Series 2005A , 2006A, a nd 2006B bonds issued by the A uthority, the District participates in the State R ev olving Loan Program established by the Missouri Department of Natural Re- sou rces (DNR ). Monies from federal capitalization grants and state matching funds are used to fund a re- serv e account for each participant. 31 THE METROPOLITA N ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Long-term Liabilities (continu ed) Water Pollution Con trol and Drinking Water Revenue Bonds Payable (continued) As the District incu rs approved capital expenses, the DNR reimburses the District for the e xpenses from the bon d proceeds account an d deposits in a bond reser ve fund in the District's name an additional 60% of the expen diture amount for the Series 2004B bonds or 70% for the Series 2005 A, Series 2006A, and Series 2006B bon ds. Interest earn ed from this reserve fu nd can be used by the District to f und interest payments on the bonds. On the date of each payment of the principal amount of the District's Participant Bo nds, the tr ustee trans- fers from this reserve account to the master trustee an amount eq ual to 60% of the pri ncipal payment for the Series 2004B bonds or 70% for the Series 2005A, Series 2006A, and Series 2006B bonds . The costs of operation an d maintenance of the wastewater treatment and sewerage facilities and the debt service is payable from wastewater rev enues. In accordance with the Series 2006A, Series 2006B, Series 2005A, Series 2004 A, and Series 2004B bond issuances, the District's ann ual n et operatin g reve nues from wastewater activities, as defined in the agreement, coupled with investments earnings must be at least 125% of the current portion of principal an d interest due on all senior bonds and at least 115% of the c urrent portion of principal and interest d ue on all bonds. At June 30, 2007 and 2006, the District was in compliance with this covenant . Prin cipal and In terest Requiremen ts on Reven ue Bonds Payable The ann ual prin cipal and interest requ irements to maturity on re venue bonds payable outstanding as of June 30, 2007 are as follows: Wastewater System Revenue B onds Payable/ Water Pollution Control and Drinking Water R ev enue Bonds Payable Years ending June 30, Principal Interest Tot al 2008 $ 8,008,750 $ 21,565,882 $ 29,574,632 2009 11,094,583 21,162,568 32,257,151 2010 11,209,167 20,736,911 31,946,078 2011 11,857,500 20,278,719 32,136,219 2012 12,137,500 19,747,380 31, 884,880 2013-2017 67,582,917 90,303,843 157,886,760 2018-2022 83,516,667 72,662,463 156,179,130 2023-2027 91,550,416 50,444,300 141,994,716 2028-2032 87,465,000 28,483,575 115,948,575 2033-2036 61,225,000 6,617,000 67,842,000 Total $ 445,647,500 $ 352,002,641 $ 797,650,141 32 THE METRO PO LITA N ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Lon g-term Liabilities (con tinued) West Watson an d Nanell Loan Agreement Du ring fiscal year 2005, the D NR loaned $535,600 to the District . The West Watso n and Nanell Loan bears in terest at a rate of 1. 5% and is payable through No vember 1, 2014. The purpose of this note is to fmance the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, rehabilitation, and extension of the sewer system of a certain regional subdistrict. This note is classified as special assessment debt by the District; therefore, the prin cipal and interest on this note will be repaid from additional tax assessme nts on property values within the subdistrict. The additional assessme nt to be paid by the property owners is 54.78 cents per square foot over the next ten years, with interest accruing at a rate of 2 .5% per annum. Ozark an d Table Rock Loan A greement During fiscal year 2004, the DNR loaned $374,680 to the District. The Ozark and Table Rock Loan bears interest at a rate of 1. 5% and is payable throu gh November 1, 2013. The purpose of this note is to fma nce the plan ning, acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, rehabilitation, and e xte nsion of the sewer system of a certain region al subdistrict. This note is classified as special assessment debt by the District; therefore, the principal an d in terest on this note will be repaid from additional tax assessments on property v alues within the su bdistrict. The additional assessment to be paid by the property owners is 61 .2 cents per square foot over the next ten years, with in terest accr ui ng at a rate of 2 .5% per annum. Principal and In terest Requirements on Ozark and Table Rock a nd West Watson and Nanell Loan Agreements The an nu al principal and interest requirements to maturity on the O zark and Table Rock Loan Agreement and the West Watson and Nanell Loan Agreement o utstandi ng as of Ju ne 30, 2007 are as follows: Special Assessment Loan Agreeme nts Years ending Jun e 30, Prin cipal Interest Total 2008 $ 33,900 $ 3,779 $ 37,679 2009 34,100 3,269 37,369 2010 34,600 2,753 37,353 2011 35,100 2,231 37,331 2012 35,600 1,700 37,300 2013-2015 95,564 1,948 97,512 To tal $ 268,864 $ 15,680 $ 284,544 33 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Long-term Liabilities (contin ued) Energy Efficiency Leveraged Note Payable In April 2004, the DNR loaned $98,595 to the District . The E nergy Efficiency Le veraged Note Payable bears interest at a rate of 3.15% per an num an d is payable through Aug ust 1, 2013. The purpose of this note is to finance the design, acquisition, installation, and implementation of e nergy conservatio n meas- ures. The principal and interest on this note will be repaid from wastewater reven ues. Prin cipal and Interest on Energy Efficiency Leveraged Note Payable The ann ual principal and interest requirements to maturity on the Energy Efficie ncy Leveraged Note Pay- able outstanding as of June 30, 2007 are as follows: Energy Efficiency Leveraged Note Pay able Years ending Ju ne 30, Principal I nterest Total 2008 $ 10,398 $ 2,088 $ 12,486 2009 10,728 1,758 12,486 2010 11,069 1,417 12,486 2011 11,420 1,066 12,486 2012 11,783 703 12,486 2013-2014 13,468 350 13,818 Total $ 68,866 $ 7,382 $ 76,248 Restricted Cash and Investments The following trustee held accoun ts have been established in accordance with bo nd ordi nances a nd fi- nancing agreemen ts that requ ire receipts gen erated from operations be segregated and certain reserve ac- counts be established: R ev enue Fund The Revenue Fun d will be used for the purpose of depositing wastewater operating reven ues, pro vid- ing funds to pay for expen ses related to the operation and maintenance of the District, and fulfilling Sinking Fund requirements in accordance with the bond ordinances . Sinking/R epayment Fun ds The bond ordinances provide for deposits to and the use of monies in the Sinking Fund to be used for the sole pu rpose of principal and interest payments on the bo nds. Sufficient monies shall be paid in periodic in stallments from the Revenue Funds. 34 THE METRO POLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWE R DISTRICT No tes to Financial Statements Ju ne 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Long-term Liabilities (continued) R estricted Cash and In vestments (continued) D ebt Serv ice Fund The Debt Service Fund shall be used by the Trustee for the sole purpose of payi ng the principal of and in terest on the bonds, as and when the same become due . Debt Service Reserve Fund A fter in itial deposit of the amount required pursuant to the bond ordinances and financing agreeme nts of the Series 2004A bonds and 2006C bonds, monies in the Debt Ser vice Reserve Fund shall be dis- bu rsed and expensed by the District solely for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds and n otes to the extent of any deficiency in the Debt Ser vice Fu nd for such purpose . The District may disburse an d expend monies from the D ebt Service Reserve Fund for s uch p urpose immediately . At June 30, 2007 and 2006, cash and investments in the Debt Service Reserve Fund totaled $22,378,626 an d $15,770,431, respectively. Special Participan t Bond R eserve Accoun t For the Series 2004B, Series 2005A, Series 2006A, and Series 2006B bonds, the District shall deposit into the Special Participant Bon d R eserve A ccount amounts in accordance with the bond ordinance, if any, which shall be disbursed and expensed by the District solely for the payment of the principal and interest on the Participan t Bonds to the ex tent of any deficiency in the Repayment Fund for such p ur- pose. At June 30, 2007 an d 2006, cash an d investments in the Special Participant Bond Reser ve Ac- count held on behalf of the District totaled $103,996,804 and $80,982,438, respectively . Monies in this account are not considered to be District funds. Howe ver, interest earnings on this account may be used by the District to reduce interest payments on the bonds outsta nding . Renewal and Extension Fun d All sums accumulated and retain ed in the Renewal And Extension F und shall be first used to prevent default in the payment of interest on or principal of the bonds when due and shall then be applied by the D istrict from time to time, as and when the District shall determine, for p urposes pursuant to the trust indenture. No monies have been deposited into this account at June 30, 2007 and 2006 . 35 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 5. Long-term Liabilities (continu ed) Restricted Cash an d Inv estments (con tinued) Project Funds The Project Fun ds for all bond issuances ou tstanding will be used for the purpose of providing monies to pay project costs. The proceeds from the bonds and notes, after a deposit into the Debt Service Re- serve Fund for the amounts required pursuant to the bond ordinances and note agreements of just the Series 2004A and Series 2006C bon ds, shall be deposited into the Project Fund . At June 30, 2007 a nd 2006, cash and investments in the Project Funds totaled $87,496,017 and $170,405,547, respecti vely . Rebate Fu nds The bond ordinances provide for the creation of a Rebate Fund into which shall be deposited such amounts as are required to be deposited therein pursuant to the arbitrage instr uctio ns regarding the calculation and payment of rebate amounts due. The District d oes not have any rights in or claims to such mo ney; provided, however, any funds remaining in the Rebate Fund after redemption and payment of all bonds and payment of any rebatable arbitrage amount, or pro visio n ha ving been made therefore, shall be remitted to the District. At June 30, 2007 a nd 2006, cash and i nvestments in the R ebate Funds totaled $0 and $502,675, respecti vely. Administrativ e Fee Funds The Administrative Fee Fun ds will be used for the payment of the Trustee's fees and other administra- tive fees pursuant to the note agreement. The Trustee shall immediately withdraw the fee amounts when due. Monies held in this account shall not be in vested . Fair Value of Finan cial In strumen ts The value of the District's long-term debt is estimated based on the current rates offered to the District for debt of the same remaining matu rities. The carrying amount and estimated fair val ue of the District's long-term debt as of June 30, 2007 were $450,175,158 and $454,689,986, respectively. The carryi ng amount and estimated fair v alue of the D istrict's long-term debt as of Ju ne 30, 2006 were $381,538,522 and $388,317,214, respectively. 36 THE METRO POLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 6. Changes in R estricted Net Assets Details of changes in restricted n et assets for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006, are: Restricted by E nabling Legislation Balances, Jun e 30, 2005 Additions: Proceeds fro m bonds and loans Unspent prior year bon d proceeds Property taxes levied by the District In vestment income Grant revenue Connection fees Transfers from other accounts Proceeds from ren ts Total addition s Dedu ctions: Un used bond proceeds Principal paymen ts on lo ng-term debt Interest payments Capital asset addition s Other contractu al expen ses Clean Water Capital hnprovement R efun d Transfers to other accoun ts Total dedu ctions Bala nces, June 30, 2006 Additions: Proceeds from bonds and loans Unspent prior yea r bond proce eds Property taxes levied by the D istrict Inv estmen t income Gran t revenu e Conne ctio n fees Transfers from other accounts Proceeds from rents Total additio ns D eduction s: Unu sed bond proceeds Principa l payments on lon g-term debt Interest pa yments Capital asset additions Other con tractual ex pen ses Clean Water Capital Improv ement Refun d Transfers to other accounts To ta l deduction s Real Property P urchase a nd Debt Serv ice Improvement $ 15,493,176 5,111 375,740 23,572,172 23,953,023 5,407,500 13,834,766 5,111 19,247,377 20,198,822 5,351 1,002,270 31,951,019 32,958,640 7,817,500 16,512,429 31,882 5,351 24,367,162 Subdistrict Co nstruction a nd Improvement Constructio n $ 2,774,628 $ 43,735,215 86,043 1,026,547 1,112,590 1,342,505 1,342,505 2,544,713 183,813 878,319 1,062,132 1,087,695 1,087,695 10,793,675 1,475,114 33,765 12,302,554 8,492,063 771,680 9,263,743 46,774,026 11,269,726 3,444,394 2,271,782 16,985,902 6,137,279 965,368 7,102,647 Total $ 131,800,378 $ 193,803,397 43,193,659 226,932,257 11,375,498 396,777 402,187 63,264,585 345,564,963 147,452,130 110,564,678 15,708,773 95,372 273,820,953 203,544,388 77,190,257 147,452,130 20,331,574 179,930 907,215 44,460,640 290,521,746 168,475,761 117,585,378 19,887,550 15,000 43,193,659 226,932,257 10,798,786 13,312,395 430,542 402,187 86,836,757 1,026,547 382,933,130 147,452,130 5,407,500 13,834,766 119,056,741 17,822,958 95,372 5,111 303,674,578 273,061,949 77,190,257 147,452,130 11,275,077 24,962,051 2,451,712 907,215 76,411,659 878,319 341,528,420 168,475,761 7,817,500 16,512,429 123,722,657 21,972,495 15,000 5,351 305,963,689 338,521,193 Balan ces, June 30, 2007 $ 28,790,300 $ 2,519,150 $ 56,657,281 $ 188,102,445 $ 276,069,176 37 THE METR OPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 7. D efined Benefit Pension Plan Plan Description The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Employees' Pension Plan (the Plan) is a noncontrib utory single employer defined ben efit plan providing retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits to members. As a condition of employment, all fu ll-time employees of the District are covered by the Plan. The fman cial statemen ts for the Plan are produced using the accrual basis of accounting . Under the ac- crual basis of accou nting, rev en ues are recognized whe n earned and expenses are recognized when the re- lated liability is incu rred. The Plan issu es a publicly available financial report that includes fmancial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be obtained by writing: The Metro- politan St. Louis Sewer District, 2350 Market Street, St . Louis, MO 63103-2555. The Plan, established on N ov ember 1, 1967, is ame nded from time to time by the District's Board of Tru stees, primarily to improve benefits to members. A Pension Committee consisting of two members of the District's Board of Trustees, two elected employee members, and four members of the District's ma n- agement staff administer the Plan. A committee of the District's Board of Trustees, with the aid of an in- vestment adv isor, reviews and evaluates the Plan's investme nts and the related rates of ret urn on a peri- odic basis. The Plan is exempt from the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Sec urity Act of 1974 and, as such, is not subject to the A ct's reporti ng requirements. A ll benefits vest after five years of credited service. Members retiring at or after age 65 with five or more years credited service are entitled to a pension benefit. The Plan permits early retirement with reduced benefits beginning at age 55 if the member has completed 60 months of employment. A member whose combined age and term of service is equ al to 75 may retire early with unred uced benefits. The an nual benefit accrued by a member is equ al to 1.45% of fmal a verage earnings plus 0.40% of final average earnings that are in ex cess of covered earnings multiplied by the period of years and months of credited serv ice not to ex ceed 35 years. A survi vor's benefit for vested members who have not yet reached their normal retirement date or earned 75 points is provided for. The s urvivor's benefit is equal to the greater of 50% of the member's monthly -accrued retirement benefit as of the date of death, or 15% of the monthly earnings and the member's monthly -accrued retirement be nefit actuarially reduced under the 100% joint and survivor an nuity option. Members are also able to select a Co ntingent An nuity Pop - Up option. This option allows the member to elect a survivor a nnuity for life, with the provision that if the beneficiary should predecease the member, the benefit shall i ncrease to the amount payable had the surv iv or optio n not been selected. Ordinance Number 10872, effective Jan uary 1, 2001, further ame nded the Plan to extend the cost of li v- ing increases for retirees from a maximum of 30% to 45% of the original benefit . Effective Augu st 1, 2004, Ordinance No. 11781 amended the Plan to change the benefit formula to 1.70% of final average earnings plus 0.40% of fmal a verage earnings that are in e xcess of covered earn- in gs multiplied by the period of years and months of credited service not to exceed 35 years without in - 38 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 7. D efined Benefit Pension Plan (contin ued) Plan Description (continued) eluding accrued sick leav e. Effectiv e July 1, 2007, Ordinance No. 12395 amended the Plan f or members whose annual retiremen t benefit , as of July 1, 2007, is determined to be higher u nder the formula using the definition of "Final A verage Earnin gs" in effect prior to August 1, 2004. Under the i nterim rule, if such a member retires on his no rmal retirement date of or after July 1, 2007 and or before June 1, 2009 (the "window period"), he may elect to have his benefit determined using the 1 .45%/0.40% of final aver- age earnings formula including accrued sick leave or the 1 .70%/0.40% of final a verage earnings formula without using accrued sick leave. The interim rule will not apply if at any time during the window period a member's ben efit is determined to be higher under the 1 .70%/0.40% formula . Sick lea ve is paid out at 1.25% per year of service times the amount of leave accrued not to exceed $50,000 u nless the employee accrued an amou nt greater than $50,000 as of July 1, 2004, a nd retires or dies while in acti ve service prior to July 1, 2007. Also, the Plan was amended to provide the retiring member with a 10% partial lump sum payment option. The balan ce of the distribu tion will be paid in accordance with any one of the other pay- ment options available under the Plan. The retirement benefit payable to a member who retires after his or her normal retirement date is the greater of a) the benefit that would have been payable on the normal retireme nt date plus a special ann ual retiremen t benefit provided by the accumulated value, at 4% per annum interest, of the monthly benefit that wo uld have been received prior to the postponed retirement date or b) the be nefit determined as of the postpon ed retirement date u nder the normal form ula. Fundin g Policy The District's employees do not contribute to the Plan . Ordinances establishing the Plan provide for ac- tuarially determined an nual contribu tion s, paid solely by the District, that are s ufficient to pay benefits when due. The Entry Age Normal actuarial funding method is used to determine contributio ns . A nnual Pension Cost Contribution s of $6,847,278 and $7,184,531, excluding certain professional fees paid by the District, were made to the Plan during the Plan's calen dar years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. These contributions were made in accordance with actuarially determined contribution requirements based on actuarial valuations performed at January 1, 2006 and 2005, respectively, and for 2006 consisted of a) $4,660,812 normal cost plus b) $1,708,749 amortization of the actuarial accrued assets in excess of the actuarial accrued liability and prior changes c) multiplied by an i nterest factor of 1 .075. The D istrict provides certain professional fees, office space, utilities, and other services to the Plan at no cost. Other costs of administering the Plan are fina nced from plan net assets . 39 THE METRO POLITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT N otes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 7. Defined Benefit Pension Plan (continued) Significant actu arial assumptions used in the valuations are as follows: Latest valuation date Actuarial cost method Amortization method Amortization period Asset valuation method Post -retiremen t ben efit increases Inv estment rate of retu rn Projected salary increases Social Security wage base (1) Includes inflatio n compon ent of 4% Three -Y ear Trend Information January 1, 2007 Entry Age Normal Level dollar closed 20 -year period Three-year a verage of adj usted market values 3.0% of current benefit, or $50, if less 7 .5% per annum (1) 5.5% per annum (1) 4.5% per annum increase (1) Historical trend in formation abou t the District's participation in the Plan is prese nted below to help read- ers assess the Plan's funding status on a going -concern basis and assess progress bei ng made in acc um u- lating assets to pay benefits when due. Calendar Year 2006 2005 2004 Annua l Pensio n Cost (APC) $ 6,847,278 7,184,531 6,775,520 Percentage of APC Contributed Net Pension Obligation Required Supplementary Information Actuarial Valu ation Date 01/01/2007 01/01/2006 01/01/2005 100% 100 100 Schedu le of Funding Progress (dollars in tho usands) (U nfu nded) Entry Age Actuarial Actuarial A ctuarial Accr ued Annual V alue A ccrued Liability Funded C overed of Assets Liability (U AAL) Ratio Payroll (1) (2) (1)-(2) (1)/(2) (3) $ 170,757 $ 187,432 ($ 16,675) 91 .1% $ 42,113 158,321 177,630 (19,309) 89 .1 40,144 142,986 168,237 (25,251) 85 .0 39,382 ( UAAL) as a Percentage of Co vered Payroll (1-2)1(3) (39.6)% (48.1) (64 .1) 40 THE METROPOLITA N ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financi al Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 8. Deferred Compen sation Plan The District offers its employees a D eferred Compensation Pla n created in accordance with Internal Reve- nue Code Section 457. The D eferred Compen sation Plan, available to all District employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary un til futu re years. The deferred compensation is not available to employ- ees un til termin ation, retirement, death, disability, or due to fmancial hardship as defined by the Deferred Compensation Plan. The D eferred Compensation Plan was amended and restated to comply with the Economic Growth and Tax R elief R econ ciliation Act of 2001 (the Act). The Act made significa nt changes to Section 457(b) of the In ternal R ev enue Code of 1986, as previously amended . The Deferred Compensatio n Plan assets are held in trust for the exclusiv e benefit of participants and their beneficiaries under Sectio n 1448 of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996. As a res ult, the assets and liabilities of the Deferred Compen- sation Plan are not included in the accompanying fina ncial statements. The Deferred Compensation Plan issues a publicly available fmancial report that i ncludes fma ncial state- ments and required supplemen tary information. That report may be obtained by writing: The Metropoli- tan St. Lou is Sewer District, 2350 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103-2555 . 9. Post -Employment H ealth Care Benefits In addition to providing pen sion benefits, the D istrict provides post -employment health care be nefits, in accordance with District policy, to employees who elect early retireme nt from the District or who retire from the District on or after attaining age 62. As of June 30, 2007 and 2006, 109 and 109 retirees, re- spectively, met the eligibility requirements. The District pays the monthly group health insurance pre- mium for the indiv idual until the retiree becomes eligible for Medicare at age 65 . During fiscal 2007 and 2006, expenses of $527,352 and $444,648, respecti vely, were recog nized for post -retirement health care premiums as those premiums were paid. 10. Self -Insuran ce Programs The District is ex posed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, a nd destruction of as- sets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; and natural disasters . The District has established a risk man agement program and retains the risk related to officers', directors', a nd general liability; to its obliga- tion to prov ide workers' compensation and medical and hospitalization be nefits to its employees; and to pay wa ter backup claims to its customers. The estimated liabilities for payment of i ncurred (both reported and unreported) but unpaid claims relating to these matters are i ncluded as a component of current depos- its and accrued expen ses, and as such are expected to be paid withi n o ne year of the date of the statement of net assets. At June 30, 2007 an d 2006, these liabilities amounted to $2,482,566 and $2,733,584, re- spectively. 41 THE METROPOLITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 10. Self -Insurance Programs (continued) The claims liabilities reported are based on the requirements of GASB Statement No . 10, which requires that a liability for claims be reported if information obtained prior to the issua nce of the fma ncial state- ments indicates it is probable that a liability has been inc urred a nd the amount of the liability can be rea- son ably estimated. Changes in the balance of claims liabilities during fiscal 2007 a nd 2006 were as fol- lows: 2007 2006 Liability, beginning of year $ 2,733,584 $ 3,050,225 Current year claims and changes in estimates 11,176,003 10,959,988 Claim payments (11,427,021) (11,276,629) Liability, En d of Year $ 2,482,566 $ 2,733,584 The D istrict obtains periodic fu nding valuations from the third -party administrators managing the self- in surance programs and adjusts the charges as required to mai ntain the appropriate level of estimated claims liability. The District also maintain s excess liability ins urance coverage for workers' compensation and medical and hospitalization claims; general liability; and water backup damage to customers' prop- erty. The D istrict purchases commercial insurance for all other risks of loss . Settled claims ha ve not exceeded this commercial coverage in any of the past three years. 11. Closure and Postclosu re Care Costs State and federal laws and regulation s require the District to place a final co ver on its Prospect Hill Reclamation Project landfill site when it stops accepting waste and to perform certain maintenance a nd mo nitoring functio ns at the site for 30 years after closu re. Although closure and postclosure care costs will be paid only near or after the date that the landfill stops accepting waste, the District reports a portion of these closure and postclosure care costs as an operating expen se in each period based on landfill capacity used as of the end of the fiscal year . The $533,837 and $498,421 reported as landfill closure and postclosure care liabilities at June 30, 2007 and 2006, respectively, represent the cu mulative amounts reported at fiscal year-end based on the use of 75% and 75% of the estimated capacity of the landfill for fiscal years e nded 2007 and 2006, respectively . The District will recogniz e the remaining estimated cost of closure and postclosure care of $177,081 at June 30, 2007 as the remainin g estimated capacity is filled. These amounts are based on what it wo uld cost to perform all closure an d postclosure care in 2007. The D istrict expects to close the landfill in the year 2012. Actual cost may be higher due to inflation, changes in technology, or changes in regulations . The D istrict is required to demonstrate that it has the fmancial capability to close the la ndfill to the State of Missouri through the use of a financial test as specified in 10 CS R 80-2.030(4)( D)6 of the Missouri Solid Waste Man agement Rules. The District has complied with the State's req uireme nt . The District recognizes that estimates of closure costs may change as a res ult of i nflation, deflation, and/or changes in 42 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWE R DISTRICT Notes to Financial Statements Jun e 30, 2007 and 2006 11. Closure and Postclosure Care Costs (continued) technology and applicable laws and regulations. If closure cost estimates change, the liability currently reported on the balan ce sheet will be adjusted accordingly . 12. Commitmen ts and Contingencies On or about July 29, 2002, the D istrict entered into a Settlement Agreement with Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MD NR), the Missouri Clean Water Commission (Commission), a nd the Missouri At- torney G eneral regarding the Baumgartn er Sewage Treatment Facility (Baumgartner). Prev iously, the State filed the case of State of Missouri ex rel . William L. Webster, et al. v. The Metro- politan St. Louis Sewer District, No. 864-00250, against MSD with respect to certain alleged past and co ntinuing v iolation s of the Federal Water Pollution Co ntrol Act, 33 U. S.C. §§1251 et seq., the Missouri Clean Water Law §§ 644. 006, et seq. , R SMo , and Missouri State Operating Permits issued to various sewage treatment facilities and other facilities owned and operated by MSD . An Amended Co nsent Judgment was entered by the circuit court on January 20, 1989 . Paragraph XXIV of the Amended Consent Ju dgment further provided, in pertine nt part, that the Amended Consent Ju dgment shall terminate when MSD has achieved substa ntial compliance with the fmal effl uent limitations for the Bissell Point and Baumgartner Sewage Treatment Facilities for a period of one year . One of the pu rposes of the Amended Consent Judgment was for MS D to achieve and the n continue to achieve compliance with its Missouri State Operati ng Permit effluent limitatio ns at Baumgart ner. Under said settlement agreement the District agreed to take certain measures to achieve temporary com- pliance with fecal coliform permit limits at Baumgartner . Ultimately, the District is to take the Bau mgartn er lagoon offline on or before December 31, 2006. This will be do ne by con necting the sew- age flow going to Baumgartner to a new Meramec Wastewater treatme nt facility. Furthermore, the parties agreed that MSD will complete closure of the Baumgartner lagoon pursuant to 10 CS R 20-6 .010(12) within 24 months of taking the Baumgartn er lagoo n offline . As of May 31, 2003, a moratorium on fur- ther sewer connects to Baumgartner will be enacted should the District be unable to meet identified efflu- ent limits. In addition , shou ld the District fail to meet any of the deadlines set out in the Settlement Agreement or violate any of the terms contained therein , the penalties for each missed deadline could reach a maximum of $10,000 per day, per violation. The July 29, 2002 Settlement Agreemen t was modified on January 3, 2007. In complia nce with the Modification to the July 29, 2002 Settlement Agreement the Baumgart ner Lagoon was take n offline on March 1, 2007. The District will complete closure of the Baumgartner lagoon pursua nt to 10 CSR 20- 6.010(12) within 24 mon ths of takin g the Baumgartner lagoon offline. 43 THE METROPOLITAN ST. LO UIS SEWER DISTRICT N otes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 12. Commitmen ts an d Con tingencies (con tinued) Since July 22, 2003, the District's sen ior staff and Office of General Counsel have met numero us times with EPA and MDNR regarding alleged, unpermitted discharges of untreated wastewater from combined sewer overflows (CSO's) and sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's) constitute violations of the Clean Water Act 33 U .S.C. § 1311. The District has presented the Capital Impro veme nt Plan to both organizations for their review and consideration. On Au gust 20, 2004, MSD receiv ed a Section 308 letter from EPA Region VII, which is an official re- quest for information and documentation. On January 19, 2005 MSD provided an initial resp onse to the Section 308 letter. The District continues to submit deliverables required by the Section 308 letter in a timely man ner. On September 22, 2006, MSD received a Sectio n 308 letter from EP A Regio n VII focus- in g on MSD 's SSO program. MSD submitted its response on December 22, 2006. Pursuant to EPA's request additional clarification was provided on March 15, 2007 . On April 12, 2007, the Washington University School of Law, on behalf of the Missouri Coalition for the Env ironmen t provided a Notice of Inten t to MSD, stating that it i ntends to file s uit against MS D for viola- tion s of the Federal Clean Water Act. On May 22, 2007 the MSD received an A mended Administrative Order from EP A, requiring the posting of sign s on all streams, creeks, drainage ditches, and swales receiving SSO discharges; notice to custom- ers; n otice on the website; and a qu arterly report. On Ju ne 11, 2007 the EPA and the State of Missouri filed a laws uit against MSD, alleging that MS D has v iolated the Clean Water Act and terms of its NPDES permits . By statu te each day of an u nlawful discharge represents a day of violation, and the Missouri Clea n Water Law provides for a civil pen alty with a max imum of $10,000 per day, per violation. The District recorded a reserv e for judgment and claims settlement of $1,000,000 at June 30, 2007. The District has entered into construction and other contracts amounting to appr oximately $227,458,000 and $215,070,000 at June 30, 2007 and 2006, respectively . Grants to be recei ved from various gover n- mental agen cies and entities to partially offset the cost of the contract commitments amo unted to ap- proximately $633,000 and $772,000 at June 30, 2007 and 2006, respectively. At June 30, 2007, the District had $40,000,000 bonds authorized, but unissued . These bonds will contin ue to fund the first of four phases of a 20 -year wastewater capital impro veme nt program . 13. Future Accounting Pronouncements GASB Statement No. 45, Accountin g and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Tha n P ension Plans (GA SB 45), establishes standards for the measureme nt, recog nition, and display of other post -employment ben efits (OPEB) ex pense/expenditures a nd related liabilities (assets), note disclosures, 44 THE METR OPOLITAN ST. L OUIS SEWER DISTRICT N otes to Financial Statements Jun e 30, 2007 and 2006 13. Fu ture A ccounting Pronou ncements (continued) an d, if applicable, required su pplemen tary in formation in the fmancial reports of state and local go ver nment employers. As part of a total compensation package, the District provides health care benefits OPEB to em- ployees who elect early retirement from the District or who retire from the District on or after age 62 . GASB 45 will be effectiv e for the D istrict fo r the fiscal year endi ng June 30, 2008. Accordingly, the District's net OPEB obligation is cu rrently zero. In fiscal year 2008, the District's unfunded accrued liability maybe appro ximately $25,500,000 (activ e participan ts $18,000,000 and retired participants $7,500,000), assuming a 5% return on in- vestment. The ann ual required contributio n is estimated to be $2,500,000 and is equal to the normal cost ($900,000) plus an amortization (max imum of 30 years) of the u nfunded act uarial liability ($1,600,000) . The District, however, has not yet completed its assessme nt of the statements or the potential impact of the state- ments on its fmancial liability and, therefore, this estimate is subject to change. 45 1