HomeMy Public PortalAbout1992_06_23_O017 Increasing Utility FeesThe Town of Leesburg, qirginia ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE: PRESENTED June 9, 1992 92-O-17 ADOPTED June 23, 1992 AHENDING CHAPTER 15, ARTICLES I AND ~I AND CHAPTER 19, ARTICLES II AND HI OF THE TOWN CODE TO INCREASE UTILITY FEES WHEREAS, on February 27, 1991, the town entered into a contract with the consulting £n-m of Deloitte & Touche for the purpose of conducting a comprehensive water and wastewater cost of service and rate design study of the town's utility system; and WHEREAS, a copy' of their cost of service and rate design study was presented to the Council with recommended rates for water and sewer user fees, availubility fees and other utility system fees and charges beginning in £mcal year 1992 through 1996; and WHEREAS, on October 9, 1991, the Council implemented a 35% rate increase on water and sewer user fees which represented the first plmse of the planned utility fee rate increases; and WI-~, the Town Council met in special session on June 1, 1992, to discuss the recommended utility rate increases for fmcal years beginning July 1, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995, and agreed to proceed with implementing the new rates as recommended; and WHEREAS, at the June 1, 1992, special meeting, it was discussed that the need for the recommended rate increases was to provide funding to meet the costs associated with the plan to upgrade and expand the town's wastewater treatment facility at an estimuted cost of $22.6 million; and WHEREAS, that in order for the town to be able to proceed with this project, it must issue utility system revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $27 million for which rate increases will be used to meet the debt service requirements; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Code of Virglni~ Section 15.1-29.14, a public hearing was held on May 26, 1992, at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers for the purpose of considering the rates and fees recommended for £mcal years 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996; and ORDINANCE - AMENDING CHAPTER 15 -2- V~I~, the recommended rates and fees are necessary to fund the town's utility system and meet the costs of its operating expenses, debt service and capital projects throughout th~s period: THEI~FORE, ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia as tbllows: SECTION I. Chapter 15, Articles I and II of the Town Code, are hereby amended as follows: ~ 15-14. Av~{b~h~y ebro.ge for sewee seevice (e) The fees provided in this section shall be reduced by $~,555.99 $3,715 for lots of record for which a connection fee was paid prior to June 10, 1970. (f) Sewer service availability fees for residential uses shall be as follows and shall increase by the rate of 4.5% per year for each year through July 1, 1996, beginning July 1, 1993. Discharge Facility Fee Multi-family dwelling, townhouse or mobile home $3~,g~00 $2,973 Single-family detached dwelling or two-family attached (duplex), per unit vv,~vv.vvG° =~ nn$3,715 (g) Sewer service availability fees for non-residential uses shall be~v,vvo.we~ ~ an $3,715 or more, depending on the estimated sewage flow and required treatment characteristics from the user as compared to the sewage flow and required treatment characteristics from 'the average single-family dwelling. Fees shall be calculated as follows: All non-industrial uses: $E,555.99 $3,715 or $19.!5 $10.61 per gallon per day of the estimated sewage flow from the user, whichever is greater. All industrial uses: the greater of ~ ........ $3,715 or $!9.15 $10.61 per gallon per day of the estimated sewage flow from the user, plus an additional charge in proportion to the excess biochemical oxygen demznd, suspended solids or other pollutant discharge ofthe user above the average pollutant discharge of residential users on the system. Sec~ 15.57. Charge where connectionm~e to both water and sewer system. Where connection has been msde to both the town water and sewer system, the charge for use of the sewer system shall be lmsed on time and quarterly water meter readings taken to the nearest 1,000 gallons as follows: for premiss inside the town, the rate beginning July 1, 1992, shall be $2.25 per quarter plus $2.57 $3.21 per 1,000 gallons, be~nnin~ July L 1993, $3.53 per 1,000 gallons, beginning July 1, 1994, $3.88 per 1,000 gallons, and beginning July 1, 1995, $4.27 per 1,000 gallons. ORDINANCE - AlVI~ING CHAPTER 15 -3- water Where connection has been made to the town sewer system only, the charge for use of the sewer system shall be as follows: for premises inside the town, the charge shall be ?.7.25 $59.00 per quarter beginning July 1, 1992. $65.00. beginnin~ Jnlv 1, 1993, $71.50, be~innir~ July 1, 1994, and $79.00 be~ming Jnlv 1. 1995. See_ 19-23. Ava~hility chargea for water service (e) The fees provided in this section shall be reduced byv~,~° A.~v.vv ~ ~ nn $2,524_ for lots of record for which a connection fee was paid prior to June 10, 1970. (f) Water system av,~!obility fees for residential uses shall be as follows and shall increase by the rate of 4.5% per year for each year through July 1, 1996, beginning July 1, 1993. Use Fee Multi-family dwelling, townhouse or mobile, per unit 21.935.90 $2,022 Single-family detached dwelling or two-family attached (duplex), per unit 22,~.15.99 $2,524 (g) Water service availability fees for non-residential uses shall be $2/.15.99 $2,524 or more, depending on the estlm-ted water flow to the user as compared to the water flow to the average single-family dwelling. Fees shall be calculated as follows: Ali other uses: 22,~15.99 $2,524 or 2 .... $7.21 per gallon per day of the estimated flow to the user, whichever is greater. ARTICLE ]]1 WATERWORKS USE AND SERVICE CHARGES Sec. 19-45. Ra~es estabfi-hed. The charge for use of water from the town water system shall be based on quarterly meter readings taken to the nearest 1,000 gallons at the following rates: for premises inside the town, the rate be~ming Jnlv 1, 1992. shall be $2.25 per quarter, plus 22.13 $2.67 per 1,000 gallons, beginninE July 1, 1993, $2.93 per 1,000 gallons, beginnin~ July 1, 1994, $3.23 oer 1,000 aallons and beghming July 1, 1995, $3.55 per 1,000 gallons. The charge for each purchase of water drawn at the public meter at the water treatment plant shall be $3.00 plus 23.99 $3.75 per 1,000 gallons of all water drawn be~dnnJng July 1, 1992, $4.15 Der 1,000 gallons, beginning Ju!v 1, 1993. $4.60 per 1,000 gallons, beginning July 1, 1994, and $5.00 per 1,000 gallons beginning Jnly 1, 1995. ORDINANCE - AMENDING CHAPTER 18 -4- SECTION II. 1, 1992. This ordinance shall be effective for all water and sewer bills prepared after July PASSED this 23rd day of June ,1992. Robert E. Sev~ Mayor Town of Leesburg ATTEST: -Cierk of'Council/~- /~/,~y- O:Chap. 15