HomeMy Public PortalAboutORD-CC-2018-11ORDINANCE NO.2018-11 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY OF MOAB PAY PLAN SCHEDULE AND ADOPTING THE EXEMPT AND ELECTED OFFICIALS SALARIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 WHEREAS, the Moab City Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual allows that pay ranges may be adjusted periodically for comparable work in other municipalities; and WHEREAS, the Moab City Personnel, Policies and Procedures Manual calls for annual surveys of salaries; and WHEREAS, in 2016 the City conducted a comprehensive salary survey through the utilization of Personnel Systems Inc. and has presented the survey results to the Governing Body; and WHEREAS, positions within the City are rated and ranked according to four factors: Job Knowledge, Responsibility, Difficulty and Work Environment and salaries are calculated based on those ratings and rankings and incorporated into the pay plan schedule; and WHEREAS, the proposed "City of Moab 2018-19 Proposed Pay Plan" is attached to this ordinance as Attachment A, respectively; and WHEREAS, the proposed "Exempt and Elected Officials Salaries" is attached to this ordinance as Attachment B, respectively; and WHEREAS, Moab Municipal Code Section 2.44.010 states that all salaries of the elective and appointive officers of the City and the other employees of the City shall be fixed by motion or resolution of the City Council as in accordance with existing law. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF MOAB RESOLVE TO ADOPT The City of Moab 2018-19 Proposed Pay Plan (Attachment A) and the Exempt and Elected Officials Salaries (Attachment B) as referred herein. DATED this 26th day of June 2018. SIGNE : • Emily S. Niehaus Mayor Rachel E. Stenta City Recorder Ordinance #2018-11 June 26, 2018 sa6uai of pag iou saaAoldwa paiiu00 , E90'Z9$ 66L'1.9$ 69£' 131 b69'68$ 966'L9$ 96E'bS$ 91.9'09$ 089'09$ bb9' O4$ 99 VZ9$ 96L'69$ 9£b' 6b$ ZL0'69$ 9ZZ'64$ 1.8E`6E$ Zb5'L9$ 98Z`99$ 8Z0'9b$ 4ZZ'06$ 98I.'9L$ 6b6'09$ 998'L9$ £ 6Z'84$ OL9'8£$ LE8'ZL$ L69'09$ 899'817$ ZL L'Eb 6$ OLE'61. 8b4'96$ Z90'Z6$ 6 6 L' 9L$ 9L£` 1.9$ b89'09 6$ OL9'09 6$ 9917'0Z3 LL5'EZ6$ 6E6'Z06$ 917E'Z8$ OZ6'E6$ L9Z'8L$ 6 69`Z9$ L9E'99$ 994'b5$ ZL9'£4$ 96E'4E 6$ 966'1.1.11 L69'68$ Z££'69$ 9LL'L9$ 6 ZZ' 94$ Z6E' 6L$ b6b'69$ 969' Lb$ E6Z`89$ LL9'84$ Z98'8E$ 46L'69$ Z9L'6b$ 608'6E$ 6000L$ Ob£'89$ ZL9'94$ 6L6'£8$ Z86'69$ 986'99$ OZ9'89$ 00 CL9$ 089'9b$ LE6'99$ 8b6'49$ 896'Eb$ 806'Z9$ bZb'Z9$ 6E6'64$ L90'49$ Lb0'Sb$ 8E0'9E$ L£9'L9$ 6£0'817$ SZ4'8E$ Z69'b9$ 9L9'Sb$ 1.917'9£$ L66'L9$ 499'Lb$ 1.£l'8E$ 69 649$ bLb`£9$ 6LL'Z4$ 61.9'89$ 99L'8b$ £ 60'6E$ 99l'Z9$ £94'£b$ 4LL'17E$ wnwixeyu ;updpiW wnwluiAi I a6ueb Aed sajea Led fenuuv 1-L1.'9$ 60E'17$ L44'E$ 66L'9$ 999'9$ E£9'4$ 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NOISI/U0 2131VM Lti'bb$ 901E$ 99.6Z$ 2101032110 A11-118VNIV1Sf1S £8'6E$ 64'££$ 99.9Z$ 1N30N31N1213df1S S133211S 06'££$ 9Z'8Z$ 09'ZZ$ OINVH031N/III 213>NO/V1301n213S S1332i1S 44"OE$ 60'9Z$ LO'OZ$ -100/111 213>1210M 3OIM3S 5133211S 60'63$ 17Z17Z$ 017'64$ OINVH0301/11 213>k10M 30IA213S S133211S 891Z$ 667Z$ 6£.84$ 100/11213>1210M301A213SS133211S bL'9Z$ SZ'ZZ$ ZWL4$ 1213>IHOM 301/�213S S133211S wnwlxeW ;ulodplw wnwlulw 311118of a6ueu Aed semi Aed ApnoH "rl El V' 0 1'41 Nr100 %E) 61,-860Z weld ifad pasodwd __ satfoM ATTACHMENT B Exempt and Elected Official Salaries Section 1. The following are exempt positions: City Manager See approved pay plan Police Chief See approved pay plan City Recorder/Assistant City Manager See approved pay plan City Engineer See approved pay plan City Treasurer See approved pay plan Parks, Recreation & Trails Director See approved pay plan Human Resource Manager See approved pay plan Senior Project Manager See approved pay plan Public Works Director See approved pay plan Section 2. Yearly salary rates for the following elected official positions: Mayor $12,669 Councilmembers $ 8,652 Planning Commission Members $50 per meeting Information about all Moab City financial transactions can be found at: http://www.utah.goyitransparencv Ordinance #2018-11— Attachment B