HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1982-12-20BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO., DENVER Dec. 20th 1982 Mayor Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board present were Finlay, McDowell, Clayton, Klancke. Attorney Hartlaub, Clerk Winter and Monte Rogers. Bills presented for payment: Dana Kepner- repair clamps NPT- frieght on clorine bottles TNT Garage Kerber Oil- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 231.14 45.38 39.90 363.75 McDowell made a motion to pay these bills, 2nd Finlay, carried. Finlay made a motion to ratify the payment of the first of the months bills, 2nd Klancke, carried. Tom Godfredson representing the Meadow Ridge re- zoning application at the County reviewed with the Board the application and the uses proposed if they were to recieve the re -zone. Also presented a letter that the PC recommended be presented stating limited and waived uses should the Town like to restrict this request and not object to the re- zoning. Klancke reviewed her thoughts that wiile this proposed use wot.d be limited should the Town not object to a re- zoning, control in the future would not be in the hands of the Town, and sees eventival development of the A zone that would hurt the Towm. Finlay and McDowell both expressed concern for the Town business's in exsistance and to come and the damage that would be caused if commercial were allowed outside of a Town business center. McDowell made a motion to request the County Commissioners to deny re- zoning of this property, 2nd Finlay. carried. Clayton abstaining. Cork and Bottle liquor licence renewal- Clerk reported that allrequirements have been met, fees paid and Sherrif's dept. report in. Clayton made a motion to approve renewal, 2nd Finlay, carried. Drake showed the Board plan to annex the other 75 acre,a of land to the Town. Drake stated that hewas not planning at this time only would be annexing. Also he has directed his water attorney to do the water augumentation on the full 2 ft. 6f water instead of just the former annexation water footage. Annexation will begin as soon as Maryvale transferes land and can annex there protion of land at the same time. Claa'ron advised Drake that should Maryvale join the annexation he would like to see a taxing entity own the property. Opitz reported that well #1 was running as of last Wed. #2 well has some problems with the ele. control circuts. Clorinator equipment will be on line end of the week. Appears that the Town is using some 80 gallons mor a minute than the wells are producing at the 100 gpm. Does not know if it is bleeding or demand at this time. Test show that the well water is running at 37 to 40 degrees Hartlaub reviewed Jerry Drahl letter concerning doing a Comprehensive water policy memo for the Town concerning our water. Clayton made a motion to approve this contract 2nd McDowell, carried. No futher business board adjourned.