HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1981-12-21BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO., DENVER RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dec. 21, 1981 The regular meeting of the Board was called to order by Mayor Leonard 7 :30 p.m. Dec. 21, 1981. Board present were Bickle, Johnston, Rensberry, Clayton. Attorney Hartlaub. Nancy and Kit Klancke discussed with the Board road maintance problems in Ptg. Also discussed posibble guard rails at some locations. Virginia Dalton- Discussed a dog shooting in Ptg. Would like the Town to adopt an Ordinance against fire -arms descharged in Town Limits. Mayor stated that he would direct that an Ordinance be written concerning this, at one point the Town had an Ordinance like tha but has apparently been lost in the old files. Regular Meeting closed for Hearing on the Inducement Resolution proposed. Hartlaub Opened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. testifiny that this meeting was published in the news- paper. Hartlaub briefly discussed the proposed Inducement Resolution and Industrial Revenue Bonds, and the Critiera guidelines Resolution concerning issuance of IRB. Fox discussed the presented Resolution No. 1981 -124- Concerning guidelines on Issuance of DIRB. Rensberry made a motion to approve Resolution 1981 -12 -1, 2nd Bickle, carried all present voting aye. Hartlaub presented proposed Resolution 1981- 12 4: Inducement Resoultion and momoramdum of agreement. Johnston and Clayton commented on the inspection trip they took to Aspen Park, complex same as the one proposed for Fraser. Both were inpressed with the development and would like to see it in the Town. Agreement was signed by all of the parties involved with the Development. Mayor Leonard opened the hearing for public comment: Don Drake stated that be thought it would be an asset for the Town. Drake has been talking with the Developers about land be stated that he would not be able to deal until the land was subdivided from the parcels. Fox explained to Drake that he would need to come before the PC again to accomplish this. McDowell- stated that this would be a good thing for the Town. ATTACHED COMPLETE COPY OF THE HEARING FROM THIS POINT. Hearing colsed at 8 :30 p.m. Board opened the meeting up for regular business. No futher business Board adjourned at 8 :30 p.m.