HomeMy Public PortalAbout20220922Minutes.docxCity Council Minutes, September 22, 2022 Mayor Sessions called the meeting to order at 6:30PM, September 22, 2022. Those in attendance were Brian West, Monty Parks, Nancy DeVetter, Barry Brown, Jay Burke and Spec Hosti. Also attending were Dr. Shawn Gillen, City Manager; Bubba Hughes, City Attorney; Tracy O’Connell, City Attorney; Jake Saas, Ellis Painter; George Shaw, Director, Community Development; and Jan LeViner, Clerk of Council. Opening Ceremonies      Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation: Jan LeViner, Clerk Mayor Sessions stated Mayor and Council have decided to continue the proposed Golf Cart Ordinance, Item 14 on the agenda. This will be heard at the October 13, 2022 City Council meeting. Mayor Sessions added the following to the Consent Agenda: · Minutes, September 8, 2022 · Tybee Post Theater - One Day Special Event: Alcohol License Liquor, Beer and Wine · The Grandview-Hotel Tybee 1401 Strand Ave · Agenda Request: Alcohol License- Special Event: Beer and Wine Only-Tybee Festival Association/Tybee Pirate Fest · Resolution 2022-07, Ameris Bank.  Basic housekeeping switching our credit card carrier from SunTrust to Ameris.  Ameris holds our checking and investment accounts · Public Service Commission Loaner Vehicle · Info Hut - Extend Agreement through Pirates Fest Recognitions and Proclamations Tim Arnold approached Mayor and Council to recognize Turtle Friendly Restaurants, Pier 16 and The Deck as they have found more sustainability operations on the Island. Reports of Staff, Boards, Standing Committees and/or Invited Guest.  Limit reports to 10 minutes. Britt Bacon, Tybee Arts Association, approached Mayor and Council to give an update. She reintroduced everyone to the Tybee Arts Association. Ms. Bacon gave a brief history of the Association as well as their programs. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Bacon for everything she does. Cassidi Kendrick, Main Street and Development Director, approached Mayor and Council to give a Program Update/ Holiday Events. Ms. Kendrick also gave a detailed schedule for Tybee for the Holidays. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Kendrick for her dedication to Tybee. Gerald Schantz approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Schantz thanked not only Mayor and Council but also City Staff and all the residents for their support throughout the years. He shared his concerns with those who have moved to Tybee and want to change Tybee. He reminded everyone, that no matter how many disagreeable we are with each other over politics or issues; we need to be agreeable with each other. If there is anyone wishing to speak to anything on the agenda other than the Public Hearings, please come forward.  Please limit comments to no more than 5 minutes. Roger Huff approached Mayor and Council to speak against the changes and additions to the proposed Ordinance 2022-10 Matt Campbell approached Mayor and Council to speak against the proposed Short Term Rental (STR) ordinance. Mark Conway approached Mayor and Council to speak to the possible economic impact on the Island, with the proposed STR ordinances. Brook Mackey approached Mayor and Council to speak to her concerns with proposed changes to the STR ordinances. Keith Gay approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Gay stated Tybee Island was established as a beach community and he does not feel you cannot continue to promote and permit STR’s. Tony Leschek approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Leschek expressed his concerns, as he would lose his STR license. Mayor and Council need to come together to compromise. Jean Bowen approached Mayor and Council to express her concerns with the financial impact of STR’s if the proposed ordinances are approved. Corey Jones approached Mayor and Council. He asked Mayor and Council to find a balance, regarding STR’s. Marsha Marks approached Mayor and Council. She asked that the proposed Parking Ordinance for STR’s apply to everyone, not just STR’s. Russell Gross approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Gross spoke in favor of the proposed STR ordinance. John Mauro approached Mayor and Council. He spoke in opposition to the proposed STR ordinance and asked if there would be a financial impact if the proposed STR ordinance were approved. George Calvert approached Mayor and Council. He shared his concerns regarding the financial impact on the City if STR’s are not allowed. Mr. Calvert stated there is a common interest in the community regarding ATR’s. Bill Anderson approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Anderson spoke against the proposed STR ordinance. Brian Shields approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Shields spoke against the proposed STR ordinance. Laurie Gulbronson approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Gulbronson stated the proposed STR ordinance would not benefit residents. Shirley Wright approached Mayor and Council to support the proposed STR ordinances (attached). Julia Pearce approached Mayor and Council. She feels STR’s should not be in residential neighborhoods. Patrick Connell approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Connell stated the proposed STR ordinances are unconstitutional. Joshua Morris approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Morris expressed his concerns with the proposed STR ordinance, as they may have to sell their home. Larry Phillips approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Phillips shared his concerns with the proposed STR ordinances as the Island has become divided. They are relying on Mayor and Council to make good decisions. Cody Jones approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Jones proposed Mayor and Council need to do an economic study of STR’s. He also feels property rights are being taken away. Lisa Dean approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Dean stated she is not in favor of the proposed STR ordinances and Mayor and Council should lift the Moratorium and deny ordinance. Jenny Rutherford approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Rutherford stated Tybee has been a vacation destination for a long time and the proposed ordinances are dividing the community. Ginny von Oostrom Willet approached Mayor and council. Ms. Willet questioned Councilman Burke’s recusal as Mayor and Council need to have a full voting force. She asked Mayor and Council to deny the proposed ordinances. Monty Parks made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Brian West seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve, 6-0. Public Hearings Jay Burke recused. Mr. Hughes stated Mayor and Council need to take each Public Hearing separately but the public could speak to them all at one time as most of the comments that have been heard to be incorporated into the record for the Public Hearings as they overlap with the Short Term Rental ordinance and the Zoning and Parking Ordinance. He continued, the Mayor should call each ordinance individually and discuss after the comments are made, individually. Mr. Hughes stated it is difficult to split the comments and rather than try to limit, leave it open as it has been so that individuals can speak to the entire topic rather than section by section. Text Amendment:  Land Development Code Sec 4-050(A) R-1, Section 1; Section II, Sec 4-050(B) R-1-B; Section III:  Selection 5-020(A); Section IV, 5-040(B); and Section V (Z-1). Mr. Parks stated it is understanding that this item was going to be removed from the agenda. Mr. Hughes confirmed, as there are issues. Mr. Parks responded, there are sufficient concerns regarding parts of the proposed ordinance, owner occupied, that it needs to be withdrawn. Mr. Hughes reminded Mayor Sessions to open the Public Hearing for public comment as this agenda item was advertised. Jenny Rutherford approached Mayor and Council and asked for clarification of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Hughes responded, the item deals with a draft of an ordinance to amend the appropriate sections of the Zoning Code that would permit owner-occupied STR locations in R-1, R-1B, and R-2 through its various sections upon Special Review by Mayor and Council. There are certain requirements that would be provided for in Special Review and definitions of owner and owner-occupancies. Withdrawn. Text Amendment:  Land Development: Article 4, Section I, 4-050(A)(B) and (C); Section II, Definitions; Sec III, Notice of and Abandonment of Nonconforming Use; Section IV, Allowances; Section V, Caps in Certain Zoning Districts; and Section VI, New Permits Prohibited Exception for Owner Occupied Locations (Z-2). Mr. Hughes stated this item is a Text Amendment that is in separate sections that deal with the part of some of the comments that have already dealt with and deals specifically with STR’s and the associated zoning provisions that would accompany. This is ordinance 2022-04, Z2 that is directed specifically to R-1, R-1B, and R-2, which deals with the intention of the ordinance, which is to recognize STR’s within those zones. STR is being a use of less than 30 days, consecutively. In addition, it addresses the non-conforming use, defines cap, as there is no cap contained in the ordinance and would be an enabling type ordinance that later, if Mayor and Council decided a cap was appropriate in any of these zones, it would have to go through the same process as what is being currently done. Currently there is no cap and there is no ban on non-conforming uses, although it does define STR properties in a way that has been addressed via correspondence needing clarification if not substitution. Mr. Hughes continued, Sec III, where there have been comments, addresses notice of abandonment of a non-conforming use. This is the provision that recognizes the ability of a non-conforming use; a previously permitted use and used STR prior to the adoption of the proposed ordinance can continue but subject to conditions such that the owner can continue to operate as long there is at least 90 days of rental within the preceding twelve (12) month period. Mr. Hughes stated if this does not happen, it is then presumed the use has been abandoned. Mr. Hughes then explained Sec IV, which is called Allowances. This are properties that are in compliance with the conditions of STR’s rules and regulations, including the Disorderly House Ordinance and similar provisions listed in the ordinance are allowed to continue as STR permits but the permit is required per parcel identified by the tax records where multiple units or apartments. He continued, Sec V, is the component that is the enabling clause for imposing caps if Mayor and Council choose to do so. He further explained, if a cap were imposed and reached, a waiting list would have to be established but no permits could be issued beyond the cap. Mr. Hughes stated Sec VI addresses new permits are not to be issued in R-1, R-1B and R-2 zones. This currently contains an exemption which will be removed consistently with the withdrawal of Z-1 which is owner-occupied provisions would be deleted. Mr. Parks stated there are currently 766 rental permits in the residential area, which is 37% of the housing stock. A year ago, there were 766. He continued, there have been comments regarding the impact on revenue. It is the intent that this preserves the status quo. Not trying to change up or down, no means to take permits, no cap with a structure of working its way down to 4% a year. No right has been taken away for re-permitting on sale and can be re-permitted by the new owner. Libby Bacon approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Bacon stated she is before Mayor and Council in opposition to the Text Amendments and Ordinances as written. Ms. Bacon then addressed the abandonment clause, as the ordinance is very vague, has no number, and have complicated rules. She feels if this is approved it will increase human density by forcing owners to rent minimally to reach the 90-day minimum at full market value. Ms. Bacon stated, after reading through the proposed ordinance(s), there are multiple attempts to make STR’s fail through unrealistic regulations and vagueness that gives the perception of a lack of transparency. Ms. Bacon stated she supports the current STR regulations and would like to see them improved upon and enforced. Gerald Schantz approached Mayor and Council. He explained how people love to rent STR’s, as they love to visit Tybee. Mr. Schantz also feels if Mayor and Council go forward with the proposed ordinances they are vulnerable to a lawsuit. Joshua Morris approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Morris stated he attended a workshop held by the City and it does not seem like anything has been resolved or changed. He continued, the ordinances seem intentionally vague. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Morris. Corey Jones approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Jones feels the intent is good but not the execution. In addition, this will not lead to attrition but to higher utilization of permanent property. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Jones. Mack Kitchens approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Kitchens spoke to the enforcement of the ordinances, as there seems to be none. He also feels there is no respect for full time residents from the STR’s visitors. Mr. Kitchens again asked for enforcement of the current ordinances. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Kitchens. Tony Ploughe approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Ploughe thanked Staff for their hard work. He was before Mayor and Council several weeks ago and has attended every meeting. Mr. Ploughe stated he is in favor of STR’s and pro tourism for Tybee Island as it is our primary source of business and income for the Island. He read from a document (attached) presented to Mayor and Council with specific questions for each section. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Ploughe. Laurie Gulbronson approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Gulbronson shared her concerns with the 90-day rental as she works full time as does her husband. When the moratorium was announced, she decided to apply for a STR license for the future, as when they retire they would like to travel. To do this, they would like to rent their home. She feels there are unintended consequences. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Gulbronson. Marge Wester approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Wester stated she does not live on Tybee and her concern is the language is vague and does not give protection to those who have an STR. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Wester for her comments. Don Hartley approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Hartley stated since the moratorium, his home has dropped in value. He shared his concerns with enforcement of parking. Mr. Hartley stated he is concerned regarding communication as it seems Mayor and Council do not communicate between themselves. He asked Mayor and Council remove the moratorium and go back to revisit what they want to do which will be legal so there will not be any issues. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Harley. Patrick Connell, Attorney for the STVR Alliance approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Connell referred to unintended consequences. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Connell for his comments. Ginny von Oostrom Willett approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Willet stated she has several questions as it applies to the new ordinance. She asked for clarification regarding certificates per property/building. Ms. Willett also asked for clarification regarding a cap and asked for enforcement. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Willett for her comments. Don Hartley approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Hartley stated he applied for a STR application and expressed his concerns, as you must have insurance when applying. If you are turned down, you will lose money, as it is not fully refundable. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Hartley. Chip Zuliger approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Zuliger addressed the parking issues for STR’s as there is minimal parking on Center Street. He would prefer not to pave his yard to accommodate parking for his STR’s. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Zuliger. Keith Gay approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Gay stated he is a businessperson and employees 150 staff members. He stated he respects Mr. Parks intentions. In addition, there is nothing in the proposed ordinance that states you can or cannot re-register your property. This bothers him. Mr. Gay gave a brief history of the development of the Disorderly House Ordinance. He recommended Mayor and Council to reconsider the ordinance and amend to include the occupancy consideration. Mr. Gay referenced enforcement and it is not being done. Everyone’s intentions are good, he would like to see something that is workable and represents and supports the interest of all the parties. He continued, he does not believe the proposed ordinances before Mayor and Council is the path we all want. If enforcement is in place and modifications of the Disorderly House Ordinance, we can get there. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Gay for his comments. Alisa Salaki approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Salaki stated she is in support of the proposed ordinances and it needs to be clear on where it starts and ends. We have non-compliant neighborhoods who have STR’s in them and now time to correct. We need to have a community. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Salaki. Patricia Allgood approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Allgood stated she has a STR and what Mayor and Council are asking for has economic consequences. There has not been an Economic Study done and she feels it is necessary. She continued, she does not feel there is stakeholder representation. The stakeholders need to be involved. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Allgood for her comments. Debbie Kearney approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Kearney stated the proposed ordinance changes are great steps in the right direction. She asked on behalf of herself and her husband, Dale Williams, please vote affirmatively for all the proposed changes. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Kearney for her comments. Mark Conway approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Conway stated Tybee Island is a beach community, which is powered and driven by their economies primarily by visitors. He continued, much of this seem punitive. Mr. Conway expressed his concerns: (1) Why are financial records being looked at; (2) as to parking, why are the STR’s being enforced and not residents; (3) language is vague; (4) definition of owner/occupant; (5) non-conforming uses, as it feels as though this could be punitive; (6) improve the quality of the Island; and (7) the Good Neighbor Policy as it should be posted everywhere. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Conway for his remarks. Dawn Shay approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Shay is in favor of the proposed ordinance to limit STR’s in residential zones. This is a great start to restore the right of residents to enjoy the peace and quiet of their homes. She would also like to see a cap and is in favor of the proposed parking ordinance (attached). Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Shay for her comments. Jenny Rutherford approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Rutherford questioned the statement by Councilman Parks, 37% of the housing stock on the Island is STR is as that is incorrect. Roger Huff approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Huff referred to the statement made by Councilman Parks, status quo. He stated if there would be changes, it is no status quo. He also feels there are infringements on property rights. Mr. Huff commented on the parking plan, as it is not right to treat one group different from the other. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Huff for his comments. Carrie Efird approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Efird stated she applied and received a permit for an STR, as this would protect her right, should she chose in the future, to rent her property for any term. She does not support the proposed ordinances as they are written and request Mayor and Council go back to the drawing board. Ms. Efird continued, she does not feel heard. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Efird. Cody Gay approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Gay finds it interesting that with all the visitors to the Island, most of the problems are attributed to the STR’s. He feels attrition is the goal of Mayor and Council. Mr. Gay referred to the parking requirements for STR’s and not residents and the abandonment clauses seems to relate to attrition. He totally objects to the proposed ordinances, Z-1, Z-2, Z-3 and ordinance, before Mayor and Council. Mayor Sessions thanked Mr. Gay. Anna Butler approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Butler spoke in support of the first reading of the proposed ordinances, as it is a start at a compromise. She recommended owner/occupied needs to be clarified as well as re-permitting. Mayor Sessions thanked Ms. Butler for her recommendation and comments. Being as there were no more individuals to speak, Mayor Sessions closed the Public Hearing. Dr. West stated, given the hour, he would like to table, have another meeting prior to next meeting, and discuss options. Spec Hosti seconded. Voting in favor were Brian West and Spec Hosti. Those against were Monty Parks, Nancy DeVetter, and Barry Brown. Motion failed, 3-2. Monty Parks made a motion to approve with the following changes: (1) consistent definition of a Short Term Rental (STR); (2) addressing multi-units on a parcel; and (3) long-term lease language would not trigger abandonment. Patrick Connell approached Mr. Hughes and challenged the proceedings as to the Code. Mr. Connell noted the Code has a provision that requires ordinances to be introduced in the form subject to appropriate for adoption. He stated the City is not acting consistently with that provision if the proposed ordinance is changed. Mr. Hughes stated it is not infrequent for the City to have an ordinance introduced in a form that is acceptable however, to make changes because of a public hearing, as Mayor and Council are not adopting the ordinance. The ordinance was introduced and what he believes to be in the proper form and it can be adjusted per Mayor and Council’s recommendations between first and second readings. Mr. Hughes thanked Mr. Connell. There was a brief discussion regarding the permitting of multi-units. Mr. Hughes clarified, on the same parcel, if a duplex, both units STR’s, each would be required to have a permit. Mayor and Council confirmed. Dr. West referred to the 90-day reference regarding renting. Mayor pro tem Brown stated if you have not used your STR’s permit for a year, you lose the permit. Mr. Hosti stated that was the wording in the previous draft. Now it is opposite. Mayor pro tem Brown recommended using between March and September. Dr. West stated that would equate to six months. Mr. Parks is not in favor of that period. Ms. DeVetter stated the language is addressing those who are not using their permit. Dr. West suggested additional changes, which was not included in Ms. DeVetter’s second. Ms. O’Connell restated the motion from Mr. Parks. Mr. Hughes confirmed. Nancy DeVetter seconded. Voting in favor were Monty Parks, Nancy DeVetter, and Barry Brown. Voting against were Spec Hosti and Brian West. Motion to approve with changes, 3-2. Jay Burke recused. Spec Hosti made a motion for Mr. Hughes to create language to protect individuals who had building permits prior to the moratorium and wanted to apply for STR licenses. Mr. Hughes stated he would draft language and circulate between Mayor and Council for their recommendation(s). Monty Parks seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve, 5-0. Jay Burke recused. Text Amendment, Land Development Code, Parking in Short Term Rental locations (Z-3). Mr. Parks stated he would vote in the affirmative on first reading but will not on second. He feels the proposed ordinance is too restrictive but agrees with the provision for a site plan to show the maximum number of parking spaces. He continued, by requiring parking to be provided on site for every room is restrictive and does not agree with the language. Amy Gaster approached Mayor and Council. Ms. Gaster agrees it is reasonable to require a stated number of parking spaces as it existing in their application and they need to advertise those spaces as it is in their rental agreement. They are also enforcing illegal parking. Ms. Gaster asked Mayor and Council to please consider striking “arbitrary numbers” and secondly, whatever is passed on parking would apply to all residents on the Island. It is difficult to enforce when the owners are occupying their property and not visitors. There are issues with enforcement and confusion as presently written. Lee Hughes approached Mayor and Council. Mr. Hughes stated, if Mayor and Council require a minimum amount of parking spaces, one per each bedroom plus one (1), you are encouraging residents to pave their lawns to accommodate parking. He agrees with a parking plan submission but the language following should stricken. Brian West made a motion to remove the language “the lawns or” and ”there shall be one parking place for each identified bedroom on the application or other submittal to the City for the Short-Term Rental operation plus one additional parking place”. Spec Hosti seconded. Voting in favor were Spec Hosti, Brian West and Monty Parks. Those voting against were Nancy DeVetter and Barry Brown. Motion to approve with the changes 3-2. Jay Burke recused. Consideration of Ordinances, Resolutions [bookmark: _GoBack]First Reading, 2022-10, STR Ordinance, to amend Sec 34-260, 34-261, 34-262, and 34-265.  To add Sec 34-267, 34-268 and 34-270. Dr. West referred to Sec 261(c)(7), regarding obtaining insurance prior to receiving your permit as it is difficult to receive a full refund if not approved. He recommended this be removed from the application and/or specify you must submit proof of insurance upon approval of the permit. Dr. Gillen stated currently, the applicant must upload insurance documents in Host Compliance and until you upload those documents, the application cannot move forward with the approval process. The City would have to alter the application process on-line to accomplish this. Mr. Hughes confirmed the applicant would not receive their Occupancy Tax Certificate until their application is complete. Dr. West expressed his concerns with an individual obtaining insurance and then not having the permit approved. Dr. Gillen stated every application would have to be reviewed if the policy is changed. Current policy included randomly checking permit in the system for compliance. Mr. Parks stated the City is allowing applicants to apply for permits in an area where no permits are being issued. The individual was permitted to upload an application, in a residential area, but new permits are not issued due to the moratorium. Mr. Parks restated, the insurance requirement has been in place for over a year and this evidentially is the first issue that has happened. Ms. DeVetter referred to an error in the language. Mr. Hughes confirmed. Mr. Hosti stated he has a question in Sec 2, “require to be homesteaded”, as does that language need to be in the proposed ordinance. Hr. Hughes responded, this is intended to apply to select groups of people and it is to allow the opportunity for the estate to apply or have time to apply to be an STR while the estate is being settled. This might protect them from foreclosure. Mr. Parks responded, this is to assist the owners who have lived on the Island for over five (5) years, never applied for a permit, and it gives them the opportunity to sell. This is a one-time permit, hence they need to prove homestead, residency. Mr. Parks asked Mr. Hughes to provide alternatives to homestead to prove residency. Mr. Hughes confirmed. After a brief discussion, Mr. Parks decided to keep the language “homestead” rather than alternatives. Mr. Parks continued, he would like to take the transferability language, re-permitting language, from the moratorium and add to the proposed language. Mr. Hughes confirmed. Dr. West referred back to the language regarding transferability. Mr. Parks stated it is his intent to give heirs time to have a plan for properties they receive after a parent dies. It is his recommendation language be included to give them three (3) years to rent to generate income to pay taxes and develop a plan for the future use of the property. Mr. Hosti recommended there be language giving them the option to renew the permit. Dr. West referred to Sec 34-268; does one violation trigger the termination of the permit? Mr. Parks stated it is recommendation referencing the three (3)-strike rule. Mr. Hughes stated the resident have one (1) month to correct a deficiency and in the event they do not, there may be a determination the permit would terminate and not be renewed. Dr. Gillen confirmed the resident, property owner, has thirty days to correct the issue otherwise; they may have their permit revoked. Dr. Gillen explained the three (3)-strike rule and process. Dr. West stated he has a concern with the “right to audit” language and a better solution might be for the City to provide a form for the information required and identify back up required to complete the form. As the language is too broad. Mr. Parks stated he is recommending adding the language from the moratorium. Mr. Hughes confirmed. Dr. Gillen recommended it is not the intent to audit applicant’s financials but to randomly review applications each year for compliance. Mr. Parks stated the City’s intent is to verify documents submitted not to audit. Monty Parks made a motion to include the following exceptions: (1) to address a grammatical error and add language from the moratorium regarding transferability in Sec 34-267; (2) everything related to disorderly house ordinance is deleted and only STR’s, specific, such as non-payment of taxes, etc. as stated in Sec 34-268; (3) change the “refusal to participate” to a “verification process” in Sec 34-268(c); and (4) 34-270 to limit to the permit application package and refer to as verifying submitted documents. To add Sec 34-271, to add language from the moratorium for re-permitting of existing STR’s. Nancy DeVetter seconded. Voting in favor were Monty Parks, Nancy DeVetter, and Barry Brown. Voting against were Spec Hosti and Brian West. Motion to approve 3-2. Jay Burke recused. Second Reading, 2022-09, Regulation of Motorized Carts within the City of Tybee Island. Sec 66-8. Tabled. Brian West made a motion to adjourn. Monty Parks seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve, 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 12:45AM _________________________ Janet LeViner, MMC Clerk of Council4857-1242-4242.1