HomeMy Public PortalAbout2001_10_10_O22 Amending the ZO for 1997 Town Plan RecommendationsThe Town of l ,eesburg, rg ma PRESENTED October 10; 2001 ORDINANCE NO.~IJ.~N~.2_- - ADOPTED October 10; 2001 AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE DEFINITION OF DUPLEX, ADMINISTRATiVE REVIEW IN THE H-1 DISTRICT, NUMBERS AND DIMENSIONS OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES, AISLE WIDTHS, INCREASED BUFFER REQUIREMENTS AND ELIMINATION OF THE 15 PERCENT MAXIMUM BLTFFER YARD LIMITATION WHEREAS, it is the intent and desire of Council to complete the comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance to incorporate the recommendations of the 1997 Town Plan in as expeditious a manner as is practicable; and WHEREAS, certain provisions of the Zoning Ordinance should be amended in advance of the comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance in order to better realize the intent of the 1997 Town Plan; and WHEREAS, consideration of these amendments will enhance the effectiveness of the existing Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require the proposed amendments. THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Council of the Town Leesburg in Virginia as follows: SECTION I. The Leesburg Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: 1. Definition of Duplex/R-6 ~ide Yard~ ARTICI,F, 1 R - DF, FINITIONR J~ VV J~bbJ~N~J, I VV ~-I'~LLVILL~ 1 hi I h~flgJJ ~1.~., J~L~rbJ~h] DI JpT,F,X: HORIZONTAl, A building containing two (2) ge?rate dwelling unit.~ that are con,~tnmted with 8 common party wall or abutting wa11~ and with each dwelling unit located on it~ own ,~enarate lot_ ORDINANCE: 2 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE separate 10t. DT IPT .EX: VERTICAl, The use of a single lot for two (2) dwelling units that are contained within single Building_ Section 3E-5_ YARD REOIIIREMENTS (2) Side Yard (a) Single-family detached 10 feet (b) Two-family attached (duplex) 10 feet ~ .......... sepat orion ............ 2. Administrative Review nf Certain lmnrovements in the H-1 District Section 5A-4_ APPI JCATION TO ROARD FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING PERMIT (2) Administrative Approval_ The Preservation Planner shall have authority to issue a Historic District Zoning Permit for alteration,q to exi,qting or installation of new lamppost.q, light fixtures: fences or re,qidential walkwavs. If the Preservation Planner determine,q the application may not he in conformance with the Historic District Guidelines: the annlication shall he forwarded to the Hoard for consideration_ 3. Number of Required Parking Spaces for Detached. Tnwnhouse. Duplex and Multi-Family llses Section RA-R NTIIMRER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES REQIITRED FlY T,ANT) TIRE (1) Re,qidential II.~eg. For the purposes of computing parking spaces for residential uses having individual driveways, only one parking space need have direct access to the street. a. Dwelling: Single-Family Detached. 2.0 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is onto a public street; 3_0 2.50 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is from a private street or common drive. b. Dwelling, Single-Family Attached, 2.0 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is onto a public street; 3_0 2.50 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is from a private street, common drive or common parking court. For townhoHse garage unit,q: the garage shall not he counted ag a parking ,?ace c. Dwelling: Two-Family 2.0 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is onto a public street; 3_0 2.50 spaces per dwelling if access to the lot is from a private street or ORDINANCE: 3 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE common drive. Dwelling, Multi-Family. 1.50 spaces per dwelling for efficiency and one bedroom units; 2.0 spaces per dwelling for two bedroom units; and 2.5 spaces per dwelling for units with three or more bedrooms. For tahiti-family garage unit~q: the garage ,qhall not he connted a.q a parking .?ace. 4. Alteration of Parkino ~qnace Dimensions 8A-9 MINIMIIM DIMENSIONS OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES AND ATST.ES For the purposes of these regulations there shall be two thr~ general categories of off-street parking dimensions: standard spaces and parking spaces for disabled persons,~mmtic'2q:ge~ spaces aiid coiiipact spaces. Parking spaces may be situated at the following angles: 90, 60, 45, 30 and 0 (parallel). Spaces shall be measured based on the minimum rectangular dimensions established herein. (1) Standard Parking Snace,q. ~" ..... "-: ........ '~ ....... ' ..... ~ a ~tmiuatu paimn~ ~pa~ ~uan vmy v ~ 1 .......... type Ua3UU Oii tlIU Ol lflll~ ~3U flllU LIIU glltl~lp~tU~ alllU~llt UI VUIIIUIU [~IIIUVUI IUl tllU ~.~,~p,,,~.[ [u wine. m~ p~.~ is appmleaanL All p~ng spaces shall be designed as stand~d p~ng spaces, except Of 9-0 feet wide and 1 g feet long, except for parallel parking apace~ which shall he a minimum of 22 feet in length_ WIIIUII pa~llUl HI UtiI~UU, ailU ULIIUI ~S~S WlII~il tliU ii AUIIUIIISH~LUI UUtUilinliU5 [0ll~VU blilUla ii pluviuc 0 iii wiuui anu lo tcct IGCL 111 W lllbll bll~ll p~ ~llUl llUllllllUlll UI lUll[ell. IIIU iiiiiiiiiidiii o.J X in pmmn[ Spa¢~ ~tanuau~ 311~11 apply [0 IIIUU3tlIdI ~11 l~ClltlllCU 111 5111fll~ [11~ II~VU generaii~n 5. Inclusion of ADA Requirements for Physically Handicapped Aecessihle ,qpacen ORDINANCE: 4 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE (2) Acce,~sible Parking for Phv,~ically Handicapped Persona. A portion of the total number of required off-,~treet parking ,?ace,~ in each off-,~treet parking area ,~hall he specifically de,~ignated, located and reserved for u,~e by person,~ with phy,~ical di,~ahilitie,~. The number and dimen,~ions of handicapped acce,~,~ihle parking spaces shall he required in accordance with the Federal Americans with Di,~abilitie,~ Act (ADA), ao Number of ~qpaces_ The minimum number of accessible ~pace~ to he provided shall he a portion of the total number of off-street parking ~pace~ required: a~ determined from the following ~chedule_ Parking space~ reserved for persons with disabilities shall be 1.=25. 1 1 fl 26-50 2 1 1 51-75 3. 1 2 76-100 4 1 3 101-1S0 .5. 1 4 1_51-200 6 1 5. 201-t00 I 1 6 301-400 li 1 l 401-500 9 2 501-1:000 2% of total snace,~ 1 nut of every lq 7 nut of every acce,~,~ihle spaces acces,~ible Over 1 ;000 20 q- 1 per each 100 ~paces over 1;000 Minimum Dimen,~iong. All parking ?ace,~ re,~erved for per.~on,~ with di,~ahilitie,~ shall comply with the parking space dimension ~tandard,~ of this article, provided that acce.~s ai,~les ,~hall he provided immediately abutting ,~uch ,~pace,~: a,~ follows: Pa,~,~enaer R feet 5 feet l ~ Feet Van g feet g feet 1 tS feet l;niver,~al 11 feet 5 feet 16 feet Not le,~,~ than one ,~pace shall he "van acce,~.~ihle" A ,~ian ,~hall alert van u,~er,~ to the nre,~ence of the wider aisle No additional ,~ignage needed. Rest for ,~hared with 2 ORDINANCE: 5 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE I,EESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE C0 1. Car-Accessible Spaces_ Car-accessible snaces shall have at least a 5-foot wide access aisle located abutting the designated parking space 2. Van Accessible Spaces. Van-accessible snaces shall have at least an g-foot wide access aisle located abutting the designated parking space 3. Common Parking Aisle. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common acce,~s aisle_ Vehicle Overhangs_ Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the nnohstn]cted width of an accessible route_ 5. Parking Space/Aisle Slopes_ Parking spaces and access aisles shall he level with surface slones not exceeding 1:50 (.2%) in all directions. 6. Passen~mr I nadin~, Tones_ Pa,qseneer loading, zones shall nrovide an access aisle at least five (5) feet wide and 20 feet long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle null~un snace_ Si ens_ Reouired snaces for nersons with disabilities shall Be identified with si ~rns and markines identifying, the snaces as reserved for nersons with di,qahilities_ Siens shall he posted directly in front of the parking spaces at a height of no less than 42 inches and no more than 72 inches_ Signs ,qhall he located in close proximity to hnilding entrances and shall he designed to permit occupants of vehicles to reach the building entrance on an unobstructed oath_ ORDINANCE: 6 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE a ................... ~umpaw[ patixmg spaces may be ................. roi- .u.-lc~mcuual "'"'" ............. I .....r~, .,ii~ .q i~aca.~.. ~umpa~t~ ............ pmm.g'-:- - spaces niay ¢Oiiipi-lS~ up tO ~ pei-ceiit ................. ap ~ses. 311all ~UUpUU LU~UUIUI LU illaU UiUlll Oy ........ Increase in Minimum Travel Aisle Width ~.)~4-) Parking Aisle ............... D,men,qlon,q .......... [ ........... Parking facilities shall provide travel aisles in compliance with the following minimum width ai,qle standards CbtaUllbllCtl iii ul~ lunuwing table: Minimum Aisle acent to Parkin 0 30 45 60 90 One-Way Traffic 13 ft 13 fl 13 ft 18 ft 22 ft ~ Traffic 19 ft 20 ft 21 ft 2_4 !g-2ft 24 -2-2 ft One-Way Traffic 12 ft Two-Way Traffic 18 ft 7. 35-foot l,andscaped Buffer hetween Commercial uses over lO.flflfl square feet and Residential 1 lses 0A-18_ ,qCRF. ENING AND RIIFFFR-YARD MATRIX The screening and buffer-yard matrix describes the requirements for screening and buffer-yards between adjoining land uses. This matrix cross-references Sections 9A-15 (Land Use Categories), 9A- 16 (Buffer-yards) and 9A-17 (Screens). ORDINANCE: 7 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE Eliminate the 1.g % Maxim.m R.ffer Yard l,imitatjon Rectinn 0A-?fl MODIFICATIONR OF RO. REENING AND BI ~b3z~.R-YARD REQI JIREME. NT.R (2) .................... 15 b .......... pi ~t~ctnt o~ ................u~~uujc~ pi~p~ ~.~ u~ ~uu~u to 15p~m ........... v~ tu~ ~-o~ ~'ta u~-~ u~ Are~ Where the ~t6ct ?nviginn~ of thig ~i~le wn~]ld redn~e the n~hle ~re~ annfignr~finn or tn ~ ~nint which wnnld prealnde ~ reformable n~e nf the lnt~ ~areening ~nd huffer yard reqnirementa may he waived or modified hy the l.and Development Official where the aide hnilding~ a ha~er and/or the land between that hnilding and the pro~,y line hca heed designed tn minimize the ~dver~e impact throngh a combination of architectural ~nd l~nd~aapin~ (3) gpecial Design .qcreening and buffer yard reqnirement.~ may ha waived or modified hy the l.and Develonment Official where the ~qide of a hnildin~, a harrier and/or the land between that h~ildin~ 8 ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE and the properly line ha.q been .qpecifically de.qigned to minimize the adver.qe impact through a combination of architectural and landscaping technique~q. (3) (-q) Con~qtnmtion of Wal[q, Screening and buffer-yard requirements shall be reduced by one-third (1/3) where the developer constructs a six foot high brick or architectural block wall. (4) ~ Temporary, I kqes. Screening and buffer-yard requirements may be reduced or eliminated by the Board of Zoning Appeals for temporary uses of property. (6) (5) Combined Development Plan, The Land Development Official may modify or reduce the requirements for screening and buffer-yards when the adjoining land uses are developed under a combined development plan. SECTION Il. All prior ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION m. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this ordinance invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any remaining provisions of the zoning ordinance. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage. PASSED this 10th day of October 2001. ATTEST: ~erk ;f'~Uncil zoam0104Vmomf